R-Wers ask: "Why doesn't Sanders defend Venezuela"?

On another thread, the usual, poorly educated right wing dimwits, are all salivating as to why Bernie Sanders does not defend the failures of Venezuela's so-called socialism.

The question is stupid, infantile, biased.......and IRRELEVANT.

Sanders does NOT want to emulate Venezuela......

I'm sure he doesn't, but that's exactly what he would do.

Venezuela's failures are not a result of socialism, but a result of a one-source economy...OIL.......


Keep telling yourself that, Trotsky.

What's irrelevant is Sanders because he's not going to be president.
Bernie Hits Bump on Univision: Speechless on Socialism’s Failures

Bernie even knows socialism is a scam. It's never worked and never will work. Try telling a budding young socialist to put her hand on a hot stove. She'll recoil and say "No, I got burned doing that once." Then tell her, "Well, you didn't do it right." Then sit back and enjoy the look on her face.

You see, the reason socialism hasn't worked yet is because we haven't done it right yet. We just need to keep on trying and keep on ruining countries until we get it right. Makes sense, right?

Socialism is particularly dangerous because it's so perfectly suited for the modern era. It's the ultimate "miracle" product: it's "nice," it's "fair," it'll make you feel good about yourself, it'll "help" people who "deserve it" by taking things away from people who "have so much" they'll barely miss it. It sounds wonderful, doesn't it? But, like most products with sleazy salesmen and hidden track records, the promises socialism makes are all a mirage. Since our schools do a terrible job of teaching history and economics these days, it's our job to explain how socialism slowly, insidiously eats away at the core of a society.

John Hawkins - 5 Ways Socialism Destroys Societies


Then again, I am not even so sure that Venezuela is socialist, they seem to be just very, very anti free market / voluntary association. Maybe very left wing would be a better term to use...

label Venezuela anything your half brain dictates it to be......However, to ask Sanders to defend a failed, ONE-source Venezuelan economy because that country calls itself "socialist" and Sanders is a democratic sociailst, is imbecility personified.
Isnt Saudi Arabia a one source economy.....for that matter most of the ME sheikdoms
Bernie Hits Bump on Univision: Speechless on Socialism’s Failures

Bernie even knows socialism is a scam. It's never worked and never will work. Try telling a budding young socialist to put her hand on a hot stove. She'll recoil and say "No, I got burned doing that once." Then tell her, "Well, you didn't do it right." Then sit back and enjoy the look on her face.

You see, the reason socialism hasn't worked yet is because we haven't done it right yet. We just need to keep on trying and keep on ruining countries until we get it right. Makes sense, right?

Socialism is particularly dangerous because it's so perfectly suited for the modern era. It's the ultimate "miracle" product: it's "nice," it's "fair," it'll make you feel good about yourself, it'll "help" people who "deserve it" by taking things away from people who "have so much" they'll barely miss it. It sounds wonderful, doesn't it? But, like most products with sleazy salesmen and hidden track records, the promises socialism makes are all a mirage. Since our schools do a terrible job of teaching history and economics these days, it's our job to explain how socialism slowly, insidiously eats away at the core of a society.

John Hawkins - 5 Ways Socialism Destroys Societies


Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.
Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.

But THIS TIME, it won't hurt. Bernie knows best.

On another thread, the usual, poorly educated right wing dimwits, are all salivating as to why Bernie Sanders does not defend the failures of Venezuela's so-called socialism.

The question is stupid, infantile, biased.......and IRRELEVANT.

Sanders does NOT want to emulate Venezuela......Venezuela's failures are not a result of socialism, but a result of a one-source economy...OIL.......To compare Venezuelan socialism to the concept of overall socialism, reminds me of moronic right wingers who earlier this week compared NEW Mexican protesters as "illegal Mexicans"...

The reality is (or should be0 simple.......Sanders wants for the US to emulate the type of socialism that other capitalistic countries employ....and employ well in servicing the needs of their respective populations.

