Racism??? No...Limbaugh is just presenting the right wing point of view

Actual transcript from Rush Limbaughs website

Your sarcasm detector is broken. If you ever even had one.

Not at all...
When one of his illiterate dittoheads takes him literally and shoots someone, Rush gets to say........Hey....it was all just a joke

The man is as bad as any race baiter during the Civil Rights movement. Rile them up and then deny any responsibility
The hysterical hyperbole associated with some who don't like Limbaugh is fascinating.
Actual transcript from Rush Limbaughs website

Your sarcasm detector is broken. If you ever even had one.

Not at all...
When one of his illiterate dittoheads takes him literally and shoots someone, Rush gets to say........Hey....it was all just a joke

The man is as bad as any race baiter during the Civil Rights movement. Rile them up and then deny any responsibility

And seriously, STFU and GTFO with that weak ass "well when someone takes him literally and they shoot someone...".

You're as bad as Tipper Gore and others taking on the music business in the 80's. "Ozzy Osbourne is the reason that boy killed himself".

Grow up. People are responsible for their own actions.

I really didn't mean I wanted you to shoot that abortion doctor
If you don't think people's behaviour can be influenced by what they see and hear in the media

1. how do you explain companies spending billions for just that purpose?
2. how do you explain political candidates spending billions for just that purpose?
3. why do conservatives constantly complain about the so-called liberal media, if they don't think what's said in the media has any influence?

Of course someone can be incited to violence by something or someone in the media.
If you don't think people's behaviour can be influenced by what they see and hear in the media

1. how do you explain companies spending billions for just that purpose?
2. how do you explain political candidates spending billions for just that purpose?
3. why do conservatives constantly complain about the so-called liberal media, if they don't think what's said in the media has any influence?

Of course someone can be incited to violence by something or someone in the media.

Ladies and gentlemen, I didn't know that we had a celebrity among us here.

Tipper, why'd you take so long to show yourself?
If you don't think people's behaviour can be influenced by what they see and hear in the media

1. how do you explain companies spending billions for just that purpose?
2. how do you explain political candidates spending billions for just that purpose?
3. why do conservatives constantly complain about the so-called liberal media, if they don't think what's said in the media has any influence?

Of course someone can be incited to violence by something or someone in the media.

Ladies and gentlemen, I didn't know that we had a celebrity among us here.

Tipper, why'd you take so long to show yourself?

Well, obviously you haven't been positively influenced by comedy in the media.
If you don't think people's behaviour can be influenced by what they see and hear in the media

1. how do you explain companies spending billions for just that purpose?
2. how do you explain political candidates spending billions for just that purpose?
3. why do conservatives constantly complain about the so-called liberal media, if they don't think what's said in the media has any influence?

Of course someone can be incited to violence by something or someone in the media.

Ladies and gentlemen, I didn't know that we had a celebrity among us here.

Tipper, why'd you take so long to show yourself?

Well, obviously you haven't been positively influenced by comedy in the media.

Yer not my audience.
Oh no......wink wink

When we said those abortion doctors don't deserve to live....we didn't want anyone to actually shoot them!

Wink...wink......can't you tell we were joking???
Oh no......wink wink

When we said those abortion doctors don't deserve to live....we didn't want anyone to actually shoot them!

Wink...wink......can't you tell we were joking???
OK. I guess we are going with the hysterics. I'll join in:

Oh nooooes! Burn books! Use The Catcher in the Rye for kindling.

Oh noooooes! Break and burn music discs/albums! Double White with Helter Skelter goes first!!!!!!

Take it to Farenheit 451, then we'll be all be safe.
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Oh no......wink wink

When we said those abortion doctors don't deserve to live....we didn't want anyone to actually shoot them!

Wink...wink......can't you tell we were joking???

Oh ....I get it now

You are allowed to be racist as long as you ..wink.....wink........just kidding
No, I'm calling you a hypocrit. wink, wink

Actually, taken literally, Limbaugh still wasn't being racist. He was saying Newsweek was.
So rightwinger has a two front FAIL going on here.

Limbaugh was mocking Newsweeks article on white people being born racist. He was saying, very sarcastically...that the black kids were JUSTIFIED in beating up the white kid because he was obviously sitting there thinking racist thoughts because he was white. "In Obama's America..." was obviously a reference to the fact that anytime anyone says a word against Obama in this country they get pegged a racist...and the segregated busses comment was (again, massive sarcasm) to protect the BLACK students from the "racist" WHITE students.

It was a stupid commentary...as much of Rush's nonsense is...but my God, to not be able to pick up on the sarcasm and parody in it is just sad. Keep it up though, I'm sure Rush is laughing all the way to the bank.

