Question I've Always Wondered: Why is the Left So Adamant about Abortion Remaining Legal?

Having ANOTHER commercial about birth control isnt going to do shit.
You are coming up with bullshit "solutions" for an extremely complex situation.
Try thinking a bit.
I may not agree with G5000, but I don't think the 60% or so of Americans who "generally" think abortion after week 12 are unreasonable. Perhaps wrong, perhaps right. I don't think he's an absolutist on this issue, but neither am I, and not many of us are.

Scientists did know the drug worked primarily by preventing ovulation. It stops an egg from being released from a woman's ovary and thus prevents any chance of fertilization and pregnancy. But they also thought the drug might make it more difficult for a fertilized egg to implant in a woman's uterus.

Technically, that's not an abortion, says Wood.

"We know that about half of fertilized eggs never stick around. They just pass out of the woman's body," she says. "An abortifacient is something that interrupts an established pregnancy."

Whatever you want to call it, these people want to outlaw it.
For decades, I have wondered why the the leftist leaders fights tooth and nail to keep abortion legal.
There's the reason they put forth, that they care about women's health which is obviously nonsense. Camouflage to hide the real reason.

But what IS the real reason?

1) Is it money? Is it driven by the billion dollar abortion mill industry led by PP?
2) Is it political power? Does the left think blacks value abortion so much, they have to fight to keep it legal in exchange for votes? I find it hard to believe abortion would be THAT important to blacks.
3) Is it a ideological, meaning is it a tool of the Marxist left to create the notion that devaluing human life is acceptable, thereby setting the table for a Marxist takeover?

I'm really not sure. Does anyone know the answer?
You're a dude. You really don't get a say.
Having ANOTHER commercial about birth control isnt going to do shit.
You are coming up with bullshit "solutions" for an extremely complex situation.
Try thinking a bit.
When is the last time you have seen a PSA for birth control?

I never have.

I've seen PSAs about protected sex to avoid STDs. I've seen PSAs to wear a mask to prevent the spread of Covid. I've seen PSAs to get people to vote.

So I guess you aren't being obtuse. You really are this stupid.
For decades, I have wondered why the the leftist leaders fights tooth and nail to keep abortion legal.
There's the reason they put forth, that they care about women's health which is obviously nonsense. Camouflage to hide the real reason.

But what IS the real reason?

1) Is it money? Is it driven by the billion dollar abortion mill industry led by PP?
2) Is it political power? Does the left think blacks value abortion so much, they have to fight to keep it legal in exchange for votes? I find it hard to believe abortion would be THAT important to blacks.
3) Is it a ideological, meaning is it a tool of the Marxist left to create the notion that devaluing human life is acceptable, thereby setting the table for a Marxist takeover?

I'm really not sure. Does anyone know the answer?
Your question is stupid and misinformed.

It's pretty much everyone but the theocratic goobers in the right wing that want abortion legal and accessible. Including normal people on the right.

So this thread is garbage from the start.
So a piece of shit mother just ends his life? I think the baby would disagree.
That's not right. Some feel abortion should not so much be illegal as simply not something people consider unless they have some underlying mental or physical condition. I don't see that position as being politically or fiscally possible, but that's just mho, and others differ.
Not all children are adopted and foster care is usually poor. Women have many valid reasons for not carrying an unwanted pregnancy to term. Many are unwanted accidents. In any case we don't get to play God. In ancient times unwanted infants were exposed to the elements if the tribe couldn't feed them.
A woman can get birth control easily and free. They are even fixing to make it legal over the counter without a prescription. There is no reason for abortion. If you think it should be, close planned parenthood down and make it totally private. Then the Democrats wouldn't fight so hard for it. Or just make it so planned parenthood couldn't make political contributions, then the democrats wouldn't care either.
Chapter and verse that supports this claim, thanks!
This is the best I can do.
This is the best I can do.

thanks. I know the arguments. lets just say it is not a fully agreed upon doctrine among Christians.

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