Racist Blacks

A lot of written words were by white people. Do you dismiss them all? I have seen many blacks quote news events that are reported and/or written by white people.
And do you think it's logical for a black person to trust and believe the written words of white person in regards to black people ?
Racist comment :rolleyes:
Do you think it's logical for a black person to trust and believe the written words of white person in regards to black people ?
WTF does a persons skin color have to do with integrity, you racist fuck?
OK. Do you believe white people have show integrity towards black people for the past 300 years ?
Yes. Many white people have and continue to show integrity.
Here, I'll get you started..

Racism - Wikipedia
I did not ask you to point to a link on wikipedia about some definition of racism (and bear in mind all those pages on wikipedia are written by white people)

I asked - What is a racist black person ? Just give me you're own definition of what a racist black person is and what he does.
A lot of written words were by white people. Do you dismiss them all? I have seen many blacks quote news events that are reported and/or written by white people.
And do you think it's logical for a black person to trust and believe the written words of white person in regards to black people ?
Racist comment :rolleyes:
Do you think it's logical for a black person to trust and believe the written words of white person in regards to black people ?
There are many reasons for this, but the heart of it is that racists in general believe themselves to be perpetual victims (of other races) and POC in particular are continuously told by the Democrats that they’re victims of “evil whitey”....

I've said this before, but I'll say it again. I believe it's by design. When the message of certain politicians or "leaders" to blacks is that everyone is out to get them, that they are victims, and continually speak to them in a very negative, demagogic way....what they're doing is fanning the flames of hate, prejudice and distrust toward whites or conservatives. Why? Because then those politicians can say, "But we are here to help you! We've got free stuff, vote for us, not the evil opposition!"

Not only does that perpetuate anger, hate and the victim mentality.… but it keeps people down. And that is exactly what those elitist politicians want. It's a way of controlling people. If you can get people to perpetually think of themselves as victims, and to think of government as their Savior, it keeps people voting for those limousine liberals who want to keep them down and forever "chained" to the government. It's all about control.

As others have put it, it's the "new plantation."

Sadly, as we can see on these threads, many people of color have fallen for that manipulation by limousine liberals who really couldn't care less about any of us, they are elitists who want to control people.

The only way to truly be free and to move forward in life is to have a completely new mindset. But that's a topic for another thread.
And do you think it's logical for a black person to trust and believe the written words of white person in regards to black people ?
You tend to believe what blacks write about whites, only if it is negative
Like for example ?
Anything Farrakan says

So are you claiming that black people believe everything Farrakhan says ?

Can you point to any Minster Farrakhan that is false ?

Some of these whites here are stump stupid. Whites have a continuing history of racist behavior that has lasted now for 242 years. That's what our opinion on are is based on. Whites base theirs on stereotypes they made up that do not exist.

Minister Farrakhan is right about many things and if whites don't like that, well they should not be doing what he talks about. And don't try telling me I support his ant Semitism because I don't.

Being black I say fuck you to all whites who base their opinions of Farrakhan on labels given to him by racists like Rush Limbaugh. You guys have repeated what this fat asshole has said for years and his treat his screeds like the word of god.
There are many reasons for this, but the heart of it is that racists in general believe themselves to be perpetual victims (of other races) and POC in particular are continuously told by the Democrats that they’re victims of “evil whitey”....

I've said this before, but I'll say it again. I believe it's by design. When the message of certain politicians or "leaders" to blacks is that everyone is out to get them, that they are victims, and continually speak to them in a very negative, demagogic way....what they're doing is fanning the flames of hate, prejudice and distrust toward whites or conservatives. Why? Because then those politicians can say, "But we are here to help you! We've got free stuff, vote for us, not the evil opposition!"

Not only does that perpetuate anger, hate and the victim mentality.… but it keeps people down. And that is exactly what those elitist politicians want. It's a way of controlling people. If you can get people to perpetually think of themselves as victims, and to think of government as their Savior, it keeps people voting for those limousine liberals who want to keep them down and forever "chained" to the government. It's all about control.

As others have put it, it's the "new plantation."

Sadly, as we can see on these threads, many people of color have fallen for that manipulation by limousine liberals who really couldn't care less about any of us, they are elitists who want to control people.

The only way to truly be free and to move forward in life is to have a completely new mindset. But that's a topic for another thread.

