Question for Trump supporters: Would this be okay with you?

Trump represents the anger and frustration Americans are feeling from GOP betrayals and that attitude of "You'll just have to take it because you've got nowhere else to go". It seems that the GOP is willing to give the election to the Democrats to prevent Trump from getting elected and ruining their gravy train club in Washington but hard working Americans who once trusted the GOP are equally as willing to leave the party. Why stay when both parties have become one in the same?

Isn't it funny how you never see the Democrats do anything like this? I don't think the DNC was crazy about DumBama either, until they seen how popular he was getting, and then (unlike the Republicans) they jumped on the bandwagon.

The establishment is pissed, but fails to understand that it's because of them that there is a Trump in the first place. Instead of blaming themselves for the creation they made, they get mad at Trump.

I've asked several times, but haven't received a strait answer yet. How is what Trump says much different from what right wing radio has been saying for years?
You're right. He DOES say a lot of the same things. You would think that they would have jumped on the bandwagon but instead they joined the Democrats in an effort to bring him down. What does that tell you? It tells me that the Republican Party is full of phonies, but I already knew that. No one else seems to notice, but if you look at what they did after the 2014 midterms, it's pretty clear that they're playing on the same team.
Probably tolerable if the party accepts the candidate that got the most delegates by choice of the people. If two are very close....maybe.....even a coin toss. But to dredge up some candy-ass like Romney?

Now that's a pig of a different odor and assures that the final election will take on an entirely different character.

I still can see a wounded, weeping Hillary running independent when she wakes up under the bus. Even Sanders, propelled by his young backers. Hell, even Bloomberg mounting up on his stallion and riding off to tilt at Big Gulps. Yeah, an election with four major candidates and chaos.

You don't like chaos? Then why in hell are you posting here?
Trump represents the anger and frustration Americans are feeling from GOP betrayals and that attitude of "You'll just have to take it because you've got nowhere else to go". It seems that the GOP is willing to give the election to the Democrats to prevent Trump from getting elected and ruining their gravy train club in Washington but hard working Americans who once trusted the GOP are equally as willing to leave the party. Why stay when both parties have become one in the same?

Isn't it funny how you never see the Democrats do anything like this? I don't think the DNC was crazy about DumBama either, until they seen how popular he was getting, and then (unlike the Republicans) they jumped on the bandwagon.

The establishment is pissed, but fails to understand that it's because of them that there is a Trump in the first place. Instead of blaming themselves for the creation they made, they get mad at Trump.

I've asked several times, but haven't received a strait answer yet. How is what Trump says much different from what right wing radio has been saying for years?
Your not well like. Maybe you are not deserving of an answer.

Could be, but it's a pertinent question. I'm just trying to figure out exactly why the GOP hates Trump so much.
He's not bought and paid for by the whiners.

I agree, but what is he saying that is different from what right wing radio has been saying forever? What specifically do they disagree with?
Trump represents the anger and frustration Americans are feeling from GOP betrayals and that attitude of "You'll just have to take it because you've got nowhere else to go". It seems that the GOP is willing to give the election to the Democrats to prevent Trump from getting elected and ruining their gravy train club in Washington but hard working Americans who once trusted the GOP are equally as willing to leave the party. Why stay when both parties have become one in the same?

Isn't it funny how you never see the Democrats do anything like this? I don't think the DNC was crazy about DumBama either, until they seen how popular he was getting, and then (unlike the Republicans) they jumped on the bandwagon.

The establishment is pissed, but fails to understand that it's because of them that there is a Trump in the first place. Instead of blaming themselves for the creation they made, they get mad at Trump.

I've asked several times, but haven't received a strait answer yet. How is what Trump says much different from what right wing radio has been saying for years?
Your not well like. Maybe you are not deserving of an answer.

Could be, but it's a pertinent question. I'm just trying to figure out exactly why the GOP hates Trump so much.

Not all of the GOP, mostly it's the establishment.

For instance Limbaugh and O'Reilly are friends with Trump. On the other hand, Michael Medved and Beck hate Trump and don't hide it. Trump is dividing the party even more so and the establishment is upset by this. They were hoping the TP would just fade away and now Trump is reigniting it.
Trump represents the anger and frustration Americans are feeling from GOP betrayals and that attitude of "You'll just have to take it because you've got nowhere else to go". It seems that the GOP is willing to give the election to the Democrats to prevent Trump from getting elected and ruining their gravy train club in Washington but hard working Americans who once trusted the GOP are equally as willing to leave the party. Why stay when both parties have become one in the same?

