Rabbi Richard Jacobs is a Total Jerk

Pam Geller is in the business to create as many Muslim haters as can be, its her life quest. She is hatred and has hate organizations. All this Islamophobic stuff is spread by her kind. Of course there are some radical Muslims just like the Jewish Defense League, and Pam Geller taunted Muslims and is the instigator of the happenings in Texas. She is the one who should be charged.
So says one of USMB prime Islamapologists, if not Islamists, If not flat-out JIHADIST. Are you these things ? (all with your phony American-sounding name.) I'm ready to accept your full confession.

PS - there is no such thing as Islamaphobia. Not after 20,000 jihadist attacks around the world since 2001, and over 100 here in the USA and Canada.

PPS - there is nothing wrong with hating hatred (Islam/the Koran), and everything right with it.

I am not an islamophile. but pam geller does no one any good.

and your pretense that she is, is so wrong that i don't even know where to start.
That's evident by your lack of substance. When you have something to back up your charges, let us know.

i have as much "backing" as your extremist opinion. but thanks for playing. it simply evidences your lack of substance and intellect.
So you decline to let us know what backing you have for your statements. That's OK. Your lack of substance is just as acceptable as if you had any substance (backing) for your useless/worthless rhetoric. It would be much better though if you did have some backing, for the health of the thread, so as to not puff it up with hot air. And if you had any knowledge of Islamization, you'd know that simply reporting about it, is just that > observe and report FACTS, not "extremist opinion". Your problem is you haven't done the homework (the observing).
As for my substance, I have more of it than you could ever dream about. Check out my Islamization Quiz.

And here's some homework for you to do >>> I've read these and I recommend them.

The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America ---- by Andrew McCarthy

American Jihad: The Terrorists Living Among Us ----- by Steven Emerson

Because They Hate ---- by Brigitte Gabriel

They Must Be Stopped ------ by Brigitte Gabriel

Hating America ------ by John Gibson

Stop the Islamization of America ----- by Pamela Geller

Secrets of the Kingdom: The Inside Story of the Secret Saudi-U.S. Connection ------ by Gerald Posner

Stealth Jihad ----- by Robert Spencer

The Brotherhood: America's Next Great Enemy ------ by Erik Stakelbeck

Outrage ----- by Dick Morris & Eileen McGann

Infiltration ------ by Paul Sperry

The 9/11 Commission Report

The Truth About Muhammad ------ by Robert Spencer

In Mortal Danger ------- by Tom Tancredo

State of Emergency ----- by Pat Buchanan

Muslim Mafia ----- by P.David Gaubatz & Paul Sperry
Last edited:
Pam Geller is in the business to create as many Muslim haters as can be, its her life quest. She is hatred and has hate organizations. All this Islamophobic stuff is spread by her kind. Of course there are some radical Muslims just like the Jewish Defense League, and Pam Geller taunted Muslims and is the instigator of the happenings in Texas. She is the one who should be charged.
So says one of USMB prime Islamapologists, if not Islamists, If not flat-out JIHADIST. Are you these things ? (all with your phony American-sounding name.) I'm ready to accept your full confession.

PS - there is no such thing as Islamaphobia. Not after 20,000 jihadist attacks around the world since 2001, and over 100 here in the USA and Canada.

PPS - there is nothing wrong with hating hatred (Islam/the Koran), and everything right with it.

I am not an islamophile. but pam geller does no one any good.

and your pretense that she is, is so wrong that i don't even know where to start.
That's evident by your lack of substance. When you have something to back up your charges, let us know.

i have as much "backing" as your extremist opinion. but thanks for playing. it simply evidences your lack of substance and intellect.
So you decline to let us know what backing you have for your statements. That's OK. Your lack of substance is just as acceptable as if you had any substance (backing) for your useless/worthless rhetoric. It would be much better though if you did have some backing, for the health of the thread, so as to not puff it up with hot air. And if you had any knowledge of Islamization, you'd know that simply reporting about it, is just that > observe and report FACTS, not "extremist opinion". Your problem is you haven't done the homework (the observing).
As for my substance, I have more of it than you could ever dream about. Check out my Islamization Quiz.

