
Apparently the side effects were delusional episodes of persecution by nonexistent dictators.
Nope, nothing but an uncontrollable urge to extend my middle finger to anyone who tries to scare America into believing stupid shit, like Trump did to you. It's called courage, look it up.

You confuse immature for courage.
You're just confused. I've discussed courage many times on this board, seems conservatives think it's something that only comes out of the barrel of a gun.

Nearly every major conflict in this planet's history was solved by force of arms.
What does war have to do with courage?

You will never know and that is why you will always remain a coward.
While the govt is shut down, somebody build a new one!

Path to a better govt lies with the voters. Got to stop voting only for "winners".. Because we're ALL losing.. The choices in 2020 are gonna be WORSE than 2016..

So the ONLY way out is for independent minded politicians to RUN as independents. Because the 2 parties ARE the Tyranny the Founders warned us about.

Take Tulsi Gabbard for instance. Not a full time LOYAL Democrat -- but very clear thinking and capable. Declared a week ago -- within three days, the entire DNC/Dem party was attacking her for DARING to run after she dissed the DNC and resigned from a major committee. Had a beef with Sgt Schultz.. MUST BE PUNISHED.

So they pummeled her mercilessly.. Got David Duke to "endorse" her. They BORKED her in less than a week..

SHE should run as an Independent in 2020. Make it a 3 way race. IN FACT, let's get a couple fully qualified ex state governors for the Libertarian ticket and make a FOUR way race..

THAT is how you "design a new one".. There is NO requirement to be a 2 party country. There is also no requirement to let JUST THE LEADERS of those 2 inept, corrupt, and irrelevant parties run the whole debate and Congress...
I can't believe you still believe this after Trump won.

Hasn't the reaction of the establishment, the "corporatocracy," and the so-called Deep State shown you who is really in charge yet?

They would NEVER let anyone like you describe who is not of the establishment party structure in the white house. Not now, not ever.

The system is engineered to be tougher and tougher every year. And folks are dumber and dumber with not a thought that wasn't put there by the controlled channels are well worn sites.

It won't happen, give it up.
So long as the Democrats remain in power - any power - there is only one choice.

How long you suppose America lasts under one party domination when YOUR plan succeeds?

No, it's not. We are at war. That is a fact. It will not end until one side has a decisive victory over the other.

That's what I said. It's gawddamn struggle to the death, and likely, the conquering victim is in for a HELL of an "occupation".... The 2 parties have "nested" in Washington. Created rules and procedures that are designed to perpetuate the 2 party tyranny.. Made OUR house their own.. That's not gonna get fixed without INDEPENDENT leadership that isn't muzzled and controlled...

Did you notice how quickly Steny Hoyer got his leash jerked by Pelosi when he started opining about how "walls work under certain circumstances"??? This is because we don't HAVE 535 representatives on the Hill. We have 4 party bosses that determine the talking points, the legislation and who gets rewarded and punished..

Need to ice that shit..
Hasn't the reaction of the establishment, the "corporatocracy," and the so-called Deep State shown you who is really in charge yet?

They can't MUZZLE folks they don't control.. In fact with less than a dozen KEY Independent votes to be wrangled, these free speaking reps would be in high demand. They can't be threatened or primaried out. Because Independents don't participate in primaries.. (Cali is an exception, but I won't get into that). The media would SEEK THEM OUT for analysis of key issues and votes.

Look at all the unwarranted coverage that Corker and Flake got when they declined to run nearly 2 years ahead of the primaries. WHY? Because the party didn't control them anymore. They became media darlings. Same with the "maverick" until he ran for President against a Dem..

It would be largely the same folks, only instead of going to Washingheimers D.C. to be a cast extra in "Minions", they'd look and sound smarter and have honest appraisals of the kindergarten tussle between Dems and Reps...
The "corporatocracy is alive and well, because that's the money laundering machine. Could be fixed tomorrow by declaring no piggy food for ANY product or service that's already in the marketplace. And when the Feds fund technology or other research to private industry --- it would be DISTRIBUTED so that grants didn't give ONE competitor total market advantage. Elon Musk would be doomed. Since EVERYTHING that Trump-like clone does is eating out of the taxpayer trough...

Not a hard problem to fix. Neither actually is the "Deep State".. Stop the Domestic spying program using the world's biggest Big Brother spy machine -- And tomorrow, all the corporations that have been COERCED into providing your every electronic communication, could kick the fuckers out their server rooms..
While the govt is shut down, somebody build a new one!

Path to a better govt lies with the voters. Got to stop voting only for "winners".. Because we're ALL losing.. The choices in 2020 are gonna be WORSE than 2016..

So the ONLY way out is for independent minded politicians to RUN as independents. Because the 2 parties ARE the Tyranny the Founders warned us about.

Take Tulsi Gabbard for instance. Not a full time LOYAL Democrat -- but very clear thinking and capable. Declared a week ago -- within three days, the entire DNC/Dem party was attacking her for DARING to run after she dissed the DNC and resigned from a major committee. Had a beef with Sgt Schultz.. MUST BE PUNISHED.

