Question for those pushing a "living wage"

A low minimum wage that has failed to keep up with inflation or worker productivity creates a taxpayer subsidy to low-wage employers.

Raising the minimum wage would reduce the cost of social welfare programs, foster economic growth, and strengthen families - all virtues extolled by conservatives.
I think he is conceding the need for a living wage. That is a good first step out of poverty

If the 15 trillion we have spent on anti-poverty programs hasn't helped how is a couple extra dollars an hour going to help?

Fed a lot of people, provided homes, education, healthcare, jobs programs

What is you alternative? let them die?

The alternative is they all get better jobs and lift this country up vs dragging it down.
If the 15 trillion we have spent on anti-poverty programs hasn't helped how is a couple extra dollars an hour going to help?

Fed a lot of people, provided homes, education, healthcare, jobs programs

What is you alternative? let them die?

The alternative is they all get better jobs and lift this country up vs dragging it down.

Now we are talking baby!

Conservatives want to bring jobs to low income neighborhoods....When do you start?
You and I have different definitions of suffering.

Conservative ideal for poor Americans


Yeah when was that picture taken?

One of Dorthea Lange's iconic WPA photos of migrant mother & children in California 1936

ENG 272: Literature for Middle Grades - Ghost of the Talking Cricket: Susina on Literature
I think he is conceding the need for a living wage. That is a good first step out of poverty

If the 15 trillion we have spent on anti-poverty programs hasn't helped how is a couple extra dollars an hour going to help?

Fed a lot of people, provided homes, education, healthcare, jobs programs

What is you alternative? let them die?

Wait a minute. Aren't you the one saying the "poor" are "suffering" despite all the money we have given them?
Now we are talking baby!

Conservatives want to bring jobs to low income neighborhoods....When do you start?

I started when I was 10.

I am proud of you

Now, if you can only provide another 30 million jobs or so we can get rid of that welfare

There will always be people who are considered "poor" you have yet to realize that the "poor" in this country aren't really poor at all.

They really don't need anymore help than they get already
If the 15 trillion we have spent on anti-poverty programs hasn't helped how is a couple extra dollars an hour going to help?

Fed a lot of people, provided homes, education, healthcare, jobs programs

What is you alternative? let them die?

Wait a minute. Aren't you the one saying the "poor" are "suffering" despite all the money we have given them?

Actually, it is you who is saying they don't suffer enough

You know.......Microwave ovens, color TVs, VCRs, air conditionng

All the modern conveniences
I started when I was 10.

I am proud of you

Now, if you can only provide another 30 million jobs or so we can get rid of that welfare

There will always be people who are considered "poor" you have yet to realize that the "poor" in this country aren't really poor at all.

They really don't need anymore help than they get already

The people who are poor enough to collect welfare are in fact poor. And some of those people are working for some of our largest corporations.
A low minimum wage that has failed to keep up with inflation or worker productivity creates a taxpayer subsidy to low-wage employers.

Raising the minimum wage would reduce the cost of social welfare programs, foster economic growth, and strengthen families - all virtues extolled by conservatives.

Those are things conservatives used to say were good. Now as far as I can tell it's all just cheerleading for the rich.
Fed a lot of people, provided homes, education, healthcare, jobs programs

What is you alternative? let them die?

Wait a minute. Aren't you the one saying the "poor" are "suffering" despite all the money we have given them?

Actually, it is you who is saying they don't suffer enough

You know.......Microwave ovens, color TVs, VCRs, air conditionng

All the modern conveniences

Yet they buy those and more.. and complain that they need assistance with housing, food, health care, and child care??? Seems like a problem in prioritization and understanding need before luxury...

But it is all about libbies and the welfare leeches wanting more and more paid for by others.. because they feel they are owed those luxuries (and they are luxuries)
Fed a lot of people, provided homes, education, healthcare, jobs programs

What is you alternative? let them die?

Wait a minute. Aren't you the one saying the "poor" are "suffering" despite all the money we have given them?

Actually, it is you who is saying they don't suffer enough

You know.......Microwave ovens, color TVs, VCRs, air conditionng

All the modern conveniences

I'm saying they don't really suffer at all. So we must be doing something right.

And I grew up without a microwave a VCR, cable, or air conditioning and I wouldn't say my childhood was one of suffering.

I really don't understand your definition of suffering. I bet you think a paper cut is a mortal wound.

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