race related carjackings and rapes at U South Carolina

Young blacks have become noticeably more racist in recent years, it seems to me, and black-on-white racially motivated violence more widespread and frequent.

I've noticed over the years that blacks and whites generally get along fine on a day-to-day basis--people just trying to get on in life--then another hate whitey movie comes out of Hollywood and there is a noticeable animosity toward whites suddenly and an upsurge in violence. Gradually it goes back to normal, then another movie comes out.

This has been going on for years.

There are those who claim Jews are warmongers--that they seek to incite conflict between other groups. Though this stereotype goes back centuries, there can't be any truth to it, because that would be anti-Semitic. And even though Jews control Hollywood, it can't be true that Jews control Hollywood because that would be anti-Semitic. Therefore, any claim that there are Jews trying to start a race war is absurd, you anti-Semite.

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