Racism is good:

Taking risks or by fucking people over.

"stolen"? Now, I'm going to talk about the Walton family and why they STEAL from people.

Firstly Walmart turns up in a city/town/area for a reason, and it's usually because they're BRIBED their fucking way into a tax break.

"Walmart got a $2.2 billion tax cut. Now it's laying off workers"

I could post many different articles. Let's just say Walmart goes to the governments of the US and gets deals no one else can get, or should get. Then they move into an area and are uber-competitive because of it, destroy local businesses and move all profits out of the area.

For a country that's supposed to be a "democracy", where the people get a say in what happens, the people get little to now say in what happens and get fucked so far up the ass that Walmart's dick is about 400 miles above their mouth.

That's "stealing". They're BRIBING governments to get what they want, and then they're taking from the people and enriching themselves.

As for the people you mentioned, I don't know. Maybe you I could do some research, but I could point out that Facebook is a pile of crap and manipulates people to hell and causes loads of problems in society.

Bezos probably does what Walmart does. Musk is just fucking crazy. I kind of like what Bill Gates did.

You've got Walmart entirely backwards. You didn't even understand the content of the link you posted. Those layoffs and staff cuts were from CLOSING 63 Sam's Club stores. Sam's Club is an entirely different biz model than the Walmart stores targeted to MIDDLE CLASS buyers and SMALL business and MEMBERSHIP was required to shop there -- much like Costco. That's not where Walmart wanted to be.

And the $2.2 BILLION in tax breaks is really $220Mill for 10 years averaged over 1.2 MILLION hourly US workers and 4800 Walmart stores. You can't average that over JUST HOURLY workers, because that doesn't include the other million or so SALARIED workers -- but if you DID -- that would $183/yr. Less than $1 per day !!! So EFFECT on ability to PAY WAGES is minimal. And if you average it over the 4800 Walmart stores -- that's ONLY $46,000 a year per store. So you're constipated by large numbers and an inability to put it into context.

Also, other than the tax cuts that went to EVERY BUSINESS in US -- The US govt benefits more by procurement from Walmart than the OTHER WAY around. In fact, people near or below poverty ARE the principal PATRONS of Walmart. Because they DO hold prices MUCH lower than elsewhere. Walmart has HELPED low income MORE than the Federal govt in SOLVING "prescription drug" prices" and the "pay day loan" issues by INNOVATION..

Their business model at the MAIN stores is INTENDED to hold costs so that low income and poverty clientele can survive. If they are in any RUTHLESS -- it's because of the limited means of the clients they serve.

Now -- can we get back to race??? PLEASE????
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At least for the democrats and BLM. They profit fighting racism, faux or fraudulent. The race hussle industry would be dead if it wasn't for this poor black psychoses "hate all whites" and rich white elites that have that Stockholm syndrome self hate syndrome that ties into that.
For rich Dem whites it is really more about feel good virtue signaling, and having a couple black kids at the expensive private schools their kids go to it like having some mascots around.
At least for the democrats and BLM. They profit fighting racism, faux or fraudulent. The race hussle industry would be dead if it wasn't for this poor black psychoses "hate all whites" and rich white elites that have that Stockholm syndrome self hate syndrome that ties into that.
I read that title and was like wtf? Lol
The only poverty BLM is preventing is of their non-responsible leadership who cant' find about $60Mill in donations but have new houses, cars, etc. They dont WANT better educated, more motivated to succeed black children -- they want EQUITY NOT EQUALITY. They want GOVT redistribution "to CURE poverty". Which will never work until they GET the broke-ass, tyrannical Marxist govt that they have TOLD US they love.

I'm sure some of the BLM are Communist. I doubt most are. It's a nice narrative for saying why nothing should be done to make things better.

The reality is on just about EVERY ARGUMENT the right will find one excuse or another for doing nothing. It's kind of pathetic.

The worst is "if you don't like it, you can leave".
You've got Walmart entirely backwards. You didn't even understand the content of the link you posted. Those layoffs and staff cuts were from CLOSING 63 Sam's Club stores. Sam's Club is an entirely different biz model than the Walmart stores targeted to MIDDLE CLASS buyers and SMALL business and MEMBERSHIP was required to shop there -- much like Costco. That's not where Walmart wanted to be.

And the $2.2 BILLION in tax breaks is really $220Mill for 10 years averaged over 1.2 MILLION hourly US workers and 4800 Walmart stores. You can't average that over JUST HOURLY workers, because that doesn't include the other million or so SALARIED workers -- but if you DID -- that would $183/yr. Less than $1 per day !!! So EFFECT on ability to PAY WAGES is minimal. And if you average it over the 4800 Walmart stores -- that's ONLY $46,000 a year per store. So you're constipated by large numbers and an inability to put it into context.

Also, other than the tax cuts that went to EVERY BUSINESS in US -- The US govt benefits more by procurement from Walmart than the OTHER WAY around. In fact, people near or below poverty ARE the principal PATRONS of Walmart. Because they DO hold prices MUCH lower than elsewhere. Walmart has HELPED low income MORE than the Federal govt in SOLVING "prescription drug" prices" and the "pay day loan" issues by INNOVATION..

Their business model at the MAIN stores is INTENDED to hold costs so that low income and poverty clientele can survive. If they are in any RUTHLESS -- it's because of the limited means of the clients they serve.

Now -- can we get back to race??? PLEASE????

And more fucking excuses for doing nothing.

I didn't post EVERYTHING about Walmart. I posted one source, I'd need a lot of sources, and they're out there. However this is a forum with a large proportion of people who can't fucking read more than about two line. I don't make my whole argument in one go.

But then you stated that it's about race with this "gimmie, gimmie, gimmie" mentality and I'm pointing out that bother pathetic sides of the political divide are on the take.

This is why I support Proportional Representation, because FPTP post is a shit system that leads to more corruption and PR is a modern system which actually includes DEMOCRACY (can you imagine people having a say in their own country?) and more political parties and accountability.

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