Quit Calling it a "Health Care" Bill ...

They're our employees.

They're supposed to be working for us, asshole.
They may work for us but they are employers too, just ask the people that work on their staff. They provide health ins for themselves and their employees so they are exempt. Just like your employer if there is someone in this world dumb enough to hire you.
In sex changes? Share some real numbers please.
Now you're doing the democrat pick apart. A typical liberal attempt at an argument. Gender reassignment was an example. There are thousands of mandates in the ACA some good and some very bad. The bad ones will be cut out. that is a good thing and will save billions of dollars.
Remember Obama through the HSA secretary was loading up insurance company's with ridiculous mandates. He was trying to kill his own plan in order to receive screams for single payer coverage from the people.

The funny thing is if he didn't do that the ACA may have worked.
Now Governor moonbeam Brown wants single payer in CA. This will be a fine example for the nation to stay clear of it.
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Obama's style of governing was to make things so bad that people called for him to save the day. Whether it was guns "fast and furious" or healthcare "ACA" he was willing to break some eggs to get what he wanted. Even if it severely hurt Americans.
Trumpcare is not a "health care" bill.

It's a "massive tax cut for the rich at the expense of the poor and marginalized bill".

Refer to it in the future accordingly.

Same stupid shit over and over by the lying scum liberal vomiters. It was wrong every time before, and it is just as wrong now. Boo HOO your socialist state is starting to unravel, and the communist dictatorship you so wish for is getting farther out of your reach. There is only one cure for liberalisim, DEATH so why not take the easy way out before one of your pets helps you along.

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