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Racism, deconstructing the social construct:

Which reasons are the most prevalent causes of racism?

  • Natural, or evolutionary

    Votes: 6 35.3%
  • Experienced, or reactionary

    Votes: 5 29.4%
  • Parental

    Votes: 5 29.4%
  • Institutional

    Votes: 4 23.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 29.4%

  • Total voters


Aug 10, 2009
Which reasons are the most prevalent causes of racism?

1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2 : racial prejudice or discrimination
Racism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

The very real physical characteristics that are used to define 'race' are clearly biological, the resulting behaviors to these characteristics are constructed by sociological mechanisms.

While all of these reasons are likely to be found in reality, the likely causes of racism are a blend of these reasons... So please choose as many as you would like.
I am asking which reasons you believe are the most prevalent causes of 'racism'.

Natural, or evolutionary
Racism is a natural reaction, a group survival trait that is the result of evolution. While simply wishing to retain biological evolutions within a group is not in and of itself "racism", it possibly triggers a construct of "us vs them" and the resulting notions of superiority and inferiority.
-- *EDIT* Racism may not be a sociological construct at all.

Experienced, or reactionary
Through personal interactions with others, racism is a reaction to either positive or negative eperiences that one has when interacting with members of a given race. These experiences are "telescoped" and applied to others who share the same racial/physical characteristics, whom have never have come into contact.
-- *EDIT* Racism is learned through personal experience.

Parents own racism is passed down to their offspring. Parents are racists for whatever reason, and pass it on to their children.
(A common argument amongst elitist/progressive ideologues is that parents teach 'racism' to their offspring. Of course, such elitists have an agenda of removing peasant or working class children from parental care as soon as possible to be thrust into their utopian slave system.)
-- *EDIT* Racism is learned by parental guidance.

Institutions such as government, education, and mass media perpetuate stereotypes which condition their victims to harbor stereotypes that may or may not hold any real truth in reality. Elitists have a vested interest in playing 'races' off of each other in order to maintain power over all of them. The physical reality of 'race' is exploited by these institutions who feel the have the right to treat human beings as catttle.
-- *EDIT* Racism is learned by institutional conditioning.

I will explain in my post.
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Elitists are those who consider themselves superior or more virtuous or more worthy or more noble or more intelligent or more deserving or more sincere than others. They often look down their noses at those different from themselves and assign others to different, less acceptable, categories.

Elitism in this context often comes with a sense of entitlement to receive, to act, to judge, to control.

And in my opinion that is what racism is.

And I checked 'other' in the poll because I believe more often than not it is learned behavior and not something that comes naturally to people.
...And in my opinion that is what racism is.

And I checked 'other' in the poll because I believe more often than not it is learned behavior and not something that comes naturally to people.

There are three options which would cover "learned" behavior, which do you determine to be the more prevalent? Or is there a source of "learning" that has been overlooked by the poll?
The poll presupposes that race is scientifically unfounded, an
acquired prejudice. You must add one more alternative for the poll to
work. This is: "Race is real". We might just as well talk about it
rather than "bending over backwards just to avoid mentioning race."
This sometimes creates more interpersonal problems than it solves, the
author of the following article says.

'Racism's Cognitive Toll: Subtle Discrimination Is More
Taxing On The Brain', ScienceDaily (Sep. 24, 2007)
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The poll presupposes that race is scientifically unfounded, an
acquired prejudice.

Please read the first post which details the choices.
The very real physical characteristics that are used to define 'race' are clearly biological, the resulting behaviors to these characteristics are constructed by sociological mechanisms.

Also note that the choices have been updated for clarity. If you believe that the cause of racism isn't "learned" or socially constructed, then the first option may be the choice you are looking for.
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No, you mention only an alternative of "physical characteristics" and that we learn to see thick lips and flat noses as repugnant. This is certainly not my alternative. "Race is real" means that races are different on the inside, think differently, have different levels of aggressiveness, different levels of IQ. Your poll is warped because there is no alternative that says that race is scientifically founded, i.e. that it is very real, regardless of physical characteristics. Lynn & Vanhanen provide a list of the average IQ of nations:
The poll presupposes that race is scientifically unfounded, an
acquired prejudice. You must add one more alternative for the poll to
work. This is: "Race is real". We might just as well talk about it
rather than "bending over backwards just to avoid mentioning race."
This sometimes creates more interpersonal problems than it solves, the
author of the following article says.

