Questions for Republicans, Conservatives, RINOs, Tea Partiers, et al:

Pointing out obstructionism and crazy politicians is not slander. There is no way to discuss people like Louie Gohmert without using the word crazy.
Jake likes to call people names for disagreeing with him on the issues. It is slander.
Says Mr. Libel himself? :lol: Louie is crazy, Correll. He is also dishonest. He hid when a daughter of an opponent called Louie out for a very dishonest campaign ad accusing his opponent of having supported a bill the promoted pornography, when the opposite was the truth. I called Louie out on it at a GOP dinner that election season and he has not talked to me since.

I'm not sure why you've brought up Louie, nor do I care.

My statement was about your general behavior, and it was correct.

YOu are very quick to call people names if they disagree with you, without any concern for whether they are true.

THis is normal for you and your kind.

And now you are surprised that people you have been slandering for decades are less than anxious to work with you?

Try googling the words, Cause and Effect.
You describe yourself very well above. Correll, we all know what you are and how you fail. You said I slandered Louie, showing you do not understand the dif between slander and libel. What I wrote is true about him and about you. Your fringe wing out on the far right, as represented by you, evidences by itself that we cannot allow your candidates to win.

I made my point and your denial isn't fooling anyone that doesn't want to be fooled.

Only a fool insults people for decades and then "whines" when they don't want to work with him.

My "fringe" candidate is getting over 40% of the national vote in General Election polls.

THat is not fringe.

Your fringe candidate is getting 40% of a fringe party.
I think he's tapping into the extremely unsophisticated NASCAR losers who think the Congress goes up there and does nothing, the President does nothing and the country is circling the drain and has been for the last 7 decades....

I don't think you can call 35% of the Republican party "unsophisticated NASCAR losers." He is winning big amongst blue collar Republicans with less than a college education, but that doesn't mean they're all loser hicks. He is also winning 20%-25% of Republicans with a college degree.

There are a lot of people sick and tired of Washington, with politicos and insiders getting rich while the average working class person struggles. Trump is crude, but he is offering solutions to those people - well-paying jobs by restricting immigration and slapping taxes on imports.

I don't necessarily agree with either, but they are solutions to people who are hurting.

He also eats into Hillary's blue collar support, though he may lose as many or more educated suburbanites and minorities.

Solutions? Exports will be devastated and the price of imports we rely on will be going up like gangbusters

I didn't say they were good solutions.

Candycorn is a liberal.

If she doesn't agree, then it just disagreeing isn't enough. She also has to attack the people who have the gall to disagree with her.

They can't be people who " people who are hurting". They have to be "extremely unsophisticated NASCAR losers ".

Want to place a side bet on how long until she accuses them of being racist?
Japan's period of high growth coincided with Trade Surpluses too...

It's period of low growth, too.

You stated that low growth and trade surpluses going together was a truism.

I just gave you two huge examples that contradict that.

No, the example I gave was when the economies are exactly the same. Clearly, no economies are exactly the same. But the dynamics work like that.

Trade deficits are neither inherently good or bad.

These specific trade deficits are really hurting our MIddle Class.

I'm less concerned with whether that is an inherent part of them being a Trade Deficit, and more with the hurting our Middle Class and Working Poor for that matter.
Jake likes to call people names for disagreeing with him on the issues. It is slander.
Says Mr. Libel himself? :lol: Louie is crazy, Correll. He is also dishonest. He hid when a daughter of an opponent called Louie out for a very dishonest campaign ad accusing his opponent of having supported a bill the promoted pornography, when the opposite was the truth. I called Louie out on it at a GOP dinner that election season and he has not talked to me since.

I'm not sure why you've brought up Louie, nor do I care.

My statement was about your general behavior, and it was correct.

YOu are very quick to call people names if they disagree with you, without any concern for whether they are true.

THis is normal for you and your kind.

And now you are surprised that people you have been slandering for decades are less than anxious to work with you?

Try googling the words, Cause and Effect.
You describe yourself very well above. Correll, we all know what you are and how you fail. You said I slandered Louie, showing you do not understand the dif between slander and libel. What I wrote is true about him and about you. Your fringe wing out on the far right, as represented by you, evidences by itself that we cannot allow your candidates to win.

I made my point and your denial isn't fooling anyone that doesn't want to be fooled.

Only a fool insults people for decades and then "whines" when they don't want to work with him.

My "fringe" candidate is getting over 40% of the national vote in General Election polls.

THat is not fringe.

Your fringe candidate is getting 40% of a fringe party.

40% is not fringe.

THe GOP is not Fringe.

