Quinnipiac (released Jan. 25): Trump approval at 36%

Donald Trump's approval remains extremely low as a majority of people say he's dishonest.
QU Poll Release Detail
And this is all before his indictment.

So, about equal with obummer at this time, and above merkel and macron. Good to know.

people that actually work and have jobs are getting a bigger paycheck today

and we are likely to see some indictments before this year's elections; but Donald Trump won't be the recipient of one - it will be folks that illegally and unethically monitored him, his campaign & his transition

feeling pretty good right now
Donald Trump's approval remains extremely low as a majority of people say he's dishonest.
QU Poll Release Detail
And this is all before his indictment.

So, about equal with obummer at this time, and above merkel and macron. Good to know.
About equal to REAGAN'S. You know when the GOP held for a piddly 12 years!!
I love it that you just pull shit straight from your ass and hope it flies.
It doesn't.
How long did the GOP hold that office shit head?
What was the last party to hold that office three terms retard?

Reagan was in the middle of a severe recession in Jan. of 1982. Trump is at 36% with a good economy.
Donald Trump's approval remains extremely low as a majority of people say he's dishonest.
QU Poll Release Detail
And this is all before his indictment.

So, about equal with obummer at this time, and above merkel and macron. Good to know.
About equal to REAGAN'S. You know when the GOP held for a piddly 12 years!!
I love it that you just pull shit straight from your ass and hope it flies.
It doesn't.
How long did the GOP hold that office shit head?
What was the last party to hold that office three terms retard?

Reagan held the seat for 3 terms for the GOP. In 1988, Bush won Reagan's 3rd term. Reagan did not embarrass this country nor did he govern to benefit only people who voted for him. He actually got real tax reform not this mis-begotten jackal the Republicans passed. Trump cannot come up to Reagan's shoelaces nor can the so-called conservatives of today who appeal to white supremacists..
You guys are getting so snowballed. You don’t have a clue what is going on.
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 44% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Fifty-five percent (55%) disapprove.

Rasmussen is a pro-Trump poll. If they show 44% then Quinnipiac is probably pretty close to the real numbers.
Is this more satisfactory. The trump star is waxing no matter how hard the left and the media hate him

Results Spread
President Trump Job Approval FOX News Approve 45, Disapprove 53 Disapprove +8
President Trump Job Approval Harvard-Harris Approve 44, Disapprove 56 Disapprove +12
President Trump Job Approval Reuters/Ipsos Approve 37, Disapprove 59 Disapprove +22
President Trump Job Approval Economist/YouGov Approve 43, Disapprove 54 Disapprove +11
Congressional Job Approval Economist/YouGov Approve 9, Disap

Quinnipiac is apparently an outlier.
Donald Trump's approval remains extremely low as a majority of people say he's dishonest.
QU Poll Release Detail
And this is all before his indictment.

Tiny Teddy Bare-) Now we are back to poll wars.

I am in the business, and I am telling you that how something is worded will get you to answer exactly the way I want, lolol.

You put forth anything you want, really. Know what it means? NOTHING! To know if a poll means something, you need to know what questions were asked, how they were worded, and who answered them.

This is why candidates get far different polls than you people do, lol. They actually get answers to questions that YOU PEOPLE THINK the polls you so proudly put up, were asked, and answered.

There are 2 kind of polls all-------->

1. To bolster the position that the person takes, and...........

2. To inform the person if his position is a winning position.

And it is all in the wording, it really is.

Doubt me?

Well then, ask yourselves this question--------->why were polls so much more accurate even 20 years ago? We now have all of this technology, more communications, easier to reach people, so they should be MORE accurate, correct?

Yes they should! But that was before a subset of pollsters ingratiated themselves to candidates, to get polls to say what the candidate/entity wanted by wording the questions!

