Quid Pro Quo

Remember how at the beginning of Ukrainegate Republicans lined up behind Trump and proclaimed:
"There can be no crime because there was no quid pro quo"

Sen. Pat Toomey called the conversation “inappropriate,” the Pennsylvania Republican said “it does not rise to the level of an impeachable offense.”
It “reveals no quid pro quo,” he added.

“I didn’t find it concerning,” said Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). “There was no quid pro quo, you’d have to have that if there was going to be anything wrong.”

Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), one of Trump’s top confidants on Capitol Hill, had tweeted four separate times about the absence of a “quid pro quo" by lunchtime.

Well now we know that there was a"Quid Pro Quo" offered, and expected by the President.
The incredibly damning Ukraine texts from State Department officials, explained
Volker writes, “Heard from White House — assuming President Z convinces trump he will investigate / “get to the bottom of what happened” in 20-16, we will nail down date for visit to Washington.”

Later in a response from the Ukrainian rep:
“Once we have a date,” Yermak says, he’ll call for a press briefing in which he’ll announce “among other things Burisma and election meddling in investigations.”

Sondland asks Volker, “Do we still want Ze to give us an unequivocal draft with 2016 and Boresma?” Volker answers: “That’s the clear message so far...”

Remember Boresma is the company that Trump is trying to tie Biden to- in Trump's phone call Trump never mentions Boresma but instead asks him to investigate Biden.

The quid pro quo is very explicit here- the new Ukrainian President very much wants a White House meeting with President Trump. He is offered that meeting if he investigates Boresma- or as Trump made clear on his call- Biden.

The quid pro quo is there- even without the pretty obvious quid pro quo of the arms money:

Bill Taylor, the top US diplomat at the US embassy in Ukraine:“Are we now saying that security assistance and WH meeting are conditioned on investigations?”........“As I said on the phone, I think it’s crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign.”

Now the Republican line is: 'nuttin illegal about 'quid pro quo' to get a foreign government to dig up dirt on a political opponent- well if Trump is doing it.

I am sure we will see all of the Republicans who proclaimed that the President did nothing wrong because there was no 'quid pro quo' offered, will be finding other reasons why it is okay for the President to offer a quid pro quo to a foreign government to dig up dirt on his political rival.

They are having a hard time with this because now the guy who admitted there was quidproquo is now saying that's not what he meant. The lying media is evil they say for using what he said against him. He says that's not what he said, even though that's exactly what he said. Amazing how they can say something on camera and the next day deny they said what they said.

How dare they quote him and make a big deal out of him admitting guilt. We are living in crazy times where Trump is proving that the Republican party will allow a criminal to run their party.

Lindsay Graham Suggests Ukraine Quid Pro Quo Might Convince Him To Back Impeachment
The Republican senator also called Trump an “equal opportunity abuser of people” and a “handful” in an interview with Axios.

Graham’s interview on Tuesday preceded acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney’s declaration Thursday that Trump’s Ukraine dealing concerning Biden was a quid pro quo.

Mick's problem is that there is nothing wrong with a quid pro quo so long as both what we offer and what we demand are official US policy. The problem is that nothing Mick has said that we demanded was official US policy: either reinvesting Hunter and trying to tie in Joe too, or Crowdstrike - the US intelligence committee...
We have active investigations in progress OF the Intelligence Community. The Intelligence Community reports to Donald Trump, not the other way around.
Remember how at the beginning of Ukrainegate Republicans lined up behind Trump and proclaimed:
"There can be no crime because there was no quid pro quo"

Sen. Pat Toomey called the conversation “inappropriate,” the Pennsylvania Republican said “it does not rise to the level of an impeachable offense.”
It “reveals no quid pro quo,” he added.

“I didn’t find it concerning,” said Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). “There was no quid pro quo, you’d have to have that if there was going to be anything wrong.”

Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), one of Trump’s top confidants on Capitol Hill, had tweeted four separate times about the absence of a “quid pro quo" by lunchtime.

Well now we know that there was a"Quid Pro Quo" offered, and expected by the President.
The incredibly damning Ukraine texts from State Department officials, explained
Volker writes, “Heard from White House — assuming President Z convinces trump he will investigate / “get to the bottom of what happened” in 20-16, we will nail down date for visit to Washington.”

Later in a response from the Ukrainian rep:
“Once we have a date,” Yermak says, he’ll call for a press briefing in which he’ll announce “among other things Burisma and election meddling in investigations.”

Sondland asks Volker, “Do we still want Ze to give us an unequivocal draft with 2016 and Boresma?” Volker answers: “That’s the clear message so far...”

Remember Boresma is the company that Trump is trying to tie Biden to- in Trump's phone call Trump never mentions Boresma but instead asks him to investigate Biden.

