Quid Pro Quo

You guys are so worthless and unimaginative you're even using Trump's own term....fake news . Really pathetic.


That's some mighty strong Kool-Aid you found...... congratulations. You might consider microdosing though because it's becoming a little too apparent

I don't know lets see

Michigan voted in a Democratic governor in the midterms. The numbers say Trump is going to lose Michigan in 2020. Doesn't look good.

I just hope you are as shocked as I was the day after the election.

You guys are so worthless and unimaginative you're even using Trump's own term....fake news . Really pathetic.


That's some mighty strong Kool-Aid you found...... congratulations. You might consider microdosing though because it's becoming a little too apparent

The only question, here, is the definition of extortion. The law describes it as “the extraction of anything of value from another person by threatening or placing that person in fear of injury to any person or kidnapping of any person.” Was the Ukrainian president, or any other person, put in “fear of injury” by Trump’s move? As Trump’s envoys made clear in their since-disclosed text messages, Ukraine’s cooperation in the investigation of Joe and Hunter Biden was driven by the promise of a White House visit for President Volodymyr Zelensky and the threat of withholding military aid. That’s not just wrong, as Carlson and Patel rightly acknowledge, it’s also a felony, as the president and other Ukrainians no doubt had “fear of injury.”

Attorney General William Barr’s Department of Justice has declined to press charges against Trump, though the House of Representatives is pushing forward with its impeachment inquiry. In the meantime, Trump has said that he will refuse to cooperate with lawful subpoenas — itself a prima facie violation of 2 U.S. Code § 192, “Refusal of witness to testify or produce papers,” punishable by a year in prison.

Coercing his deputies into joining in the conspiracy would also runs afoul of the law. “As I said on the phone, I think it’s crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign,” Bill Taylor, the top American diplomat in Ukraine, reiterated in a text message to Trump official Gordon Sondland, strongly suggesting he was pursuing the strategy against his own wishes.
Not if he’s breaking the law. Hence the whistleblowers
The whistle blowers resemble enemy spies.

Except of course for the slight detail that in the United States we have laws specifically authorizing whistle blowers to report through legal channels- which is what happened here- and laws against enemy spying.

Unfortunately Trump and his loyal Trumpettes always imagine that reporting possible Trump crimes is both spying and treason.
We have active investigations in progress OF the Intelligence Community. The Intelligence Community reports to Donald Trump, not the other way around.

Politically motivated investigations trying to prove Russian propaganda...

No. Actually they are investigating to determine how Russian Disinformation resulted in illegal spying on the Trump campaign

What illegal spying on the Trump campaign?
Not if he’s breaking the law. Hence the whistleblowers
The whistle blowers resemble enemy spies.
Funny you don’t care about the illegal shit trumps doing that’s making people blow whistles.

They aren’t crying wolf. Trump did what they say he did and that’s why he’s getting impeached
Trump is the best president ever. He's never done anything to deserve impeachment.
You Dems are so desperate you're hoping to find some 2 dollar mistake on his taxes to lynch him on.

LOL.......oh god that makes me laugh.

You Trumpettes think that Trump is better than Washington, better than Lincoln, better than FDR, better than Reagan.

Well of course you do- because as your Messiah told you himself "In my great and unmatched wisdom".......lol
Not if he’s breaking the law. Hence the whistleblowers
The whistle blowers resemble enemy spies.
Funny you don’t care about the illegal shit trumps doing that’s making people blow whistles.

They aren’t crying wolf. Trump did what they say he did and that’s why he’s getting impeached
Trump is the best president ever. He's never done anything to deserve impeachment.
You Dems are so desperate you're hoping to find some 2 dollar mistake on his taxes to lynch him on.
Impeachment is a dangerous bitterly partisan fraud.

A Trump Impeachment Imperils the Constitution.

The impeachment effort is itself an attempt to subvert our Constitutional scheme.​

By proceeding in secret, Mrs. Pelosi and her designated impeachment hatchet man, Adam Schiff, are violating our Constitutional norms of due process. These violations include the fact that the president has been deprived of the right to confront witnesses, the failure to follow the Nixon and Clinton precedents of initiating impeachment proceedings by a vote of the entire membership of the House, and the failure to accord Republicans the right to summon witnesses to the closed-door hearings.​

The framers understood that impeachment would be politically divisive, and by limiting impeachable offenses to “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors,” they sought to ensure that impeachment would not be simply a tool of a partisan majority, and that it would not be used to frustrate the will of the people. Representative Biggs quite properly believes that what is now occurring is just what the framers feared.​

What’s funny is, people say that we should impeach Trump because he’s a threat to norms and the Constitution.