'Racism's Cognitive Toll: Subtle Discrimination Is More
Taxing On The Brain', ScienceDaily (Sep. 24, 2007)

Wouldn't it be more exact to say culture is real? If that was agreed upon, wouldn't it then be more accurate to consider the interpersonal problems created to be more solvable through more intercultural exposure? I find it hard to hate anyone who feeds me. If that nourishment comes through food (the most obvious and easily digestible method of nourishment), or via music, literature...it doesn't matter; when people move beyond their comfort zones, they find pleasant experiences along with the (at first) uncomfortable. Approached with an open heart, the uncomfortable is almost always overtaken by the pleasant, and the strange becomes familiar over time.

Maybe people just need to take the flag pole out of their ass and enjoy new experiences.
And people.
And food.
And Music
And literature.
No, you mention only an alternative of "physical characteristics" and that we learn to see thick lips and flat noses as repugnant. This is certainly not my alternative. "Race is real" means that races are different on the inside, think differently, have different levels of aggressiveness, different levels of IQ. Your poll is warped because there is no alternative that says that race is scientifically founded, i.e. that it is very real, regardless of physical characteristics. Lynn & Vanhanen provide a list of the average IQ of nations:

It seems that your confusion is the result of differentiating the term "race" from the term "racism". The reality of 'race' is not the subject, the causes of racism is the subject.

Please re-read the first post with an open mind. I absolutely agree that race is a physical/biological reality. What I am curious about is what actually causes the behavioral reactions to these obvious differences, particularly when the behaviors reach the point of beliefs of inherent superiority/inferiority.

Though please note,
I do not plan on debating the subject within this thread, I believe that "IQ" is purely a social construct...
Just sayin'.
Barb, firstly, those Whites that have been mugged or raped by Blacks might not agree with your recipe of more social exposure. From the 2005 U.S. crime statistics I calculate that a black man is 50 times more likely to commit interracial rape than a white man, and almost 9 times as likely to commit rape regardless of race of victim. These figures are hair-raising. The problem is that such things build up in the unconscious. So it doesn't help if we pretend that race doesn't exist. The concept is only transferred to the unconscious. That's why Americans dream about Negroes all the time, as C.G. Jung pointed out.
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Whyte.Devyl, race is foremostly a psychological reality. The problem is that so many people these days view racism and the acceptance of the reality of race as the same thing. That's why your poll doesn't work. It presupposes that racial superiority doesn't really exist. But Blacks in the US have an average IQ of 85, whereas Whites have around 100. (See Rushton's freely downloadable book: charlesdarwinresearch.org/reb.html )

So, maybe Whites think that Blacks are dumb because they are dumb (on average). This option is not in your list.
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...And in my opinion that is what racism is.

And I checked 'other' in the poll because I believe more often than not it is learned behavior and not something that comes naturally to people.

There are three options which would cover "learned" behavior, which do you determine to be the more prevalent? Or is there a source of "learning" that has been overlooked by the poll?

The options are:
Natural, or evolutionary - I reject this one because you never see it in children before they are taught to discriminate.

Experienced, or reactionary - This one does apply as those who are consistently treated badly by members of another race will almost certainly associate bad treatment and that race. But that is not the whole story and does not account for most racism.

Parental - of course this could be a factor but I was raised in the south by segregationist parents who were quite open with their 'soft' racism. My sister and I share none of those views and do not think or 'feel' as our parents did in any way. We never have. So I don't think that accounts for most racism.

Institutional - this one may be more significant than the others if it includes opportunism, politicism, ideology, etc. When it is profitable and beneficial to be the 'minority', there is strong incentive to make that an issue. When it is profitable and self serving to benefit minorities, there is strong incentive for politicians and social agencies to make that an issue. When there is ideological basis for elitism, judgmentalism, and demonization in the education system, there is strong incentive to make race an issue.

Other - So this one for me contains components of others but takes in the whole gamut of whatever teaches us to be conscious of race more intensely than we are concious of eye color, hair color, tallness, size, weight, etc. And such conciousness invariably comes with elements of judgmentalism which is what racism is.
Other - So this one for me contains components of others but takes in the whole gamut of whatever teaches us to be conscious of race more intensely than we are concious of eye color, hair color, tallness, size, weight, etc. And such conciousness invariably comes with elements of judgmentalism which is what racism is.

Please note that this is a multiple choice poll.