The quid pro quo is very explicit here- the new Ukrainian President very much wants a White House meeting with President Trump. He is offered that meeting if he investigates Boresma- or as Trump made clear on his call- Biden.

The quid pro quo is there- even without the pretty obvious quid pro quo of the arms money:

Bill Taylor, the top US diplomat at the US embassy in Ukraine:“Are we now saying that security assistance and WH meeting are conditioned on investigations?”........“As I said on the phone, I think it’s crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign.”

Now the Republican line is: 'nuttin illegal about 'quid pro quo' to get a foreign government to dig up dirt on a political opponent- well if Trump is doing it.

I am sure we will see all of the Republicans who proclaimed that the President did nothing wrong because there was no 'quid pro quo' offered, will be finding other reasons why it is okay for the President to offer a quid pro quo to a foreign government to dig up dirt on his political rival.

They are having a hard time with this because now the guy who admitted there was quidproquo is now saying that's not what he meant. The lying media is evil they say for using what he said against him. He says that's not what he said, even though that's exactly what he said. Amazing how they can say something on camera and the next day deny they said what they said.

How dare they quote him and make a big deal out of him admitting guilt. We are living in crazy times where Trump is proving that the Republican party will allow a criminal to run their party.

Lindsay Graham Suggests Ukraine Quid Pro Quo Might Convince Him To Back Impeachment
The Republican senator also called Trump an “equal opportunity abuser of people” and a “handful” in an interview with Axios.

Graham’s interview on Tuesday preceded acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney’s declaration Thursday that Trump’s Ukraine dealing concerning Biden was a quid pro quo.

Mick's problem is that there is nothing wrong with a quid pro quo so long as both what we offer and what we demand are official US policy. The problem is that nothing Mick has said that we demanded was official US policy: either reinvesting Hunter and trying to tie in Joe too, or Crowdstrike - the US intelligence committee...
We have active investigations in progress OF the Intelligence Community. The Intelligence Community reports to Donald Trump, not the other way around.
Not if he’s breaking the law. Hence the whistleblowers
We have active investigations in progress OF the Intelligence Community. The Intelligence Community reports to Donald Trump, not the other way around.

Politically motivated investigations trying to prove Russian propaganda...

Remember how at the beginning of Ukrainegate Republicans lined up behind Trump and proclaimed:
"There can be no crime because there was no quid pro quo"

Sen. Pat Toomey called the conversation “inappropriate,” the Pennsylvania Republican said “it does not rise to the level of an impeachable offense.”
It “reveals no quid pro quo,” he added.

“I didn’t find it concerning,” said Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). “There was no quid pro quo, you’d have to have that if there was going to be anything wrong.”

Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), one of Trump’s top confidants on Capitol Hill, had tweeted four separate times about the absence of a “quid pro quo" by lunchtime.

Well now we know that there was a"Quid Pro Quo" offered, and expected by the President.
The incredibly damning Ukraine texts from State Department officials, explained
Volker writes, “Heard from White House — assuming President Z convinces trump he will investigate / “get to the bottom of what happened” in 20-16, we will nail down date for visit to Washington.”

Later in a response from the Ukrainian rep:
“Once we have a date,” Yermak says, he’ll call for a press briefing in which he’ll announce “among other things Burisma and election meddling in investigations.”

Sondland asks Volker, “Do we still want Ze to give us an unequivocal draft with 2016 and Boresma?” Volker answers: “That’s the clear message so far...”

Remember Boresma is the company that Trump is trying to tie Biden to- in Trump's phone call Trump never mentions Boresma but instead asks him to investigate Biden.

The quid pro quo is very explicit here- the new Ukrainian President very much wants a White House meeting with President Trump. He is offered that meeting if he investigates Boresma- or as Trump made clear on his call- Biden.

The quid pro quo is there- even without the pretty obvious quid pro quo of the arms money:

Bill Taylor, the top US diplomat at the US embassy in Ukraine:“Are we now saying that security assistance and WH meeting are conditioned on investigations?”........“As I said on the phone, I think it’s crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign.”

Now the Republican line is: 'nuttin illegal about 'quid pro quo' to get a foreign government to dig up dirt on a political opponent- well if Trump is doing it.

I am sure we will see all of the Republicans who proclaimed that the President did nothing wrong because there was no 'quid pro quo' offered, will be finding other reasons why it is okay for the President to offer a quid pro quo to a foreign government to dig up dirt on his political rival.

They are having a hard time with this because now the guy who admitted there was quidproquo is now saying that's not what he meant. The lying media is evil they say for using what he said against him. He says that's not what he said, even though that's exactly what he said. Amazing how they can say something on camera and the next day deny they said what they said.

