Questions for Republicans, Conservatives, RINOs, Tea Partiers, et al:

My friends in Massachusetts didnt dislike him. Just for the record. They saw him as a down the middle kind of guy....

There is no middle of the road, only roadkill that's been run over by the traffic on one, or both sides of the road.

There are certainly issues not open to compromise. But the reality is most things are not life and or way or the other
Also, being a liberal who makes a good living, has worked since I was 15, and probably pays a higher percentage of her income in taxes than Romney does

With the cap on Social Security, unless yo are a millionaire, you do pay a higher percentage in taxes than Romney does.

That is why the establishments of both parties maintain the fiction that Social Security is not part of the general budget and they borrow that money and put I.O.U. Treasuries in a little vault out in W Virginia.

This keeps THEIR taxes lower and fuck you and everyone else.

I think we can agree the cap should be raised.
Moderate GOP are idealogically closer to Hillary than Cruz or Trump...

because other than on social justice issues, hillary is pretty moderate. and actual conservatives are pretty close on certain issues... but not the social justice issues.

Agree with you on that, but reality has to kick in... In Social Justice, what was the big difference between Bush and Obama... Most of it is in the Supreme Court... Socially the next PResident could end up assigning 4 SC justices, that is what this fight could be about.

we are in agreement. the fight is about who appoints the justices.

to me, that issue matters more than almost anything else. the right has known this for decades while democrats have stared into the air and said "oh, justice will prevail and no one will overturn the existing decisions". well, that's silliness. of course decisions can be overturned. it was only in the '70's that anti-miscegenation laws were struct down; only in the 70's that laws prohibiting the purchase of contraceptives were struck down. roe v wade is hanging on by a thread because the right was smart enough to put their people in all of the positions that matter in most states.

under the scalia era court, we were told that corporations are people; that essentially election finance reform is illegal and that corporations (a legal fiction devised for the purpose of obtaining jurisdiction in law suits) have religion. and whether we come down on the same side of those issues or opposite sides, we agree that those are the things that people should be thinking about.

He also ruled in favor of burning the Flag. He did not like it, but it is a 1st amendment right.
He is also correct in how the courts should rule.
Scalia discusses flag burning, his job on high court
There are certainly issues not open to compromise. But the reality is most things are not life and or way or the other

That may be how you feel, but that's not necessarily true for everyone.
The one part of this that I'm having trouble with is the point that Levin - whose influence is pretty clear with some people I speak with - is willing to stand by while Trump compromises with the Democrats on ANYTHING. This is the guy I'm seeing in my mind when I use the term "absolutist" to describe modern conservatives. Are you really sure that he would, even if that compromise produced some results that he likes?

And "take a step back from our ideological views"? Yes, amen, but that's just so difficult to see. Especially from the likes of Levin, Hannity, Limbaugh. Are you saying that you feel they would agree with that, really? Have they said something to that effect?

One point I've made that Trump supporters appear to agree with is that maybe he would "unclog the D.C. toilet". Okay, great, but again that would mean both sides would need to back down. That appears to be what you're supporting.

The best reply I can come up with is... What other choice do we have at this point?

No, I don't expect Levin, Hannity and Rush to "roll over" and admit they're wrong or just go along with whatever... they will continue to promote the core conservative message as will I. I think that is politics and we can expect that regardless of the outcome of any election.

I'm simply making the argument that our approach of trying to elect an "absolutist" type conservative might be the wrong approach at this time. We're not at the point of being able to make that sell to the public. Too much damage has been done to the brand and it may be in our better interest to back off a bit and think in terms of a segue... someone who can de-polarize us a little and at the same time, save us from 'absolutist' Socialism. It's not MY preference, but it might be the best course.

When you have a pressure cooker about to explode, it's not the best idea to snatch the lid off quickly... that generally has disastrous results... the better plan is to slowly relieve the pressure until you can remove the lid safely. Trump doesn't really represent the standard "left/right" politics... he is not a politician. Until Iowa, no American had ever cast a vote for Donald J. Trump for anything. Perhaps this is the kind of president we need to "depressurize" the pressure cooker on Capitol Hill? Yeah, I know that sounds a little nutty when talking about someone like Trump... but again, I don't see that we have much of a choice. I plan to support Cruz until the end but I am also preparing myself to support Trump, should he win the nomination. I do think a principled argument can be made for him and maybe it's not the worst idea ever? It's GOT to be better than President Hillary or Bernie, don't you think?
There are certainly issues not open to compromise. But the reality is most things are not life and or way or the other

That may be how you feel, but that's not necessarily true for everyone. from column from column b...

unless one is a child.

otherwise, the way things should work is everyone looks good...everyone gives a bit. from column from column b...

unless one is a child.

otherwise, the way things should work is everyone looks good...everyone gives a bit.

