Racial Microaggressions

Currently reading “So You Want To Talk About Race” by Ijeoma Oluo. These excerpts helped me further understand the daily and constant struggles some people must deal with.

“Microaggressions are small daily insults and indignities perpetrated against marginalized or oppressed people. Racial microaggressions are insults and indignities perpetrated against people of color. They are more than just annoyances. The cumulative effect of these constant reminders that you are “less than” does real psychological damage. Regular exposure to microaggressions causes a person of color to feel isolated and invalidated. The inability to predict where and when a microaggression may occur leads to hypervigilance, which can then lead to anxiety disorders and depression. As harmful as they can be, they are very hard to address in real life because they are very hard to see.

It is very easy to dismiss a small offense as a misunderstanding or simple mistake.

On their own, each microaggression doesn’t seem like a big deal. But just like one random bee sting might not be a big deal, a few random bee stings every day of your life will have a definite impact on the quality of your life, and your overall relationship with bees.

Because each microaggression is just one sting perpetrated by a different person, it is hard to address with each individual person without (1)becoming exhausted and (2)being written off as hypersensitive.

Much of our oppressive actions are done in complete ignorance of their effect, or subconsciously – where we aren’t fully aware of why we are acting aggressively toward someone. Rarely does somebody perpetrating one say to themselves, “I’m going to find a small way to hurt this person.”

Let’s take a look at some of the ways in which microaggressions show up in everyday conversations for people of color:

“Are you the first person in your family to graduate?” “Are you an affirmative action hire?” “Wow, you speak English really well.” “You aren’t like other black people.” “Why do black people give their kids such funny names?” “That’s so ghetto.” “Is that your real hair? Can I touch it?” “Is the baby-daddy in the picture?” “Do your kids all have the same dad?” “You have such a chip on your shoulder.”

For nonwhites, racial microaggressions find a way into every part of every day. They are constant reminders that you don’t belong, that you are less than, that you are not worthy of the same respect that white people are afforded. They keep you off balance, keep you distracted, and keep you defensive.

Microaggressions are a serious problem beyond the emotional and physical effects they have. They have much broader social implications. They normalize racism. They make racist assumptions a part of everyday life. These microaggressions help hold the system of white supremacy together, because if we didn’t have all these little ways to separate and dehumanize people, we’d empathize with them more fully and then we’d have to really care about the system that is crushing them.”

Interesting thoughts/observations. I should in
The author of So You Want To Talk About Race also addresses crime:
"The belief that black people and people of color are more dangerous, unpredictable and violent is not something that I believe most police officers (and other Americans) even know they believe. But they do believe it deep down. Implicit bias is the beliefs that sit in the back of your brain and inform your actions without your explicit knowledge.

I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge that there is higher crime in some cities where larger minority populations live. Yes, black men are more likely to commit a violent offense than white men. No, this is not "black-on-black" or "brown-on-brown" crime. Those terms are 100 percent racist. It's crime. We don't call what happens in white communities "white-on-white" crime, even though the majority of crimes against white people are perpetrated by other white people.

Crime is a problem within communities. And communities with higher poverty, fewer jobs and less infrastructure are going to have higher crime, regardless of race. When the average black American has one-thirteenth the net worth and the average Hispanic American has one-tenth the net worth of the average white American, and when the poverty rate among Native Americans is over three times that of whites, it is a strong bet that neighborhoods of color are more likely to be poor neighborhoods with higher crime and that higher-priced neighborhoods with easier access to jobs and more funding for education that lead to less crime would be more likely to be populated by comparatively wealthier white people.

Crime is communities of color is often compounded by the contentious relationship with police. Our police force was not created to serve black Americans; it was created to police black Americans and serve white Americans. Our police forces were created not to protect Americans of color, but to control Americans of color. People of color were seen by the police as an inconvenience at best, and a threat at worst, but never as people to protect and serve. This desire to control the behavior of people of color along with disregard for the lives of people of color has been woven throughout the history of American policing. This general attitude toward communities of color was also built into police training and police culture, and strong remnants of that remain today."
you are so full of crap
my dad lived during the DEPRESSION!! no AC/no central heating...no anything like the blacks have today
they didn't go out and commit crime..
...my family was super poor--we didn't go out and commit crime because my dad taught us not to...also the church taught us not to
it's the culture that produces crime

the poverty comes from the culture---black teens/blacks having kids when they don't have the first clue about raising a kid and/or the means
----the babies/children do not do as well in school for many reasons--bad parenting/bad schools/$$$/etc
--then those children have children and the cycle continues

yes--the police are making the blacks commit crime so they can harass them--brilliant

Just out of curiosity, what is your point? How is the depression era even relevant to now?

My own parents lived during the depression as well, and besides being impacted by the strife that affected everyone during that time, they also had the added burden of being second class citizens and were lawfully forced to be subservient to even the poorest, lowest and most uneducated and ignorant of the white population.

They worked long and hard for every scrap that they had, nor did they "commit any crimes" During that era, they would have been lynched for doing so.

"The Blacks" did not have central air or heating during the great depression either, and during that era, were probably far less able to find work than the least qualified white person in society.
the Depression was
The author of So You Want To Talk About Race also addresses crime:
"The belief that black people and people of color are more dangerous, unpredictable and violent is not something that I believe most police officers (and other Americans) even know they believe. But they do believe it deep down. Implicit bias is the beliefs that sit in the back of your brain and inform your actions without your explicit knowledge.

