Racism In America. Who Started It

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Forum whites, especially white Americans learn about the history you don't want others to learn and that history you pretend doesn't exist.


Has five parts to it. Effectively refutes the garbage lie that whites are superior because of their IQ and "whiteness," learn how whites because dominant in America and how what happen back then has set the stage for what exists today.
I find racism in any form annoying and an indication of fear and stupidity on the part of the racist.
I just don't have time for it.
You got a belly button? Then your one of god's kids and deserving of basic human respect and rights.
Too bad people don't die from lack of intelligence, we would have lots less racism.
Here's how you end racism:

Separate the races.

Why don't you go, you and your ilk?

We need to discuss who's going to go where. I think blacks are due some portions of America, and out of practicality, Hispanics will get some. But we as whites are going to get very big pieces.

No, why don't you and those others just leave? You want separation just leave and go back to Europe, whats stopping you?
Forum whites, especially white Americans learn about the history you don't want others to learn and that history you pretend doesn't exist.


Has five parts to it. Effectively refutes the garbage lie that whites are superior because of their IQ and "whiteness," learn how whites because dominant in America and how what happen back then has set the stage for what exists today.

You assuming how white people feel, and generalizing when it comes to white americans is a form of racism. If you want racism to stop, you need to think about the way you act also.
Those series of videos show exactly why white Americans are economically and socially ahead of blacks and it has nothing to do with blacks lack of ability to achieve, it has everything to do with white America placing every obstacle in the way of blacks to ensure everything good for themselves and it once again shows how whites, racist and non-racist, have benefited from the sins of the past, whether they willingly did so or not. The only protected and special group in this country have been whites, history proves this without a shadow of a doubt, so before any white man cries about affirmative action, they ought to look at this video and the history of America itself.
Forum whites, especially white Americans learn about the history you don't want others to learn and that history you pretend doesn't exist.


Has five parts to it. Effectively refutes the garbage lie that whites are superior because of their IQ and "whiteness," learn how whites because dominant in America and how what happen back then has set the stage for what exists today.

You assuming how white people feel, and generalizing when it comes to white americans is a form of racism. If you want racism to stop, you need to think about the way you act also.

Those words of the Bass were obviously addressed to racist whites not all whites, don't come up with that silly ad-hominem argument that the Bass is generalizing about all whites because the Bass isn't. Black Americans are not the cause and origin of racism in America, we all know who that is, so don't pin the task of cleaning up the mess the ancestors of white Americans started and perpetuated.
Forum whites, especially white Americans learn about the history you don't want others to learn and that history you pretend doesn't exist.


Has five parts to it. Effectively refutes the garbage lie that whites are superior because of their IQ and "whiteness," learn how whites because dominant in America and how what happen back then has set the stage for what exists today.

You assuming how white people feel, and generalizing when it comes to white americans is a form of racism. If you want racism to stop, you need to think about the way you act also.

Those words of the Bass were obviously addressed to racist whites not all whites, don't come up with that silly ad-hominem argument that the Bass is generalizing about all whites because the Bass isn't. Black Americans are not the cause and origin of racism in America, we all know who that is, so don't pin the task of cleaning up the mess the ancestors of white Americans started and perpetuated.
You didn't really clarify that you were only talking about a select group, and you generalize quite often when it comes to whites. You also like to put homosexuals into a box, along with liberals, and black politicians. So I would say you are racist and a bigot.
If you want the problem to stop, try to be better than the " white americans" and stop judging people the way you do. We might have started the problem but people like you are just prolonging racism.
You assuming how white people feel, and generalizing when it comes to white americans is a form of racism. If you want racism to stop, you need to think about the way you act also.

Those words of the Bass were obviously addressed to racist whites not all whites, don't come up with that silly ad-hominem argument that the Bass is generalizing about all whites because the Bass isn't. Black Americans are not the cause and origin of racism in America, we all know who that is, so don't pin the task of cleaning up the mess the ancestors of white Americans started and perpetuated.
You didn't really clarify that you were only talking about a select group, and you generalize quite often when it comes to whites. You also like to put homosexuals into a box, along with liberals, and black politicians. So I would say you are racist and a bigot.
If you want the problem to stop, try to be better than the " white americans" and stop judging people the way you do. We might have started the problem but people like you are just prolonging racism.

Blacks cannot stop the race problem in America, we can only adjust to whats going on as we have for years since we've been in this country and we've gotten stronger because *WE* worked hard to do so, not because whites allowed us to do so.

Racist, ignorant whites like to advance the myths that only people who work hard will succeed and ignore the fact that white Americans in general reap the benefits of what their ancestors have done through their racist acts.
Here's how you end racism:

Separate the races.
I love it. These threads are a great way to figure out who the racist fools are stuck in the 1800's!

Who started racism in America? Why the first xx Native American who decided xxx Native Americans were different and needed to be pushed off the land.

Racism is a failing of human nature. I really think its something about wanted to ensure the survival of sperm most like one's own.

Unfortunately the some humans have limited mental abilities and can only analyze others based on the colors of their skin.
Blacks cannot stop the race problem in America, we can only adjust to whats going on as we have for years since we've been in this country

Play the victim for us, you do it so well. Got anyone to play a harmonica while you sing?
You're as big a racist as any white person I have ever met. A bigger one than any I know atm. It's too common for blacks to jump on the opportunity to throw race into any situation. It's sickening.
Here's how you end racism:

Separate the races.
I love it. These threads are a great way to figure out who the racist fools are stuck in the 1800's!

Who started racism in America? Why the first xx Native American who decided xxx Native Americans were different and needed to be pushed off the land.

Racism is a failing of human nature. I really think its something about wanted to ensure the survival of sperm most like one's own.

Unfortunately the some humans have limited mental abilities and can only analyze others based on the colors of their skin.

I don't believe it's a failing, but a natural instinct that needs to be quelled if people intend to live amongst eachother. I personally do not let bullies like Mr. Bass here push me around with the tactics they use to attempt to make white people feel guilty. People like him are nasty and as long as they are spewing their filth the races will always be at odds.
Here's how you end racism:

Separate the races.
I love it. These threads are a great way to figure out who the racist fools are stuck in the 1800's!

Who started racism in America? Why the first xx Native American who decided xxx Native Americans were different and needed to be pushed off the land.

Racism is a failing of human nature. I really think its something about wanted to ensure the survival of sperm most like one's own.

Unfortunately the some humans have limited mental abilities and can only analyze others based on the colors of their skin.

I don't believe it's a failing, but a natural instinct that needs to be quelled if people intend to live amongst eachother. I personally do not let bullies like Mr. Bass here push me around with the tactics they use to attempt to make white people feel guilty. People like him are nasty and as long as they are spewing their filth the races will always be at odds.

Its not about guilt, you racist white need to know the truth about how race played a part in America, all of the facts.
Charlie, if you're talking to me I am the one who can imagine how much harder it is to get out from under the sheets every morning if you have a boss or teacher who favors someone else or if "the man" is against you.

I agree entirely how prevalent racism or racial exploitation rationalized by thoughts similar to "them der Indians (blacks, irish, jews, whoever) are sub humans" is in American history.

Listen to me and lose your hatred or lack of understanding to those who are different.

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