Question I've Always Wondered: Why is the Left So Adamant about Abortion Remaining Legal?

So? Your point?

Those rights were based on things and rights that already existed in the Constitution.

Show me where in the document abortion is a constitutional right, without citing the 14th Amendment.

The SCOTUS essentially amended the constitution to give a right that it did not guarantee. What it will (possibly) now do is send that issue back to the states, in accordance with the 10th Amendment. There is no national regulation or constitutional delegation of abortion regulation to the government.
no, the const has no provision on interracial marriage or segregation in schools. In fact, both were legal. The right to a condom is rooted in the right to privacy. Do you think the furious five will revisit that?

Not for the baby who is seconds from birth it isn't.
Sure, and if their position was just about third trimester I could get on sorta the same page.

It isn't, their position is that once the egg is fertilized abortion should be illegal and people should be forced to have a child they don't want.
no, the const has no provision on interracial marriage or segregation in schools.

So why were they declared unconstitutional?

Because discrimination was not guaranteed by the constitution either. In fact, the 14th Amendment prohibited the behavior. It prohibited states from making laws segregating students or prohibiting people of different races from intermarrying.

Thus, rights that were already covered by the Constitution. Discrimination by itself violated the 14th. Preventing interracial marriage also violated the 14th.

What rights aren't explicitly addressed in the Constitution are left to the 10th and 14th Amendments.
The right to a condom is rooted in the right to privacy. Do you think the furious five will revisit that?

Privacy was already a right guaranteed in the constitution in the 4th Amendment.

So no.

Marriage and segregation are 14th amendment issues, given there are laws passed on both the state and federal levels allowing or preventing them, respectively.
Why do you quote me if you have no interest in actually addressing what I said?
Because what you say isn't genuine, nothing thought freely, nothing said freely.

You only repeat talking points. Come back to me when you have an argument of your own that doesn't come from the paid shills in your party.
What is to believe? The video of a police officer allowing protesters into the Capitol is as plain as the nose on your face!
There is no such video, fool.

I've been trying to find my favorite video. A Capitol police officer closes the door behind a pack of protesters after they charge into the Capitol. A minute later, he opens the door to let them out as they gasp and wheeze from tear gas. He looks into the camera and smirks, "I tried to tell them!"
Nowhere in the Constitution does is say "separation between church and state", Dipshit.

And you are the only one talking religion. We are talking science, Science Denier.

Yes it does dipshit. The Constitution says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion". When you are using theology to make law then you are establishing a official religion. Thomas Jefferson was a major contributor and he wrote a letter stating the First Amendment established a wall between church and state.
Yes it does dipshit. The Constitution says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion". When you are using theology to make law then you are establishing a official religion. Thomas Jefferson was a major contributor and he wrote a letter stating the First Amendment established a wall between church and state.
Wait, What? You quoted the Constitution and it destroyed your premise.

Now, show us where in the Constitution it says 'Separation of church and state". THAT was your claim, Moron.

Let's see it. Links please.
Just like abortion. Unenumerated, constitutionally protected rights.
Because people have strong opinions on bodily autonomy.
Talking about the leftwing leadership. The drivers of the ideology. Not what the deluded masses have been told.

The side that speaks of “bodily autonomy” as an excuse for supporting the murder of innocent children (What about the murdered child's “bodily autonomy”?) is, for the most part, the same side that wanted to coerce everyone to take dangerous experimental mRNA drugs.

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