I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge that there is higher crime in some cities where larger minority populations live. Yes, black men are more likely to commit a violent offense than white men. No, this is not "black-on-black" or "brown-on-brown" crime. Those terms are 100 percent racist. It's crime. We don't call what happens in white communities "white-on-white" crime, even though the majority of crimes against white people are perpetrated by other white people.

Crime is a problem within communities. And communities with higher poverty, fewer jobs and less infrastructure are going to have higher crime, regardless of race. When the average black American has one-thirteenth the net worth and the average Hispanic American has one-tenth the net worth of the average white American, and when the poverty rate among Native Americans is over three times that of whites, it is a strong bet that neighborhoods of color are more likely to be poor neighborhoods with higher crime and that higher-priced neighborhoods with easier access to jobs and more funding for education that lead to less crime would be more likely to be populated by comparatively wealthier white people.

Crime is communities of color is often compounded by the contentious relationship with police. Our police force was not created to serve black Americans; it was created to police black Americans and serve white Americans. Our police forces were created not to protect Americans of color, but to control Americans of color. People of color were seen by the police as an inconvenience at best, and a threat at worst, but never as people to protect and serve. This desire to control the behavior of people of color along with disregard for the lives of people of color has been woven throughout the history of American policing. This general attitude toward communities of color was also built into police training and police culture, and strong remnants of that remain today."
you are so full of crap
my dad lived during the DEPRESSION!! no AC/no central heating...no anything like the blacks have today
they didn't go out and commit crime..
...my family was super poor--we didn't go out and commit crime because my dad taught us not to...also the church taught us not to
it's the culture that produces crime

the poverty comes from the culture---black teens/blacks having kids when they don't have the first clue about raising a kid and/or the means
----the babies/children do not do as well in school for many reasons--bad parenting/bad schools/$$$/etc
--then those children have children and the cycle continues

yes--the police are making the blacks commit crime so they can harass them--brilliant

Just out of curiosity, what is your point? How is the depression era even relevant to now?

My own parents lived during the depression as well, and besides being impacted by the strife that affected everyone during that time, they also had the added burden of being second class citizens and were lawfully forced to be subservient to even the poorest, lowest and most uneducated and ignorant of the white population.

They worked long and hard for every scrap that they had, nor did they "commit any crimes" During that era, they would have been lynched for doing so.

"The Blacks" did not have central air or heating during the great depression either, and during that era, were probably far less able to find work than the least qualified white person in society.
you can't figure it out??!!??
it was a great economic disaster...unemployment rose drastically
my father's family was POOR--but they didn't go out and commit crime because of it
There is nothing to figure out. The whole world knows that it was "a great economic disaster".

My parents lived through it as well, nor did they committ any crimes and to this day NO ONE in my family has.

Just because yours did not either does not grant them a monopoly on good behavior.

Now, on the other hand since you want to reference that era, it was also a period in time when white mobsters thrived in organized crime.
hahhahahah--someone always brings that up
now please post the stats on white crime per capita then vs black crime per capita now--and include your little Mafia
the blacks still commit crime at much, much higher rates
from 1980 to 2008, with whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%. The offending rate for African Americans was almost 8 times higher than whites, and the victim rate 6 times highe
According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in the year 2008 black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. Black youths were overrepresented in all offense categories except DUI, liquor laws and drunkenness
please review the highlighted numbers
Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia

Ive seen the 10 year-old numbers that you posted long ago.

You were the one who placed your family on a pedestal for not committing any crime in spite of being "poor". All that I did was point put the fact that in spite of that the existence of organized crime by white people was not a novelty.
IM2 does not appear to be in need of any "teaching" from you.


So true.

He should enroll in the sixth grade at a public school of his choice and pay attention this time.
You are entitled to your opinion. I think the problem is that IM2 makes certain thin skinned individuals here uncomfortable because he does not mince any words.
IM2 does not appear to be in need of any "teaching" from you.


So true.

He should enroll in the sixth grade at a public school of his choice and pay attention this time.
You are entitled to your opinion. I think the problem is that IM2 makes certain thin skinned individuals here uncomfortable because he does not mince any words.
the OP/thread is stupid
I guess if I order vanilla instead of chocolate, that's a micro-aggression
if I use salt instead of pepper
if I dream of a white Christmas
if I wear a white t-shirt

and I don't speak jive-- [ I can't understand some blacks ]

blacks commit at much higher rates:
hate crimes
sexual crimes
I'd say that was Macro-aggression --ahh but who cares about that serious stuff
let's concentrate on the micro crap--the small--stupid stuff
like '' you speak English well''--a very critical, important matter

they graduate at lower levels--ahh--who cares about that serious stuff
let's worry about dangerous criminals being shot
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If you are going to label people who are asking innocent questions/making innocent comments as aggressive, then yes it’s something that needs to be proved. You can be as pathetically hypersensitive as you want - but at least have the courtesy and honesty to find an appropriate word for your determination to see slights everywhere.

.....while simultaneously ignoring all the overt hatred directed at white people by blacks.

"Micro" aggressions? Sheesh. 25 years ago, my son was in the Oakland, California school district. He was small for his age, very unathletic due to being partially disabled due to a form of arthritis that limited his mobility, and was one of only 3 white kids in an all black classroom. He was bullied, he was beaten up, he was called every racial slur imaginable and the racial slurs came WHILE he was beaten up. The school district refused to do anything about it because of the races involved, and we ended up packing our bags and moving to Oregon.

