Quid Pro Quo

Recently, we saw Mitch McConnell support & help sanctions be lifted against a Russian company only to see that company announce a new plant in McConnell's home State of Kentucky.

in 2017, we saw Littledick Donnie propose a new Two China Policy where Trump withdrew a proposed change from the One China Policy to a Two China Policy and China gave Trump copyrights in China that Trump hasd been seeking for years.

We see Trump favor the Saudis after the Saudis keep renting from Trump's real estate company. In the past, the Saudis had bailed our Trump many times through overpaying for real estate & even buying a Trump yacht.

The McConnell thing is just under the table bullshit trsading the strength of our sanctions for a home project to make him look good for his election bid. Littledick Donnie' trades our nation's security for personal gain.

Quid Pro Quo.

I can help you with your problem if you do this for me.

The Art of the Deal.
/---/ So all deals must be one way in your tiny mind.
View attachment 258604
So you approve of LDD trading our government security for his personal gain/ I knew you were a Trump loving POS but I thought even you would not support that.

I predict that Donald Trump may very well become the first President to leave office with less personal wealth than when he entered office! Personal gain? Being President is costing Trump money.

Because people are learniong what a dishonest person her eally is & no one wants to do business with a POS like that.

He is personally gaining from decisions he makes. I think it was 2017, he had charged the Secret Service $35,000.00 for golf caret rentals to follow him around the course. Or when he charges the Secret Service for elevator access when he was in Trump Tower. Or when he parades dignitaries around Mir-A-Lago to boost membership.

Show me where Trump is making more money as President than he was as a private citizen! If you can't then admit that you're full of shit and that this entire string is nothing more than another pathetic attempt to smear someone who's working hard to make things better in America!
Is it news to you that politicians are criminals?

I would guess it is news to you that Rs aren’t the only crooks in town. Would you believe Ds are too?

They are all crooks who do whatever it takes to bring the bacon home to their home states.

Nothing new. Its been going on ever since the first politician was elected.

Everything is fine because everyone does it.

Do they trade national security?

Nope on national security.

Just bringing home the bacon to their states. Its been going on since forever and both parties do it.
Nothing new. I'm surprised you never heard of it.

We use sanctions to punish those who act against the US. McConnell let one off the hook for a facility in his State to make him look good.

Weakening sanctions is harming our national security.

Sanctions are an act of war. We don’t need anymore wars.

BO put sanctions on Russia based on lies from the Deep State over Ukraine and election tampering. Donnie continues those sanctions. Donnie has placed dangerous sanctions on Iran and Venezuela, expecting the world to honor those sanctions.

History tells us sanctions can lead to war. Time to stop allowing the crooks in the Imperial Capital from using them
Jresus fuivck, Here wed go again.
Speak Earthling please.
We hired a Chinese company to launch a satellite. Berfore you launch yourself into a tizzy fit, it was a program startred by Reagan. They needed a little help doing it. According to the Chinese, they already knew the shit Clinton set.
Then why did they need the technology transfer, and why did Warren Christopher deny it, fucking moron?
I have a thought, research it & quit being such a fucking dick. They were launching our satellite.
Here, moron. How about if YOU fucking research it? It shouldn't take you more than say...a year or so to read. If the big words confuse you, get a smart person to explain it for you. Until then, you should keep your mouth shut so you don't look so stupid. But I doubt if you can do it.
China: Possible Missile Technology Transfers Under U.S. Satellite Export Policy -- Actions and Chronology
Jresus fuivck, Here wed go again.
Speak Earthling please.
We hired a Chinese company to launch a satellite. Berfore you launch yourself into a tizzy fit, it was a program startred by Reagan. They needed a little help doing it. According to the Chinese, they already knew the shit Clinton set.
Then why did they need the technology transfer, and why did Warren Christopher deny it, fucking moron?
I have a thought, research it & quit being such a fucking dick. They were launching our satellite.
Here, moron. How about if YOU fucking research it? It shouldn't take you more than say...a year or so to read. If the big words confuse you, get a smart person to explain it for you. Until then, you should keep your mouth shut so you don't look so stupid. But I doubt if you can do it.
China: Possible Missile Technology Transfers Under U.S. Satellite Export Policy -- Actions and Chronology
Look, dick for brains, your post just said what I said. China was launching our satellite. We wanted to make sure the launch was successful. Just like I said.
Quit starting worthless threads. Thanks.
Only to a dumbass Trumpertte would discussing how Trump & McConnell hurt our national security for politcal help from the Russians be worthless.