Isn't it funny how you never see the Democrats do anything like this? I don't think the DNC was crazy about DumBama either, until they seen how popular he was getting, and then (unlike the Republicans) they jumped on the bandwagon.

The establishment is pissed, but fails to understand that it's because of them that there is a Trump in the first place. Instead of blaming themselves for the creation they made, they get mad at Trump.

I've asked several times, but haven't received a strait answer yet. How is what Trump says much different from what right wing radio has been saying for years?

Trump is opposite on several issues with the right.

First of all, conservatives want to defund Planned Parenthood--not praise them. Trump (like most Democrats) want to increase taxes on the wealthy......again. You won't hear anybody on right-wing radio say that. Trump wants to play nice-nice with Putin. Another thing you never hear on right-wing radio.
What about illegal immigration and Islamic terrorism, probably the two most important issues for conservatives. He's the only candidate who is willing to do what's necessary to stop that shit, yet he's being opposed by most Republicans. There's a lot more to this than meets the eye.
Trump represents the anger and frustration Americans are feeling from GOP betrayals and that attitude of "You'll just have to take it because you've got nowhere else to go". It seems that the GOP is willing to give the election to the Democrats to prevent Trump from getting elected and ruining their gravy train club in Washington but hard working Americans who once trusted the GOP are equally as willing to leave the party. Why stay when both parties have become one in the same?

Isn't it funny how you never see the Democrats do anything like this? I don't think the DNC was crazy about DumBama either, until they seen how popular he was getting, and then (unlike the Republicans) they jumped on the bandwagon.

The establishment is pissed, but fails to understand that it's because of them that there is a Trump in the first place. Instead of blaming themselves for the creation they made, they get mad at Trump.

I've asked several times, but haven't received a strait answer yet. How is what Trump says much different from what right wing radio has been saying for years?

Trump is opposite on several issues with the right.

First of all, conservatives want to defund Planned Parenthood--not praise them. Trump (like most Democrats) want to increase taxes on the wealthy......again. You won't hear anybody on right-wing radio say that. Trump wants to play nice-nice with Putin. Another thing you never hear on right-wing radio.

Thank you. Are these the only things? I'm just trying to be thorough.
Trump represents the anger and frustration Americans are feeling from GOP betrayals and that attitude of "You'll just have to take it because you've got nowhere else to go". It seems that the GOP is willing to give the election to the Democrats to prevent Trump from getting elected and ruining their gravy train club in Washington but hard working Americans who once trusted the GOP are equally as willing to leave the party. Why stay when both parties have become one in the same?

Isn't it funny how you never see the Democrats do anything like this? I don't think the DNC was crazy about DumBama either, until they seen how popular he was getting, and then (unlike the Republicans) they jumped on the bandwagon.

The establishment is pissed, but fails to understand that it's because of them that there is a Trump in the first place. Instead of blaming themselves for the creation they made, they get mad at Trump.

I've asked several times, but haven't received a strait answer yet. How is what Trump says much different from what right wing radio has been saying for years?

Trump is opposite on several issues with the right.

First of all, conservatives want to defund Planned Parenthood--not praise them. Trump (like most Democrats) want to increase taxes on the wealthy......again. You won't hear anybody on right-wing radio say that. Trump wants to play nice-nice with Putin. Another thing you never hear on right-wing radio.

Thank you. Are these the only things? I'm just trying to be thorough.

That's just off the top of my head. If I think of any more, I'll be sure to post them. But those are some of the major issues at hand.
Trump represents the anger and frustration Americans are feeling from GOP betrayals and that attitude of "You'll just have to take it because you've got nowhere else to go". It seems that the GOP is willing to give the election to the Democrats to prevent Trump from getting elected and ruining their gravy train club in Washington but hard working Americans who once trusted the GOP are equally as willing to leave the party. Why stay when both parties have become one in the same?

Isn't it funny how you never see the Democrats do anything like this? I don't think the DNC was crazy about DumBama either, until they seen how popular he was getting, and then (unlike the Republicans) they jumped on the bandwagon.

The establishment is pissed, but fails to understand that it's because of them that there is a Trump in the first place. Instead of blaming themselves for the creation they made, they get mad at Trump.

I've asked several times, but haven't received a strait answer yet. How is what Trump says much different from what right wing radio has been saying for years?
You're right. He DOES say a lot of the same things. You would think that they would have jumped on the bandwagon but instead they joined the Democrats in an effort to bring him down. What does that tell you? It tells me that the Republican Party is full of phonies, but I already knew that. No one else seems to notice, but if you look at what they did after the 2014 midterms, it's pretty clear that they're playing on the same team.