So they pummeled her mercilessly.. Got David Duke to "endorse" her. They BORKED her in less than a week..

SHE should run as an Independent in 2020. Make it a 3 way race. IN FACT, let's get a couple fully qualified ex state governors for the Libertarian ticket and make a FOUR way race..

THAT is how you "design a new one".. There is NO requirement to be a 2 party country. There is also no requirement to let JUST THE LEADERS of those 2 inept, corrupt, and irrelevant parties run the whole debate and Congress...

I like a lot of what Gabbatd has said. I would like to hear more and more in-depth.
So long as the Democrats remain in power - any power - there is only one choice.

How long you suppose America lasts under one party domination when YOUR plan succeeds?

A new party will form, or one of the existing 35 political parties will rise. Frankly, I could accept one party rule for a time if it would politically destroy the Democrats. I believe them to be America's greatest enemy. They are as bizarre as they come.

Recall that several of the Founders wanted no political parties.
So long as the Democrats remain in power - any power - there is only one choice.

How long you suppose America lasts under one party domination when YOUR plan succeeds?

A new party will form, or one of the existing 35 political parties will rise. Frankly, I could accept one party rule for a time if it would politically destroy the Democrats. I believe them to be America's greatest enemy. They are as bizarre as they come.

Recall that several of the Founders wanted no political parties.

That's correct.. You get infected with one, and another will form to "balance it out".. Except that balance breeds toxic polarization.. AND THAT it is actually what the founders warned about.. They were NOT concerned about a well represented SPECTRUM of political choices.

That toxicity has mutated the Speaker of House position for example from a "dignitary post" with no special powers to a position that has absolute reign over EVERY EVENT and debate and opinion in that body.. Also has brought us "seniority systems" and other forms of pestilent "nesting" behavior in the Peoples Congress.

There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.
JOHN ADAMS, letter to Jonathan Jackson, October 2, 1789

However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.
GEORGE WASHINGTON, Farewell Address, September 19, 1796

We are there. We HAVE the tyranny that they all warned us about. There is an immutable INSTABILITY to having 2 sided, polarized power structures that don't ALLOW FOR Independent voices.. That was obvious back in the 1700s...

Impotent Repubs with no principles or political courage are no better than any other party fixated ONLY on OBTAINING and holding power...
While the govt is shut down, somebody build a new one!

Path to a better govt lies with the voters. Got to stop voting only for "winners".. Because we're ALL losing.. The choices in 2020 are gonna be WORSE than 2016..

So the ONLY way out is for independent minded politicians to RUN as independents. Because the 2 parties ARE the Tyranny the Founders warned us about.

Take Tulsi Gabbard for instance. Not a full time LOYAL Democrat -- but very clear thinking and capable. Declared a week ago -- within three days, the entire DNC/Dem party was attacking her for DARING to run after she dissed the DNC and resigned from a major committee. Had a beef with Sgt Schultz.. MUST BE PUNISHED.

So they pummeled her mercilessly.. Got David Duke to "endorse" her. They BORKED her in less than a week..

SHE should run as an Independent in 2020. Make it a 3 way race. IN FACT, let's get a couple fully qualified ex state governors for the Libertarian ticket and make a FOUR way race..

THAT is how you "design a new one".. There is NO requirement to be a 2 party country. There is also no requirement to let JUST THE LEADERS of those 2 inept, corrupt, and irrelevant parties run the whole debate and Congress...

I like a lot of what Gabbatd has said. I would like to hear more and more in-depth.

The Democrats intend to muzzle her and have started the destruction process. She needs the courage to challenge the party as an Independent in 2020...
While the govt is shut down, somebody build a new one!

Path to a better govt lies with the voters. Got to stop voting only for "winners".. Because we're ALL losing.. The choices in 2020 are gonna be WORSE than 2016..

So the ONLY way out is for independent minded politicians to RUN as independents. Because the 2 parties ARE the Tyranny the Founders warned us about.

Take Tulsi Gabbard for instance. Not a full time LOYAL Democrat -- but very clear thinking and capable. Declared a week ago -- within three days, the entire DNC/Dem party was attacking her for DARING to run after she dissed the DNC and resigned from a major committee. Had a beef with Sgt Schultz.. MUST BE PUNISHED.

So they pummeled her mercilessly.. Got David Duke to "endorse" her. They BORKED her in less than a week..

SHE should run as an Independent in 2020. Make it a 3 way race. IN FACT, let's get a couple fully qualified ex state governors for the Libertarian ticket and make a FOUR way race..

THAT is how you "design a new one".. There is NO requirement to be a 2 party country. There is also no requirement to let JUST THE LEADERS of those 2 inept, corrupt, and irrelevant parties run the whole debate and Congress...

I like a lot of what Gabbatd has said. I would like to hear more and more in-depth.

The Democrats intend to muzzle her and have started the destruction process. She needs the courage to challenge the party as an Independent in 2020...

I hope that is not the case, but nothing these 2 parties do now surprises me anymore. We shall see.

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