I guess this has become an accepted practice in Trumpland.
Recently, we saw Mitch McConnell support & help sanctions be lifted against a Russian company only to see that company announce a new plant in McConnell's home State of Kentucky.

in 2017, we saw Littledick Donnie propose a new Two China Policy where Trump withdrew a proposed change from the One China Policy to a Two China Policy and China gave Trump copyrights in China that Trump hasd been seeking for years.

We see Trump favor the Saudis after the Saudis keep renting from Trump's real estate company. In the past, the Saudis had bailed our Trump many times through overpaying for real estate & even buying a Trump yacht.

The McConnell thing is just under the table bullshit trsading the strength of our sanctions for a home project to make him look good for his election bid. Littledick Donnie' trades our nation's security for personal gain.

Quid Pro Quo.

I can help you with your problem if you do this for me.

The Art of the Deal.
/---/ So all deals must be one way in your tiny mind.
View attachment 258604
So you approve of LDD trading our government security for his personal gain/ I knew you were a Trump loving POS but I thought even you would not support that.

I predict that Donald Trump may very well become the first President to leave office with less personal wealth than when he entered office! Personal gain? Being President is costing Trump money.

Because people are learniong what a dishonest person her eally is & no one wants to do business with a POS like that.

He is personally gaining from decisions he makes. I think it was 2017, he had charged the Secret Service $35,000.00 for golf caret rentals to follow him around the course. Or when he charges the Secret Service for elevator access when he was in Trump Tower. Or when he parades dignitaries around Mir-A-Lago to boost membership.

Show me where Trump is making more money as President than he was as a private citizen! If you can't then admit that you're full of shit and that this entire string is nothing more than another pathetic attempt to smear someone who's working hard to make things better in America!
I never ever used the word "More" you lying fuck.

Eviderntly, it is OK for Trump to personally gain from the decisions he makes. How much did he & his companies gain with the tax cuts he signed?

The Saudis want a favor, heck just call up & spend big money renting a block of rooms at a Trump hotel.
Now we have established that Trump supporters don't care if Trump uses his office to put money in his own wallet.
Recently, we saw Mitch McConnell support & help sanctions be lifted against a Russian company only to see that company announce a new plant in McConnell's home State of Kentucky.
in 2017, we saw Littledick Donnie propose a new Two China Policy where Trump withdrew a proposed change from the One China Policy to a Two China Policy and China gave Trump copyrights in China that Trump hasd been seeking for years.

We see Trump favor the Saudis after the Saudis keep renting from Trump's real estate company. In the past, the Saudis had bailed our Trump many times through overpaying for real estate & even buying a Trump yacht.

The McConnell thing is just under the table bullshit trsading the strength of our sanctions for a home project to make him look good for his election bid. Littledick Donnie' trades our nation's security for personal gain.

Quid Pro Quo.

I can help you with your problem if you do this for me.

The Art of the Deal.

You know, you seem to mention Trumps dick in almost every thread. You are starting to seem weird about it like Ravi.

Thanks to Trumps amorality, that you people like, we know Trump has a little dick. Trump calls people names so I'll call him one.
You seen Trump's dick?....
We all got a full report from Stormy Daniels. And if anyone is a dick expert, it would be her.

Stormy Daniels is a work of fiction, just like her stories.
/---/ So all deals must be one way in your tiny mind.
View attachment 258604
So you approve of LDD trading our government security for his personal gain/ I knew you were a Trump loving POS but I thought even you would not support that.

I predict that Donald Trump may very well become the first President to leave office with less personal wealth than when he entered office! Personal gain? Being President is costing Trump money.

Because people are learniong what a dishonest person her eally is & no one wants to do business with a POS like that.

