Question for the atheists.

The universe had a Creator, or it happened all by itself. Correct me, if I'm wrong, but those are the only options. Science has demonstrated that nothing physical can create itself. What does that leave us with?

it leaves us with a universe that is in a constantly changing state
Do you have any evidence to support such a claim? Didn't think so. It's something you accept on faith. Just like...hmmm...religion.

You continue to propagate the same appeal to ignorance fallacy – that the origins of the universe are not known doesn’t mean ‘god’ as perceived by theists must exist and ‘created’ the universe.

Religion and ‘god’ as perceived by theists are creations of man.
The universe had a Creator, or it happened all by itself. Correct me, if I'm wrong, but those are the only options. Science has demonstrated that nothing physical can create itself. What does that leave us with?

it leaves us with a universe that is in a constantly changing state
Do you have any evidence to support such a claim? Didn't think so. It's something you accept on faith. Just like...hmmm...religion.

You continue to propagate the same appeal to ignorance fallacy – that the origins of the universe are not known doesn’t mean ‘god’ as perceived by theists must exist and ‘created’ the universe.

Religion and ‘god’ as perceived by theists are creations of man.
You need to come up with some new arguments. This God of the gaps response is simply stupid. I believe in God because of evidence, as most intelligent people do. I never said anything about thinking God did it, just because science can't answer the question. Science knows nothing about origins. Not a damn thing. They have plenty of ideas and some mathematical models, but that's it. They know nothing. Got it? Since they don't know, I'm free to look for answers elsewhere. The evidence led me to God. It is not blind faith. My faith is based on evidence. I suppose this is where you ask me to provide this evidence. Well, I'm tired of throwing pearls before swine. Why don't you look it up? God is waiting. He will reveal Himself to you, if you make the effort to find Him.

You continue to propagate the same appeal to ignorance fallacy – that the origins of the universe are not known doesn’t mean ‘god’ as perceived by theists must exist and ‘created’ the universe.

Religion and ‘god’ as perceived by theists are creations of man.

I like how he still can't present any evidence despite him constantly asserting there is. When he's asked he freaks out!
Nope. You and edthecynic are the ones who are delusional. You will learn this, eventually, but it will be too late. I pity you.

is that a threat
It is a WISH!
It's a promise. You've been warned. The fool says that there is no God. That would make you a fool. The evidence for God is everywhere you look. You will have no excuse when you stand before God. He will point out all the people who tried to tell you the truth. All the warnings you were given. What will you say then?
OK, a wishful threat!

It is your God's plan for me to be an Atheist, maybe so he can see how you represent him, or I wouldn't be an Atheist, unless your God is not in control.
Who are you to question God?
Being old doesn't make it untrue, less reliable or worse than other books.

That is true, but there lacks any reason to believe it's true, reliable or better.

It's not an either or situation. It is neither completely true nor completely false, same for its reliability. Again I refer you to Bart Ehrman for a scholarly assessment.

Finding a fossil is interesting but until it is studied and compared to other creatures, both living and dead, it is only a curiosity. Fossils were known for millennia but their real value wasn't appreciated until relatively recently. The Bible is the same.

The thing's been around and worshiped by people and studied endlessly for ages, I find it unlikely that it has any hidden value at this point. How is it reliable?
One fossil can tell you a lot about a organism, but many fossils can tell you much, much more. The same is true for the Bible, we're constantly finding additional scraps of scripture that add to the tapestry of the story.
There is now enough historical evidence to prove the existence of Jesus. It meets, or exceeds, the requirements for historicity. Anyone who claims that there is no evidence for God, or that the Bible is a bunch of myths is being willfully ignorant.

Well what is that evidence then?

Frankly it wouldn't surprise me if there was a man named Jesus who the stories of the New Testament were written about- after all we are fairly confident that Mohammed actually existed.

But you still haven't provided proof that your historical Jesus existed - and once you provide that proof- you still have no more evidence of his holiness than we have for Mohammed.
Nope. You and edthecynic are the ones who are delusional. You will learn this, eventually, but it will be too late. I pity you.

is that a threat
It is a WISH!
It's a promise. You've been warned. The fool says that there is no God. That would make you a fool. The evidence for God is everywhere you look. You will have no excuse when you stand before God. He will point out all the people who tried to tell you the truth. All the warnings you were given. What will you say then?

It is an interesting point.

What would I say to "God".

