Rachel Maddow's "Why We Did It" on msnbc


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
An investigation into the reasons behind the war in Iraq.

It's on now.

Are you watching?

Are you learning anything new?

Anything interesting?

I'm learning that MSNBC will dig up 11 year old stories in order to take the spotlight off of that miserable failure in the White House..

So, leaning nothing new.
New insight! They dug into Government archives and have a whole new tact: Bush's Fault!
An investigation into the reasons behind the war in Iraq.

It's on now.

Are you watching?

Are you learning anything new?

Anything interesting?


Maddow is the last person you want to watch if you're interested in learning anything worth while. So, no ... I'm not watching and don't intend to.
Bush used his mind control powers to get the entire Clinton Administration to believe Saddam has WMD's!
Why we did it: NSA

Why we did it: IRS

Why we did it: Benghazi CoverUp

Why we did it: Fast & Furious
No, because I'm at work. But I'm learning that people who worshiped bush would rather die than take a look at what happened under his watch.

And you know that in ten years they'll be enraged if they can't discuss Obama's time in service.

Because, you know: It'll be ancient history.
Maybe Maddcow will talk about something regarding this decade that is relevant. You know...like the failure of Obamacare....Benghazi...I.R.S harassment...Fast & Furious....illegal spying on the press and U.S. citizens.

That'll happen, right?

No, because I'm at work. But I'm learning that people who worshiped bush would rather die than take a look at what happened under his watch.

And you know that in ten years they'll be enraged if they can't discuss Obama's time in service.

Because, you know: It'll be ancient history.

You are aware that Obama sends "drones" to kill folks without due process (some of whom are innocent). Why wait 10 years?

I watched about ten minutes. Since I was vehemently against the war I thought there might be some useful information.

Unfortunately, since it's impossible for me to take partisan ideologues seriously at this point, I kept wondering what contrary information Maddow was leaving out. While it definitely appeared to include irrefutable facts, I'd much rather see the refutations done in real time. Getting just one side of the story is pretty much a waste of time. Too many people are afraid to challenge their own beliefs.

Too bad you just can't believe this stuff out of hand.

Too bad there are so many narcissistic, incurious partisan ideologues running around out there who do.

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