Except Newsweek didn't say white people were born racists, so you can't rationalize CON$ervative racism that way!!! Newsweek specifically ruled out race!!! And so that's what America's Hemorrhoid, Stuttering LimpBoy does, he fabricates a lie and he then uses his lie to justify CON$ervative racism and hate.

Even Babies Discriminate: A NurtureShock Excerpt. | Newsweek Life | Newsweek.com
How do researchers test a 6-month-old? They show babies photographs of faces. Katz found that babies will stare significantly longer at photographs of faces that are a different race from their parents, indicating they find the face out of the ordinary. Race itself has no ethnic meaning per se—but children's brains are noticing skin-color differences and trying to understand their meaning.
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No, I'm calling you a hypocrit. wink, wink

Actually, taken literally, Limbaugh still wasn't being racist. He was saying Newsweek was.
So rightwinger has a two front FAIL going on here.

Limbaugh was mocking Newsweeks article on white people being born racist. He was saying, very sarcastically...that the black kids were JUSTIFIED in beating up the white kid because he was obviously sitting there thinking racist thoughts because he was white. "In Obama's America..." was obviously a reference to the fact that anytime anyone says a word against Obama in this country they get pegged a racist...and the segregated busses comment was (again, massive sarcasm) to protect the BLACK students from the "racist" WHITE students.

It was a stupid commentary...as much of Rush's nonsense is...but my God, to not be able to pick up on the sarcasm and parody in it is just sad. Keep it up though, I'm sure Rush is laughing all the way to the bank.

Except Newsweek didn't say white people were born racists, so you can't rationalize CON$ervative racism that way!!! Newsweek specifically ruled out race!!! And so that's what America's Hemorrhoid, Stuttering LimpBoy does, he fabricates a lie and he then uses his lie to justify CON$ervative racism and hate.

Even Babies Discriminate: A NurtureShock Excerpt. | Newsweek Life | Newsweek.com
How do researchers test a 6-month-old? They show babies photographs of faces. Katz found that babies will stare significantly longer at photographs of faces that are a different race from their parents, indicating they find the face out of the ordinary. Race itself has no ethnic meaning per se—but children's brains are noticing skin-color differences and trying to understand their meaning.

All your shouting, underlining and bolding did not refute one word of mine. Hell you even underlined the point that you were attempting to refute, and then utterly failed to do so. I'll repeat it for you:

Actually, taken literally, Limbaugh still wasn't being racist. He was saying Newsweek was.

Try again if you want.
CON$ervative revisionists have the most selective of memories. :cuckoo:
They conveniently forget Nixon's famous "Enemies List" and attribute the GOP Politics of Personal Destruction to their favorite scapegoat. They also tell us no one can blame anything on Boooooosh, he's out of office don't you know, but Clinton, Carter, Roosevelt, etc., can be blamed for anything and everything for perpetuity.

Idiots like you just keep giving me a reason to agree with that gasbag. I have always hated Rush, but now I feel more sorry for him than the people he insults.

First of all, I said nothing about America's Hemorrhoid, Stuttering LimpBoy, but I find it quite humorous that you agree with him. :rofl:

July 22, 2008
RUSH: ... single, divorced, separated, and widowed women -- in other words, women without men --... get dumber 'cause there's no smart guy around to keep 'em in line politically. Married women are obviously smarter. Married women are obviously more conservative. Single, divorced, widowed, separated women, no man around, the brain goes south.

August 8, 2008
RUSH: Now we're told the night Hillary speaks is the anniversary of women getting the vote, which is what started the welfare state that now strangles us, by the way. If women had never gotten the vote we wouldn't have a budget deficit, but that's another story.

August 29, 2008
PALIN: To serve as vice president beside such a man would be the privilege of a lifetime, and it's fitting that this trust has been given to me 88 years -- almost to the day -- after the women of America first gained the right to vote. (cheers and applause)

RUSH: Right on, right on, right on. They also gave us the welfare state, but that's (grumbles).

Ed if you'd quit taking things entirely out of context you might understand what Rush is doing. But when you accept without question paragraphs that were pulled out of the middle of a ten minute spiel by folks like Brock's Media Matters it becomes apparent that you aren't the least bit interested in reality you'er merely trying to make someone look bad.

First of all, I wish you would use the "quote" button so I don't have to go back and find the post you are perverting.

Your post proves just how thoroughly you mind-numbed robots are PROGRAMMED to accuse everyone who exposes America's Hemorrhoid, Stuttering LimpBoy as the America hating, woman hating, homophobic bigot he is, as getting their info from some lib source rather than from the lying bigot himself.

