Rabbis forced the Romans to crucify Jesus

Jews today must atone for their own sins rather than pass them off on someone else. What’s the point of digging up ancient Jewish rituals, other than to make the Jewish religion look bad?

The way Jews atone for their sins is to ask forgiveness of those they have sinned against (or of Gd if the sin was against Him), to feel remorse, to vow to never do it again, and to make it up somehow by doing a related act of tzedekah.

Much better than simply thinking someone else “takes away” your sins, and all you have to do is to believe it.
You learned nothing if the Passover lamb or any other sacrifice

This is why the cult of Judaism is an incomplete religion
Nonsense. All Jews are not to be blamed for his death. But all Jews, as well as anyone else, who do not believe in Jesus are anti-Christs.
all of the people who ID as "christian" are complicit
in the mass genocides of humans in the hundreds of
millions over the past 2000 years
Nonsense. All Jews are not to be blamed for his death. But all Jews, as well as anyone else, who do not believe in Jesus are anti-Christs.
From your perspective. From Jews’ perspective, there is no Christ. Just G-d’s law and covenant with us, which remains valid.
From your perspective. From Jews’ perspective, there is no Christ. Just G-d’s law and covenant with us, which remains valid.
the roman generated deicide myth was DESIGNED
to alienate Jews in the new "RELIGION" imposed on
the Roman empire by Constantine
the roman generated deicide myth was DESIGNED
to alienate Jews in the new "RELIGION" imposed on
the Roman empire by Constantine
Not so much alienate them as much as demonize them.

Jesus never intended to start a new religion. He’s rolling over in his grave, wherever it is. His disciples did a good job of reburying him. IMO.
From your perspective. From Jews’ perspective, there is no Christ. Just G-d’s law and covenant with us, which remains valid.
Again, lessons never learned by the sacrifices. They're just rituals you do without understanding.
From your perspective. From Jews’ perspective, there is no Christ. Just G-d’s law and covenant with us, which remains valid.
That is what they believe, but they are wrong. When they rebuild the temple in Israel, they will be expecting the Messiah, instead it will be an anti-Christ.
Why does it even matter at this point?
Not much really.

But everyone at this point has the opportunity to accept Christ. If they don’t, they likely won’t get a good afterlife. Atheists, Jews, Muslims, fake Christians, etc.
That is what they believe, but they are wrong. When they rebuild the temple in Israel, they will be expecting the Messiah, instead it will be an anti-Christ.

The third temple failed because of fire and earthquake sometime in the third century.
Not so much alienate them as much as demonize them.

Jesus never intended to start a new religion. He’s rolling over in his grave, wherever it is. His disciples did a good job of reburying him. IMO.
You knew Jesus? You knew it was not his intent to start something new? Seems pretty high-handed to change the story of his disciples.. While it seems likely Jesus intent was to guide Judaism back to its roots at a time some Temple leaders may have been more concerned with their own power and wealth, his life and his teachings set other things in motion as well.

Keep in mind that it seems that many at the time in fact did see Herod's Temple as the third Temple heralding the coming of the Messiah. Jews had to be "re-educated" on that point when the Temple fell. The Romans saw that Temple as the root cause of the unrest in Judea and among the Jews.

The destruction of Herod's Temple may have been the reason many Jews chose to follow Jesus' teachings, because they, too, at least for a time, saw the destruction of the Temple as a sign there would be no other King that would come from the line of David to rule the world.
But everyone at this point has the opportunity to accept Christ. If they don’t, they likely won’t get a good afterlife. Atheists, Jews, Muslims, fake Christians, etc.
This is a great example of humans underestimating the love, mercy, justice, and power of God. God has an everlasting covenant with the Jews.
That is what they believe, but they are wrong. When they rebuild the temple in Israel, they will be expecting the Messiah, instead it will be an anti-Christ.
That is what you believe, but you are wrong.
You knew Jesus? You knew it was not his intent to start something new? Seems pretty high-handed to change the story of his disciples.. While it seems likely Jesus intent was to guide Judaism back to its roots at a time some Temple leaders may have been more concerned with their own power and wealth, his life and his teachings set other things in motion as well.

Keep in mind that it seems that many at the time in fact did see Herod's Temple as the third Temple heralding the coming of the Messiah. Jews had to be "re-educated" on that point when the Temple fell. The Romans saw that Temple as the root cause of the unrest in Judea and among the Jews.

The destruction of Herod's Temple may have been the reason many Jews chose to follow Jesus' teachings, because they, too, at least for a time, saw the destruction of the Temple as a sign there would be no other King that would come from the line of David to rule the world.
1) He said he was not here to change Jewish law. So he obviously was not intending to start an entirely new religion.

2) How could any “good” Jew want to abolish Judaism?
Not much really.

But everyone at this point has the opportunity to accept Christ. If they don’t, they likely won’t get a good afterlife. Atheists, Jews, Muslims, fake Christians, etc.
That’s only your opinion, and it’s quite narrow-minded. You must think we have an awful Gd if you believe he will punish the majority of people living with a bad afterlife. (Most people are NOT Christians.)

I believe Gd will reward good people, Jew and Gentile alike. As long as you live a good life, which is what HaShem wants of all of us.

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