THis was not "micro" aggression. It was racist aggression, and we have been so conditioned to just accept it that any objection and WE get labeled the racist. That is exactly what the school system did to my wife and I, actually going so far as to infer that we must have instilled some sort of racist vales in him, ourselves.

In a previous thread, a question was posed as to how many white people have been the victims of racism. When I mentioned what had happened to my child, one black poster attacked him by saying he was HAPPY that he was attacked because of his race. My little kid DESERVED to be targeted for the color of his skin. The mods here all supported his taunting me in that way, one threatening to ban be from the thread if I complained too much and another sticking her hands on her hips and demanding that if I didn't want to to make him the target of a black racist, I shouldn't have brought him into the conversation.

I swear, that this crap is now so hardwired into our system that nobody even sees the incredible double standards they support. For God's sake, people are running around looking for "micro" aggressions while supporting every sort of racial abuse imaginable. As a parent, it is pretty fucking sickening to see people support the abuse of my child, and especially from those who run web sites. The utter fear of being called a racist is so intimidating to people if they DON'T support black on white violence that it clouds the judgement of those who should know better.

Political correctness has turned into such a mental straight jacket that it might as well be a group psychosis.
IM2 does not appear to be in need of any "teaching" from you.


So true.

He should enroll in the sixth grade at a public school of his choice and pay attention this time.
You are entitled to your opinion. I think the problem is that IM2 makes certain thin skinned individuals here uncomfortable because he does not mince any words.
the OP/thread is stupid
I guess if I order vanilla instead of chocolate, that's a micro-aggression
if I use salt instead of pepper
if I dream of a white Christmas
if I wear a white t-shirt

and I don't speak jive-- [ I can't understand some blacks ]


I didn't start the thread. And that aside, I have been to nearly every state in this country and have encountered people of ALL races that could not speak a sentence of intelligent English.

I am no authority on anyone except MYSELF. So dream of your "white" Christmas, wear your "white" tee shirts and please, pour as much salt on everything that you wish to.

It does not affect me or who is important to me at all.
IM2 does not appear to be in need of any "teaching" from you.


So true.

He should enroll in the sixth grade at a public school of his choice and pay attention this time.
You are entitled to your opinion. I think the problem is that IM2 makes certain thin skinned individuals here uncomfortable because he does not mince any words.
the OP/thread is stupid
I guess if I order vanilla instead of chocolate, that's a micro-aggression
if I use salt instead of pepper
if I dream of a white Christmas
if I wear a white t-shirt

and I don't speak jive-- [ I can't understand some blacks ]


I didn't start the thread. And that aside, I have been to nearly every state in this country and have encountered people of ALL races that ccould not speak a sentence of intelligent English.

I am no authority on anyone except MYSELF. So dream of your "white" Christmas, wear your "white" tee shirts and please, pour as much salt on everything that you wish to.
I dont care.

I MUST be a dumbass---it says who started the thread right there!!! boy--what an idiot I am :rolleyes-41:
I know who started the thread
If you are going to label people who are asking innocent questions/making innocent comments as aggressive, then yes it’s something that needs to be proved. You can be as pathetically hypersensitive as you want - but at least have the courtesy and honesty to find an appropriate word for your determination to see slights everywhere.

.....while simultaneously ignoring all the overt hatred directed at white people by blacks.

"Micro" aggressions? Sheesh. 25 years ago, my son was in the Oakland, California school district. He was small for his age, very unathletic due to being partially disabled due to a form of arthritis that limited his mobility, and was one of only 3 white kids in an all black classroom. He was bullied, he was beaten up, he was called every racial slur imaginable and the racial slurs came WHILE he was beaten up. The school district refused to do anything about it because of the races involved, and we ended up packing our bags and moving to Oregon.

THis was not "micro" aggression. It was racist aggression, and we have been so conditioned to just accept it that any objection and WE get labeled the racist. That is exactly what the school system did to my wife and I, actually going so far as to infer that we must have instilled some sort of racist vales in him, ourselves.

In a previous thread, a question was posed as to how many white people have been the victims of racism. When I mentioned what had happened to my child, one black poster attacked him by saying he was HAPPY that he was attacked because of his race. My little kid DESERVED to be targeted for the color of his skin. The mods here all supported his taunting me in that way, one threatening to ban be from the thread if I complained too much and another sticking her hands on her hips and demanding that if I didn't want to to make him the target of a black racist, I shouldn't have brought him into the conversation.

I swear, that this crap is now so hardwired into our system that nobody even sees the incredible double standards they support. For God's sake, people are running around looking for "micro" aggressions while supporting every sort of racial abuse imaginable. As a parent, it is pretty fucking sickening to see people support the abuse of my child, and especially from those who run web sites. The utter fear of being called a racist is so intimidating to people if they DON'T support black on white violence that it clouds the judgement of those who should know better.

Political correctness has turned into such a mental straight jacket that it might as well be a group psychosis.
see post # 245
my wife also went to a predominantly black high school and she says the blacks went around doing the same stuff...one time she had to hide from the violent RACIST blacks
[ they take pleasure and pride in this ]

we lived in a predominantly black ''hood''.....some tried to jump us/etc
one black family just moved in and kept giving us crap--racism??..they didn't know anything about us
one day one of them gave my mom some trouble so I beat his ass
after a while we became good friends with them
during that time, our only friends were black......
I called my real brothers the N word..we dressed/talked black...we listened to only black music...etc
If you are going to label people who are asking innocent questions/making innocent comments as aggressive, then yes it’s something that needs to be proved. You can be as pathetically hypersensitive as you want - but at least have the courtesy and honesty to find an appropriate word for your determination to see slights everywhere.

