Question for Trump...should all white judges be barred from black trials?

All the attacks on Trump for referring to this judge's qualification and objectiveness mentioned that this judge was born in America.

SO WHAT? So were the Rosenbergs. So was Al Sharpton. So was Obama. So was Snowden.

Makes no difference where one was born. What makes a difference is how one's parents poisoned one's mind, as seen in the above examples.

Trump was entirely and totally justified in questioning the objectivity and integrity of this judge.
You were born here, as well, and you are as wrong as Trump to engage in sleaze bag mccarthyism.. Double Down Donald is stumbling.

In fact, I was NOT born here and that gives me a better perspective of the whole picture.

What is sleaze bag McCarthyism is calling despicable names, attacking and demeaning all those whose opinion are different from yours. What is despicable is constant flip-flopping as you demonstrate at all times. What is flip-flopping is claiming alliance to one party and promoting the ideology of the other, as you do it time after time after time after time.

According to the likes of you Trump stumbled and had no chance a year ago. That worked out real well, right?
No person who was WRONG ever doubled down on anything. Well, perhaps you doubled down on Obama's crutch.
Or Hillary's.
"What is sleaze bag McCarthyism is calling despicable names, attacking and demeaning all those whose opinion are different from yours" is what you are doing, FJO.

If you were born elsewhere, you are throwing away a wonderful opportunity to be a part of the most wonderful experience in the history of mankind.

The truth is Trump is stumbling, and you have folks like Newt and Ryan once again questioning if Trump has any business being our president.

You better grow up and quickly.
All the attacks on Trump for referring to this judge's qualification and objectiveness mentioned that this judge was born in America.

SO WHAT? So were the Rosenbergs. So was Al Sharpton. So was Obama. So was Snowden.

Makes no difference where one was born. What makes a difference is how one's parents poisoned one's mind, as seen in the above examples.

Trump was entirely and totally justified in questioning the objectivity and integrity of this judge.

The judge is from Indiana. Which perhaps makes him an "Indian" but either way it has *NOTHING* in the world to do with whether or not a Rump business engaged in fraud.

Maybe he was born in Indiana, but that is no guarantee that his mind has not been poisoned by his Mexican parents to be sympathetic to La Raza, make all his ruling pertaining to Mexico in favor of Mexico and Mexicans and automatically against

That is what Trump's point is. If this judge had any integrity he would recuse himself.

Oh please.

I have Irish parentage. Does that mean I'm "poisoned against English people"? And you'd use that as a basis to disqualify me as a judge, right?

You're a fucking moron.

Obviously, your parents were decent people, who failed only at not teaching you to be as decent as they are.
Now Trump is moderating his position saying women can be Judges ...just not during that "time of the month "......
All the attacks on Trump for referring to this judge's qualification and objectiveness mentioned that this judge was born in America.

SO WHAT? So were the Rosenbergs. So was Al Sharpton. So was Obama. So was Snowden.

Makes no difference where one was born. What makes a difference is how one's parents poisoned one's mind, as seen in the above examples.

Trump was entirely and totally justified in questioning the objectivity and integrity of this judge.

The judge is from Indiana. Which perhaps makes him an "Indian" but either way it has *NOTHING* in the world to do with whether or not a Rump business engaged in fraud.

Maybe he was born in Indiana, but that is no guarantee that his mind has not been poisoned by his Mexican parents to be sympathetic to La Raza, make all his ruling pertaining to Mexico in favor of Mexico and Mexicans and automatically against

That is what Trump's point is. If this judge had any integrity he would recuse himself.

Oh please.

I have Irish parentage. Does that mean I'm "poisoned against English people"? And you'd use that as a basis to disqualify me as a judge, right?

You're a fucking moron.

Obviously, your parents were decent people, who failed only at not teaching you to be as decent as they are.