He is personally gaining from decisions he makes. I think it was 2017, he had charged the Secret Service $35,000.00 for golf caret rentals to follow him around the course. Or when he charges the Secret Service for elevator access when he was in Trump Tower. Or when he parades dignitaries around Mir-A-Lago to boost membership.

Show me where Trump is making more money as President than he was as a private citizen! If you can't then admit that you're full of shit and that this entire string is nothing more than another pathetic attempt to smear someone who's working hard to make things better in America!
I never ever used the word "More" you lying fuck.

Eviderntly, it is OK for Trump to personally gain from the decisions he makes. How much did he & his companies gain with the tax cuts he signed?

The Saudis want a favor, heck just call up & spend big money renting a block of rooms at a Trump hotel.

Wow! You think the income from renting a block of rooms matters to a billionaire. You really are that fucking stupid!

There is nothing to be gained from reading your tortured posts of idiocy. Have a nice short life, because people as stupid as you usually get themselves killed accidentally.
Now we have established that Trump supporters don't care if Trump uses his office to put money in his own wallet.

You're an idiot, Dave! Trump is losing money as our President! He's not even taking a salary for God's sake but you're so blinded by hatred that you can't see that!
Now we have established that Trump supporters don't care if Trump uses his office to put money in his own wallet.

You're an idiot, Dave! Trump is losing money as our President! He's not even taking a salary for God's sake but you're so blinded by hatred that you can't see that!
Even the Great Big Ears took his salary...and gave very little to charity.
Jresus fuivck, Here wed go again.
Speak Earthling please.
We hired a Chinese company to launch a satellite. Berfore you launch yourself into a tizzy fit, it was a program startred by Reagan. They needed a little help doing it. According to the Chinese, they already knew the shit Clinton set.
Then why did they need the technology transfer, and why did Warren Christopher deny it, fucking moron?
I have a thought, research it & quit being such a fucking dick. They were launching our satellite.
Here, moron. How about if YOU fucking research it? It shouldn't take you more than say...a year or so to read. If the big words confuse you, get a smart person to explain it for you. Until then, you should keep your mouth shut so you don't look so stupid. But I doubt if you can do it.
China: Possible Missile Technology Transfers Under U.S. Satellite Export Policy -- Actions and Chronology
Look, dick for brains, your post just said what I said. China was launching our satellite. We wanted to make sure the launch was successful. Just like I said.
You just keep showing how fucking stupid you are. YES, moron, China launched satellites for U.S. companies. Loral subcontracted them out to China because they could do it cheaper. But when the missiles started failing, Loral was supposed to send AMERICANS to China to fix the problem because the technology could be used for military purposes. Schwartz didn't want the expense of sending OUR scientists to fix the problem so he requested that we just give China the technology to do it themselves. Because of the potential military applications, it had to go through the State Department for clearance. When it did, Warren Christopher said No fucking way, it would compromise national security! Loral's Bernard Schwartz (who contributed $600,000 to Clinton's reelection campaign) told Clinton about the problem with Christopher, and Clinton rerouted it to the Commerce Dept. for approval and told Commerce Sec. Ron Brown to approve it, which Brown did. You should not even be discussing this because you don't have a fucking clue about any of it. I knew you wouldn't (couldn't) read or understand the link. I told you to get a smart person to explain it to you but being the idiot that you are, you didn't listen, once again showing your intellectual inferiority.
Jresus fuivck, Here wed go again.
Speak Earthling please.
We hired a Chinese company to launch a satellite. Berfore you launch yourself into a tizzy fit, it was a program startred by Reagan. They needed a little help doing it. According to the Chinese, they already knew the shit Clinton set.
Then why did they need the technology transfer, and why did Warren Christopher deny it, fucking moron?
I have a thought, research it & quit being such a fucking dick. They were launching our satellite.
Here, moron. How about if YOU fucking research it? It shouldn't take you more than say...a year or so to read. If the big words confuse you, get a smart person to explain it for you. Until then, you should keep your mouth shut so you don't look so stupid. But I doubt if you can do it.
China: Possible Missile Technology Transfers Under U.S. Satellite Export Policy -- Actions and Chronology
Look, dick for brains, your post just said what I said. China was launching our satellite. We wanted to make sure the launch was successful. Just like I said.
