Racism at Fox News

Well, Romney was pretty clear during his campaign last summer regarding his uncensored disdain for poor people and minorities. Now there's suddenly a picture of an adopted Black child in a sea of White Romneys?

Maybe he's had a change of heart, who knows.

It is amazing how many people that post on this board live in alternate universes.

She's having trouble with that universe too.
I'm sorry. You need to double-dog dare me, but only after you've put the cork back in the bottle. BTW, my comment was not focused on you Dr. Paranoid, it was on all the bullshit spread about the victim by those on the far right (I guess being on the far right is what caused you to become paranoid).

Feeling persecuted again?

I'm not.

Not at all, have another drink the world might come into focus.

I am not the one that thinks people on a message board are obsessed with my opinion.
Racism continues to be one of the biggest social problems in the world. And when you consider what it is people are objecting to when we decry them as being racist, it's much as how young children in school single out anyone who stands out as different. A racist isn't saying some culture's practices is stupid, they're actually saying people who just look different are inferior to them. That's what schoolchildren do.
At least one black child will be raised right ;) Shame on msnbc for doing this to a little child. :(

Um, this poor kid is going to be raised in a Cult that teaches that Black Skin is a curse from God.

Utah has one of the highest teen suicide rates in the country and is the top state in the prescription of anti-depresents.

Truly, this kid would be better off being raised by feral wolves than Mormons.
Well what do you know, the liberal left will even call babies Uncle Tom.

MSNBC Panel?s Odd Reaction to Picture of Romney?s Black Adopted Grandson | Video | TheBlaze.com

“I think this picture is great,” Obeidallah added. “It really sums up the diversity of the Republican party, the RNC. At the convention, they find the one black person.”


How long will blacks put up with being put down?

What I find odd is the way all the boys are dressed the same and so are the girls. Sort of like little Mormon uniforms.

Holy Shit, you're right.
The radical left managed to joke about Palin's Down's Syndrome baby and now they attack the former GOP presidential candidate for adopting a Black baby. The bigotry on the left is remarkable and the liberal media's compliance in the hate speech is disgusting.

Can you please point out where anyone on the left actually made fun of Palin's kid?


PS - It has to be someone we've heard of.
Can you believe there are morons that proudly declare themselves an American national socialist?
Which one of his retarded sons adopted that thing? Jeez. Way to ruin a family by adopting some fashion statement like these retarded ass celebrities do.

Thanks for proving that all the racists don't work at MSNBC.

Unless you do.

actually they do NOT work any where, 98% of racists are born from the demoncRAT party, the party that encourages dependence
What in the hell does this have to do with FoxNews?

Just another way to attack the truly "Fair and Balanced"? :mad:
At least one black child will be raised right ;) Shame on msnbc for doing this to a little child. :(

Um, this poor kid is going to be raised in a Cult that teaches that Black Skin is a curse from God.

Utah has one of the highest teen suicide rates in the country and is the top state in the prescription of anti-depresents.

Truly, this kid would be better off being raised by feral wolves than Mormons.

Funny how you believe all sorts of things that are patently false, yet think I am crazy because I believe something that you cannot prove is false.
Well what do you know, the liberal left will even call babies Uncle Tom.

MSNBC Panel?s Odd Reaction to Picture of Romney?s Black Adopted Grandson | Video | TheBlaze.com

“I think this picture is great,” Obeidallah added. “It really sums up the diversity of the Republican party, the RNC. At the convention, they find the one black person.”


How long will blacks put up with being put down?

What I find odd is the way all the boys are dressed the same and so are the girls. Sort of like little Mormon uniforms.

Holy Shit, you're right.

Holy shit, another example of JoeB believing what someone else sees instead of seeing with his own eyes.
The radical left managed to joke about Palin's Down's Syndrome baby and now they attack the former GOP presidential candidate for adopting a Black baby. The bigotry on the left is remarkable and the liberal media's compliance in the hate speech is disgusting.

Can you please point out where anyone on the left actually made fun of Palin's kid?


PS - It has to be someone we've heard of.

Let me guess, even if someone points out Obama doing it you will say that a) that isn't a person from the left, and b) you never heard of him even if he was.

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