And here's some homework for you to do >>>

The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America ---- by Andrew McCarthy

American Jihad: The Terrorists Living Among Us ----- by Steven Emerson

Because They Hate ---- by Brigitte Gabriel

They Must Be Stopped ------ by Brigitte Gabriel

Stop the Islamization of America ----- by Pamela Geller

Secrets of the Kingdom: The Inside Story of the Secret Saudi-U.S. Connection ------ by Gerald Posner

Stealth Jihad ----- by Robert Spencer

The Brotherhood: America's Next Great Enemy ------ by Erik Stakelbeck

Infiltration ------ by Paul Sperry

The Truth About Muhammad ------ by Robert Spencer

In Mortal Danger ------- by Tom Tancredo

Yes Andrew, lets get rid of Medicare, loon watch
Bridget Gabriel- Israel paid shrill.
Pamela Geller, - freak

The rest forget it, not worth my time.
Pam Geller is in the business to create as many Muslim haters as can be, its her life quest. She is hatred and has hate organizations. All this Islamophobic stuff is spread by her kind. Of course there are some radical Muslims just like the Jewish Defense League, and Pam Geller taunted Muslims and is the instigator of the happenings in Texas. She is the one who should be charged.
So says one of USMB prime Islamapologists, if not Islamists, If not flat-out JIHADIST. Are you these things ? (all with your phony American-sounding name.) I'm ready to accept your full confession.

PS - there is no such thing as Islamaphobia. Not after 20,000 jihadist attacks around the world since 2001, and over 100 here in the USA and Canada.

PPS - there is nothing wrong with hating hatred (Islam/the Koran), and everything right with it.

I am not an islamophile. but pam geller does no one any good.

and your pretense that she is, is so wrong that i don't even know where to start.
2 less muslim terrorists walk the earth today, thanks in part to Pam Geller:cool:

Jroc-----what do you think of my equity theory------one cartoon contest for the other??? I AM A FIRM believer
that there SHOULD be reasonable responses to Islamic
hate campaigns and other atrocities of a SYMBOLIC
nature. My theory derives from my observed TRIUMPHALISM nature of islam which seems to me
a never ending STRUGGLE in which muslims engage
to PROVE -----"our allah is stronger than whatever it is YOU worship or cherish" -------IMO----the more they "get away with-----the MORE they want" An unanswered "cartoon contest" is an APPETIZER for acts of deadly terrorism as
an ENTREE and rape as DESSERT. The bombing of Buddhist art in Afghanistan was the appetizer for the whole sale pillage and vandalism of historic churches going on
in Iraq today. That atrocity should have been answered.
The world is being black mailed------the WHOLE WORLD----and the world seems to be responding by PAYING THE RANSOM PRICE

We shouldn't cow-tow to any muslim nutjobs....They see weakness it emboldens them. People are now afraid to draw a picture? Wtf?

Lets see a bunch of adults get together in the middle of Muslim area to draw pictures of Muhammad, do they not have anything better to do. You know it was more than that. But the Jews of the world have to divide , and create havoc, and they are following the Protocols of Zion.
The president of the Union for Reform Judaism, Rabbi Richard Jacobs is exactly the kind of fool that the international jihad that we are at war with, is depending on, to advance their sick cause, in America.

By attacking Pamela Geller and the AFDI (American Freedom Defense Initiative), as fearmongers and hatemongers, he is putting himself squarely on the side of the jihadists. In fact, this blithering idiot is among the fools who are developing interfaith (including Muslims) organizations, key to the plans of the Muslim Brotherhood, and their Explanatory Memorandum, which calls for destroying America from within.