.....while simultaneously ignoring all the overt hatred directed at white people by blacks.

"Micro" aggressions? Sheesh. 25 years ago, my son was in the Oakland, California school district. He was small for his age, very unathletic due to being partially disabled due to a form of arthritis that limited his mobility, and was one of only 3 white kids in an all black classroom. He was bullied, he was beaten up, he was called every racial slur imaginable and the racial slurs came WHILE he was beaten up. The school district refused to do anything about it because of the races involved, and we ended up packing our bags and moving to Oregon.

THis was not "micro" aggression. It was racist aggression, and we have been so conditioned to just accept it that any objection and WE get labeled the racist. That is exactly what the school system did to my wife and I, actually going so far as to infer that we must have instilled some sort of racist vales in him, ourselves.

In a previous thread, a question was posed as to how many white people have been the victims of racism. When I mentioned what had happened to my child, one black poster attacked him by saying he was HAPPY that he was attacked because of his race. My little kid DESERVED to be targeted for the color of his skin. The mods here all supported his taunting me in that way, one threatening to ban be from the thread if I complained too much and another sticking her hands on her hips and demanding that if I didn't want to to make him the target of a black racist, I shouldn't have brought him into the conversation.

I swear, that this crap is now so hardwired into our system that nobody even sees the incredible double standards they support. For God's sake, people are running around looking for "micro" aggressions while supporting every sort of racial abuse imaginable. As a parent, it is pretty fucking sickening to see people support the abuse of my child, and especially from those who run web sites. The utter fear of being called a racist is so intimidating to people if they DON'T support black on white violence that it clouds the judgement of those who should know better.

Political correctness has turned into such a mental straight jacket that it might as well be a group psychosis.
see post # 245
my wife also went to a predominantly black high school and she says the blacks went around doing the same stuff...one time she had to hide from the violent RACIST blacks
[ they take pleasure and pride in this ]

we lived in a predominantly black ''hood''.....some tried to jump us/etc
one black family just moved in and kept giving us crap--racism??..they didn't know anything about us
one day one of them gave my mom some trouble so I beat his ass
after a while we became good friends with them
during that time, our only friends were black......
I called my real brothers the N word..we dressed/talked black...we listened to only black music...etc

Some times I wonder if all the ultra p.c. posters have just led very sheltered lives. It's easy to buy into all the double standards if you've never had to live them.

It's all about intimidation, really. This nonsense about "micro" aggression is just an attempt to intensify the degree to which the intimidation extends.

At the end of the day, it takes two to tango, though. Most of those who complain about racism really aren't concerned with actual racial hatred. Their posts scream so loud and clear, as they are utterly unconcerned with all the hatred coming FROM blacks. They minimize it. They justify it. They deny it, and do everything in their power to create the impression it is a one way street. It isn't, and until people acknowledge that fact and start talking about race honestly rather than through one-sided lenses, they only contribute to it instead of combatting it.
Currently reading “So You Want To Talk About Race” by Ijeoma Oluo. These excerpts helped me further understand the daily and constant struggles some people must deal with.

“Microaggressions are small daily insults and indignities perpetrated against marginalized or oppressed people. Racial microaggressions are insults and indignities perpetrated against people of color. They are more than just annoyances. The cumulative effect of these constant reminders that you are “less than” does real psychological damage. Regular exposure to microaggressions causes a person of color to feel isolated and invalidated. The inability to predict where and when a microaggression may occur leads to hypervigilance, which can then lead to anxiety disorders and depression. As harmful as they can be, they are very hard to address in real life because they are very hard to see.

It is very easy to dismiss a small offense as a misunderstanding or simple mistake.

On their own, each microaggression doesn’t seem like a big deal. But just like one random bee sting might not be a big deal, a few random bee stings every day of your life will have a definite impact on the quality of your life, and your overall relationship with bees.

Because each microaggression is just one sting perpetrated by a different person, it is hard to address with each individual person without (1)becoming exhausted and (2)being written off as hypersensitive.

Much of our oppressive actions are done in complete ignorance of their effect, or subconsciously – where we aren’t fully aware of why we are acting aggressively toward someone. Rarely does somebody perpetrating one say to themselves, “I’m going to find a small way to hurt this person.”

Let’s take a look at some of the ways in which microaggressions show up in everyday conversations for people of color:

“Are you the first person in your family to graduate?” “Are you an affirmative action hire?” “Wow, you speak English really well.” “You aren’t like other black people.” “Why do black people give their kids such funny names?” “That’s so ghetto.” “Is that your real hair? Can I touch it?” “Is the baby-daddy in the picture?” “Do your kids all have the same dad?” “You have such a chip on your shoulder.”

For nonwhites, racial microaggressions find a way into every part of every day. They are constant reminders that you don’t belong, that you are less than, that you are not worthy of the same respect that white people are afforded. They keep you off balance, keep you distracted, and keep you defensive.

Microaggressions are a serious problem beyond the emotional and physical effects they have. They have much broader social implications. They normalize racism. They make racist assumptions a part of everyday life. These microaggressions help hold the system of white supremacy together, because if we didn’t have all these little ways to separate and dehumanize people, we’d empathize with them more fully and then we’d have to really care about the system that is crushing them.”

Interesting thoughts/observations. I should in
The author of So You Want To Talk About Race also addresses crime:
"The belief that black people and people of color are more dangerous, unpredictable and violent is not something that I believe most police officers (and other Americans) even know they believe. But they do believe it deep down. Implicit bias is the beliefs that sit in the back of your brain and inform your actions without your explicit knowledge.