Thanks for the answer.
Trump represents the anger and frustration Americans are feeling from GOP betrayals and that attitude of "You'll just have to take it because you've got nowhere else to go". It seems that the GOP is willing to give the election to the Democrats to prevent Trump from getting elected and ruining their gravy train club in Washington but hard working Americans who once trusted the GOP are equally as willing to leave the party. Why stay when both parties have become one in the same?

Isn't it funny how you never see the Democrats do anything like this? I don't think the DNC was crazy about DumBama either, until they seen how popular he was getting, and then (unlike the Republicans) they jumped on the bandwagon.

The establishment is pissed, but fails to understand that it's because of them that there is a Trump in the first place. Instead of blaming themselves for the creation they made, they get mad at Trump.

I've asked several times, but haven't received a strait answer yet. How is what Trump says much different from what right wing radio has been saying for years?

Trump is opposite on several issues with the right.

First of all, conservatives want to defund Planned Parenthood--not praise them. Trump (like most Democrats) want to increase taxes on the wealthy......again. You won't hear anybody on right-wing radio say that. Trump wants to play nice-nice with Putin. Another thing you never hear on right-wing radio.
What about illegal immigration and Islamic terrorism, probably the two most important issues for conservatives. He's the only candidate who is willing to do what's necessary to stop that shit, yet he's being opposed by most Republicans. There's a lot more to this than meets the eye.

Who is opposing Trump on illegal immigration? Some have stated it's not possible to throw all these people back over the border, but nobody that I know is totally against his idea either. They just don't think it's feasible
Trump represents the anger and frustration Americans are feeling from GOP betrayals and that attitude of "You'll just have to take it because you've got nowhere else to go". It seems that the GOP is willing to give the election to the Democrats to prevent Trump from getting elected and ruining their gravy train club in Washington but hard working Americans who once trusted the GOP are equally as willing to leave the party. Why stay when both parties have become one in the same?

Isn't it funny how you never see the Democrats do anything like this? I don't think the DNC was crazy about DumBama either, until they seen how popular he was getting, and then (unlike the Republicans) they jumped on the bandwagon.

The establishment is pissed, but fails to understand that it's because of them that there is a Trump in the first place. Instead of blaming themselves for the creation they made, they get mad at Trump.

I've asked several times, but haven't received a strait answer yet. How is what Trump says much different from what right wing radio has been saying for years?

Trump is opposite on several issues with the right.

First of all, conservatives want to defund Planned Parenthood--not praise them. Trump (like most Democrats) want to increase taxes on the wealthy......again. You won't hear anybody on right-wing radio say that. Trump wants to play nice-nice with Putin. Another thing you never hear on right-wing radio.
What about illegal immigration and Islamic terrorism, probably the two most important issues for conservatives. He's the only candidate who is willing to do what's necessary to stop that shit, yet he's being opposed by most Republicans. There's a lot more to this than meets the eye.

Who is opposing Trump on illegal immigration? Some have stated it's not possible to throw all these people back over the border, but nobody that I know is totally against his idea either. They just don't think it's feasible
They're not even willing to consider it, and their reasons also included not wanting to break up families (which is not a legitimate argument). NOR were they even addressing the issue before Trump's numbers skyrocketed after bringing it up. I don't think even Cruz would entertain the idea of building a wall. If Trump doesn't win the presidency, the wall will never be built and the border will never be secured.
Trump represents the anger and frustration Americans are feeling from GOP betrayals and that attitude of "You'll just have to take it because you've got nowhere else to go". It seems that the GOP is willing to give the election to the Democrats to prevent Trump from getting elected and ruining their gravy train club in Washington but hard working Americans who once trusted the GOP are equally as willing to leave the party. Why stay when both parties have become one in the same?

Isn't it funny how you never see the Democrats do anything like this? I don't think the DNC was crazy about DumBama either, until they seen how popular he was getting, and then (unlike the Republicans) they jumped on the bandwagon.

The establishment is pissed, but fails to understand that it's because of them that there is a Trump in the first place. Instead of blaming themselves for the creation they made, they get mad at Trump.

I've asked several times, but haven't received a strait answer yet. How is what Trump says much different from what right wing radio has been saying for years?
You're right. He DOES say a lot of the same things. You would think that they would have jumped on the bandwagon but instead they joined the Democrats in an effort to bring him down. What does that tell you? It tells me that the Republican Party is full of phonies, but I already knew that. No one else seems to notice, but if you look at what they did after the 2014 midterms, it's pretty clear that they're playing on the same team.