Jacobs, claims that the Jewish community is built on tolerance and understanding. Well, if Jacobs had any "understanding" of Islam at all, he would know it is the epitome of INtolerance, and that is what he apparently has decided to tolerate. In contrast, Pamela Geller and the AFDI has correctly chosen to follow the path of intolerance of the intolerance of Islam, and the international jihad that is at war with every freedom-loving, decent, and sane person in the world.

Rabbi Jacobs is a very confused, young man who is finding it difficult to come to terms with the defining the good and the bad. In the article I linked to here, he writes about Nazi Germany and how bad it was to Jews. Strange how this guy cannot discern the similarity between Islam and Nazi Germany.

He refers to the biblical Leviticus telling "never to hate our neighbors even in our hearts". Trouble is, if you don't hate hatred (ie. Islam), then you are accepting it. American soldiers on the World War II battlefied, did not try to love their enemies. Rabbi Jacobs should not do that either.

Rick Jacobs Jews must reject Geller s anti-Muslim venom - NY Daily News

Who is Pamela Geller the Muhammad drawing contest host - NY Daily News

Liberal Jewish are always the Jews worst enemy. Liberal Jews are mostly cowards (like most liberals are) and they attack the people trying to defend them instead of the people trying to kill them.

Case in point: It is not uncommon for liberal Jews to attack Evangelicals on a vast amount of issues. Regardless of the fact that Evangelicals are the BIGGEST supports of Israel, much more that then Jews as a whole are. Yet they cowtow to Muslims and in many cases protecting Islamist, who would slaughter every Jew in the world if they ever took over!

Fucking fools!
The president of the Union for Reform Judaism, Rabbi Richard Jacobs is exactly the kind of fool that the international jihad that we are at war with, is depending on, to advance their sick cause, in America.

By attacking Pamela Geller and the AFDI (American Freedom Defense Initiative), as fearmongers and hatemongers, he is putting himself squarely on the side of the jihadists. In fact, this blithering idiot is among the fools who are developing interfaith (including Muslims) organizations, key to the plans of the Muslim Brotherhood, and their Explanatory Memorandum, which calls for destroying America from within.

Jacobs, claims that the Jewish community is built on tolerance and understanding. Well, if Jacobs had any "understanding" of Islam at all, he would know it is the epitome of INtolerance, and that is what he apparently has decided to tolerate. In contrast, Pamela Geller and the AFDI has correctly chosen to follow the path of intolerance of the intolerance of Islam, and the international jihad that is at war with every freedom-loving, decent, and sane person in the world.

Rabbi Jacobs is a very confused, young man who is finding it difficult to come to terms with the defining the good and the bad. In the article I linked to here, he writes about Nazi Germany and how bad it was to Jews. Strange how this guy cannot discern the similarity between Islam and Nazi Germany.

He refers to the biblical Leviticus telling "never to hate our neighbors even in our hearts". Trouble is, if you don't hate hatred (ie. Islam), then you are accepting it. American soldiers on the World War II battlefied, did not try to love their enemies. Rabbi Jacobs should not do that either.

Rick Jacobs Jews must reject Geller s anti-Muslim venom - NY Daily News

Who is Pamela Geller the Muhammad drawing contest host - NY Daily News

Liberal Jewish are always the Jews worst enemy. Liberal Jews are mostly cowards (like most liberals are) and they attack the people trying to defend them instead of the people trying to kill them.

Case in point: It is not uncommon for liberal Jews to attack Evangelicals on a vast amount of issues. Regardless of the fact that Evangelicals are the BIGGEST supports of Israel, much more that then Jews as a whole are. Yet they cowtow to Muslims and in many cases protecting Islamist, who would slaughter every Jew in the world if they ever took over!

Fucking fools!
They inherently mistrust the things they should trust and trust what they shouldnt.
So says one of USMB prime Islamapologists, if not Islamists, If not flat-out JIHADIST. Are you these things ? (all with your phony American-sounding name.) I'm ready to accept your full confession.