And of course that again is just pure BS.

The President has no 'right to confront witnesses' in an impeachment investigation according to the Constitution.
The House doesn't have to follow how previous Houses handled impeachments.

Remember your Messiah is the one who has called it treason to even pursue impeachment against him- your Messiah is the one who is endangering the Constitution.
Not if he’s breaking the law. Hence the whistleblowers
The whistle blowers resemble enemy spies.
Funny you don’t care about the illegal shit trumps doing that’s making people blow whistles.

They aren’t crying wolf. Trump did what they say he did and that’s why he’s getting impeached
Trump is the best president ever. He's never done anything to deserve impeachment.
You Dems are so desperate you're hoping to find some 2 dollar mistake on his taxes to lynch him on.
Impeachment is a dangerous bitterly partisan fraud.

A Trump Impeachment Imperils the Constitution.

The impeachment effort is itself an attempt to subvert our Constitutional scheme.​

By proceeding in secret, Mrs. Pelosi and her designated impeachment hatchet man, Adam Schiff, are violating our Constitutional norms of due process. These violations include the fact that the president has been deprived of the right to confront witnesses, the failure to follow the Nixon and Clinton precedents of initiating impeachment proceedings by a vote of the entire membership of the House, and the failure to accord Republicans the right to summon witnesses to the closed-door hearings.​

The framers understood that impeachment would be politically divisive, and by limiting impeachable offenses to “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors,” they sought to ensure that impeachment would not be simply a tool of a partisan majority, and that it would not be used to frustrate the will of the people. Representative Biggs quite properly believes that what is now occurring is just what the framers feared.​

What’s funny is, people say that we should impeach Trump because he’s a threat to norms and the Constitution.

And of course that again is just pure BS.

The President has no 'right to confront witnesses' in an impeachment investigation according to the Constitution.
The House doesn't have to follow how previous Houses handled impeachments.

Remember your Messiah is the one who has called it treason to even pursue impeachment against him- your Messiah is the one who is endangering the Constitution.
You guys just makes shit up as you go, like your creepy mentor lying Schiff
So what is the quid pro quo we do know about now?
a) According to the President's own released 'transcripts' we know that he specifically asked Ukraine to investigate the mythical DNC server and Joe Biden.
b) According to the text messages from Trump's diplomats we know that aid was being held up pending Ukraine's agreement to make a public announcement regarding starting an investigation into the DNC server
c) Also we know that a very desired meeting at the White House with the new Ukrainian President and Trump was being held up pending that public announcement of an investigation.
d) We also know that at least one U.S. diplomat expressed concern that aid was being held up because of a demand for a political favor.
e) And finally we have Trump's own Chief of Staff admitting that there was a quid pro quo when it came to aid and the DNC server investigation. And that it happens all the time.

But the Trumpettes are cool with a quid pro quo by a sitting U.S. President- just so long as that President is Trump.
The whistle blowers resemble enemy spies.
Funny you don’t care about the illegal shit trumps doing that’s making people blow whistles.

They aren’t crying wolf. Trump did what they say he did and that’s why he’s getting impeached
Trump is the best president ever. He's never done anything to deserve impeachment.
You Dems are so desperate you're hoping to find some 2 dollar mistake on his taxes to lynch him on.
Impeachment is a dangerous bitterly partisan fraud.

A Trump Impeachment Imperils the Constitution.

The impeachment effort is itself an attempt to subvert our Constitutional scheme.​

By proceeding in secret, Mrs. Pelosi and her designated impeachment hatchet man, Adam Schiff, are violating our Constitutional norms of due process. These violations include the fact that the president has been deprived of the right to confront witnesses, the failure to follow the Nixon and Clinton precedents of initiating impeachment proceedings by a vote of the entire membership of the House, and the failure to accord Republicans the right to summon witnesses to the closed-door hearings.​

The framers understood that impeachment would be politically divisive, and by limiting impeachable offenses to “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors,” they sought to ensure that impeachment would not be simply a tool of a partisan majority, and that it would not be used to frustrate the will of the people. Representative Biggs quite properly believes that what is now occurring is just what the framers feared.​

What’s funny is, people say that we should impeach Trump because he’s a threat to norms and the Constitution.

And of course that again is just pure BS.

The President has no 'right to confront witnesses' in an impeachment investigation according to the Constitution.
The House doesn't have to follow how previous Houses handled impeachments.

Remember your Messiah is the one who has called it treason to even pursue impeachment against him- your Messiah is the one who is endangering the Constitution.
You guys just makes shit up as you go, like your creepy mentor lying Schiff

LOL- you are confusing me with your orange skinned Messiah who makes up lies everyday.