Counties that have done an exceptional job of combining capitalistic economic precepts with socially responsible socialistic priorities, include: GERMANY, JAPAN, AUSTRALIA, the U.K., and FRANCE. (there are many others, of course.)

If some right wingers want to honestly compare Sanders' democratic socialism to Venezuela, they are showing their stupidity and biases based on poor education.

Right, Sanders just wants to emulate Venezuelan policies. Which he's sure won't lead to Venezuelan results. He has a plan to accomplish that. He doesn't want them to
Socialism is the state owning the means and production of the economy. Quit lying.

NO, moron ...Venezuela is much more akin to a plutocracy or oligarchy than democratic socialist style of government.

Why don't you dimwits want to admit that MOST of our allies, in flourishing countries DO employ democratic socialism......????? At best its because you don't want to admit it....and at worst because you're too dumb to comprehend.
I didn't say it was a democratic socialist country. Clean the shit out of your eyes. Democracy isn't compatible with socialism, only libtards would believe that.
On another thread, the usual, poorly educated right wing dimwits, are all salivating as to why Bernie Sanders does not defend the failures of Venezuela's so-called socialism.

The question is stupid, infantile, biased.......and IRRELEVANT.

Sanders does NOT want to emulate Venezuela......Venezuela's failures are not a result of socialism, but a result of a one-source economy...OIL.......To compare Venezuelan socialism to the concept of overall socialism, reminds me of moronic right wingers who earlier this week compared NEW Mexican protesters as "illegal Mexicans"...

The reality is (or should be0 simple.......Sanders wants for the US to emulate the type of socialism that other capitalistic countries employ....and employ well in servicing the needs of their respective populations.

Counties that have done an exceptional job of combining capitalistic economic precepts with socially responsible socialistic priorities, include: GERMANY, JAPAN, AUSTRALIA, the U.K., and FRANCE. (there are many others, of course.)

If some right wingers want to honestly compare Sanders' democratic socialism to Venezuela, they are showing their stupidity and biases based on poor education.

Sanders has stated in the past that bread and soup lines were an economic improvement--LOL

Isnt Saudi Arabia a one source economy.....for that matter most of the ME sheikdoms

True....but because of the love fest (truw love, mind you) established from GHB and GWB , the Saudis send us both their oil almost exclusively AND, f course, a few terrorists in the bargain.
Democracy isn't compatible with socialism, only libtards would believe that.

Hey moron....tell THAT to Germany, the UK, France, Italy, Australia, Sweden, etc.

(..... this idiot poster must be a product of failed home "schooling")
and the others.....bet I could find a ton of such econs.......
Isnt Saudi Arabia a one source economy.....for that matter most of the ME sheikdoms

True....but because of the love fest (truw love, mind you) established from GHB and GWB , the Saudis send us both their oil almost exclusively AND, f course, a few terrorists in the bargain.
Actually they send as much to china and japan and have started using more themselves.....thread fail
Democracy isn't compatible with socialism, only libtards would believe that.

Hey moron....tell THAT to Germany, the UK, France, Italy, Australia, Sweden, etc.

(..... this idiot poster must be a product of failed home "schooling")
These homeschooled morons probably think butter and cornflakes are manufactured product! What idiots, eh?
On another thread, the usual, poorly educated right wing dimwits, are all salivating as to why Bernie Sanders does not defend the failures of Venezuela's so-called socialism.

The question is stupid, infantile, biased.......and IRRELEVANT.

Sanders does NOT want to emulate Venezuela......Venezuela's failures are not a result of socialism, but a result of a one-source economy...OIL.......To compare Venezuelan socialism to the concept of overall socialism, reminds me of moronic right wingers who earlier this week compared NEW Mexican protesters as "illegal Mexicans"...

The reality is (or should be0 simple.......Sanders wants for the US to emulate the type of socialism that other capitalistic countries employ....and employ well in servicing the needs of their respective populations.

