Racist Black Judge Railroading Amber Guyger

Who are YOU calling “decrepit”? Didn’t you say you were 75 or so?

STFU ..you're a little yellow puddle of piss trailing me around here because you ain't man enough to try it in person ya sniveling little queer.

It’s a simple question. No need to feel so threatened.
He's clearly projecting, but I am getting there.. pretty old and beat up. What the hell that has to do with the price of tea in China? Beats me :disbelief:

It obviously has nothing to do with the topic. It’s just odd that a 70-something old man would consistently post like some scrawny, overcompensating teenager. Maybe willpower needs some brain power.
Who are YOU calling “decrepit”? Didn’t you say you were 75 or so?

STFU ..you're a little yellow puddle of piss trailing me around here because you ain't man enough to try it in person ya sniveling little queer.

It’s a simple question. No need to feel so threatened.
He's clearly projecting, but I am getting there.. pretty old and beat up. What the hell that has to do with the price of tea in China? Beats me :disbelief:

It obviously has nothing to do with the topic. It’s just odd that a 70-something old man would consistently post like some scrawny, overcompensating teenager. Maybe willpower needs some brain power.

Or maybe his entire bio is just more online BS like the little stories he tells...
Well that sums up neatly why I don't bother with anyone's online bios in a nutshell.. like this one.
Not true...that was debunked. His fate was sealed when he ignored her command to show his hands and began to advance on her.

She was a well trained police officer and acted in accordance with dept. guidelines.

A well trained police officer would have shown enough judgement to realize that a guy sitting down eating ice cream was probably not a burglar.

It was very dark in the apartment...the lights were turned off...she did not recognize it was her apartment until after shooting the guy and turning the lights on....he arose from the couch the moment he heard and saw her coming through the door and hollered at her and advanced on her and refused to reply to the lawful police order of show me your hands.
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Murder is a clear intent to harm or end a life that was planed ahead of time, a scheme or plan to do bodily harm meant to end a life...I don't think what Gyger did fits that definition. No, it was manslaughter: The killing of a human being without malice of forethought , accidentally as an unforeseen consequence.

This has been brought up dozens of times.
Murder does not have to have have malicious intent at all.
All that is required is a degree of recklessness.
For example, a drunk driver that kills someone can and often times is charged with murder, without any malicious intent.
Amber committed murder because it is incredibly irresponsible to not recognize the door mat, furniture, etc. as being different, and it was reckless to shoot without knowing intentions.
I don't think she was reckless. For me, she was dumb. This is wreckless:Some dumbass TRUCKER that that killed 4 people that cant speak English given parole. Yeah. Recklessness...but is it MURDER?

It is incredibly reckless to carry a gun if you do not even realize you are in the wrong apartment, and do not even notice a bright red door mat that is not yours, in front of the door.
And pulling the gun was even more incredibly reckless.
There was no weapon, threats, or any reason at all to pull the weapon.
Not to mention firing it twice.
That is the height of deliberate criminal intent, when there is not even a justification for being in the wrong apt.

She was a innocent trespasser...a common mistake made by over a hundred people in that complex where all the apartments looked alike.

What is INNOCENT TRESPASSER? definition of INNOCENT TRESPASSER (Black's Law Dictionary)

In all fairness, both of them should have been reprimanded or fired for sexual misconduct. But that's not the issue here.

Unless she was on duty (she wasn't) and using a police dept phone (I have no idea), it is nobody's business what she does on her phone. She can sext all she likes. Nothing to do with the police dept.

That being said, I agree, she had to do time

In all fairness, both of them should have been reprimanded or fired for sexual misconduct. But that's not the issue here.

Unless she was on duty (she wasn't) and using a police dept phone (I have no idea), it is nobody's business what she does on her phone. She can sext all she likes. Nothing to do with the police dept.

That being said, I agree, she had to do time

Yes, she had to do time to appease the black community.....otherwise they would have been out there rioting, looting and burning.

In all fairness, both of them should have been reprimanded or fired for sexual misconduct. But that's not the issue here.

Unless she was on duty (she wasn't) and using a police dept phone (I have no idea), it is nobody's business what she does on her phone. She can sext all she likes. Nothing to do with the police dept.