You just keep showing how fucking stupid you are. YES, moron, China launched satellites for U.S. companies. Loral subcontracted them out to China because they could do it cheaper. But when the missiles started failing, Loral was supposed to send AMERICANS to China to fix the problem because the technology could be used for military purposes. Schwartz didn't want the expense of sending OUR scientists to fix the problem so he requested that we just give China the technology to do it themselves. Because of the potential military applications, it had to go through the State Department for clearance. When it did, Warren Christopher said No fucking way, it would compromise national security! Loral's Bernard Schwartz (who contributed $600,000 to Clinton's reelection campaign) told Clinton about the problem with Christopher, and Clinton rerouted it to the Commerce Dept. for approval and told Commerce Sec. Ron Brown to approve it, which Brown did. You should not even be discussing this because you don't have a fucking clue about any of it. I knew you wouldn't (couldn't) read or understand the link. I told you to get a smart person to explain it to you but being the idiot that you are, you didn't listen, once again showing your intellectual inferiority.
/—-/ Excellent summary. Thank you.
Jresus fuivck, Here wed go again.
Speak Earthling please.
We hired a Chinese company to launch a satellite. Berfore you launch yourself into a tizzy fit, it was a program startred by Reagan. They needed a little help doing it. According to the Chinese, they already knew the shit Clinton set.
Then why did they need the technology transfer, and why did Warren Christopher deny it, fucking moron?
I have a thought, research it & quit being such a fucking dick. They were launching our satellite.
Here, moron. How about if YOU fucking research it? It shouldn't take you more than say...a year or so to read. If the big words confuse you, get a smart person to explain it for you. Until then, you should keep your mouth shut so you don't look so stupid. But I doubt if you can do it.
China: Possible Missile Technology Transfers Under U.S. Satellite Export Policy -- Actions and Chronology
Look, dick for brains, your post just said what I said. China was launching our satellite. We wanted to make sure the launch was successful. Just like I said.
You just keep showing how fucking stupid you are. YES, moron, China launched satellites for U.S. companies. Loral subcontracted them out to China because they could do it cheaper. But when the missiles started failing, Loral was supposed to send AMERICANS to China to fix the problem because the technology could be used for military purposes. Schwartz didn't want the expense of sending OUR scientists to fix the problem so he requested that we just give China the technology to do it themselves. Because of the potential military applications, it had to go through the State Department for clearance. When it did, Warren Christopher said No fucking way, it would compromise national security! Loral's Bernard Schwartz (who contributed $600,000 to Clinton's reelection campaign) told Clinton about the problem with Christopher, and Clinton rerouted it to the Commerce Dept. for approval and told Commerce Sec. Ron Brown to approve it, which Brown did. You should not even be discussing this because you don't have a fucking clue about any of it. I knew you wouldn't (couldn't) read or understand the link. I told you to get a smart person to explain it to you but being the idiot that you are, you didn't listen, once again showing your intellectual inferiority.
Don’t be so hard on Dave. Most libs know nothing about this outrageous criminal act. Their media keeps them uninformed and they are fine with it.
Jresus fuivck, Here wed go again.
Speak Earthling please.
We hired a Chinese company to launch a satellite. Berfore you launch yourself into a tizzy fit, it was a program startred by Reagan. They needed a little help doing it. According to the Chinese, they already knew the shit Clinton set.
Then why did they need the technology transfer, and why did Warren Christopher deny it, fucking moron?
I have a thought, research it & quit being such a fucking dick. They were launching our satellite.
Here, moron. How about if YOU fucking research it? It shouldn't take you more than say...a year or so to read. If the big words confuse you, get a smart person to explain it for you. Until then, you should keep your mouth shut so you don't look so stupid. But I doubt if you can do it.
China: Possible Missile Technology Transfers Under U.S. Satellite Export Policy -- Actions and Chronology
Look, dick for brains, your post just said what I said. China was launching our satellite. We wanted to make sure the launch was successful. Just like I said.
You just keep showing how fucking stupid you are. YES, moron, China launched satellites for U.S. companies. Loral subcontracted them out to China because they could do it cheaper. But when the missiles started failing, Loral was supposed to send AMERICANS to China to fix the problem because the technology could be used for military purposes. Schwartz didn't want the expense of sending OUR scientists to fix the problem so he requested that we just give China the technology to do it themselves. Because of the potential military applications, it had to go through the State Department for clearance. When it did, Warren Christopher said No fucking way, it would compromise national security! Loral's Bernard Schwartz (who contributed $600,000 to Clinton's reelection campaign) told Clinton about the problem with Christopher, and Clinton rerouted it to the Commerce Dept. for approval and told Commerce Sec. Ron Brown to approve it, which Brown did. You should not even be discussing this because you don't have a fucking clue about any of it. I knew you wouldn't (couldn't) read or understand the link. I told you to get a smart person to explain it to you but being the idiot that you are, you didn't listen, once again showing your intellectual inferiority.