Counties that have done an exceptional job of combining capitalistic economic precepts with socially responsible socialistic priorities, include: GERMANY, JAPAN, AUSTRALIA, the U.K., and FRANCE. (there are many others, of course.)

If some right wingers want to honestly compare Sanders' democratic socialism to Venezuela, they are showing their stupidity and biases based on poor education.

Sanders has stated in the past that bread and soup lines were an economic improvement--LOL


What sanders stated 31 years ago:

Bernie Sanders: "It’s funny, sometimes American journalists talk about how bad a country is, that people are lining up for food. That is a good thing! In other countries people don’t line up for food: the rich get the food and the poor starve to death."

This from 2008
Of the 49.1 million people living in food insecure households (up from 36.2 million in 2007), 32.4 million are adults (14.4 percent of all adults) and 16.7 million are children (22.5 percent of all children).
17.3 million people lived in households that were considered to have "very low food security," a USDA term (previously denominated "food insecure with hunger") that means one or more people in the household were hungry over the course of the year because of the inability to afford enough food. This was up from 11.9 million in 2007 and 8.5 million in 2000.
Very low food security had been getting worse even before the recession. The number of people in this category in 2008 is more than double the number in 2000.
Black (25.7 percent) and Hispanic (26.9 percent) households experienced food insecurity at far higher rates than the national average.

Apparently the CDC does not track deaths from starvation, or rather they call it malnutrition.
Actually they send as much to china and japan and have started using more themselves.....thread fail

True, moron......We are SECOND in importing Saudi oil (after China) and that....if you're reading comprehension was better, is why I stated "almost exclusively"........Try again, nitwit. LOL
Democracy isn't compatible with socialism, only libtards would believe that.

Hey moron....tell THAT to Germany, the UK, France, Italy, Australia, Sweden, etc.

(..... this idiot poster must be a product of failed home "schooling")
These homeschooled morons probably think butter and cornflakes are manufactured product! What idiots, eh?

So, Meathead......are you ready to tell us what Greece manufactures and exports???
I mean, you said you live there and are writing your posts from some Greek island resort....:ahole-1:
Democracy isn't compatible with socialism, only libtards would believe that.

Hey moron....tell THAT to Germany, the UK, France, Italy, Australia, Sweden, etc.

(..... this idiot poster must be a product of failed home "schooling")
These homeschooled morons probably think butter and cornflakes are manufactured product! What idiots, eh?

So, Meathead......are you ready to tell us what Greece manufactures and exports???
I mean, you said you live there and are writing your posts from some Greek island resort....:ahole-1:

The following export product groups represent the highest dollar value in Greek global shipments during 2015. Also shown is the percentage share each export category represents in terms of overall exports from Greece.

  1. Oil: US$8.4 billion (29.9% of total exports)
  2. Aluminum: $1.6 billion (5.5%)
  3. Machines, engines, pumps: $1.4 billion (4.9%)
  4. Pharmaceuticals: $1.1 billion (4.0%)
  5. Plastics: $1.1 billion (3.9%)
  6. Vegetable/fruit preparations: $1.0 billion (3.7%)
  7. Electronic equipment: $1.0 billion (3.6%)
  8. Fruits, nuts: $869.8 million (3.1%)
  9. Animal/vegetable fats and oils: $825.5 million (2.9%)
  10. Fish: $637.6 million (2.3%)
Greece’s Top 10 Exports

Greek made products sold around the world
Asking about Venezuela is 'biased'?
Asking about Venezuela is 'stupid'?
Asking about Venezuela is 'irrelevent'?

No, to Bernie / Socialists asking about Venezuela is both 'INCONVENIENT' and 'DAMAGING'.

Asking about Venezuela....or Cuba...or Morth Korea bring up the realities of Socialism, the party Bernie REALLY belongs to and advocates.

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