How dare they quote him and make a big deal out of him admitting guilt. We are living in crazy times where Trump is proving that the Republican party will allow a criminal to run their party.

Lindsay Graham Suggests Ukraine Quid Pro Quo Might Convince Him To Back Impeachment
The Republican senator also called Trump an “equal opportunity abuser of people” and a “handful” in an interview with Axios.

Graham’s interview on Tuesday preceded acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney’s declaration Thursday that Trump’s Ukraine dealing concerning Biden was a quid pro quo.

Mick's problem is that there is nothing wrong with a quid pro quo so long as both what we offer and what we demand are official US policy. The problem is that nothing Mick has said that we demanded was official US policy: either reinvesting Hunter and trying to tie in Joe too, or Crowdstrike - the US intelligence committee...
We have active investigations in progress OF the Intelligence Community. The Intelligence Community reports to Donald Trump, not the other way around.

Russian Intelligence?
We have active investigations in progress OF the Intelligence Community. The Intelligence Community reports to Donald Trump, not the other way around.

Politically motivated investigations trying to prove Russian propaganda...

No. Actually they are investigating to determine how Russian Disinformation resulted in illegal spying on the Trump campaign and then when he unexpectedly won, a concerted sustained effort to try to drive him from office, the domestic Intelligence Community in coordination with foreign intelligence.

The Fake News Media, Democrats and the Intelligence Community seem very much against getting to the bottom of this. Any curiosity as to why?
Not if he’s breaking the law. Hence the whistleblowers
The whistle blowers resemble enemy spies.
Funny you don’t care about the illegal shit trumps doing that’s making people blow whistles.

They aren’t crying wolf. Trump did what they say he did and that’s why he’s getting impeached
Trump is the best president ever. He's never done anything to deserve impeachment.
You Dems are so desperate you're hoping to find some 2 dollar mistake on his taxes to lynch him on.
Not if he’s breaking the law. Hence the whistleblowers
The whistle blowers resemble enemy spies.
Funny you don’t care about the illegal shit trumps doing that’s making people blow whistles.

They aren’t crying wolf. Trump did what they say he did and that’s why he’s getting impeached
Trump is the best president ever. He's never done anything to deserve impeachment.
You Dems are so desperate you're hoping to find some 2 dollar mistake on his taxes to lynch him on.

He is unfit to be president. Republicans should start asking him to resign. It would be best for the country.
Not if he’s breaking the law. Hence the whistleblowers
The whistle blowers resemble enemy spies.
Funny you don’t care about the illegal shit trumps doing that’s making people blow whistles.

They aren’t crying wolf. Trump did what they say he did and that’s why he’s getting impeached
Trump is the best president ever. He's never done anything to deserve impeachment.
You Dems are so desperate you're hoping to find some 2 dollar mistake on his taxes to lynch him on.

If he's so great why this?

Energy Secretary Rick Perry is resigning — here are all the casualties of the Trump administration so far

Not if he’s breaking the law. Hence the whistleblowers
The whistle blowers resemble enemy spies.
Funny you don’t care about the illegal shit trumps doing that’s making people blow whistles.

They aren’t crying wolf. Trump did what they say he did and that’s why he’s getting impeached
Trump is the best president ever. He's never done anything to deserve impeachment.
You Dems are so desperate you're hoping to find some 2 dollar mistake on his taxes to lynch him on.
Impeachment is a dangerous bitterly partisan fraud.

A Trump Impeachment Imperils the Constitution.

The impeachment effort is itself an attempt to subvert our Constitutional scheme.​

By proceeding in secret, Mrs. Pelosi and her designated impeachment hatchet man, Adam Schiff, are violating our Constitutional norms of due process. These violations include the fact that the president has been deprived of the right to confront witnesses, the failure to follow the Nixon and Clinton precedents of initiating impeachment proceedings by a vote of the entire membership of the House, and the failure to accord Republicans the right to summon witnesses to the closed-door hearings.​

The framers understood that impeachment would be politically divisive, and by limiting impeachable offenses to “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors,” they sought to ensure that impeachment would not be simply a tool of a partisan majority, and that it would not be used to frustrate the will of the people. Representative Biggs quite properly believes that what is now occurring is just what the framers feared.​

What’s funny is, people say that we should impeach Trump because he’s a threat to norms and the Constitution.

You guys are so worthless and unimaginative you're even using Trump's own term....fake news . Really pathetic.


Dumbfuck, "fake news" is not Trump's own term. He coopted it.

How to Stay Credible in the World of Fake News | Granicus

I won't be surprised if you lemmings give your orange idol credit for creating the Earth.
Not if he’s breaking the law. Hence the whistleblowers
The whistle blowers resemble enemy spies.
Funny you don’t care about the illegal shit trumps doing that’s making people blow whistles.

