Quite A Double Standard

How many thousands of dead Palestinians including children & other innocents will Hamas allow to be killed by not releasing all the hostages?
Israel is to act in accordance with international law. But not so Hamas.
Israel has fundamental legal obligations to abide by during its campaign against Hamas. Heavily charged statements by some Israeli officials need to be separated from sound legal policy. In brief, Israel must meet several standards:

  • It must not use starvation (including deprivation of food, water, and other essentials for survival) of Gaza’s civilian population as a weapon of war against Hamas or for any reason.
  • It must take every possible step to target only Hamas militants and their military infrastructure, and to minimize civilian casualties and the destruction of civilian infrastructure. The Israeli air and artillery campaign, as well as its ground warfare, must be guided by the immutable legal principles of humanity, distinction, proportionality, and military necessity.
  • It must allow for the return of displaced civilians after the conflict. While a temporary evacuation of civilians from a theater of combat can be legally requested, it would be unlawful to permanently displace the civilian population from their homes. The circumstances in Gaza today create enormous hardship for hundreds of thousands of Palestinian civilians, and Israel should take measures to ameliorate these difficult conditions. The visits of U.S. President Joe Biden and U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken to the Middle East this week focused in part on what Israel and other nations and organizations can do to address the humanitarian plight of Palestinians in Gaza.
How many thousands of dead Palestinians including children & other innocents will Hamas allow to be killed by not releasing all the hostages?
Though much debated among international lawyers and governments, there is a legal right [PDF] for states to use force to rescue hostages, as long as their actions meet four criteria:

  • many hostages are seized, particularly during an armed attack (as occurred on October 7),
  • the actions are necessary (there is a threat of violence against Hamas’s hostages, and non-forcible recovery options, such as a negotiated deal with the group, may prove futile),
  • there is an immediacy (a quickly negotiated release is not possible, and the fate of the hostages appears to worsen with each passing day), and
  • the use of force is proportional (using only the level of armed force that is necessary to rescue the hostages).
Israel has fundamental legal obligations to abide by during its campaign against Hamas. Heavily charged statements by some Israeli officials need to be separated from sound legal policy. In brief, Israel must meet several standards:

  • It must not use starvation (including deprivation of food, water, and other essentials for survival) of Gaza’s civilian population as a weapon of war against Hamas or for any reason.
  • It must take every possible step to target only Hamas militants and their military infrastructure, and to minimize civilian casualties and the destruction of civilian infrastructure. The Israeli air and artillery campaign, as well as its ground warfare, must be guided by the immutable legal principles of humanity, distinction, proportionality, and military necessity.
  • It must allow for the return of displaced civilians after the conflict. While a temporary evacuation of civilians from a theater of combat can be legally requested, it would be unlawful to permanently displace the civilian population from their homes. The circumstances in Gaza today create enormous hardship for hundreds of thousands of Palestinian civilians, and Israel should take measures to ameliorate these difficult conditions. The visits of U.S. President Joe Biden and U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken to the Middle East this week focused in part on what Israel and other nations and organizations can do to address the humanitarian plight of Palestinians in Gaza.

Hamas also had the same fundamental legal obligations.

They did not abide.

"Payback's a Bitch!"
I disagree ... Hamas is going to be destroyed ... their cause is now lost ... they lose ...

It is Hamas who are killing the Palestinians ... they'll all fighters for Allah, so there are no civilians in the Gaza Strip ... anyone moving south gets shot by Hamas, anyone moving north gets shot by Israel, stand still, someone will shoot you ...

"Two State Solution" means One War ... here it is .. time to choose sides ...
Two wrongs don't make a right.

You've made a great case ... good thing there's plenty of blame to go around ... I think Israel is trying the hardest to be fair, but that doesn't mean they're not being splattered with innocent blood ...

This may well be the most humanitarian action ... indiscriminate rocket attacks must stop ...
Israel waited a long time before its ground assault giving Hamas plenty of time to release all hostages & save the lives of thousands of Palestinians. But then little does Hamas care about thousands of Palestinian lives as long as they kill any Israelis.
How many thousands of dead Palestinians including children & other innocents will Hamas allow to be killed by not releasing all the hostages?
Israel has a legal and moral duty to try and avoid civilian casualties, even though Hamas is a terrorist orgainization that EXISTS to kill civilians. But if Hamas hides amongst the civilians, the IDF does not have a legal or moral duty to allow Hamas to live to kill more Israeli civilians.