Thanks for the answer.
You're welcome. Thanks for the question.
Mainstream Republicans do not need to go third serves no purpose

All they need to do is give him a token endorsement and then ignore him in the general election. Trump can't win without the Republican machine behind him
From what I'm hearing, the GOP establishment is trying to downplay the possibility of a brokered convention. Surely they know it would cause a huge revolt within their own party. And regardless, there's nothing they can do if he gets the required votes.

Also, Trump's supporters have made it pretty clear that they've had it with the GOP and really don't care what it thinks about Trump. Okay.

So here's my question: Would you mind if the "establishment" ran and backed a more moderate Republican, like a Romney or a Ryan or a Rubio, and ran them third party?
Yes I would mind because I want Trump as president.IF that happens I will come to the conclusion Trump won't be president but neither will the GOP establishment candidate and it will be the end of the elitist RINO republican party so its something either way the establishment GOP loses and Trump wins simply by crushing the GOP in its current form....blaming the GOP for 4-8 years of Hillary.
From what I'm hearing, the GOP establishment is trying to downplay the possibility of a brokered convention. Surely they know it would cause a huge revolt within their own party. And regardless, there's nothing they can do if he gets the required votes.

Also, Trump's supporters have made it pretty clear that they've had it with the GOP and really don't care what it thinks about Trump. Okay.

So here's my question: Would you mind if the "establishment" ran and backed a more moderate Republican, like a Romney or a Ryan or a Rubio, and ran them third party?

It would be stupid on their part to do it with Romney or Ryan and would cost them the Senate this election cycle and the House by 2020, so no it would not be alright.

Also they have a Republican running on the Libertarian Party ( Gary Johnson ) and would be wiser to back him instead because they can hide it easier...
I call BULLSHIT on the 3rd party option, they never win. Trump is making inroads with unions and other "Reagan Democrats". The Trump phobia about the general election may be overblown, especially if Hillary has FBI problems. Trump would win more states than any other GOPer, probably NY, FL, OH, MI, NC, SC, etc.
Trump is making inroads with unions and other "Reagan Democrats".

No data or facts to back that up, just wishful thinking , the demogrhic shift just isn't on your side in the general election
Isn't it funny how you never see the Democrats do anything like this? I don't think the DNC was crazy about DumBama either, until they seen how popular he was getting, and then (unlike the Republicans) they jumped on the bandwagon.

The establishment is pissed, but fails to understand that it's because of them that there is a Trump in the first place. Instead of blaming themselves for the creation they made, they get mad at Trump.

I've asked several times, but haven't received a strait answer yet. How is what Trump says much different from what right wing radio has been saying for years?

Trump is opposite on several issues with the right.

First of all, conservatives want to defund Planned Parenthood--not praise them. Trump (like most Democrats) want to increase taxes on the wealthy......again. You won't hear anybody on right-wing radio say that. Trump wants to play nice-nice with Putin. Another thing you never hear on right-wing radio.
What about illegal immigration and Islamic terrorism, probably the two most important issues for conservatives. He's the only candidate who is willing to do what's necessary to stop that shit, yet he's being opposed by most Republicans. There's a lot more to this than meets the eye.

Who is opposing Trump on illegal immigration? Some have stated it's not possible to throw all these people back over the border, but nobody that I know is totally against his idea either. They just don't think it's feasible
They're not even willing to consider it, and their reasons also included not wanting to break up families (which is not a legitimate argument). NOR were they even addressing the issue before Trump's numbers skyrocketed after bringing it up. I don't think even Cruz would entertain the idea of building a wall. If Trump doesn't win the presidency, the wall will never be built and the border will never be secured.

It's not now. That's the problem.

The wall and foreigners in this country are a great concern for many of us. The establishment has ignored our warnings and Trump supported our ideas. He put that front and center when he announced his candidacy.

The Republicans have told us to give them Congress, and if we can do that, they will get things done. No wall.

The Republicans told us to give them the Senate, and they will get things done. No wall.

The Republicans told us to give them the White House, and they will get things done. Even if that happens, I wall unless it's Trump that wins the presidency.
I've asked several times, but haven't received a strait answer yet. How is what Trump says much different from what right wing radio has been saying for years?

Trump is opposite on several issues with the right.

