Question for my conservative friends here.

The National Archives did not retain physical custody, nor issue a subpoena to enforce physical custody, hence no indictment pertaining to the Presidential Records act.
From the indictment
On January 17 [2022] nearly one year after TRUMP left office, and after months of demands by the National Archives and Records Administration Administrator for TRUMP to provide all missing presidential records, Trump provided only 15 boxes, which contained 197 documents with classification markings.

The National Archives having "legal possession" per PRA, demanded "physical possession" repeatedly up thru January 17, 2022.
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The FBI is concealing the evidence that everyone knows exists. That is not hearsay. Wray is playing games as everyone can see to protect Biden at all costs.
The FBI's FD-1023 by it's very nature is hearsay.

As many of you know, the FD-1023 is the form our special agents use to record raw, unverified reporting from confidential human sources (CHSs). FD-1023s merely document that information; they do not reflect the conclusions of investigators based on a fuller context or understanding. Recording this information does not validate it, establish its credibility, or weigh it against other information known or developed by the FBI in our investigations.
From the indictment
On January 17 [2022] nearly one year after TRUMP left office, and after months of demands by the National Archives and Records Administration Administrator for TRUMP to provide all missing presidential records, Trump provided only 15 boxes, which contained 197 documents with classification markings.

The National Archives having "legal possession" per PRA, demanded "physical possession" repeatedly up thru January 17, 2022.
You are calling that, Espionage?

The PRA, not violated, no law in the indictment comes from the PRA. Hence not charged, hence no crime relating to the PRA was violated.

What we do know is the Justice Department and the FBI have broke laws investigating Trump. It is pretty easy to see this as prosecutor misconduct at the least. As well as the continued abuse of power and violation of President Trump's rights by the FBI and the Justice Department.
I'm pointing out that accusing Hillary of not obeying a subpoena is a moot point. She can never be charged,
Of course she can be charged, but that would require an honest DOJ, not a fucking Gestapo agency.

so that under the principle of "innocent until proven guilty" that charge can never be legally proven.
That would make any charge impossible to prove, you fucking moron.
From the indictment
On January 17 [2022] nearly one year after TRUMP left office, and after months of demands by the National Archives and Records Administration Administrator for TRUMP to provide all missing presidential records, Trump provided only 15 boxes, which contained 197 documents with classification markings.

The National Archives having "legal possession" per PRA, demanded "physical possession" repeatedly up thru January 17, 2022.
The PRA does not speak of, legal possession. You are simply making things up. Go ahead and link to it, again.

I will then use your link, again, to show that you are wrong, again.
The FBI's FD-1023 by it's very nature is hearsay.
How is it hearsay? It's a report of what actually occured.
As many of you know, the FD-1023 is the form our special agents use to record raw, unverified reporting from confidential human sources (CHSs). FD-1023s merely document that information; they do not reflect the conclusions of investigators based on a fuller context or understanding. Recording this information does not validate it, establish its credibility, or weigh it against other information known or developed by the FBI in our investigations.
That's a bunch of shit you just made up. Everything you post is total fiction.
The PRA does not speak of, legal possession. You are simply making things up. Go ahead and link to it, again.

I will then use your link, again, to show that you are wrong, again.
Meaner Gene never backs up anything he claims.
If Trump is found guilty in the documents case with Cannon presiding, will you agree the government proved its case and Trump deserves the punishment meted out?

Before the obvious question is asked, yes I will believe the government did not prove its case if he is acquitted with Cannon presiding..
You mean in the Kangaroo court after a politically weaponized system investigates Trump?
You do realize that the Judicial system is based on this supposed "whataboutism" don't you?
Ok, let's quit arresting murders cause thousands a year do not get charged. A friend of mine got a speeding ticket on 465 the other day for speeding, I have never seen anyone going the speed limit on that road. You think the judge will let my buddy off cause everyone else does it? I think not. Lets see if whataboutism holds up in court. Obviously the faithful dig it.
How would you vote if a Democrat was investigated by a kangaroo investigation and convicted in a kangaroo court?
If there is as much evidence as with Trump crimes, I would be all for it. No one should be above the law. I am still waiting for those Comer Grassley tapes in fact.
Ok, let's quit arresting murders cause thousands a year do not get charged. A friend of mine got a speeding ticket on 465 the other day for speeding, I have never seen anyone going the speed limit on that road. You think the judge will let my buddy off cause everyone else does it? I think not. Lets see if whataboutism holds up in court. Obviously the faithful dig it.
So, precedent is out the window eh?
No. The DOJ and FBI protects Joe Biden's criminality while REPEATEDLY going after Trump. Until they PROVE they are willing to apply equal justice to Joe Biden, any decision in any court is tainted.
Not to derail what you are clearly trying to derail...
What actual factual evidence do you have of the President's corruption.
Not allegations based on rumors, drawn from a "witness" who died 12 years ago.
Real evidence.

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