That being said, I agree, she had to do time

It was never proven she was sexting...just heresay to try and demonize her.
And the fact that she was sexting with another officer, that alone should be a violation of the police department's code of conduct, enough to fire her sorry ass
You sound like the pharisees who "caught a WOMAN in the act of adultery" (seemed to me, it takes 2). The guy didnt seem to be an issue to the pharisees".

Are you a pharisee?

The guy didn't open fire on an innocent person due to being distracted by text messages. She did.

In all fairness, both of them should have been reprimanded or fired for sexual misconduct. But that's not the issue here.
YOU made it an issue
Another contention by the DA is that she could have used less than lethal force. As a 5 year veteran, Amber has obviously seen large suspects not phased by pepper spray or taser. She was also trained, especially as a small person, not to let an aggressor get close to her. The DA has also criticized her for not giving the victim CPR...HE WAS STILL BREATHING at the time. What if she had knelt down to give him unnecessary CPR and he'd grabbed her?
Pepper spray is not 100 percent reliable. One of the convicts I peppered was still able to hit me in the head 3 times before three of us could get him down.

A person would have been within their rights to have pounded her in the head. You don't break into the home of another and point a gun at them.
She didn't break in liar, she opened the door and walked in.
Another contention by the DA is that she could have used less than lethal force. As a 5 year veteran, Amber has obviously seen large suspects not phased by pepper spray or taser. She was also trained, especially as a small person, not to let an aggressor get close to her. The DA has also criticized her for not giving the victim CPR...HE WAS STILL BREATHING at the time. What if she had knelt down to give him unnecessary CPR and he'd grabbed her?
Pepper spray is not 100 percent reliable. One of the convicts I peppered was still able to hit me in the head 3 times before three of us could get him down.

A person would have been within their rights to have pounded her in the head. You don't break into the home of another and point a gun at them.
She didn't break in liar, she opened the door and walked in.
That's the ghetto mindset that got her convicted of murder. Facts be damned, they want justice vengeance
Another contention by the DA is that she could have used less than lethal force. As a 5 year veteran, Amber has obviously seen large suspects not phased by pepper spray or taser. She was also trained, especially as a small person, not to let an aggressor get close to her. The DA has also criticized her for not giving the victim CPR...HE WAS STILL BREATHING at the time. What if she had knelt down to give him unnecessary CPR and he'd grabbed her?
Pepper spray is not 100 percent reliable. One of the convicts I peppered was still able to hit me in the head 3 times before three of us could get him down.

A person would have been within their rights to have pounded her in the head. You don't break into the home of another and point a gun at them.
She didn't break in liar, she opened the door and walked in.
She didn’t knock

That is breaking in
Another contention by the DA is that she could have used less than lethal force. As a 5 year veteran, Amber has obviously seen large suspects not phased by pepper spray or taser. She was also trained, especially as a small person, not to let an aggressor get close to her. The DA has also criticized her for not giving the victim CPR...HE WAS STILL BREATHING at the time. What if she had knelt down to give him unnecessary CPR and he'd grabbed her?
Pepper spray is not 100 percent reliable. One of the convicts I peppered was still able to hit me in the head 3 times before three of us could get him down.

A person would have been within their rights to have pounded her in the head. You don't break into the home of another and point a gun at them.
She didn't break in liar, she opened the door and walked in.
She didn’t knock

That is breaking in
INTENT. Why do you pretend you dont understand INTENT?

A couple times, I came out of a store and got into a car that looked like mine. It was a MISTAKE. I wasn't breaking in.

Another contention by the DA is that she could have used less than lethal force. As a 5 year veteran, Amber has obviously seen large suspects not phased by pepper spray or taser. She was also trained, especially as a small person, not to let an aggressor get close to her. The DA has also criticized her for not giving the victim CPR...HE WAS STILL BREATHING at the time. What if she had knelt down to give him unnecessary CPR and he'd grabbed her?
Pepper spray is not 100 percent reliable. One of the convicts I peppered was still able to hit me in the head 3 times before three of us could get him down.

A person would have been within their rights to have pounded her in the head. You don't break into the home of another and point a gun at them.
She didn't break in liar, she opened the door and walked in.
She didn’t knock

That is breaking in
INTENT. Why do you pretend you dont understand INTENT?

A couple times, I came out of a store and got into a car that looked like mine. It was a MISTAKE. I wasn't breaking in.


Because it has to be the white cop's fault.


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