I want Schiff questioned at the highest level for Fraud & Treason....
Arrest for Treason?
We have active investigations in progress OF the Intelligence Community. The Intelligence Community reports to Donald Trump, not the other way around.

Politically motivated investigations trying to prove Russian propaganda...

No. Actually they are investigating to determine how Russian Disinformation resulted in illegal spying on the Trump campaign

What illegal spying on the Trump campaign?
All of it. When you lie to FISC to get a FISA warrant, the spying that results is illegal.
We have active investigations in progress OF the Intelligence Community. The Intelligence Community reports to Donald Trump, not the other way around.

Politically motivated investigations trying to prove Russian propaganda...

No. Actually they are investigating to determine how Russian Disinformation resulted in illegal spying on the Trump campaign

What illegal spying on the Trump campaign?
All of it. When you lie to FISC to get a FISA warrant, the spying that results is illegal.

What lies to get the FISA warrant?
We have active investigations in progress OF the Intelligence Community. The Intelligence Community reports to Donald Trump, not the other way around.

Politically motivated investigations trying to prove Russian propaganda...

No. Actually they are investigating to determine how Russian Disinformation resulted in illegal spying on the Trump campaign

What illegal spying on the Trump campaign?
All of it. When you lie to FISC to get a FISA warrant, the spying that results is illegal.

What lies to get the FISA warrant?
Who ? Where ? What ?
Thank you very much Vinnie Barbarino.

That's priceless ...like Mueller not knowing who Fusion GPS was . lmfao
Not if he’s breaking the law. Hence the whistleblowers
The whistle blowers resemble enemy spies.
Funny you don’t care about the illegal shit trumps doing that’s making people blow whistles.

They aren’t crying wolf. Trump did what they say he did and that’s why he’s getting impeached
Trump is the best president ever. He's never done anything to deserve impeachment.
You Dems are so desperate you're hoping to find some 2 dollar mistake on his taxes to lynch him on.
Impeachment is a dangerous bitterly partisan fraud.

A Trump Impeachment Imperils the Constitution.

The impeachment effort is itself an attempt to subvert our Constitutional scheme.​

By proceeding in secret, Mrs. Pelosi and her designated impeachment hatchet man, Adam Schiff, are violating our Constitutional norms of due process. These violations include the fact that the president has been deprived of the right to confront witnesses, the failure to follow the Nixon and Clinton precedents of initiating impeachment proceedings by a vote of the entire membership of the House, and the failure to accord Republicans the right to summon witnesses to the closed-door hearings.​

The framers understood that impeachment would be politically divisive, and by limiting impeachable offenses to “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors,” they sought to ensure that impeachment would not be simply a tool of a partisan majority, and that it would not be used to frustrate the will of the people. Representative Biggs quite properly believes that what is now occurring is just what the framers feared.​

What’s funny is, people say that we should impeach Trump because he’s a threat to norms and the Constitution.

And of course that again is just pure BS.

The President has no 'right to confront witnesses' in an impeachment investigation according to the Constitution.
The House doesn't have to follow how previous Houses handled impeachments.

Remember your Messiah is the one who has called it treason to even pursue impeachment against him- your Messiah is the one who is endangering the Constitution.
These are deep norms of the rights of the accused. It's very interesting how tyrannically minded the crazed anti-trumpers are.

This right to confront witnesses has such a long history that SCOTUS has cited the Acts of the Apostles 25:16 >Coy v. Iowa, 487 U.S. 1012, 1015-16 (1988)< in noting this fundamental right's long and illustrious history. These are some of the rights that stand in the way of lynch mobs. The Roman governor, Porcius Festus discussing the proper treatment of his prisoner Paul: "It is not the manner of the Romans to deliver any man up to die before the accused has met his accusers face-to-face, and has been given a chance to defend himself against the charges." It is also cited in Shakespeare Richard II, Blackstone treatises and statutes. These are ancient natural rights. We retain ALL of our rights except those forbidden by the Constitution. It's amazing what the Left would casually destroy if they could because they cannot accept that they lost the 2016 election.

But, by all means, impeach Trump and then claim that he cannot call witnesses in his defense, or cross examine witnesses that accuse him, face to face. We demand you do this now so we can ram this all right down your throats before a national audience during the Senate Trial.
Not if he’s breaking the law. Hence the whistleblowers
The whistle blowers resemble enemy spies.

Except of course for the slight detail that in the United States we have laws specifically authorizing whistle blowers to report through legal channels- which is what happened here- and laws against enemy spying.