Here, let me give you a perfect example-------->

1. Has Obama improved the economy, yes or no? 70% would have said yes, and Leftists would have/did have this everywhere.

2. Is the Obama economy good/great? 70% would have said hell no, it sucks! We need better.

So depending upon how it is worded, you have BOTH sides claiming victory, lolol. Probably the same people taking the survey making a FORTUNE, both sides happy with what is reported, and YOU the American people scratching your heads wondering, WTF is going on.

America is being played by BOTH sides. Polls mean little or NOTHING, unless you know exactly what was asked!

It is really disgusting that politicians have made it so you can't trust anything. Polls have become almost irrelevant, and that is sad. Poll taking has now entered the realm of spinning through how a question is asked. Believe it or not, they have tanks in these places with highly paid associates, who actually discuss how to word/ask a question, to get the desired result that they are getting paid to acquire.

Now then, my peeps poll has Trump at 57%, discounting all deep blue/red states.

What does that mean?

It means that you will keep your stuff, Republicans will keep their stuff, and the rest are leaning right.

For someone looking at the big picture, that is acceptable, wouldn't you say-)
Last edited:
You guys are getting so snowballed. You don’t have a clue what is going on.
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 44% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Fifty-five percent (55%) disapprove.

Rasmussen is a pro-Trump poll. If they show 44% then Quinnipiac is probably pretty close to the real numbers.

Rasmussen has a weird way of polling
Donald Trump's approval remains extremely low as a majority of people say he's dishonest.
QU Poll Release Detail
And this is all before his indictment.

Tiny Teddy Bare-) Now we are back to poll wars.

I am in the business, and I am telling you that how something is worded will get you to answer exactly the way I want, lolol.

You put forth anything you want, really. Know what it means? NOTHING! To know if a poll means something, you need to know what questions were asked, how they were worded, and who answered them.

This is why candidates get far different polls than you people do, lol. They actually get answers to questions that YOU PEOPLE THINK the polls you so proudly put up, were asked, and answered.

There are 2 kind of polls all-------->

1. To bolster the position that the person takes, and...........

2. To inform the person if his position is a winning position.

And it is all in the wording, it really is.

Doubt me?

Well then, ask yourselves this question--------->why were polls so much more accurate even 20 years ago? We now have all of this technology, more communications, easier to reach people, so they should be MORE accurate, correct?

Yes they should! But that was before a subset of pollsters ingratiated themselves to candidates, to get polls to say what the candidate/entity wanted by wording the questions!

Here, let me give you a perfect example-------->

1. Has Obama improved the economy, yes or no? 70% would have said yes, and Leftists would have/did have this everywhere.

2. Is the Obama economy good/great? 70% would have said hell no, it sucks! We need better.

So depending upon how it is worded, you have BOTH sides claiming victory, lolol. Probably the same people taking the survey making a FORTUNE, both sides happy with what is reported, and YOU the American people scratching your heads wondering, WTF is going on.

America is being played by BOTH sides. Polls mean little or NOTHING, unless you know exactly what was asked!

It is really disgusting that politicians have made it so you can't trust anything. Polls have become almost irrelevant, and that is sad. Poll taking has now entered the realm of spinning through how a question is asked. Believe it or not, they have tanks in these places with highly paid associates, who actually discuss how to word/ask a question, to get the desired result that they are getting paid to acquire.

Now then, my peeps poll has Trump at 57%, discounting all deep blue/red states.

What does that mean?

It means that you will keep your stuff, Republicans will keep their stuff, and the rest are leaning right.

For someone looking at the big picture, that is acceptable, wouldn't you say-)

Okay, so if you're a polling expert,

tell us precisely how these pollsters are wording the approval polls to get answers negative towards Trump.
You guys are getting so snowballed. You don’t have a clue what is going on.
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 44% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Fifty-five percent (55%) disapprove.

Rasmussen is a pro-Trump poll. If they show 44% then Quinnipiac is probably pretty close to the real numbers.

Rasmussen has a weird way of polling
Donald Trump's approval remains extremely low as a majority of people say he's dishonest.
QU Poll Release Detail
And this is all before his indictment.