Only a liar or a fool would claim that Trump or the GOP was.
Says Mr. Libel himself? :lol: Louie is crazy, Correll. He is also dishonest. He hid when a daughter of an opponent called Louie out for a very dishonest campaign ad accusing his opponent of having supported a bill the promoted pornography, when the opposite was the truth. I called Louie out on it at a GOP dinner that election season and he has not talked to me since.

I'm not sure why you've brought up Louie, nor do I care.

My statement was about your general behavior, and it was correct.

YOu are very quick to call people names if they disagree with you, without any concern for whether they are true.

THis is normal for you and your kind.

And now you are surprised that people you have been slandering for decades are less than anxious to work with you?

Try googling the words, Cause and Effect.
You describe yourself very well above. Correll, we all know what you are and how you fail. You said I slandered Louie, showing you do not understand the dif between slander and libel. What I wrote is true about him and about you. Your fringe wing out on the far right, as represented by you, evidences by itself that we cannot allow your candidates to win.

I made my point and your denial isn't fooling anyone that doesn't want to be fooled.

Only a fool insults people for decades and then "whines" when they don't want to work with him.

My "fringe" candidate is getting over 40% of the national vote in General Election polls.

THat is not fringe.

Your fringe candidate is getting 40% of a fringe party.

40% is not fringe.

THe GOP is not Fringe.

Only a liar or a fool would claim that Trump or the GOP was.

That's odd, because the GOP has been claiming Trump is fringe from the beginning.
Says Mr. Libel himself? :lol: Louie is crazy, Correll. He is also dishonest. He hid when a daughter of an opponent called Louie out for a very dishonest campaign ad accusing his opponent of having supported a bill the promoted pornography, when the opposite was the truth. I called Louie out on it at a GOP dinner that election season and he has not talked to me since.

I'm not sure why you've brought up Louie, nor do I care.

My statement was about your general behavior, and it was correct.

YOu are very quick to call people names if they disagree with you, without any concern for whether they are true.

THis is normal for you and your kind.

And now you are surprised that people you have been slandering for decades are less than anxious to work with you?

Try googling the words, Cause and Effect.
You describe yourself very well above. Correll, we all know what you are and how you fail. You said I slandered Louie, showing you do not understand the dif between slander and libel. What I wrote is true about him and about you. Your fringe wing out on the far right, as represented by you, evidences by itself that we cannot allow your candidates to win.

I made my point and your denial isn't fooling anyone that doesn't want to be fooled.

Only a fool insults people for decades and then "whines" when they don't want to work with him.

My "fringe" candidate is getting over 40% of the national vote in General Election polls.

THat is not fringe.

Your fringe candidate is getting 40% of a fringe party.

40% is not fringe.

THe GOP is not Fringe.

Only a liar or a fool would claim that Trump or the GOP was.
Libel or Slander? :lol:
I'm not sure why you've brought up Louie, nor do I care.

My statement was about your general behavior, and it was correct.

YOu are very quick to call people names if they disagree with you, without any concern for whether they are true.

THis is normal for you and your kind.

And now you are surprised that people you have been slandering for decades are less than anxious to work with you?

Try googling the words, Cause and Effect.
You describe yourself very well above. Correll, we all know what you are and how you fail. You said I slandered Louie, showing you do not understand the dif between slander and libel. What I wrote is true about him and about you. Your fringe wing out on the far right, as represented by you, evidences by itself that we cannot allow your candidates to win.

I made my point and your denial isn't fooling anyone that doesn't want to be fooled.

Only a fool insults people for decades and then "whines" when they don't want to work with him.

My "fringe" candidate is getting over 40% of the national vote in General Election polls.

THat is not fringe.

Your fringe candidate is getting 40% of a fringe party.

40% is not fringe.

THe GOP is not Fringe.

Only a liar or a fool would claim that Trump or the GOP was.

That's odd, because the GOP has been claiming Trump is fringe from the beginning.

Oh! YOu always believe everything the GOP establishment tells you?

I don't.
I'm not sure why you've brought up Louie, nor do I care.

My statement was about your general behavior, and it was correct.

YOu are very quick to call people names if they disagree with you, without any concern for whether they are true.

THis is normal for you and your kind.

And now you are surprised that people you have been slandering for decades are less than anxious to work with you?

Try googling the words, Cause and Effect.
You describe yourself very well above. Correll, we all know what you are and how you fail. You said I slandered Louie, showing you do not understand the dif between slander and libel. What I wrote is true about him and about you. Your fringe wing out on the far right, as represented by you, evidences by itself that we cannot allow your candidates to win.

I made my point and your denial isn't fooling anyone that doesn't want to be fooled.

Only a fool insults people for decades and then "whines" when they don't want to work with him.

My "fringe" candidate is getting over 40% of the national vote in General Election polls.

