Quid pro quo. The most used tool of ALL GOVERNMENTS and businesses.

Hey stupid . We are talking about quid pro for PERSONAL GAIN! That’s not allowed .
PERSONAL GAIN is conjecture that has zero supporting evidence.

The only no evidence is that Biden did somthing wrong to benefit his son.

And there’s plenty of evidence that Don held the Ukraine funds in order to have them target his main political rival .

First of all, we shouldn't be funding Ukraine at all. Most Americans couldn't find Ukraine on a map. Not because they're stupid but because it's irrelevant. Secondly, the entire democrat establishment and half of the republicans are Trump "political rivals". Does that mean they should get away with anything and never be held to account?

For 30 years Republicans have been looking for evidence that Democrats are committing crimes, and to this point they have found NOTHING to prosecute. Clinton was investigated for 6 1/2 years by a Republican Special Prosecutor who looked at everything from Clinton's business dealings in Arkansas, to Vince Foster's suicide and all he got was a lie about a blow job. which they impeached him for.

8 years of oversight of the Obama Administration - 6 of them by Republican lead Committees in the House and Senate, and NOTHING. Not one prosecution, and almost no FBI investiations. Republicans are the ones who turned the FBI on the Democrats ordering investigation after investigation and now they're pissed that it's happening to them.

Maybe Republican think that Democrats are just like them so they HAVE to be committing crimes, but what it looks like to me is that liars think everyone else lies too and they're no different. Criminals think every else is just as crooked as they are.

The facts, and the evidence says they're not.

Roger Stone and Mike Flynn were sentenced to prison for lying under oath unlike bill Clinton who got a slap on the wrist. What's up with the double standard?

Asking personal favors is not for the country

You are the first lefty to be able to process that Trump asked if the Ukraine president would do "us" a favor, and not "me". You must have actually read the transcript, congrats. I'm one of the millions of people who trump was referring to when he asked if the Ukraine president would do "us" a favor, and I really appreciate what he asked for on my behalf.
Not really

It shows how much an idiot Trump really is
Anyone with any sense would throw some requests in that are in the National Interest. Counter terrorism, NATO related, information on Russia

But Trump made it all about him
I don't understand why you acknowledged in post 36 that Trump asked for a favor for "us", but now you are blabbering nonsense about Trump asking for a personal favor. Do you have a quote of Trump asking for a personal favor?
God damn that's a desperate post.
Is there anything in it that is not accurate?
Your post. It's not accurate.

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