First of all, conservatives want to defund Planned Parenthood--not praise them. Trump (like most Democrats) want to increase taxes on the wealthy......again. You won't hear anybody on right-wing radio say that. Trump wants to play nice-nice with Putin. Another thing you never hear on right-wing radio.
What about illegal immigration and Islamic terrorism, probably the two most important issues for conservatives. He's the only candidate who is willing to do what's necessary to stop that shit, yet he's being opposed by most Republicans. There's a lot more to this than meets the eye.

Who is opposing Trump on illegal immigration? Some have stated it's not possible to throw all these people back over the border, but nobody that I know is totally against his idea either. They just don't think it's feasible
They're not even willing to consider it, and their reasons also included not wanting to break up families (which is not a legitimate argument). NOR were they even addressing the issue before Trump's numbers skyrocketed after bringing it up. I don't think even Cruz would entertain the idea of building a wall. If Trump doesn't win the presidency, the wall will never be built and the border will never be secured.

It's not now. That's the problem.

The wall and foreigners in this country are a great concern for many of us. The establishment has ignored our warnings and Trump supported our ideas. He put that front and center when he announced his candidacy.

The Republicans have told us to give them Congress, and if we can do that, they will get things done. No wall.

The Republicans told us to give them the Senate, and they will get things done. No wall.

The Republicans told us to give them the White House, and they will get things done. Even if that happens, I wall unless it's Trump that wins the presidency.

Sounds like they are just laughing at your desires. Time for a third party?
Trump is opposite on several issues with the right.

First of all, conservatives want to defund Planned Parenthood--not praise them. Trump (like most Democrats) want to increase taxes on the wealthy......again. You won't hear anybody on right-wing radio say that. Trump wants to play nice-nice with Putin. Another thing you never hear on right-wing radio.
What about illegal immigration and Islamic terrorism, probably the two most important issues for conservatives. He's the only candidate who is willing to do what's necessary to stop that shit, yet he's being opposed by most Republicans. There's a lot more to this than meets the eye.

Who is opposing Trump on illegal immigration? Some have stated it's not possible to throw all these people back over the border, but nobody that I know is totally against his idea either. They just don't think it's feasible
They're not even willing to consider it, and their reasons also included not wanting to break up families (which is not a legitimate argument). NOR were they even addressing the issue before Trump's numbers skyrocketed after bringing it up. I don't think even Cruz would entertain the idea of building a wall. If Trump doesn't win the presidency, the wall will never be built and the border will never be secured.

It's not now. That's the problem.

The wall and foreigners in this country are a great concern for many of us. The establishment has ignored our warnings and Trump supported our ideas. He put that front and center when he announced his candidacy.

The Republicans have told us to give them Congress, and if we can do that, they will get things done. No wall.

The Republicans told us to give them the Senate, and they will get things done. No wall.

The Republicans told us to give them the White House, and they will get things done. Even if that happens, I wall unless it's Trump that wins the presidency.

Sounds like they are just laughing at your desires. Time for a third party?
Democrats do the same thing to minorities, they just don't seem to care as long as they get that monthly check.
Trump is opposite on several issues with the right.

First of all, conservatives want to defund Planned Parenthood--not praise them. Trump (like most Democrats) want to increase taxes on the wealthy......again. You won't hear anybody on right-wing radio say that. Trump wants to play nice-nice with Putin. Another thing you never hear on right-wing radio.
What about illegal immigration and Islamic terrorism, probably the two most important issues for conservatives. He's the only candidate who is willing to do what's necessary to stop that shit, yet he's being opposed by most Republicans. There's a lot more to this than meets the eye.

Who is opposing Trump on illegal immigration? Some have stated it's not possible to throw all these people back over the border, but nobody that I know is totally against his idea either. They just don't think it's feasible
They're not even willing to consider it, and their reasons also included not wanting to break up families (which is not a legitimate argument). NOR were they even addressing the issue before Trump's numbers skyrocketed after bringing it up. I don't think even Cruz would entertain the idea of building a wall. If Trump doesn't win the presidency, the wall will never be built and the border will never be secured.

It's not now. That's the problem.

The wall and foreigners in this country are a great concern for many of us. The establishment has ignored our warnings and Trump supported our ideas. He put that front and center when he announced his candidacy.

The Republicans have told us to give them Congress, and if we can do that, they will get things done. No wall.

The Republicans told us to give them the Senate, and they will get things done. No wall.

The Republicans told us to give them the White House, and they will get things done. Even if that happens, I wall unless it's Trump that wins the presidency.

Sounds like they are just laughing at your desires. Time for a third party?

Correct, they "were" laughing. Now that Trump is the front runner, we are laughing at them.

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