I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge that there is higher crime in some cities where larger minority populations live. Yes, black men are more likely to commit a violent offense than white men. No, this is not "black-on-black" or "brown-on-brown" crime. Those terms are 100 percent racist. It's crime. We don't call what happens in white communities "white-on-white" crime, even though the majority of crimes against white people are perpetrated by other white people.

Crime is a problem within communities. And communities with higher poverty, fewer jobs and less infrastructure are going to have higher crime, regardless of race. When the average black American has one-thirteenth the net worth and the average Hispanic American has one-tenth the net worth of the average white American, and when the poverty rate among Native Americans is over three times that of whites, it is a strong bet that neighborhoods of color are more likely to be poor neighborhoods with higher crime and that higher-priced neighborhoods with easier access to jobs and more funding for education that lead to less crime would be more likely to be populated by comparatively wealthier white people.

Crime is communities of color is often compounded by the contentious relationship with police. Our police force was not created to serve black Americans; it was created to police black Americans and serve white Americans. Our police forces were created not to protect Americans of color, but to control Americans of color. People of color were seen by the police as an inconvenience at best, and a threat at worst, but never as people to protect and serve. This desire to control the behavior of people of color along with disregard for the lives of people of color has been woven throughout the history of American policing. This general attitude toward communities of color was also built into police training and police culture, and strong remnants of that remain today."
you are so full of crap
my dad lived during the DEPRESSION!! no AC/no central heating...no anything like the blacks have today
they didn't go out and commit crime..
...my family was super poor--we didn't go out and commit crime because my dad taught us not to...also the church taught us not to
it's the culture that produces crime

the poverty comes from the culture---black teens/blacks having kids when they don't have the first clue about raising a kid and/or the means
----the babies/children do not do as well in school for many reasons--bad parenting/bad schools/$$$/etc
--then those children have children and the cycle continues

yes--the police are making the blacks commit crime so they can harass them--brilliant

Just out of curiosity, what is your point? How is the depression era even relevant to now?

My own parents lived during the depression as well, and besides being impacted by the strife that affected everyone during that time, they also had the added burden of being second class citizens and were lawfully forced to be subservient to even the poorest, lowest and most uneducated and ignorant of the white population.

They worked long and hard for every scrap that they had, nor did they "commit any crimes" During that era, they would have been lynched for doing so.

"The Blacks" did not have central air or heating during the great depression either, and during that era, were probably far less able to find work than the least qualified white person in society.
the Depression was
The author of So You Want To Talk About Race also addresses crime:
"The belief that black people and people of color are more dangerous, unpredictable and violent is not something that I believe most police officers (and other Americans) even know they believe. But they do believe it deep down. Implicit bias is the beliefs that sit in the back of your brain and inform your actions without your explicit knowledge.

I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge that there is higher crime in some cities where larger minority populations live. Yes, black men are more likely to commit a violent offense than white men. No, this is not "black-on-black" or "brown-on-brown" crime. Those terms are 100 percent racist. It's crime. We don't call what happens in white communities "white-on-white" crime, even though the majority of crimes against white people are perpetrated by other white people.

Crime is a problem within communities. And communities with higher poverty, fewer jobs and less infrastructure are going to have higher crime, regardless of race. When the average black American has one-thirteenth the net worth and the average Hispanic American has one-tenth the net worth of the average white American, and when the poverty rate among Native Americans is over three times that of whites, it is a strong bet that neighborhoods of color are more likely to be poor neighborhoods with higher crime and that higher-priced neighborhoods with easier access to jobs and more funding for education that lead to less crime would be more likely to be populated by comparatively wealthier white people.

Crime is communities of color is often compounded by the contentious relationship with police. Our police force was not created to serve black Americans; it was created to police black Americans and serve white Americans. Our police forces were created not to protect Americans of color, but to control Americans of color. People of color were seen by the police as an inconvenience at best, and a threat at worst, but never as people to protect and serve. This desire to control the behavior of people of color along with disregard for the lives of people of color has been woven throughout the history of American policing. This general attitude toward communities of color was also built into police training and police culture, and strong remnants of that remain today."
you are so full of crap
my dad lived during the DEPRESSION!! no AC/no central heating...no anything like the blacks have today
they didn't go out and commit crime..
...my family was super poor--we didn't go out and commit crime because my dad taught us not to...also the church taught us not to
it's the culture that produces crime

the poverty comes from the culture---black teens/blacks having kids when they don't have the first clue about raising a kid and/or the means
----the babies/children do not do as well in school for many reasons--bad parenting/bad schools/$$$/etc
--then those children have children and the cycle continues

yes--the police are making the blacks commit crime so they can harass them--brilliant

Just out of curiosity, what is your point? How is the depression era even relevant to now?

My own parents lived during the depression as well, and besides being impacted by the strife that affected everyone during that time, they also had the added burden of being second class citizens and were lawfully forced to be subservient to even the poorest, lowest and most uneducated and ignorant of the white population.

They worked long and hard for every scrap that they had, nor did they "commit any crimes" During that era, they would have been lynched for doing so.

"The Blacks" did not have central air or heating during the great depression either, and during that era, were probably far less able to find work than the least qualified white person in society.
you can't figure it out??!!??
it was a great economic disaster...unemployment rose drastically
my father's family was POOR--but they didn't go out and commit crime because of it
There is nothing to figure out. The whole world knows that it was "a great economic disaster".