PS - there is no such thing as Islamaphobia. Not after 20,000 jihadist attacks around the world since 2001, and over 100 here in the USA and Canada.

PPS - there is nothing wrong with hating hatred (Islam/the Koran), and everything right with it.

I am not an islamophile. but pam geller does no one any good.

and your pretense that she is, is so wrong that i don't even know where to start.
2 less muslim terrorists walk the earth today, thanks in part to Pam Geller:cool:

Jroc-----what do you think of my equity theory------one cartoon contest for the other??? I AM A FIRM believer
that there SHOULD be reasonable responses to Islamic
hate campaigns and other atrocities of a SYMBOLIC
nature. My theory derives from my observed TRIUMPHALISM nature of islam which seems to me
a never ending STRUGGLE in which muslims engage
to PROVE -----"our allah is stronger than whatever it is YOU worship or cherish" -------IMO----the more they "get away with-----the MORE they want" An unanswered "cartoon contest" is an APPETIZER for acts of deadly terrorism as
an ENTREE and rape as DESSERT. The bombing of Buddhist art in Afghanistan was the appetizer for the whole sale pillage and vandalism of historic churches going on
in Iraq today. That atrocity should have been answered.
The world is being black mailed------the WHOLE WORLD----and the world seems to be responding by PAYING THE RANSOM PRICE

We shouldn't cow-tow to any muslim nutjobs....They see weakness it emboldens them. People are now afraid to draw a picture? Wtf?

Lets see a bunch of adults get together in the middle of Muslim area to draw pictures of Muhammad, do they not have anything better to do. You know it was more than that. But the Jews of the world have to divide , and create havoc, and they are following the Protocols of Zion.
The AFDI is not a Jewish organization. It is an American one, composed of people of many religions, and atheists too. And no, they don't have much better things to do. The USA is in a world war right now with the international jihad. US soldiers are dying on the battleiefield. Jordanian fighters are being burned alive.

The least Americans can do is to make a solid statement that we will not be BULLIED by the enemy to change our lifestylse and depart from our Constitution just to suit them. To do that, would be to cowardly accept defeat here at home, and hand the enemy just the victory they are working for (to destroy America "from within", as the Muslim Brotherhood expressed it), while our soldiers are bravely fighting overseas.
So says one of USMB prime Islamapologists, if not Islamists, If not flat-out JIHADIST. Are you these things ? (all with your phony American-sounding name.) I'm ready to accept your full confession.

PS - there is no such thing as Islamaphobia. Not after 20,000 jihadist attacks around the world since 2001, and over 100 here in the USA and Canada.

PPS - there is nothing wrong with hating hatred (Islam/the Koran), and everything right with it.

I am not an islamophile. but pam geller does no one any good.

and your pretense that she is, is so wrong that i don't even know where to start.
That's evident by your lack of substance. When you have something to back up your charges, let us know.

i have as much "backing" as your extremist opinion. but thanks for playing. it simply evidences your lack of substance and intellect.
So you decline to let us know what backing you have for your statements. That's OK. Your lack of substance is just as acceptable as if you had any substance (backing) for your useless/worthless rhetoric. It would be much better though if you did have some backing, for the health of the thread, so as to not puff it up with hot air. And if you had any knowledge of Islamization, you'd know that simply reporting about it, is just that > observe and report FACTS, not "extremist opinion". Your problem is you haven't done the homework (the observing).
As for my substance, I have more of it than you could ever dream about. Check out my Islamization Quiz.