THat is not fringe.

Your fringe candidate is getting 40% of a fringe party.

40% is not fringe.

THe GOP is not Fringe.

Only a liar or a fool would claim that Trump or the GOP was.
Libel or Slander? :lol:

Do you consider calling the GOP a fringe party the act of an honest smart man?
You describe yourself very well above. Correll, we all know what you are and how you fail. You said I slandered Louie, showing you do not understand the dif between slander and libel. What I wrote is true about him and about you. Your fringe wing out on the far right, as represented by you, evidences by itself that we cannot allow your candidates to win.

I made my point and your denial isn't fooling anyone that doesn't want to be fooled.

Only a fool insults people for decades and then "whines" when they don't want to work with him.

My "fringe" candidate is getting over 40% of the national vote in General Election polls.

THat is not fringe.

Your fringe candidate is getting 40% of a fringe party.

40% is not fringe.

THe GOP is not Fringe.

Only a liar or a fool would claim that Trump or the GOP was.
Libel or Slander? :lol:

Do you consider calling the GOP a fringe party the act of an honest smart man?
Liar? Fool? Looks like libel and hypocritical.
You describe yourself very well above. Correll, we all know what you are and how you fail. You said I slandered Louie, showing you do not understand the dif between slander and libel. What I wrote is true about him and about you. Your fringe wing out on the far right, as represented by you, evidences by itself that we cannot allow your candidates to win.

I made my point and your denial isn't fooling anyone that doesn't want to be fooled.

Only a fool insults people for decades and then "whines" when they don't want to work with him.

My "fringe" candidate is getting over 40% of the national vote in General Election polls.

THat is not fringe.

Your fringe candidate is getting 40% of a fringe party.

40% is not fringe.

THe GOP is not Fringe.

Only a liar or a fool would claim that Trump or the GOP was.
Libel or Slander? :lol:

Do you consider calling the GOP a fringe party the act of an honest smart man?

Absolutely. The GOP was once an honorable party. I miss those days.
You describe yourself very well above. Correll, we all know what you are and how you fail. You said I slandered Louie, showing you do not understand the dif between slander and libel. What I wrote is true about him and about you. Your fringe wing out on the far right, as represented by you, evidences by itself that we cannot allow your candidates to win.

I made my point and your denial isn't fooling anyone that doesn't want to be fooled.

Only a fool insults people for decades and then "whines" when they don't want to work with him.

My "fringe" candidate is getting over 40% of the national vote in General Election polls.

THat is not fringe.

Your fringe candidate is getting 40% of a fringe party.

40% is not fringe.

THe GOP is not Fringe.

Only a liar or a fool would claim that Trump or the GOP was.

That's odd, because the GOP has been claiming Trump is fringe from the beginning.

Oh! YOu always believe everything the GOP establishment tells you?

I don't.

Just another example of how the right is fractured into many different pieces.
I made my point and your denial isn't fooling anyone that doesn't want to be fooled.

Only a fool insults people for decades and then "whines" when they don't want to work with him.

My "fringe" candidate is getting over 40% of the national vote in General Election polls.

THat is not fringe.

Your fringe candidate is getting 40% of a fringe party.

40% is not fringe.

THe GOP is not Fringe.

Only a liar or a fool would claim that Trump or the GOP was.
Libel or Slander? :lol:

Do you consider calling the GOP a fringe party the act of an honest smart man?
Liar? Fool? Looks like libel and hypocritical.

I called him on his behavior. My claim was correct. The REpublcian Party is not a fringe party.

I was NOT calling him a name for simply disagreeing with me, nor was I using name calling INSTEAD of responding seriously and honestly to his post.

Do you agree with him that the GOP is a fringe party?
I made my point and your denial isn't fooling anyone that doesn't want to be fooled.

Only a fool insults people for decades and then "whines" when they don't want to work with him.

My "fringe" candidate is getting over 40% of the national vote in General Election polls.

THat is not fringe.

Your fringe candidate is getting 40% of a fringe party.

40% is not fringe.

THe GOP is not Fringe.

Only a liar or a fool would claim that Trump or the GOP was.
Libel or Slander? :lol:

Do you consider calling the GOP a fringe party the act of an honest smart man?

Absolutely. The GOP was once an honorable party. I miss those days.

40% is not fringe.

THe GOP is not Fringe.

Only a liar or a fool would claim that Trump or the GOP was.
I made my point and your denial isn't fooling anyone that doesn't want to be fooled.

Only a fool insults people for decades and then "whines" when they don't want to work with him.

My "fringe" candidate is getting over 40% of the national vote in General Election polls.

THat is not fringe.

Your fringe candidate is getting 40% of a fringe party.