Whites need the new mindset. Not us.
I did not ask you to point to a link on wikipedia about some definition of racism (and bear in mind all those pages on wikipedia are written by white people)

I asked - What is a racist black person ? Just give me you're own definition of what a racist black person is and what he does.
A lot of written words were by white people. Do you dismiss them all? I have seen many blacks quote news events that are reported and/or written by white people.
And do you think it's logical for a black person to trust and believe the written words of white person in regards to black people ?
Racist comment :rolleyes:
Do you think it's logical for a black person to trust and believe the written words of white person in regards to black people ?

No, is the correct answer.
A lot of written words were by white people. Do you dismiss them all? I have seen many blacks quote news events that are reported and/or written by white people.
And do you think it's logical for a black person to trust and believe the written words of white person in regards to black people ?
Racist comment :rolleyes:
Do you think it's logical for a black person to trust and believe the written words of white person in regards to black people ?

No, is the correct answer.
Yes is the correct answer. But being that you are anti white I can see where you think you are correct.
Whites need the new mindset. Not us.

It's not even a color thing. Anyone who has that perpetually angry/bitter/prejudiced/victim mindset, needs a new mindset. It could apply to any person, actually.
And do you think it's logical for a black person to trust and believe the written words of white person in regards to black people ?
Racist comment :rolleyes:
Do you think it's logical for a black person to trust and believe the written words of white person in regards to black people ?

No, is the correct answer.
Yes is the correct answer. But being that you are anti white I can see where you think you are correct.

I'm black, not anti white, and no is the answer. You are a white racist, that's why you say yes.
Whites need the new mindset. Not us.

It's not even a color thing. Anyone who has that perpetually angry/bitter/prejudiced/victim mindset, needs a new mindset. It could apply to any person, actually.

And that's why I say whites need a change in mindset. Because whites continue to be racists and that makes people angry. End white racism instead of thinking you can define others by their reaction to it and a lot of things change.
Whites need the new mindset. Not us.

It's not even a color thing. Anyone who has that perpetually angry/bitter/prejudiced/victim mindset, needs a new mindset. It could apply to any person, actually.

And that's why I say whites need a change in mindset. Because whites continue to be racists and that makes people angry. End white racism instead of thinking you can define others by their reaction to it and a lot of things change.
I bet other black people don't like you very much. Are they racists as well?
Whites need the new mindset. Not us.

It's not even a color thing. Anyone who has that perpetually angry/bitter/prejudiced/victim mindset, needs a new mindset. It could apply to any person, actually.

And that's why I say whites need a change in mindset. Because whites continue to be racists and that makes people angry. End white racism instead of thinking you can define others by their reaction to it and a lot of things change.
I bet other black people don't like you very much. Are they racists as well?

Whites need the new mindset. Not us.

It's not even a color thing. Anyone who has that perpetually angry/bitter/prejudiced/victim mindset, needs a new mindset. It could apply to any person, actually.

And that's why I say whites need a change in mindset. Because whites continue to be racists and that makes people angry. End white racism instead of thinking you can define others by their reaction to it and a lot of things change.

If you think all whites are racist, you're just proving my point. First of all, you are judging people by the color of their skin, or as members of a group, not as individuals. That is the exact thing that you don't like people to do to you, correct? So if you don't like being judged by the color of your skin, why do you do that to others? Second of all, it shows that you have that victim mindset, which as I said, is in part due to the powers-that-be who continually evoke that anger, bitterness, and that "us against them" mindset. The powers-that-be purposely promote racial division, because it keeps groups fighting each other, preoccupied, distracted, never looking to who the real enemy is. It's control and manipulation. Divide and conquer. You're being played by the very people who you keep voting for.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that white racism doesn't exist. Of course it does. But you are being counterproductive when you believe that ALL whites are racist, and when you fall prey to those who want to keep you down by promoting that negative mindset and perpetuating that neverending cycle.
Racist comment :rolleyes:
Do you think it's logical for a black person to trust and believe the written words of white person in regards to black people ?

No, is the correct answer.
Yes is the correct answer. But being that you are anti white I can see where you think you are correct.

I'm black, not anti white, and no is the answer. You are a white racist, that's why you say yes.
You are the racist. You say you cant trust what a white person writes. I say yes because you can trust what a white person weites. Wallow in the hatred that you post on a daily basis. I guess it makes you feel superior. In the end miserable little race mongers like you always lose.
Whites need the new mindset. Not us.

It's not even a color thing. Anyone who has that perpetually angry/bitter/prejudiced/victim mindset, needs a new mindset. It could apply to any person, actually.

And that's why I say whites need a change in mindset. Because whites continue to be racists and that makes people angry. End white racism instead of thinking you can define others by their reaction to it and a lot of things change.
End all racism is the correct answer. However you are to racist to get that.
Whites need the new mindset. Not us.