My parents lived through it as well, nor did they committ any crimes and to this day NO ONE in my family has.

Just because yours did not either does not grant them a monopoly on good behavior.

Now, on the other hand since you want to reference that era, it was also a period in time when white mobsters thrived in organized crime.
hahhahahah--someone always brings that up
now please post the stats on white crime per capita then vs black crime per capita now--and include your little Mafia
the blacks still commit crime at much, much higher rates
from 1980 to 2008, with whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%. The offending rate for African Americans was almost 8 times higher than whites, and the victim rate 6 times highe
According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in the year 2008 black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. Black youths were overrepresented in all offense categories except DUI, liquor laws and drunkenness
please review the highlighted numbers
Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia
sexual crimes and hate crimes they commit at over TWICE the rate

This is 2018 and we won't be discussing per capita crime numbers. Whites commit 2.5 times more crimes than we do and Wikipedia is not the source to use.
If you are going to label people who are asking innocent questions/making innocent comments as aggressive, then yes it’s something that needs to be proved. You can be as pathetically hypersensitive as you want - but at least have the courtesy and honesty to find an appropriate word for your determination to see slights everywhere.

.....while simultaneously ignoring all the overt hatred directed at white people by blacks.

"Micro" aggressions? Sheesh. 25 years ago, my son was in the Oakland, California school district. He was small for his age, very unathletic due to being partially disabled due to a form of arthritis that limited his mobility, and was one of only 3 white kids in an all black classroom. He was bullied, he was beaten up, he was called every racial slur imaginable and the racial slurs came WHILE he was beaten up. The school district refused to do anything about it because of the races involved, and we ended up packing our bags and moving to Oregon.

THis was not "micro" aggression. It was racist aggression, and we have been so conditioned to just accept it that any objection and WE get labeled the racist. That is exactly what the school system did to my wife and I, actually going so far as to infer that we must have instilled some sort of racist vales in him, ourselves.

In a previous thread, a question was posed as to how many white people have been the victims of racism. When I mentioned what had happened to my child, one black poster attacked him by saying he was HAPPY that he was attacked because of his race. My little kid DESERVED to be targeted for the color of his skin. The mods here all supported his taunting me in that way, one threatening to ban be from the thread if I complained too much and another sticking her hands on her hips and demanding that if I didn't want to to make him the target of a black racist, I shouldn't have brought him into the conversation.

I swear, that this crap is now so hardwired into our system that nobody even sees the incredible double standards they support. For God's sake, people are running around looking for "micro" aggressions while supporting every sort of racial abuse imaginable. As a parent, it is pretty fucking sickening to see people support the abuse of my child, and especially from those who run web sites. The utter fear of being called a racist is so intimidating to people if they DON'T support black on white violence that it clouds the judgement of those who should know better.

Political correctness has turned into such a mental straight jacket that it might as well be a group psychosis.
see post # 245
my wife also went to a predominantly black high school and she says the blacks went around doing the same stuff...one time she had to hide from the violent RACIST blacks
[ they take pleasure and pride in this ]

we lived in a predominantly black ''hood''.....some tried to jump us/etc
one black family just moved in and kept giving us crap--racism??..they didn't know anything about us
one day one of them gave my mom some trouble so I beat his ass
after a while we became good friends with them
during that time, our only friends were black......
I called my real brothers the N word..we dressed/talked black...we listened to only black music...etc

More examples of white psychosis.
Today is January 27, 2018. Millions of African Americans across the US have never been to jail unless it is work related. Millions of African Americans across the US do not live in a ghetto.

We all know what day it is. .And on this day we have a white racist presiding over this country.

And he will be there for the next 3 years. So, what the hell are you going to do in the mean time? This? It's an inadequate response and you aren't addressing any of the issues that brought him in.

I said what I did because your statement assumes things that are not so, and infers hat all such things mentioned about white racism are in e past. So them in order for you up understand how silly your comment was I stated that a white racist is in office now which would mean to anyone who has good sense that racism by whites is very much a current problem. The main issue that bought him in was white racism so the issue is being addressed..

You said what you did because you don't have an adequate response and it is easier for you to respond to extremism.You shifted topics because what I said is true and you had backed yourself into a corner. In doing so, you find yourself defending things that you ordinarily would not.

You pretend that all blacks live in the ghetto and all blacks are entangled in the criminal justice system. Then you can feel self righteous about a fictive situation where people respond to the all blacks live in the ghetto and are entangled in the criminal justice system. Now you don't have to deal with the actual issues and you don't have to come up with any solutions.

I said what I did for the reasons I stated not for the reasons your dumb ass imagines. I know what the issues are. You imagine you do.
If you are going to label people who are asking innocent questions/making innocent comments as aggressive, then yes it’s something that needs to be proved. You can be as pathetically hypersensitive as you want - but at least have the courtesy and honesty to find an appropriate word for your determination to see slights everywhere.

.....while simultaneously ignoring all the overt hatred directed at white people by blacks.

"Micro" aggressions? Sheesh. 25 years ago, my son was in the Oakland, California school district. He was small for his age, very unathletic due to being partially disabled due to a form of arthritis that limited his mobility, and was one of only 3 white kids in an all black classroom. He was bullied, he was beaten up, he was called every racial slur imaginable and the racial slurs came WHILE he was beaten up. The school district refused to do anything about it because of the races involved, and we ended up packing our bags and moving to Oregon.

THis was not "micro" aggression. It was racist aggression, and we have been so conditioned to just accept it that any objection and WE get labeled the racist. That is exactly what the school system did to my wife and I, actually going so far as to infer that we must have instilled some sort of racist vales in him, ourselves.