And here's some homework for you to do >>>

The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America ---- by Andrew McCarthy

American Jihad: The Terrorists Living Among Us ----- by Steven Emerson

Because They Hate ---- by Brigitte Gabriel

They Must Be Stopped ------ by Brigitte Gabriel

Stop the Islamization of America ----- by Pamela Geller

Secrets of the Kingdom: The Inside Story of the Secret Saudi-U.S. Connection ------ by Gerald Posner

Stealth Jihad ----- by Robert Spencer

The Brotherhood: America's Next Great Enemy ------ by Erik Stakelbeck

Infiltration ------ by Paul Sperry

The Truth About Muhammad ------ by Robert Spencer

In Mortal Danger ------- by Tom Tancredo

Yes Andrew, lets get rid of Medicare, loon watch
Bridget Gabriel- Israel paid shrill.
Pamela Geller, - freak

The rest forget it, not worth my time.

You know nothing of what is in those books. You aren't qualified to judge. You haven't read them. Want to take the Islamization Quiz ?
Pam Geller is in the business to create as many Muslim haters as can be, its her life quest. She is hatred and has hate organizations. All this Islamophobic stuff is spread by her kind. Of course there are some radical Muslims just like the Jewish Defense League, and Pam Geller taunted Muslims and is the instigator of the happenings in Texas. She is the one who should be charged.
So says one of USMB prime Islamapologists, if not Islamists, If not flat-out JIHADIST. Are you these things ? (all with your phony American-sounding name.) I'm ready to accept your full confession.

PS - there is no such thing as Islamaphobia. Not after 20,000 jihadist attacks around the world since 2001, and over 100 here in the USA and Canada.

PPS - there is nothing wrong with hating hatred (Islam/the Koran), and everything right with it.

I am not an islamophile. but pam geller does no one any good.

and your pretense that she is, is so wrong that i don't even know where to start.
2 less muslim terrorists walk the earth today, thanks in part to Pam Geller:cool:
Pam Geller is in the business to create as many Muslim haters as can be, its her life quest. She is hatred and has hate organizations. All this Islamophobic stuff is spread by her kind. Of course there are some radical Muslims just like the Jewish Defense League, and Pam Geller taunted Muslims and is the instigator of the happenings in Texas. She is the one who should be charged.
So says one of USMB prime Islamapologists, if not Islamists, If not flat-out JIHADIST. Are you these things ? (all with your phony American-sounding name.) I'm ready to accept your full confession.

PS - there is no such thing as Islamaphobia. Not after 20,000 jihadist attacks around the world since 2001, and over 100 here in the USA and Canada.

PPS - there is nothing wrong with hating hatred (Islam/the Koran), and everything right with it.

You fell for the propaganda hook line and sinker. The OT is much worst than the Koran, and I'm not a Muslim.
I don't care what the OT is. The OT doesn't have lunatics running around mass murdering people, and having done that to 270 million people around the globe for 1400 years. Islam does. And I don't fall for propaganda. I acquire and understand FACTS. Many of them.

I will guess that either you haven't done that, and are clueless about the Islamizaiton that the AFDI is fighting against, or your are one of the Islamists that is pushing that Islamization.

Really , neither does the Quran. AFDI should be dismantled. Its like the KKK.

how do know, Penelope----you never read it. I read it-----some 45 years ago. I read the bible something like 55 years ago. Over the years I learned how jews interpret the bible and the nature of jewish jurisprudence------and I learned how muslims interpret the Koran and the nature of
Islamic jurisprudence. You know nothing about either.
Your comments are utterly without basis. You are not alone in being ignorant of both bibilical law and koranic law-----same is true of most people in the world-----but those other people generally do not CLAIM they know
So says one of USMB prime Islamapologists, if not Islamists, If not flat-out JIHADIST. Are you these things ? (all with your phony American-sounding name.) I'm ready to accept your full confession.

PS - there is no such thing as Islamaphobia. Not after 20,000 jihadist attacks around the world since 2001, and over 100 here in the USA and Canada.

PPS - there is nothing wrong with hating hatred (Islam/the Koran), and everything right with it.