They aren’t crying wolf. Trump did what they say he did and that’s why he’s getting impeached
Trump is the best president ever. He's never done anything to deserve impeachment.
You Dems are so desperate you're hoping to find some 2 dollar mistake on his taxes to lynch him on.
Impeachment is a dangerous bitterly partisan fraud.

A Trump Impeachment Imperils the Constitution.

The impeachment effort is itself an attempt to subvert our Constitutional scheme.​

By proceeding in secret, Mrs. Pelosi and her designated impeachment hatchet man, Adam Schiff, are violating our Constitutional norms of due process. These violations include the fact that the president has been deprived of the right to confront witnesses, the failure to follow the Nixon and Clinton precedents of initiating impeachment proceedings by a vote of the entire membership of the House, and the failure to accord Republicans the right to summon witnesses to the closed-door hearings.​

The framers understood that impeachment would be politically divisive, and by limiting impeachable offenses to “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors,” they sought to ensure that impeachment would not be simply a tool of a partisan majority, and that it would not be used to frustrate the will of the people. Representative Biggs quite properly believes that what is now occurring is just what the framers feared.​

What’s funny is, people say that we should impeach Trump because he’s a threat to norms and the Constitution.
No, we should impeach Trump because he broke the law.
Not if he’s breaking the law. Hence the whistleblowers
The whistle blowers resemble enemy spies.
Funny you don’t care about the illegal shit trumps doing that’s making people blow whistles.

They aren’t crying wolf. Trump did what they say he did and that’s why he’s getting impeached
Trump is the best president ever. He's never done anything to deserve impeachment.
You Dems are so desperate you're hoping to find some 2 dollar mistake on his taxes to lynch him on.
Impeachment is a dangerous bitterly partisan fraud.

A Trump Impeachment Imperils the Constitution.

The impeachment effort is itself an attempt to subvert our Constitutional scheme.​

By proceeding in secret, Mrs. Pelosi and her designated impeachment hatchet man, Adam Schiff, are violating our Constitutional norms of due process. These violations include the fact that the president has been deprived of the right to confront witnesses, the failure to follow the Nixon and Clinton precedents of initiating impeachment proceedings by a vote of the entire membership of the House, and the failure to accord Republicans the right to summon witnesses to the closed-door hearings.​

The framers understood that impeachment would be politically divisive, and by limiting impeachable offenses to “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors,” they sought to ensure that impeachment would not be simply a tool of a partisan majority, and that it would not be used to frustrate the will of the people. Representative Biggs quite properly believes that what is now occurring is just what the framers feared.​

What’s funny is, people say that we should impeach Trump because he’s a threat to norms and the Constitution.
Trump violates the constitutional norms on a daily basis.
Not if he’s breaking the law. Hence the whistleblowers
The whistle blowers resemble enemy spies.
Funny you don’t care about the illegal shit trumps doing that’s making people blow whistles.

They aren’t crying wolf. Trump did what they say he did and that’s why he’s getting impeached
Trump is the best president ever. He's never done anything to deserve impeachment.
You Dems are so desperate you're hoping to find some 2 dollar mistake on his taxes to lynch him on.
Impeachment is a dangerous bitterly partisan fraud.

A Trump Impeachment Imperils the Constitution.

The impeachment effort is itself an attempt to subvert our Constitutional scheme.​

By proceeding in secret, Mrs. Pelosi and her designated impeachment hatchet man, Adam Schiff, are violating our Constitutional norms of due process. These violations include the fact that the president has been deprived of the right to confront witnesses, the failure to follow the Nixon and Clinton precedents of initiating impeachment proceedings by a vote of the entire membership of the House, and the failure to accord Republicans the right to summon witnesses to the closed-door hearings.​

The framers understood that impeachment would be politically divisive, and by limiting impeachable offenses to “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors,” they sought to ensure that impeachment would not be simply a tool of a partisan majority, and that it would not be used to frustrate the will of the people. Representative Biggs quite properly believes that what is now occurring is just what the framers feared.​

What’s funny is, people say that we should impeach Trump because he’s a threat to norms and the Constitution.
No, we should impeach Trump because he broke the law.

And Trump doesn't need to confront a witness. He admitted to doing what the whistleblower said he did. Then Rudy admitted it and then his chief of staff admitted it.

After Ukraine quid pro quo admission, Mulvaney digs in on denial

You guys are so worthless and unimaginative you're even using Trump's own term....fake news . Really pathetic.


That's some mighty strong Kool-Aid you found...... congratulations. You might consider microdosing though because it's becoming a little too apparent

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