Well first of all- which God would I be seeing?
The God of the Jews? The Trinity of Christianity? The God of Allah- would he/she/it be one and the same?
Or would I be seeing Mithra- and everyone made a really bad choice? Or on of the incarnations of Buddha?

I think I would say "How come you choose to make it your existence so unprovable that there are hundreds of variations of Christianity and dozens of variations of Islam, and Buddhism etc.?

Why condemn the billions of humans who never heard of you- or those who didn't understand your message- rather than explain your message clearly?

Oh and why do you let millions of children die in agony every year?
The universe had a Creator, or it happened all by itself. Correct me, if I'm wrong, but those are the only options. Science has demonstrated that nothing physical can create itself. What does that leave us with?

it leaves us with a universe that is in a constantly changing state
Do you have any evidence to support such a claim? Didn't think so. It's something you accept on faith. Just like...hmmm...religion.

You continue to propagate the same appeal to ignorance fallacy – that the origins of the universe are not known doesn’t mean ‘god’ as perceived by theists must exist and ‘created’ the universe.

Religion and ‘god’ as perceived by theists are creations of man.
You need to come up with some new arguments. This God of the gaps response is simply stupid. I believe in God because of evidence, as most intelligent people do. .

Wow- I can't think of a single Christian I know who believes in God because 'of evidence'- they believe because of their deep faith and personal connection with Jesus.

I do not even understand why anyone would think that their faith would need evidence. Especially when you can't provide any.
The universe had a Creator, or it happened all by itself. Correct me, if I'm wrong, but those are the only options. Science has demonstrated that nothing physical can create itself. What does that leave us with?

it leaves us with a universe that is in a constantly changing state
Do you have any evidence to support such a claim? Didn't think so. It's something you accept on faith. Just like...hmmm...religion.

You continue to propagate the same appeal to ignorance fallacy – that the origins of the universe are not known doesn’t mean ‘god’ as perceived by theists must exist and ‘created’ the universe.

Religion and ‘god’ as perceived by theists are creations of man.
You need to come up with some new arguments. This God of the gaps response is simply stupid. I believe in God because of evidence, as most intelligent people do. .

Wow- I can't think of a single Christian I know who believes in God because 'of evidence'- they believe because of their deep faith and personal connection with Jesus.

I do not even understand why anyone would think that their faith would need evidence. Especially when you can't provide any.
Faith is based on evidence. I have faith that the sun will rise tomorrow. I have faith that if I step off a cliff I'll fall. This faith is based on evidence. So is my faith in God. I have presented such evidence, as have others. You simply reject it. You do so because of your sinful pride.
can someone tell him what his evidence is and that he knows the sun is going to rise and that he'll fall off a cliff because of reasonable expectation based on evidence

he's kinda dumb that way
The universe had a Creator, or it happened all by itself. Correct me, if I'm wrong, but those are the only options. Science has demonstrated that nothing physical can create itself. What does that leave us with?

it leaves us with a universe that is in a constantly changing state
Do you have any evidence to support such a claim? Didn't think so. It's something you accept on faith. Just like...hmmm...religion.

You continue to propagate the same appeal to ignorance fallacy – that the origins of the universe are not known doesn’t mean ‘god’ as perceived by theists must exist and ‘created’ the universe.

Religion and ‘god’ as perceived by theists are creations of man.
You need to come up with some new arguments. This God of the gaps response is simply stupid. I believe in God because of evidence, as most intelligent people do. .

Wow- I can't think of a single Christian I know who believes in God because 'of evidence'- they believe because of their deep faith and personal connection with Jesus.

I do not even understand why anyone would think that their faith would need evidence. Especially when you can't provide any.

In fact, the last thing a theist would want is ‘evidence’ his ‘god’ exists, as that would defeat the purpose of religion, rendering faith pointless.
There is now enough historical evidence to prove the existence of Jesus. It meets, or exceeds, the requirements for historicity. Anyone who claims that there is no evidence for God, or that the Bible is a bunch of myths is being willfully ignorant.
I agree with you on the existence of Jesus but it is a HUGE leap to cite him as evidence for God or the supernatural.

As to Bible being a bunch of myths, well that is exactly what it is, a collection of stories that inform on the theology. Anyone who claims otherwise has not read the conflicting stories of the Jesus' birth.
There is now enough historical evidence to prove the existence of Jesus. It meets, or exceeds, the requirements for historicity. Anyone who claims that there is no evidence for God, or that the Bible is a bunch of myths is being willfully ignorant.
I agree with you on the existence of Jesus but it is a HUGE leap to cite him as evidence for God or the supernatural.