Unfortunately Trump and his loyal Trumpettes always imagine that reporting possible Trump crimes is both spying and treason.
Because Trump says it is. So does Rudy. What happened to Rudy? He used to be a stand up guy or so it seemed. I knew he was corrupt a long time ago. Back when Clinton was president or during the Obama years, I can't remember which, Rudy was in foreign countries selling his services. I forget the details but it was sleezy. How to rig or cheat to win elections or something like that. Anyways, he soooo tried to use 9-11 to become president and it didn't work and so he said fuck it and now is just a evil conservative prick I guess who thinks he's right. I guess if I had as much money as him I'd think I was right too.
We have active investigations in progress OF the Intelligence Community. The Intelligence Community reports to Donald Trump, not the other way around.

Politically motivated investigations trying to prove Russian propaganda...

No. Actually they are investigating to determine how Russian Disinformation resulted in illegal spying on the Trump campaign

What illegal spying on the Trump campaign?
All of it. When you lie to FISC to get a FISA warrant, the spying that results is illegal.

What lies to get the FISA warrant?
All 4 applications:

Claimed that the information showing that Carter Page was a Russian Spy was verified, when it was unverified.

Claimed that Steele was honest and trustworthy even though they had fired him for lying.

Claimed press accounts were "corroboration" even though they found out before the subsequent renewals that Steele was the same source for both.

They claimed, under oath that ALL pertinent information had been disclosed to the court, yet they concealed from the Court that the Clinton campaign paid for the Dossier.

They didn't tell the Court the truth because if they had, the warrants would have been denied. Lies aren't suddenly laundered into truth simply because you tricked a FISC judge into approving your spying application.
The whistle blowers resemble enemy spies.
Funny you don’t care about the illegal shit trumps doing that’s making people blow whistles.

They aren’t crying wolf. Trump did what they say he did and that’s why he’s getting impeached
Trump is the best president ever. He's never done anything to deserve impeachment.
You Dems are so desperate you're hoping to find some 2 dollar mistake on his taxes to lynch him on.
Impeachment is a dangerous bitterly partisan fraud.

A Trump Impeachment Imperils the Constitution.

The impeachment effort is itself an attempt to subvert our Constitutional scheme.​

By proceeding in secret, Mrs. Pelosi and her designated impeachment hatchet man, Adam Schiff, are violating our Constitutional norms of due process. These violations include the fact that the president has been deprived of the right to confront witnesses, the failure to follow the Nixon and Clinton precedents of initiating impeachment proceedings by a vote of the entire membership of the House, and the failure to accord Republicans the right to summon witnesses to the closed-door hearings.​

The framers understood that impeachment would be politically divisive, and by limiting impeachable offenses to “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors,” they sought to ensure that impeachment would not be simply a tool of a partisan majority, and that it would not be used to frustrate the will of the people. Representative Biggs quite properly believes that what is now occurring is just what the framers feared.​

What’s funny is, people say that we should impeach Trump because he’s a threat to norms and the Constitution.

And of course that again is just pure BS.

The President has no 'right to confront witnesses' in an impeachment investigation according to the Constitution.
The House doesn't have to follow how previous Houses handled impeachments.

Remember your Messiah is the one who has called it treason to even pursue impeachment against him- your Messiah is the one who is endangering the Constitution.
These are deep norms of the rights of the accused. It's very interesting how tyrannically minded the crazed anti-trumpers are.

This right to confront witnesses has such a long history that SCOTUS has cited the Acts of the Apostles 25:16 >Coy v. Iowa, 487 U.S. 1012, 1015-16 (1988)< in noting this fundamental right's long and illustrious history. These are some of the rights that stand in the way of lynch mobs. The Roman governor, Porcius Festus discussing the proper treatment of his prisoner Paul: "It is not the manner of the Romans to deliver any man up to die before the accused has met his accusers face-to-face, and has been given a chance to defend himself against the charges." It is also cited in Shakespeare Richard II, Blackstone treatises and statutes. These are ancient natural rights. We retain ALL of our rights except those forbidden by the Constitution. It's amazing what the Left would casually destroy if they could because they cannot accept that they lost the 2016 election.

But, by all means, impeach Trump and then claim that he cannot call witnesses in his defense, or cross examine witnesses that accuse him, face to face. We demand you do this now so we can ram this all right down your throats before a national audience during the Senate Trial.

Not to really get into this with you, but impeachment in the House and Senate does not involve rules of criminal procedure, and if a potus is found guilty by the senate (which ain't happening here LOL), the only punishment is to get out of office. Apples and oranges as it were. See impeachment of Clinton.

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