Question I've Always Wondered: Why is the Left So Adamant about Abortion Remaining Legal?

The law that you refer to as "don't say gay" does not mention gay! It only deals with the rights of parents. Children should be allowed to be children without being exposed to such propaganda. Disney does not deserve to get such preferential treatment.
And what "propaganda" are they being exposed to?

Don't say gay!

I find it amusing you dipshits call Disney "groomers" and then whine about propaganda. :lol:

So why should abortion law be determined by atheist beliefs? Why should the atheist religion beliefs be pushed and not my Christian beliefs by the government?
Abortion should be like gay marriage, if you don't like it, don't do it, but don't try to push your religious beliefs on others in the US, we have freedom from that.
But why do leftist democrats fight so hard to keep 2-3rd Trimesters for abortions on demand when about 93% of all abortions are done in the first 16 weeks which is the end of the first trimester?

Why not give the latter two Trimesters up except for Incest Rape, deformities and health of the mother no longer openly available otherwise.

Why can't the fucking democrats compromise?
A supermajority of Americans are opposed to abortions after the first trimester. So without even knowing it, many self-avowed "pro-choice" people are opposed to Roe v. Wade!
Plan B is not an abortifacient. It is contraception.
Not to be disrespectful, but how so? We do disagree on whether abortion, at least before viability, should be a woman's individual choice. But that's not my point for posting.

Rather, setting aside the right/wrong of abortion, I think this issue will destroy what little legitimacy the Sup Court is seen as having as an institution that decides on legal/const principles and not on politics. I think thomas and the three Trump Judges have ended that, and the sup Court is really all that stands between the US and .... nazi germany. And the Sup Ct's ONLY power to have its rulings obeyed is through peaceful reason.

A zygot has at least the same potential for becoming a human being as an egg that's attached in the uterus. Attached eggs commonly don't grow to term. The same for the IUD.

A law MUST BE RATIONALLY RELATED TO A LEGIT GOVT INTEREST. If not, it HAS TO FAIL under due process. If Plan B or IUDs are legal, why isn't RU-486 in the first ten weeks? I'm not intenationally being an ass. I really don't see the logical distinction in how they work or on their effect on society
A supermajority of Americans are opposed to abortions after the first trimester. So without even knowing it, many self-avowed "pro-choice" people are opposed to Roe v. Wade!

I get the impression they want all abortions outlawed even for rape and incest.
And yet none of them have been documented to prove they lived the past life. Anyone can make shit up or hallucinate the dumbest things. Donald Trump hallucinated 5 million illegal Mexicans voting in 2016.

They don't.
One little girl could described a neighbourhood and her past neighbours, in a place she had never been to, and it was all verified to be true. There are several cases like that. And yes, really young kids can play expertly, youtube it.
Since the left doesn't care about immorality or tyranny, that's obviously not it. What's specifically the REAL reason? It has to be based on power and/or money.
Why don't you make some more shit up, magaturd? I'm sure that will suffice for an explanation. :spinner:
For decades, I have wondered why the the leftist leaders fights tooth and nail to keep abortion legal.
There's the reason they put forth, that they care about women's health which is obviously nonsense. Camouflage to hide the real reason.

But what IS the real reason?

1) Is it money? Is it driven by the billion dollar abortion mill industry led by PP?
2) Is it political power? Does the left think blacks value abortion so much, they have to fight to keep it legal in exchange for votes? I find it hard to believe abortion would be THAT important to blacks.
3) Is it a ideological, meaning is it a tool of the Marxist left to create the notion that devaluing human life is acceptable, thereby setting the table for a Marxist takeover?

I'm really not sure. Does anyone know the answer?
People have a right to decide how many children that choice to raise.

Are you deliberately being obtuse, or are you really this stupid?
Having ANOTHER commercial about birth control isnt going to do shit.
You are coming up with bullshit "solutions" for an extremely complex situation.
Try thinking a bit.
It prevents a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus...if life begins at the moment of conception then yes it an abortifacient

Scientists did know the drug worked primarily by preventing ovulation. It stops an egg from being released from a woman's ovary and thus prevents any chance of fertilization and pregnancy. But they also thought the drug might make it more difficult for a fertilized egg to implant in a woman's uterus.

Technically, that's not an abortion, says Wood.

"We know that about half of fertilized eggs never stick around. They just pass out of the woman's body," she says. "An abortifacient is something that interrupts an established pregnancy."

Half report using contraception. That means half DID NOT.

And those that used contraception used some of the least reliable birth control: Condoms and "pulling out".

The methods most commonly used by abortion patients in 2014 were condoms (24% of patients) and the pill (13%).

The share of abortion patients relying on condoms decreased between 2000 and 2014 (from 28% to 24%), and there was a small but significant increase in the share of patients who relied on withdrawal (from 7% in 2000 to 9% in 2014).
My wife and I used foam to try to prevent her from becoming pregnant so soon after the birth of our first child. She got pregnant anyways. At no time did either of us consider abortion. I am so glad that things turned out as they did. I love both of my daughters. Years later, my younger daughter asked us if we had considered aborting her. We assured her that we did not for one second.

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