It's not even a color thing. Anyone who has that perpetually angry/bitter/prejudiced/victim mindset, needs a new mindset. It could apply to any person, actually.

And that's why I say whites need a change in mindset. Because whites continue to be racists and that makes people angry. End white racism instead of thinking you can define others by their reaction to it and a lot of things change.

If you think all whites are racist, you're just proving my point. First of all, you are judging people by the color of their skin, or as members of a group, not as individuals. That is the exact thing that you don't like people to do to you, correct? So if you don't like being judged by the color of your skin, why do you do that to others? Second of all, it shows that you have that victim mindset, which as I said, is in part due to the powers-that-be who continually evoke that anger, bitterness, and that "us against them" mindset. The powers-that-be purposely promote racial division, because it keeps groups fighting each other, preoccupied, distracted, never looking to who the real enemy is. It's control and manipulation. Divide and conquer. You're being played by the very people who you keep voting for.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that white racism doesn't exist. Of course it does. But you are being counterproductive when you believe that ALL whites are racist, and when you fall prey to those who want to keep you down by promoting that negative mindset and perpetuating that neverending cycle.

Since I don't believe all whites are racists and never said that, do not automatically claim that I am saying all whites are anything when I say whites do something. If I am referring to all whites I am capable of placing the word all before whites. Do you understand? I'm tired of you whites here pulling this bullshit. Learn how to read the words written.

Just because whites have meant all blacks when they have said things here doesn't mean I am doing the same thing. Whites have been racists, that's not a judgment, it is a fact. And this judging people as individuals crap doesn't apply to this argument when you have 242 years of whites behaving in this manner. It has not been done by a few individuals but by 10's of millions.

So let me explain to you the difference you don't seem to understand. Whites judge blacks based on falsehoods they created about us. We are talking abut things whites have actually done to us.
Do you think it's logical for a black person to trust and believe the written words of white person in regards to black people ?

No, is the correct answer.
Yes is the correct answer. But being that you are anti white I can see where you think you are correct.

I'm black, not anti white, and no is the answer. You are a white racist, that's why you say yes.
You are the racist. You say you cant trust what a white person writes. I say yes because you can trust what a white person weites. Wallow in the hatred that you post on a daily basis. I guess it makes you feel superior. In the end miserable little race mongers like you always lose.

The question was, "Do you think it's logical for a black person to trust and believe the written words of white person in regards to black people?" There are many things whites have written about us that have been proven false that you still repeat. So shut your racist pie hole.

No, is the correct answer.
Yes is the correct answer. But being that you are anti white I can see where you think you are correct.

I'm black, not anti white, and no is the answer. You are a white racist, that's why you say yes.
You are the racist. You say you cant trust what a white person writes. I say yes because you can trust what a white person weites. Wallow in the hatred that you post on a daily basis. I guess it makes you feel superior. In the end miserable little race mongers like you always lose.

The question was, "Do you think it's logical for a black person to trust and believe the written words of white person in regards to black people?" There are many things whites have written about us that have been proven false that you still repeat. So shut your racist pie hole.

by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Whites need the new mindset. Not us.

It's not even a color thing. Anyone who has that perpetually angry/bitter/prejudiced/victim mindset, needs a new mindset. It could apply to any person, actually.

And that's why I say whites need a change in mindset. Because whites continue to be racists and that makes people angry. End white racism instead of thinking you can define others by their reaction to it and a lot of things change.
End all racism is the correct answer. However you are to racist to get that.

Ending white racism will change a lot of things. What you call black racism is the angry reaction we have to what whites do to us. But you are too racist to see that.

No, is the correct answer.
Yes is the correct answer. But being that you are anti white I can see where you think you are correct.

I'm black, not anti white, and no is the answer. You are a white racist, that's why you say yes.
You are the racist. You say you cant trust what a white person writes. I say yes because you can trust what a white person weites. Wallow in the hatred that you post on a daily basis. I guess it makes you feel superior. In the end miserable little race mongers like you always lose.

The question was, "Do you think it's logical for a black person to trust and believe the written words of white person in regards to black people?" There are many things whites have written about us that have been proven false that you still repeat. So shut your racist pie hole.
There re many things written that are true. Many things that blacks have written aren’t true. You are a racist piece of shit. Your posts prove it, this dialog proves it. You hate white people. Period. You come in here and blame everything wrong in your life on white people. Hey over it. You are fucking pathetic.

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