I am not an islamophile. but pam geller does no one any good.

and your pretense that she is, is so wrong that i don't even know where to start.
2 less muslim terrorists walk the earth today, thanks in part to Pam Geller:cool:

Jroc-----what do you think of my equity theory------one cartoon contest for the other??? I AM A FIRM believer
that there SHOULD be reasonable responses to Islamic
hate campaigns and other atrocities of a SYMBOLIC
nature. My theory derives from my observed TRIUMPHALISM nature of islam which seems to me
a never ending STRUGGLE in which muslims engage
to PROVE -----"our allah is stronger than whatever it is YOU worship or cherish" -------IMO----the more they "get away with-----the MORE they want" An unanswered "cartoon contest" is an APPETIZER for acts of deadly terrorism as
an ENTREE and rape as DESSERT. The bombing of Buddhist art in Afghanistan was the appetizer for the whole sale pillage and vandalism of historic churches going on
in Iraq today. That atrocity should have been answered.
The world is being black mailed------the WHOLE WORLD----and the world seems to be responding by PAYING THE RANSOM PRICE

We shouldn't cow-tow to any muslim nutjobs....They see weakness it emboldens them. People are now afraid to draw a picture? Wtf?

Lets see a bunch of adults get together in the middle of Muslim area to draw pictures of Muhammad, do they not have anything better to do. You know it was more than that. But the Jews of the world have to divide , and create havoc, and they are following the Protocols of Zion.

Penelope----your objection to the pam geller event is that it was a waste of time for several people?--------Ok--why don't you SUE them for wasting their time
The court ruled in favor for the ads on the busses and every thing else. Who are the Muslims going to go to the Southern Poverty group headed by a Jew, the ACLU, headed by a Jew, the ADL headed by a Jew. Where should they go.

All while the Jews want anti Semitism ruled criminal globally.

Penelope----in the USA when you want to bring a case to
court-----YOU HIRE A LAWYER or if you want to hold a
demonstration----you tell the local police (usually responsible people do that) What would the "southern poverty group" or the ACLU or the ADL have to do with
anything? "...the jews want anti Semitism ruled criminal
globally" ????? news to me-------you got a link?

The thing you DON'T do -------even if you are an islamo Nazi-----is OBTAIN ASSAULT RIFLES----DRIVE UP
to the event and start shooting. I hope you understand

OH lucky us!!!!!! Penelope has provided for us A KEY---to a whole host of islamo Nazi shit websites. It seems
that there have been some meetings in the UN on the
events so close to Penelope's heart------murder of jooooos here and there in the world by her fellow islamo Nazi sluts and dogs. ALL SORTS OF ISLAMO NAZI SHIT websites have popped in to disparage the talks with an
ACCUSATION -----JOOOOOS DEMAND CRIMINALIZATION OF 'alleged' ANTISEMITISM--------the bitch parroted her fave Nazi pigs AGAIN.
one of her sources is "FLOPHOUSE"

Speak about what I posted. Pam Geller and her groupies, are anti Semites. There should be criminal charges against them.

no they aren't anti-semites, jew-hater. get your terms correct.

Yes they are, get your term right, semites are from Shem, and that includes Arabs, see its a fight between Arabs, Jews verses Muslims.

Penelope----the definition of words is not determined by your twisted view of history----it is determined by the people who speak the language. In English---the term ANTI-SEMITE---means ---OPPOSITION TO JEWS-------the biblical character "shem" has nothing to do with it----English did not even exist at the time that the bible was
written. Your concept of THE FIGHT IS BETWEEN ARABS AND JEWS----is sheer nonsense. Even if it were nonsense-----your statement would have nothing to do with
your decision that YOU get to redefine words in the English language based on your own distorted view of reality.
The court ruled in favor for the ads on the busses and every thing else. Who are the Muslims going to go to the Southern Poverty group headed by a Jew, the ACLU, headed by a Jew, the ADL headed by a Jew. Where should they go.

All while the Jews want anti Semitism ruled criminal globally.