In a previous thread, a question was posed as to how many white people have been the victims of racism. When I mentioned what had happened to my child, one black poster attacked him by saying he was HAPPY that he was attacked because of his race. My little kid DESERVED to be targeted for the color of his skin. The mods here all supported his taunting me in that way, one threatening to ban be from the thread if I complained too much and another sticking her hands on her hips and demanding that if I didn't want to to make him the target of a black racist, I shouldn't have brought him into the conversation.

I swear, that this crap is now so hardwired into our system that nobody even sees the incredible double standards they support. For God's sake, people are running around looking for "micro" aggressions while supporting every sort of racial abuse imaginable. As a parent, it is pretty fucking sickening to see people support the abuse of my child, and especially from those who run web sites. The utter fear of being called a racist is so intimidating to people if they DON'T support black on white violence that it clouds the judgement of those who should know better.

Political correctness has turned into such a mental straight jacket that it might as well be a group psychosis.
see post # 245
my wife also went to a predominantly black high school and she says the blacks went around doing the same stuff...one time she had to hide from the violent RACIST blacks
[ they take pleasure and pride in this ]

we lived in a predominantly black ''hood''.....some tried to jump us/etc
one black family just moved in and kept giving us crap--racism??..they didn't know anything about us
one day one of them gave my mom some trouble so I beat his ass
after a while we became good friends with them
during that time, our only friends were black......
I called my real brothers the N word..we dressed/talked black...we listened to only black music...etc

Some times I wonder if all the ultra p.c. posters have just led very sheltered lives. It's easy to buy into all the double standards if you've never had to live them.

It's all about intimidation, really. This nonsense about "micro" aggression is just an attempt to intensify the degree to which the intimidation extends.

At the end of the day, it takes two to tango, though. Most of those who complain about racism really aren't concerned with actual racial hatred. Their posts scream so loud and clear, as they are utterly unconcerned with all the hatred coming FROM blacks. They minimize it. They justify it. They deny it, and do everything in their power to create the impression it is a one way street. It isn't, and until people acknowledge that fact and start talking about race honestly rather than through one-sided lenses, they only contribute to it instead of combatting it.

At the end of the day peopl like you need professional help You live in a lie, and you repeat that lie to yourself each and every day. You suffer from a mental disorder that tries to equate 400 years of consistent white racism to instances where blacks who at angry about it state their displeasure. This is how fucking stupid those like you are.
IM2 does not appear to be in need of any "teaching" from you.


So true.

He should enroll in the sixth grade at a public school of his choice and pay attention this time.
You are entitled to your opinion. I think the problem is that IM2 makes certain thin skinned individuals here uncomfortable because he does not mince any words.

You support the notion of micro mini, infinitisimally teensie aggressions and then whine about the white targets of this agitprop technique as being the ones who are thin skinned.

Thanks for the laugh!
Currently reading “So You Want To Talk About Race” by Ijeoma Oluo. These excerpts helped me further understand the daily and constant struggles some people must deal with.

“Microaggressions are small daily insults and indignities perpetrated against marginalized or oppressed people. Racial microaggressions are insults and indignities perpetrated against people of color. They are more than just annoyances. The cumulative effect of these constant reminders that you are “less than” does real psychological damage. Regular exposure to microaggressions causes a person of color to feel isolated and invalidated. The inability to predict where and when a microaggression may occur leads to hypervigilance, which can then lead to anxiety disorders and depression. As harmful as they can be, they are very hard to address in real life because they are very hard to see.

It is very easy to dismiss a small offense as a misunderstanding or simple mistake.

On their own, each microaggression doesn’t seem like a big deal. But just like one random bee sting might not be a big deal, a few random bee stings every day of your life will have a definite impact on the quality of your life, and your overall relationship with bees.

Because each microaggression is just one sting perpetrated by a different person, it is hard to address with each individual person without (1)becoming exhausted and (2)being written off as hypersensitive.

Much of our oppressive actions are done in complete ignorance of their effect, or subconsciously – where we aren’t fully aware of why we are acting aggressively toward someone. Rarely does somebody perpetrating one say to themselves, “I’m going to find a small way to hurt this person.”

Let’s take a look at some of the ways in which microaggressions show up in everyday conversations for people of color:

“Are you the first person in your family to graduate?” “Are you an affirmative action hire?” “Wow, you speak English really well.” “You aren’t like other black people.” “Why do black people give their kids such funny names?” “That’s so ghetto.” “Is that your real hair? Can I touch it?” “Is the baby-daddy in the picture?” “Do your kids all have the same dad?” “You have such a chip on your shoulder.”

For nonwhites, racial microaggressions find a way into every part of every day. They are constant reminders that you don’t belong, that you are less than, that you are not worthy of the same respect that white people are afforded. They keep you off balance, keep you distracted, and keep you defensive.

Microaggressions are a serious problem beyond the emotional and physical effects they have. They have much broader social implications. They normalize racism. They make racist assumptions a part of everyday life. These microaggressions help hold the system of white supremacy together, because if we didn’t have all these little ways to separate and dehumanize people, we’d empathize with them more fully and then we’d have to really care about the system that is crushing them.”