As to Bible being a bunch of myths, well that is exactly what it is, a collection of stories that inform on the theology. Anyone who claims otherwise has not read the conflicting stories of the Jesus' birth.

And just how do they contradict each other? I've looked into this, and there are no contradictory accounts. Most people believe they contradict each other because they are not exactly alike. Keep in mind that these account were written by different witnesses. It would be suspicious if all the accounts were identical. Just ask anyone in law enforcement about witness testimony. If two or more witnesses gave the exact same account, it would be suspected that they were collaborating. The accounts differ, but they do not say one thing that is contradictory. In other words, one does not say black and the other white. They also mention things that the other accounts do not. So what? As I stated already, witness accounts are never identical. And just because two accounts have different events mentioned does not mean that both are accurate. They both could have happened, and one of the witnesses didn't mention. It means nothing.
The universe had a Creator, or it happened all by itself. Correct me, if I'm wrong, but those are the only options. Science has demonstrated that nothing physical can create itself. What does that leave us with?

You are wrong. Science has NOT demontrated that. You made that up.
Typical Creationist behavior.
The universe had a Creator, or it happened all by itself. Correct me, if I'm wrong, but those are the only options. Science has demonstrated that nothing physical can create itself. What does that leave us with?

You are wrong. Science has NOT demontrated that. You made that up.
Typical Creationist behavior.
Give me one example of something creating itself. It is not made up. It is a scientific fact.
And just how do they contradict each other? I've looked into this, and there are no contradictory accounts. Most people believe they contradict each other because they are not exactly alike. Keep in mind that these account were written by different witnesses. It would be suspicious if all the accounts were identical. Just ask anyone in law enforcement about witness testimony. If two or more witnesses gave the exact same account, it would be suspected that they were collaborating. The accounts differ, but they do not say one thing that is contradictory. In other words, one does not say black and the other white. They also mention things that the other accounts do not. So what? As I stated already, witness accounts are never identical. And just because two accounts have different events mentioned does not mean that both are accurate. They both could have happened, and one of the witnesses didn't mention. It means nothing.
As I recall after Jesus' birth Matthew says the family fled to Egypt and then returned to Nazareth while Luke says they went to Jerusalem and then returned to Nazareth. It's possible for both to be true but it seems highly unlikely. Especially since the reason for the claims were to show that OT prophesies were satisfied, not that they made any sense.
Additionally there is no evidence of Herod's massacre of the infants or a Roman census that forced people to travel.
The universe is 13.72 billion years old and there are billions of galaxies.

To believe a 'god' made it you have to believe all those galaxies were put in place over billions of years so we'd have something to look at at night.
That isn't necessarily true. You can believe in a creator but also believe in evolution and life on other planets.

Those things just shoot holes in all the creation stories from our ancestors telling us God made us special.

And I'm OK with people believing in a generic creator just because they can't imagine any other way. That's harmless

It's the religions that convince people to be bad people in the name of religion.

And lies offend me. Talking snakes virgin births miracles and heaven? Gimme a break
The universe had a Creator, or it happened all by itself. Correct me, if I'm wrong, but those are the only options. Science has demonstrated that nothing physical can create itself. What does that leave us with?

You are wrong. Science has NOT demontrated that. You made that up.
Typical Creationist behavior.
Give me one example of something creating itself. It is not made up. It is a scientific fact.
A bubble in a lava lamp.

Or how about the universe. The universe is my answer. Since you don't know what created the universe it looks like it created itself.

And who says there was nothing before our universe?

Instead of God maybe time and space are eternal.

My other answer would be God. When was God born? If he was always around so was his universes. If God has always existed so has his universes. Or was God born 14 billion years ago too?
The universe is 13.72 billion years old and there are billions of galaxies.

To believe a 'god' made it you have to believe all those galaxies were put in place over billions of years so we'd have something to look at at night.
That isn't necessarily true. You can believe in a creator but also believe in evolution and life on other planets.

Those things just shoot holes in all the creation stories from our ancestors telling us God made us special.

And I'm OK with people believing in a generic creator just because they can't imagine any other way. That's harmless

It's the religions that convince people to be bad people in the name of religion.

And lies offend me. Talking snakes virgin births miracles and heaven? Gimme a break

"And I'm OK with people believing in a generic creator just because they can't imagine any other way."

That is what the founders of America believed, many of them anyway. They called themselves Deists.

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