Penelope----in the USA when you want to bring a case to
court-----YOU HIRE A LAWYER or if you want to hold a
demonstration----you tell the local police (usually responsible people do that) What would the "southern poverty group" or the ACLU or the ADL have to do with
anything? "...the jews want anti Semitism ruled criminal
globally" ????? news to me-------you got a link?

The thing you DON'T do -------even if you are an islamo Nazi-----is OBTAIN ASSAULT RIFLES----DRIVE UP
to the event and start shooting. I hope you understand

OH lucky us!!!!!! Penelope has provided for us A KEY---to a whole host of islamo Nazi shit websites. It seems
that there have been some meetings in the UN on the
events so close to Penelope's heart------murder of jooooos here and there in the world by her fellow islamo Nazi sluts and dogs. ALL SORTS OF ISLAMO NAZI SHIT websites have popped in to disparage the talks with an
ACCUSATION -----JOOOOOS DEMAND CRIMINALIZATION OF 'alleged' ANTISEMITISM--------the bitch parroted her fave Nazi pigs AGAIN.
one of her sources is "FLOPHOUSE"

Speak about what I posted. Pam Geller and her groupies, are anti Semites. There should be criminal charges against them.

What crimes would you charge them with ?

Anti-Semitism I hear they get jail time in Germany just for holocaust denial.

Germany has laws against holocaust denial because holocaust denial was invented by Nazi pigs like you. ---
It is NAZISM which has been made illegal in GERMANY.
Nazism virtually destroyed Germany ("I hear they get jail time......" where didya' "hear" it------in the brothel or in the methadone clinic?
Penelope----in the USA when you want to bring a case to
court-----YOU HIRE A LAWYER or if you want to hold a
demonstration----you tell the local police (usually responsible people do that) What would the "southern poverty group" or the ACLU or the ADL have to do with
anything? "...the jews want anti Semitism ruled criminal
globally" ????? news to me-------you got a link?

The thing you DON'T do -------even if you are an islamo Nazi-----is OBTAIN ASSAULT RIFLES----DRIVE UP
to the event and start shooting. I hope you understand

OH lucky us!!!!!! Penelope has provided for us A KEY---to a whole host of islamo Nazi shit websites. It seems
that there have been some meetings in the UN on the
events so close to Penelope's heart------murder of jooooos here and there in the world by her fellow islamo Nazi sluts and dogs. ALL SORTS OF ISLAMO NAZI SHIT websites have popped in to disparage the talks with an
ACCUSATION -----JOOOOOS DEMAND CRIMINALIZATION OF 'alleged' ANTISEMITISM--------the bitch parroted her fave Nazi pigs AGAIN.
one of her sources is "FLOPHOUSE"

Speak about what I posted. Pam Geller and her groupies, are anti Semites. There should be criminal charges against them.

no they aren't anti-semites, jew-hater. get your terms correct.

Yes they are, get your term right, semites are from Shem, and that includes Arabs, see its a fight between Arabs, Jews verses Muslims.

Penelope----the definition of words is not determined by your twisted view of history----it is determined by the people who speak the language. In English---the term ANTI-SEMITE---means ---OPPOSITION TO JEWS-------the biblical character "shem" has nothing to do with it----English did not even exist at the time that the bible was
written. Your concept of THE FIGHT IS BETWEEN ARABS AND JEWS----is sheer nonsense. Even if it were nonsense-----your statement would have nothing to do with
your decision that YOU get to redefine words in the English language based on your own distorted view of reality.
Penelope is an ignorant joo-hater. But that's a tautology.
The term "anti-semitism" was coined in 19th C Germany specifically to apply to anti Jewish sentiment. It never had anything to do with Arabs. It is merely a canard any whenever anyone brings it up they are singing from the Gospel of David Duke and Adolph Hitler.
OH lucky us!!!!!! Penelope has provided for us A KEY---to a whole host of islamo Nazi shit websites. It seems
that there have been some meetings in the UN on the
events so close to Penelope's heart------murder of jooooos here and there in the world by her fellow islamo Nazi sluts and dogs. ALL SORTS OF ISLAMO NAZI SHIT websites have popped in to disparage the talks with an
ACCUSATION -----JOOOOOS DEMAND CRIMINALIZATION OF 'alleged' ANTISEMITISM--------the bitch parroted her fave Nazi pigs AGAIN.
one of her sources is "FLOPHOUSE"

Speak about what I posted. Pam Geller and her groupies, are anti Semites. There should be criminal charges against them.

no they aren't anti-semites, jew-hater. get your terms correct.