Most times lib sites never use the quotes I do, and on the rare coincidences when they do, they never use them the same way I do.
Please link to media matters using those quotes like I do!!!
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Actually, taken literally, Limbaugh still wasn't being racist. He was saying Newsweek was.
So rightwinger has a two front FAIL going on here.

Limbaugh was mocking Newsweeks article on white people being born racist. He was saying, very sarcastically...that the black kids were JUSTIFIED in beating up the white kid because he was obviously sitting there thinking racist thoughts because he was white. "In Obama's America..." was obviously a reference to the fact that anytime anyone says a word against Obama in this country they get pegged a racist...and the segregated busses comment was (again, massive sarcasm) to protect the BLACK students from the "racist" WHITE students.

It was a stupid commentary...as much of Rush's nonsense is...but my God, to not be able to pick up on the sarcasm and parody in it is just sad. Keep it up though, I'm sure Rush is laughing all the way to the bank.

Except Newsweek didn't say white people were born racists, so you can't rationalize CON$ervative racism that way!!! Newsweek specifically ruled out race!!! And so that's what America's Hemorrhoid, Stuttering LimpBoy does, he fabricates a lie and he then uses his lie to justify CON$ervative racism and hate.

Even Babies Discriminate: A NurtureShock Excerpt. | Newsweek Life | Newsweek.com
How do researchers test a 6-month-old? They show babies photographs of faces. Katz found that babies will stare significantly longer at photographs of faces that are a different race from their parents, indicating they find the face out of the ordinary. Race itself has no ethnic meaning per se—but children's brains are noticing skin-color differences and trying to understand their meaning.

All your shouting, underlining and bolding did not refute one word of mine. Hell you even underlined the point that you were attempting to refute, and then utterly failed to do so. I'll repeat it for you:

Actually, taken literally, Limbaugh still wasn't being racist. He was saying Newsweek was.

Try again if you want.

No, he was LYING about Newsweek being racist to RATIONALIZE his CON$ervative racism, which my underlining exposed.
Except Newsweek didn't say white people were born racists, so you can't rationalize CON$ervative racism that way!!! Newsweek specifically ruled out race!!! And so that's what America's Hemorrhoid, Stuttering LimpBoy does, he fabricates a lie and he then uses his lie to justify CON$ervative racism and hate.

Even Babies Discriminate: A NurtureShock Excerpt. | Newsweek Life | Newsweek.com
How do researchers test a 6-month-old? They show babies photographs of faces. Katz found that babies will stare significantly longer at photographs of faces that are a different race from their parents, indicating they find the face out of the ordinary. Race itself has no ethnic meaning per se—but children's brains are noticing skin-color differences and trying to understand their meaning.

All your shouting, underlining and bolding did not refute one word of mine. Hell you even underlined the point that you were attempting to refute, and then utterly failed to do so. I'll repeat it for you:

Actually, taken literally, Limbaugh still wasn't being racist. He was saying Newsweek was.

Try again if you want.

No, he was LYING about Newsweek being racist to RATIONALIZE his CON$ervative racism, which my underlining exposed.

So the statement "Actually, taken literally, Limbaugh still wasn't being racist. He was saying Newsweek was" still stands as factual.
All your shouting, underlining and bolding did not refute one word of mine. Hell you even underlined the point that you were attempting to refute, and then utterly failed to do so. I'll repeat it for you:

Actually, taken literally, Limbaugh still wasn't being racist. He was saying Newsweek was.

Try again if you want.

No, he was LYING about Newsweek being racist to RATIONALIZE his CON$ervative racism, which my underlining exposed.

So the statement "Actually, taken literally, Limbaugh still wasn't being racist. He was saying Newsweek was" still stands as factual.

No it doesn't because he was lying about Newsweek to RATIONALIZE his racism. So the statement that the racist bigot LimpBoy was not being racist is as false as the claim that Newsweek said we are BORN racists.

America's Hemorrhoid, Stuttering LimpBoy's whole rationalization rests on his lie about Newsweek.
He was being "sarcastic" about a lie he fabricated. :cuckoo:
No, he was LYING about Newsweek being racist to RATIONALIZE his CON$ervative racism, which my underlining exposed.

So the statement "Actually, taken literally, Limbaugh still wasn't being racist. He was saying Newsweek was" still stands as factual.

No it doesn't because he was lying about Newsweek to RATIONALIZE his racism. So the statement that the racist bigot LimpBoy was not being racist is as false as the claim that Newsweek said we are BORN racists.

America's Hemorrhoid, Stuttering LimpBoy's whole rationalization rests on his lie about Newsweek.
He was being "sarcastic" about a lie he fabricated. :cuckoo:

:lol: Unbelievable :lol:

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