How's your own logic taste thrown back in your face?
The Senate Majority McConnell leader as well as Rubio and Sasse and Collins and Corker as well as Speaker Ryan and Chairman Chaffetz and former Speaker Gingrich are repudiating Double Down Donald's double downing of stupidity.
La Raza society of San Diego lawyers is a gang far less imposing than the one that runs your trailer park, WillowTree. Grow up.
La Raza society of San Diego lawyers is a gang far less imposing than the one that runs your trailer park, WillowTree. Grow up.
A la Raza judge how cool is that. And speaking of juveniles don't you and Jilly think the trailer park insult is demeaning to poor people? Just a thought.
It is only demeaning if you think it demeaning. But my point is clear: he belongs to a group of Hispanic lawyers. What gang do you belong to.
It is only demeaning if you think it demeaning. But my point is clear: he belongs to a group of Hispanic lawyers. What gang do you belong to.
No, it is demeaning to the poor who have no choice but to live in trailers. Asshole.
It is only demeaning if you think it demeaning. But my point is clear: he belongs to a group of Hispanic lawyers. What gang do you belong to.
LaRaza means the race, Not an impartial group with an impartial viewpoint. Mr. Trump may have a point.
Seven Times Democrats Were Overtly Racist On Judges Before Trump

The Daily Caller News Foundation has compiled a list of seven times liberals invoked a judge’s race.

  1. Justice Sonia Sotomayor famously invoked her identity as a “wise Latina” who could outdo a white man. “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would, more often than not, reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life,” she said in an October, 2001 speech that became a point of criticism for Republicans.
  2. When Donald Trump released his list of potential Supreme Court nominees, the left was quick to point out they were all white. Think Progress published an article titled “Your Ultimate Guide To The 11 White People Donald Trump Will Consider For The Supreme Court,” which pointed out that “Only three are women. All are white.”
  3. George Takei, Star Trek actor and gay rights activist, called Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas a “clown in black face” after his vote against the recognition of same-sex marriage. “I mean, doesn’t he know that slaves were in chains?” Takei said. “That they were whipped on the back. If he saw the movie 12 Years a Slave, you know, they were raped.”
  4. Liberal Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson blasted Thomas for his stance against affirmative action. “I believe in affirmative action, but I have to acknowledge there are arguments against it,” Robinson wrote. “One of the more cogent is the presence of Justice Clarence Thomas on the U.S. Supreme Court.”
  5. Anna Quindlen, a liberal writer for Newsweek, clearly invoked Thomas’ race in her criticism of him, saying “His judicial resume was mediocre; he was chosen because he was conservative and black, an affirmative-action hire by an administration that eschewed affirmative action.”
  6. Liberal writers and activists Jeff Cohen and Norman Solomon wrote an article in the Seattle Times saying Thomas was unseemly as a “beneficiary of affirmative-action programs who climbs the ladder of success by attacking affirmative action.”
  7. To defend itself from criticism over nominating a white Supreme Court Justice, the White House was quick to invoke race. In a post titled, “White House Defends Diversity Record In Judicial Appointments,” the New York Times points out that Josh Earnest was eager to tell reporters that Obama had appointed a Hispanic justice to the Supreme Court and therefore, had previously embraced diversity. The defense came after attacks from the left over nominee Merrick Garland, who is white.
Funny, conservatives in their minds always make an equal 'this equates exactly to that' reach whenever someone 'on their team' says something utterly offensive.

But the people trump's remarks are aimed at know better. Thus trump has as much chance of winning the hispanic vote as Mitt Romney has in winning Def Jam. These is no equivalency, trump is 100% racist, everyone else including almost all Republicans, are below 75%. He's the gold standard of racial douchebaggery.
Funny, conservatives in their minds always make an equal 'this equates exactly to that' reach whenever someone 'on their team' says something utterly offensive.

But the people trump's remarks are aimed at know better. Thus trump has as much chance of winning the hispanic vote as Mitt Romney has in winning Def Jam. These is no equivalency, trump is 100% racist, everyone else including almost all Republicans, are below 75%. He's the gold standard of racial douchebaggery.
Apparently it doesn't matter or is irrelevant with women! I mean, we all KNOW about the Hildebeast's WAR ON WOMEN!

Poll: Donald Trump Up 1 Point over Hillary Clinton with White Women ...
Breitbart News Network
5 days ago - Although likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton holds a slight lead over presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump in a new ...

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