Yes they are, get your term right, semites are from Shem, and that includes Arabs, see its a fight between Arabs, Jews verses Muslims.

Penelope----the definition of words is not determined by your twisted view of history----it is determined by the people who speak the language. In English---the term ANTI-SEMITE---means ---OPPOSITION TO JEWS-------the biblical character "shem" has nothing to do with it----English did not even exist at the time that the bible was
written. Your concept of THE FIGHT IS BETWEEN ARABS AND JEWS----is sheer nonsense. Even if it were nonsense-----your statement would have nothing to do with
your decision that YOU get to redefine words in the English language based on your own distorted view of reality.
Penelope is an ignorant joo-hater. But that's a tautology.
The term "anti-semitism" was coined in 19th C Germany specifically to apply to anti Jewish sentiment. It never had anything to do with Arabs. It is merely a canard any whenever anyone brings it up they are singing from the Gospel of David Duke and Adolph Hitler.

Ha Ha, sticks and stones. Look up Chazars , those Jews who say they are jews are not. No David Duke is white supremacist, and I am not. Adolph Hitler was a lot better than Stalin and his groupies.
Speak about what I posted. Pam Geller and her groupies, are anti Semites. There should be criminal charges against them.

no they aren't anti-semites, jew-hater. get your terms correct.

Yes they are, get your term right, semites are from Shem, and that includes Arabs, see its a fight between Arabs, Jews verses Muslims.

Penelope----the definition of words is not determined by your twisted view of history----it is determined by the people who speak the language. In English---the term ANTI-SEMITE---means ---OPPOSITION TO JEWS-------the biblical character "shem" has nothing to do with it----English did not even exist at the time that the bible was
written. Your concept of THE FIGHT IS BETWEEN ARABS AND JEWS----is sheer nonsense. Even if it were nonsense-----your statement would have nothing to do with
your decision that YOU get to redefine words in the English language based on your own distorted view of reality.
Penelope is an ignorant joo-hater. But that's a tautology.
The term "anti-semitism" was coined in 19th C Germany specifically to apply to anti Jewish sentiment. It never had anything to do with Arabs. It is merely a canard any whenever anyone brings it up they are singing from the Gospel of David Duke and Adolph Hitler.

Ha Ha, sticks and stones. Look up Chazars , those Jews who say they are jews are not. No David Duke is white supremacist, and I am not. Adolph Hitler was a lot better than Stalin and his groupies.

I will help you Penelope-----since you are obviously culturally deprived. There was a book written around
the 10th century AD-------called (in translation) the KHUZAREE It was written in Spain by a poet----YEHUDAH HA LEVI-------he used as his vehicle the fact that some king in KHAZARIA has converted to Judaism.----which is probably true but did not involve a whole lot of people. The book is a long kinda epic poem
in which the poet does a kind of COMPARATIVE RELIGION LESSON. Using this book as a basis----your fellow islamo Nazi pigs decided to insist that all of the jews of today are REALLY from Khazaria-----in fact Khazaria
was invaded by muslims and Judaism there was subjected
to genocide (some things never change) ----Khazaria
is in the area of the Asian "STANS" Yehuda HaLevi did not end up in Khazaria ----nor did the rest of the jews
of the world -------by 10,000 AD----there were lots of jews here and there. I think that the book was written in
Hebraized Arabic (don't quote me----I am not sure). I understand your problem with history-----illiterate people do not have a HISTORY

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