I never liked Chinese food. It gives me terrible gas and too much of it gets too close to shellfish for me to feel safe eating it. I've never been a big fan of choices anyway.

Its not about looking good. It's about being Right.
I think we can agree the cap should be raised.
I dont want the Social Security tax cap raised; I want it removed entirely.

The Congress is going to continue borrowing all of it that comes in each and every year like it was part of the general budget, then there is no justification for the cap. from column from column b...

unless one is a child.

otherwise, the way things should work is everyone looks good...everyone gives a bit.

I never liked Chinese food. It gives me terrible gas and too much of it gets too close to shellfish for me to feel safe eating it. I've never been a big fan of choices anyway.

Its not about looking good. It's about being Right.

I'm a jew from new York. we have to have Chinese food once a week or they make us move. lol

no one is 100% right.... except for me. :thup:
The right is divided into so many factions till they are hard to keep up with.

Not really.... there are rwo actual groups Traditional Conservatives and Worthless Sack of Shit Liberals. Everything else is just semantics.
No traditional Conservative would associate with Anathema, so that leaves him being . . . what he said.
what can you say about a guy who hates the world and time period he lives in....

That it makes me sad that anyone feels that way
The right is divided into so many factions till they are hard to keep up with.

Not really.... there are rwo actual groups Traditional Conservatives and Worthless Sack of Shit Liberals. Everything else is just semantics.
No traditional Conservative would associate with Anathema, so that leaves him being . . . what he said.
what can you say about a guy who hates the world and time period he lives in....

That it makes me sad that anyone feels that way
when this guy explains how he feels about life,its pretty sad Jill.....and he cant stand women unless they have his 10th century attitude....
That it makes me sad that anyone feels that way

No reason cir you to be sad. I'm the anachronism, not you. Born somewhere between 250 and 1000 years too late. Guess the stork got caught in traffic somewhere
Romney would not have won if all of the far right voted for him.

Some dork above wrote that our military, stronger than the next twenty combined, is in "shambles."

I'll take that to mean that you never actually had to serve in the military, or any career that's dependent on government funding and support to do your job.
Terrorists already mess with us when we have the largest, most lethal, most capable military ever fielded. There is no chance a blue blood from NY with 0.00 days in uniform will change the balance. And, no, "leadership" won't do it either.

But we really don't. Our military is in shambles compared to what it was just a decade ago. Our air force and navy have not been this small since WWII. We have ships, submarines and aircraft that are frankly obsolete. But beyond that, we have an administration who is committed to dismantling our military and not using it to it's full potential on the world stage.

I'm not a Trump supporter and I don't know how Trump would actually be on this other than what he says right now on the campaign trail... but I agree with what he is saying here. IF we went after the terrorists in a smart and effective way with the technological advantages we have, they would stand NO chance in hell and they wouldn't mess with us.

One thing you have to know about dealing with radical Islam and these terrorist elements... the thing they respect is strength and power. You must demonstrate that you're not afraid to kill them dead... every last one of them and in no uncertain terms. You can't go wobbly and start trying to appease and negotiate diplomatically... that is a recipe for disaster. Go after them with both barrels, don't let up, don't back down, kill the sons of bitches unapologetically, and be relentless in killing them... and something fascinating starts to happen there... they suddenly realize it's a losing proposition and they back down. Unfortunately, our leadership simply hasn't understood this... and that includes republican leadership as well.

Shambles? Oh...ok

We do have an military due to a lack of funding. Following shock and awe, when our ground forces were being sent in to take on Iraq's republican guard forces, concerns circulated that our troops were being sent without adequate supplies and sufficient armored vehicles. Well, you can thank President Clinton for that.

I served under that democrat president and watched the majority of our more experienced officers being pushed into early retirement, while funding required to maintain operation readiness of our aircraft was getting cut. It comes as no surprise that this president, who doesn't support and the use of the military, hates to budget towards those who depend upon its government funding, would treat those service men and women any different than Clinton. It's why a vast majority of those on active duty feel they have the backing of seeing a republican voted into the White House.
Served 12 years on active duty in the airborne infantry, kid.

Your comment is simply your comment with no actual, objective evidence.

We spend more and are stronger than the next 25 countries.

You sunshine patriots are a loathsome type of mutants.

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