Interesting thoughts/observations. I should in
you are so full of crap
my dad lived during the DEPRESSION!! no AC/no central heating...no anything like the blacks have today
they didn't go out and commit crime..
...my family was super poor--we didn't go out and commit crime because my dad taught us not to...also the church taught us not to
it's the culture that produces crime

the poverty comes from the culture---black teens/blacks having kids when they don't have the first clue about raising a kid and/or the means
----the babies/children do not do as well in school for many reasons--bad parenting/bad schools/$$$/etc
--then those children have children and the cycle continues

yes--the police are making the blacks commit crime so they can harass them--brilliant

Just out of curiosity, what is your point? How is the depression era even relevant to now?

My own parents lived during the depression as well, and besides being impacted by the strife that affected everyone during that time, they also had the added burden of being second class citizens and were lawfully forced to be subservient to even the poorest, lowest and most uneducated and ignorant of the white population.

They worked long and hard for every scrap that they had, nor did they "commit any crimes" During that era, they would have been lynched for doing so.

"The Blacks" did not have central air or heating during the great depression either, and during that era, were probably far less able to find work than the least qualified white person in society.
the Depression was
you are so full of crap
my dad lived during the DEPRESSION!! no AC/no central heating...no anything like the blacks have today
they didn't go out and commit crime..
...my family was super poor--we didn't go out and commit crime because my dad taught us not to...also the church taught us not to
it's the culture that produces crime

the poverty comes from the culture---black teens/blacks having kids when they don't have the first clue about raising a kid and/or the means
----the babies/children do not do as well in school for many reasons--bad parenting/bad schools/$$$/etc
--then those children have children and the cycle continues

yes--the police are making the blacks commit crime so they can harass them--brilliant

Just out of curiosity, what is your point? How is the depression era even relevant to now?

My own parents lived during the depression as well, and besides being impacted by the strife that affected everyone during that time, they also had the added burden of being second class citizens and were lawfully forced to be subservient to even the poorest, lowest and most uneducated and ignorant of the white population.

They worked long and hard for every scrap that they had, nor did they "commit any crimes" During that era, they would have been lynched for doing so.

"The Blacks" did not have central air or heating during the great depression either, and during that era, were probably far less able to find work than the least qualified white person in society.
you can't figure it out??!!??
it was a great economic disaster...unemployment rose drastically
my father's family was POOR--but they didn't go out and commit crime because of it
There is nothing to figure out. The whole world knows that it was "a great economic disaster".

My parents lived through it as well, nor did they committ any crimes and to this day NO ONE in my family has.

Just because yours did not either does not grant them a monopoly on good behavior.

Now, on the other hand since you want to reference that era, it was also a period in time when white mobsters thrived in organized crime.
hahhahahah--someone always brings that up
now please post the stats on white crime per capita then vs black crime per capita now--and include your little Mafia
the blacks still commit crime at much, much higher rates
from 1980 to 2008, with whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%. The offending rate for African Americans was almost 8 times higher than whites, and the victim rate 6 times highe
According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in the year 2008 black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. Black youths were overrepresented in all offense categories except DUI, liquor laws and drunkenness
please review the highlighted numbers
Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia
sexual crimes and hate crimes they commit at over TWICE the rate

This is 2018 and we won't be discussing per capita crime numbers. Whites commit 2.5 times more crimes than we do and Wikipedia is not the source to use.
Actually you, and you alone, are the only one who won't discuss per capita rates; the numbers that actually matter when comparing two disparate groups. And we all know why...
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IM2 does not appear to be in need of any "teaching" from you.


So true.

He should enroll in the sixth grade at a public school of his choice and pay attention this time.
You are entitled to your opinion. I think the problem is that IM2 makes certain thin skinned individuals here uncomfortable because he does not mince any words.

You support the notion of micro mini, infinitisimally teensie aggressions and then whine about the white targets of this agitprop technique as being the ones who are thin skinned.

Thanks for the laugh!

The laugh is on you. You do not have any idea "what I support" nor what I don't.
Today is January 27, 2018. Millions of African Americans across the US have never been to jail unless it is work related. Millions of African Americans across the US do not live in a ghetto.

We all know what day it is. .And on this day we have a white racist presiding over this country.

And a black, obtuse racist posting on USMB.
IM2 does not appear to be in need of any "teaching" from you.


So true.

He should enroll in the sixth grade at a public school of his choice and pay attention this time.
You are entitled to your opinion. I think the problem is that IM2 makes certain thin skinned individuals here uncomfortable because he does not mince any words.

You support the notion of micro mini, infinitisimally teensie aggressions and then whine about the white targets of this agitprop technique as being the ones who are thin skinned.

Thanks for the laugh!

The laugh is on you. You do not have any idea "what I support" nor what I don't.

Steve, I just wanted to take a moment to let you know that I'm not really laughing with you, I'm laughing at you.

I hope that helps, because I can tell you have very delicate sensibilities.
another DUMBASS thread
when you tell someone they speak English well--that's a COMPLIMENT
I can understand foreigners better than some blacks

considering blacks graduate at lower levels, I always ask my black 'friends' ''are you the first of your family to graduate''?? they don't seem to mind.... their answer is usually ''no, I didn't graduate''

Then you have some low class "black friends".

Birds of a feather?
actually I don't have any black friends Mr Dumbass
the facts remain--blacks graduate at lower levels

The facts remain that whites commit the most crime and have been historically the most criminal and violent race in this country.

What is your evidence for that claim?

"This fallacy is often accompanied by a phrase such as “Trust me.” It might be considered a self-referential appeal to authority. A more rigorous and constrained discussion might allow you to ask “What is your evidence for that claim?” However, when bare assertions are constantly thrown out as red herrings, it may be best to abandon any hope of real dialogue."

Bare assertion fallacy:
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