That said, would you elaborate on the "gamut"? Was there possible sources of "learning" that was overlooked? If not, which source(s) of learning is(are) the most prevalent?
Foxfyre, maybe your parents "soft racism" is the more realistic standpoint, while your generation has learnt to live in an airy-fairy ideological reality, affected by overall liberalization, Flower-Power, sexual emancipation, etc. But this might turn out to be largely a mirage. Many people today live in their head, in a liberal-minded theoretical and idealistic illusion. They don't listen to their heart anymore, which your parents did.
Barb, firstly, those Whites that have been mugged or raped by Blacks might not agree with your recipe of more social exposure. From the 2005 U.S. crime statistics I calculate that a black man is 50 times more likely to commit interracial rape than a white man, and almost 9 times as likely to commit rape regardless of race of victim. These figures are hair-raising. The problem is that such things build up in the unconscious. So it doesn't help if we pretend that race doesn't exist. The concept is only transferred to the unconscious. That's why Americans dream about Negroes all the time, as C.G. Jung pointed out.

Ah, I dunno.
I had more exposure growing up and after high school with my own white race. What are the odds that the majority of scum bags I was exposed TO happened to be white as well?
Is THAT ever a poll question?
So I guess I would have to say that questions unasked are also unanswered.
That is not to say that some people do not ponder the obvious...
Whyte.Devyl, race is foremostly a psychological reality. The problem is that so many people these days view racism and the acceptance of the reality of race as the same thing. That's why your poll doesn't work. It presupposes that racial superiority doesn't really exist. But Blacks in the US have an average IQ of 85, whereas Whites have around 100. (See Rushton's freely downloadable book: charlesdarwinresearch.org/reb.html )

So, maybe Whites think that Blacks are dumb because they are dumb (on average). This option is not in your list.

Nothing in IQ tests are not equalized given the same socioeconomic conditions. NOTHING. Your stats are skewed.
Whyte.Devyl, race is foremostly a psychological reality. The problem is that so many people these days view racism and the acceptance of the reality of race as the same thing.

What people? I do not hold such an illogical notion. Just so we are clear, this poll very much presupposes that human 'races' are a physical reality. Any who would argue that the physical characteristics that define 'race' are not real are probably throwing a red herring or simply delusional.

It presupposes that racial superiority doesn't really exist. But Blacks in the US have an average IQ of 85, whereas Whites have around 100. (See Rushton's freely downloadable book: charlesdarwinresearch.org/reb.html )

So, maybe Whites think that Blacks are dumb because they are dumb (on average). This option is not in your list.

Objectively observing your post, it seems that you are basing your own racism (the stated belief that "Blacks are dumb") on an institutional source, namely the belief in the elitist social construct of "IQ".

However, the poll is not really about where you base your own beliefs, but rather what you think is the most prevalent source of racist beliefs for the most people.

I hope this is the last time I have to type this,
this is about the sources of racist behavior.
Foxfyre, maybe your parents "soft racism" is the more realistic standpoint, while your generation has learnt to live in an airy-fairy ideological reality, affected by overall liberalization, Flower-Power, sexual emancipation, etc. But this might turn out to be largely a mirage. Many people today live in their head, in a liberal-minded theoretical and idealistic illusion. They don't listen to their heart anymore, which your parents did.

How odd. My parents didn't listen to their hearts at all, they listened to their fear.
I listened to my heart, and my mother's FEAR led her to cut me off from the business they kept dragging me back to, saying it would be all mine someday. Her second husband, a nice southern racist, spent every PENNY of my fathers money, and now my mom struggles. Go figure.

Me? I'll always be alright.
Other - So this one for me contains components of others but takes in the whole gamut of whatever teaches us to be conscious of race more intensely than we are concious of eye color, hair color, tallness, size, weight, etc. And such conciousness invariably comes with elements of judgmentalism which is what racism is.

Please note that this is a multiple choice poll.

That said, would you elaborate on the "gamut"? Was there possible sources of "learning" that was overlooked? If not, which source(s) of learning is(are) the most prevalent?

I did fail to note that it was a multiple choice poll.

And when I think of 'institutional' I think more in the realm of education at all levels or certain cultural norms that have become the expectation.

And perhaps that includes the social and political factors that I think are the primary source of racism and those are born of and nurtured through pure opportunism . But I'm not sure that really does belong in any of the other categories.

As long as racism is profitable for the beneficiaries and those distributing or lobbbying for the benefits, there will continue to be racism.

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