Tiny Teddy Bare-) Now we are back to poll wars.

I am in the business, and I am telling you that how something is worded will get you to answer exactly the way I want, lolol.

You put forth anything you want, really. Know what it means? NOTHING! To know if a poll means something, you need to know what questions were asked, how they were worded, and who answered them.

This is why candidates get far different polls than you people do, lol. They actually get answers to questions that YOU PEOPLE THINK the polls you so proudly put up, were asked, and answered.

There are 2 kind of polls all-------->

1. To bolster the position that the person takes, and...........

2. To inform the person if his position is a winning position.

And it is all in the wording, it really is.

Doubt me?

Well then, ask yourselves this question--------->why were polls so much more accurate even 20 years ago? We now have all of this technology, more communications, easier to reach people, so they should be MORE accurate, correct?

Yes they should! But that was before a subset of pollsters ingratiated themselves to candidates, to get polls to say what the candidate/entity wanted by wording the questions!

Here, let me give you a perfect example-------->

1. Has Obama improved the economy, yes or no? 70% would have said yes, and Leftists would have/did have this everywhere.

2. Is the Obama economy good/great? 70% would have said hell no, it sucks! We need better.

So depending upon how it is worded, you have BOTH sides claiming victory, lolol. Probably the same people taking the survey making a FORTUNE, both sides happy with what is reported, and YOU the American people scratching your heads wondering, WTF is going on.

America is being played by BOTH sides. Polls mean little or NOTHING, unless you know exactly what was asked!

It is really disgusting that politicians have made it so you can't trust anything. Polls have become almost irrelevant, and that is sad. Poll taking has now entered the realm of spinning through how a question is asked. Believe it or not, they have tanks in these places with highly paid associates, who actually discuss how to word/ask a question, to get the desired result that they are getting paid to acquire.

Now then, my peeps poll has Trump at 57%, discounting all deep blue/red states.

What does that mean?

It means that you will keep your stuff, Republicans will keep their stuff, and the rest are leaning right.

For someone looking at the big picture, that is acceptable, wouldn't you say-)

Okay, so if you're a polling expert,

tell us precisely how these pollsters are wording the approval polls to get answers negative towards Trump.

They aren't for the most part, and I am being honest. The Left has made a concerted effort to take his political capital from him, and have so far, succeeded. Most people on the right, or that lean right, are queasy over the subject, because of all the negative press.

People do not follow politics as we do, they are to busy with their daily lives. All they hear is what is reported.

That is the bad news for the right, and it is bad.

But here is the good news for them------------> As far as the economy and their confidence in it, very, very, high. Yes, those numbers are already built in to the numbers, but should the cloud disappear, then Trump will become very popular almost instantly. Should the cloud disappear, and it is proven that the Democrats purposely tried to mislead people for their own gain, the Democrats are DOA.

So place your bets folks! I am. I personally believe from other sources besides the MSM or Fox, that we got them, dead to rights! Do NOT for an instant think that the congress will be stopped from releasing them. The only question is---------->can the Democrats scare Trump enough to not sign off on it.

I know it is far fetched, and even I doubt its validity, but I was told that--------->should the problem arise that Trump COULD get himself in trouble by releasing the evidence/memo because of an obstruction deal, that his toenail, or fingernail might need work, so anesthetic might be needed, which means Pence would be put in for a few hours while he was under, and HE would sign it!
Donald Trump's approval remains extremely low as a majority of people say he's dishonest.
QU Poll Release Detail
And this is all before his indictment.

Wow! He's a rock star! Last I heard, Congress approval rating was something like 9%. Funny Ted, I haven't met even ONE PERSON who thinks he's DISHONEST. Before his indictment? Wake me up when that happens.

9 fucking %, yet a 98% reelection rate. We het the government we deserve.
And in states with no voter ID laws they vote again and again and again! Illegals? Come on in and vote and vote "leftard"!!!!!