There's no double standard. Hamas is a terrorist organization that has given up any right to live. The IDF will not intentionally kill pale civilians, but they aren't going to die while sorting out who is, and isn't, Hamas.
Your supporting the wrong because you are an antisemite makes you wrong, though.
You can take that antisemite claim and shove it up your worthless ass. You, and those like you. constantly hide behind the anti-semite skirt like a pretend bully hiding behind his Mommy.

Were the Hamas attacks a violation of international law? Yes,, clearly. I have said it dozens of times. But Israel's response has also been a clear violation of international law. Proportionality, collective punishment, bombing hospitals, NGO operations centers, and even Christain churches.

The problem with Americans is that they are self-absorbed and pay little attention to international matters. Israel has made a hard turn to the right and there has been extreme backlash from their own population. They actually passed a law claiming that only Jews had the right to self-determination. The leader of the Knesset came out and said it, Palestinians must accept subjugation or leave. Other members of the Knesset have came out and said their goal is the EXTERMINATION of the Palestinians. Hell, they even used the word, "extermination". Hitler said the same thing and the reality is Yahweh sees it and judgement day is coming, soon.

Israel is the golden calf all over again. That is about as clear as I can explain it. God didn't bring the Jews back to the Promised Land, they haven't lived up to their part of the bargain. Satan gave them their promised land, now they are servants of Satan. The treatment of the Palestinians is in direct conflict with the covenant. I mean we are well past the first Jubilee after the creation of Israel, when are they going to give the land back?

I mean this shit is really easy to understand. Would a protecting God allow the atrocities laid upon the Jewish people to happen if they were abiding by the covenant? I mean the Old Testament is filled with stories, God protects those that abide by his laws, and he subjects those that refuse to abide by them with punishment. Perhaps the best statement that can be made, the Jews made thier bed, now they can lie in it.
Israel has fundamental legal obligations to abide by during its campaign against Hamas. Heavily charged statements by some Israeli officials need to be separated from sound legal policy. In brief, Israel must meet several standards:

  • It must not use starvation (including deprivation of food, water, and other essentials for survival) of Gaza’s civilian population as a weapon of war against Hamas or for any reason.
  • It must take every possible step to target only Hamas militants and their military infrastructure, and to minimize civilian casualties and the destruction of civilian infrastructure. The Israeli air and artillery campaign, as well as its ground warfare, must be guided by the immutable legal principles of humanity, distinction, proportionality, and military necessity.
  • It must allow for the return of displaced civilians after the conflict. While a temporary evacuation of civilians from a theater of combat can be legally requested, it would be unlawful to permanently displace the civilian population from their homes. The circumstances in Gaza today create enormous hardship for hundreds of thousands of Palestinian civilians, and Israel should take measures to ameliorate these difficult conditions. The visits of U.S. President Joe Biden and U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken to the Middle East this week focused in part on what Israel and other nations and organizations can do to address the humanitarian plight of Palestinians in Gaza.
What standards are Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran being held to?
Israel has a legal and moral duty to try and avoid civilian casualties, even though Hamas is a terrorist orgainization that EXISTS to kill civilians. But if Hamas hides amongst the civilians, the IDF does not have a legal or moral duty to allow Hamas to live to kill more Israeli civilians.

There's no double standard. Hamas is a terrorist organization that has given up any right to live. The IDF will not intentionally kill pale civilians, but they aren't going to die while sorting out who is, and isn't, Hamas.
Israel will kill one thousand Palestinian women and children to save one IDF soldier's life. That is absolutely FUBARED.
Israel will kill one thousand Palestinian women and children to save one IDF soldier's life. That is absolutely FUBARED.
IF that were actually true, the Pales would run out of people before all the Hamas are dead.

Thousands of civilians were killed when Hellfire missiles hit houses/cars where terrorists were hiding. And probably houses and cars where we made mistakes, too. But the boys and girls firing those missiles saved American lives, and I'm thankful and pray for them.
It is called "Deterrence".

It will give the rest of the world an idea of what they can expect when they fuck up and attack Israel.
Stupid. So, you are holed up, underground, a Hamas soldier, and you find out that the IDF bombed your home and killed your wife and children. What, are you climbing out of that tunnel and giving up? I mean if it was me, well I would be seeking retribution, and death. But it wouldn't be a one for one trade, I would be taking out as many of those Jewish racists as I could before they put me down.
IF that were actually true, the Pales would run out of people before all the Hamas are dead.

Thousands of civilians were killed when Hellfire missiles hit houses/cars where terrorists were hiding. And probably houses and cars where we made mistakes, too. But the boys and girls firing those missiles saved American lives, and I'm thankful and pray for them.
Bombing is a pussy ass way to wage war, PERIOD.

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