40% is not fringe.

THe GOP is not Fringe.

Only a liar or a fool would claim that Trump or the GOP was.

That's odd, because the GOP has been claiming Trump is fringe from the beginning.

Oh! YOu always believe everything the GOP establishment tells you?

I don't.

Just another example of how the right is fractured into many different pieces.

YOu didn't answer my question. Do you always believe everything the GOP establishment tells you?
Your fringe candidate is getting 40% of a fringe party.

40% is not fringe.

THe GOP is not Fringe.

Only a liar or a fool would claim that Trump or the GOP was.
Libel or Slander? :lol:

Do you consider calling the GOP a fringe party the act of an honest smart man?
Liar? Fool? Looks like libel and hypocritical.
I called him on his behavior. My claim was correct. The REpublcian Party is not a fringe party. I was NOT calling him a name for simply disagreeing with me, nor was I using name calling INSTEAD of responding seriously and honestly to his post. Do you agree with him that the GOP is a fringe party?
The rules of Ad Hom do not include a truth in defense clause, kid. You could have, and know how to do so, called it out without being a hypocrite. Even by Foxfyre's Funny Ad Hom Rules, you are both an ad hommer and a hypocrite.

Your questions are meaningless until you are willing to play by the rules you assign to others.
40% is not fringe.

THe GOP is not Fringe.

Only a liar or a fool would claim that Trump or the GOP was.
Libel or Slander? :lol:

Do you consider calling the GOP a fringe party the act of an honest smart man?
Liar? Fool? Looks like libel and hypocritical.
I called him on his behavior. My claim was correct. The REpublcian Party is not a fringe party. I was NOT calling him a name for simply disagreeing with me, nor was I using name calling INSTEAD of responding seriously and honestly to his post. Do you agree with him that the GOP is a fringe party?
The rules of Ad Hom do not include a truth in defense clause, kid. You could have, and know how to do so, called it out without being a hypocrite. Even by Foxfyre's Funny Ad Hom Rules, you are both an ad hommer and a hypocrite.

Your questions are meaningless until you are willing to play by the rules you assign to others.

ad hominem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An ad hominem (Latin for "to the man" or "to the person"[1]), short for argumentum ad hominem, is an attack on an argument made by attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, rather than attacking the argument directly. When used inappropriately, it is a logical fallacy in which a claim or argument is dismissed on the basis of some irrelevant fact or supposition about the author or the person being criticized.

That is not what I did.

I did directly attack his argument by correctly pointing out that 40% of the vote is not Fringe and that the GOP is not a Fringe Party.

The part where I called into question his character or motive was AFTER THAT, and I raised a valid point ie WHy would anyone say something that is so obviously not true.

I find it interesting that your grasp on what a Ad Hominem attac is is so weak.
This is what you did: attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument. You attacked character.
This is what you did: attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument. You attacked character.

From above, which you either did not read or failed to understand.

"rather than attacking the argument directly. When used inappropriately, it is a logical fallacy in which a claim or argument is dismissed on the basis of some irrelevant fact or supposition about the author or the person being criticized."

I did not dismiss his argument because I suggested he was a fool or a liar.

I pointed out that it simply was NOT true. 40% is not fringe. The GOP is not a fringe party.

The GOP is one of two main parties in the US and pretty much even with the Dems for number of supporters.

Do you need a link to support that?
This is what you did: attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument. You attacked character.

From above, which you either did not read or failed to understand.

"rather than attacking the argument directly. When used inappropriately, it is a logical fallacy in which a claim or argument is dismissed on the basis of some irrelevant fact or supposition about the author or the person being criticized."

I did not dismiss his argument because I suggested he was a fool or a liar.

I pointed out that it simply was NOT true. 40% is not fringe. The GOP is not a fringe party.

The GOP is one of two main parties in the US and pretty much even with the Dems for number of supporters.

Do you need a link to support that?
When you use terms like liar and fool while whining when others use them against you, you are a hypocrite.

You could easily make your argument without being hypocritical.
I made my point and your denial isn't fooling anyone that doesn't want to be fooled.

Only a fool insults people for decades and then "whines" when they don't want to work with him.

My "fringe" candidate is getting over 40% of the national vote in General Election polls.

THat is not fringe.

Your fringe candidate is getting 40% of a fringe party.

40% is not fringe.

THe GOP is not Fringe.

Only a liar or a fool would claim that Trump or the GOP was.

That's odd, because the GOP has been claiming Trump is fringe from the beginning.

Oh! YOu always believe everything the GOP establishment tells you?

I don't.

Just another example of how the right is fractured into many different pieces.

Says the far left drone that has the only choice of an old white person!

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