How many counties had more votes cast than they had registered voters???
Indeed. I believe in the last election they only caught two people actually voting twice...and they were both conservatives. But you keep on believing the tripe the Russian bots are feeding you, boy. It's cute.

Yeah, it was the ROOOSKIES!!!!! BTW, when did Russia suddenly become an enemy of the leftard clown posse? Was it before the Uranium One sale or after????

BTW, Seth Rich was the source for the leaked e-mails to Wikileaks.....all this other shit is just that.

Crazy Dale gonna be crazy.

C'mon, LL.....do you REALLY believe that the Rooskies caused the Hildebeast to lose the election?
C'mon do you believe Putin (and all of the Trump people who have already been indicted for crimes pertaining to Putin's attack) or do you believe Federal Law Enforcement?

A foreign Government dropping propaganda on America, by plane or by internet, is considered an attack upon America. If Trump flew the plane for Putin or coordinated on internet "drops" that is illegal under US Law. Stop being so scared that Law Enforcement is doing their job. You were as pleased as punch when Congress had six hearings over the course of years to prove that Hillary was not one of the terrorists who attacked the embassy in Benghazi. Are you really such a bald faced hypocrite that you want to stop an investigation by American law Enforcement? Let it happen. It's called "American Ideals." Who knows maybe Trump will be found innocent of collusion with Putin. BUT it is a fact that Putin used propaganda to influence the gullible to vote against Hillary.

It's funny that those who screamed "The election is fixed" at Trump rallies for over a year now say. "The elections were perfect it is now the FBI and Special Investigator who are fixed." Stop whining and name calling. Try to at least ACT like an American patriot.

Alll of the people? Two? And what is their alleged crime? They spoke to a Russian official? Guess it's a good thing that they didn't sign off on giving them the rights to 20 percent of all America's uranium. I guess EVERY politician that has spoken to someone from a foreign country is under suspicion, no?

"do you believe Federal Law Enforcement?" .....not only "NO" but "HELL NO". The number of crimes committed by deep operatives and their puppets are too numerous to mention. Did anyone go to jail over HSBC and BCCI laundering drug money for the CIA? Did any high ranking officials go to jail over Iran/Contra that was part of the funneling of cocaine into the United States? Oliver North aka "the mute Marine" skates for being a lower level deep state op doesn't get anything more than a slap on the wrist and the same bought and paid for media gives him a pass......so spare me your spew.

"A foreign Government dropping propaganda on America, by plane or by internet, is considered an attack upon America. If Trump flew the plane for Putin or coordinated on internet "drops" that is illegal under US Law"

#1 We don't have "laws" in this country....we have acts, statutes, codes, ordinances and "public policy because corporations can't pass laws. Don't EVEN attempt to tell me that the "ROOOSKIES" influenced the election because the Hildebeast was the one that one that was corrupted and easily prone to blackmail by the Russians.

#2 Do some research into the release of the Vault 7 findings...the CIA can "ape" hacking attempts by alleged foreign entities and then leave footprints to place the blame on others. That is how fucking corrupt the deep state operatives that work on behalf of the shadow government works.......

"You were as pleased as punch when Congress had six hearings over the course of years to prove that Hillary was not one of the terrorists who attacked the embassy in Benghazi"

What we know about Benghazi is blatantly obvious to anyone that has a few brain cells to rub together. Take out Qaddafi and the threat of a gold backed currency using a gold backed currency instead of the worthless fiat currency produced by the Federal Reserve central bank and then transfer the weapons alllllll the way to Syria to try and take out Assad.........the Hildebeast is a protected CIA asset and always was but the white hats prevented her from stealing her way into the WH. That bitch and her husband should be rotting in jail if we had a REAL justice system along with the Bush crime family.

The only collusion was that of the deep state and their bought and paid for media that attempted to carry that klunt over the finish line.......and that is a FACT.

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