There is nothing here that says anything I said was incorrect.

Furthermore, there is no evidence the Chinese used or needed that technology.

And our intelligence agencies wanted the Chinese to start using satellites for communications so we could spy on them more easily.

So quit acting like we ave them this vital tech that the Chinese would not have rockets without it. The Chinese seem to be able to do technical shit all by themselves.
Jresus fuivck, Here wed go again.
Speak Earthling please.
We hired a Chinese company to launch a satellite. Berfore you launch yourself into a tizzy fit, it was a program startred by Reagan. They needed a little help doing it. According to the Chinese, they already knew the shit Clinton set.
Then why did they need the technology transfer, and why did Warren Christopher deny it, fucking moron?
I have a thought, research it & quit being such a fucking dick. They were launching our satellite.
Here, moron. How about if YOU fucking research it? It shouldn't take you more than say...a year or so to read. If the big words confuse you, get a smart person to explain it for you. Until then, you should keep your mouth shut so you don't look so stupid. But I doubt if you can do it.
China: Possible Missile Technology Transfers Under U.S. Satellite Export Policy -- Actions and Chronology
Look, dick for brains, your post just said what I said. China was launching our satellite. We wanted to make sure the launch was successful. Just like I said.
You just keep showing how fucking stupid you are. YES, moron, China launched satellites for U.S. companies. Loral subcontracted them out to China because they could do it cheaper. But when the missiles started failing, Loral was supposed to send AMERICANS to China to fix the problem because the technology could be used for military purposes. Schwartz didn't want the expense of sending OUR scientists to fix the problem so he requested that we just give China the technology to do it themselves. Because of the potential military applications, it had to go through the State Department for clearance. When it did, Warren Christopher said No fucking way, it would compromise national security! Loral's Bernard Schwartz (who contributed $600,000 to Clinton's reelection campaign) told Clinton about the problem with Christopher, and Clinton rerouted it to the Commerce Dept. for approval and told Commerce Sec. Ron Brown to approve it, which Brown did. You should not even be discussing this because you don't have a fucking clue about any of it. I knew you wouldn't (couldn't) read or understand the link. I told you to get a smart person to explain it to you but being the idiot that you are, you didn't listen, once again showing your intellectual inferiority.

BTW, here is what hypocrisy you show here,.

You brought up the subject without knowing any of this shit you just posted & then have the audacity to tell me I shouldn't post without knowing all the details.

THAT is some funny chit.
There is nothing here that says anything I said was incorrect.
All you knew was that they launched a satellite for us. You had no clue about the rest of it, you moron.
Furthermore, there is no evidence the Chinese used or needed that technology.
If you had read the fucking link I posted you would know that they DID, idiot.
So quit acting like we ave them this vital tech that the Chinese would not have rockets without it. The Chinese seem to be able to do technical shit all by themselves.
Oh boy, I'm talking to a complete imbecile. The Chinese are able to "DO" the technical shit all by themselves...NOW THAT THEY HAVE OUR TECHNOLOGY! You are beyond stupid.

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