Racist China and Japan not accepting Syrian refugees

We know that any country that has any limits or restrictions on Syrian migrants are racist by definition.

It's a shame to see that China and Japan are racist and won't allow Syrian refugees to enter their nations.

Here are supporting links to go along with my original content in the subject line and the preceding comments:

Lives in limbo: Why Japan accepts so few refugees

Why Do Chinese Reject Middle Eastern Refugees?
thing about the dems that I don't get is that most Americans realize our immigration "laws" are a joke, and few give a rat's ass about anyone from the ME. We have to respect the law, and Bannon's initial order was a failed piece of shit, but being pro immigration is pretty much a loser unless you're running a teaching hospital or silicon valley company.

Not always true. What people don't understand is some countries like Germany NEED immigration because all the young people there are moving away and their population is getting older and smaller with less people getting married and having babies.

Young Germans stay in the country just long enough to get their free college education and then move to some other country.

Edit: First article wouldn't let me link.

Germany Fights Population Drop
Bullshit noted


So should we stop having WHITE children or should we bring in MORE invaders? Which is it leftists?
We know that any country that has any limits or restrictions on Syrian migrants are racist by definition.

It's a shame to see that China and Japan are racist and won't allow Syrian refugees to enter their nations.

Here are supporting links to go along with my original content in the subject line and the preceding comments:

Lives in limbo: Why Japan accepts so few refugees

Why Do Chinese Reject Middle Eastern Refugees?
thing about the dems that I don't get is that most Americans realize our immigration "laws" are a joke, and few give a rat's ass about anyone from the ME. We have to respect the law, and Bannon's initial order was a failed piece of shit, but being pro immigration is pretty much a loser unless you're running a teaching hospital or silicon valley company.

Not always true. What people don't understand is some countries like Germany NEED immigration because all the young people there are moving away and their population is getting older and smaller with less people getting married and having babies.

Young Germans stay in the country just long enough to get their free college education and then move to some other country.

Edit: First article wouldn't let me link.

Germany Fights Population Drop
Bullshit noted


So should we stop having WHITE children or should we bring in MORE invaders? Which is it leftists?

Wrong. It isn't bullshit. Germany has one of the highest medians of age in Europe. Germany is running out of people to fill it's labor force. You need to do a whole lot more research.
Now that we reject refugees while continuing to bomb their homes, I suppose we can give up any remaining pretense that we're a Christian nation.
cause lord knows there's never been a war caused or participated in by Christians before.
I don't think China and Japan are racist for not accepting refugees. China has too many people and Japan has a high cost of living and a lot of other issues going on.

But they are racist countries for other reasons. One of them being their xenophobia. They hold a lot of ignorant views about other cultures and people.

For example, they assume all western women are lose and are willing to sleep with anyone. They treat anyone who's brown or black as some kind of circus attraction. They're are book smart but are closed minded people.

If you want immigrants vetted or no immigrants at all from Syria, you are racist.

Trump wanted a temporary travel ban from 6 nations. That makes him racist. Same thing applies to China and Japan.
We know that any country that has any limits or restrictions on Syrian migrants are racist by definition.

It's a shame to see that China and Japan are racist and won't allow Syrian refugees to enter their nations.

Here are supporting links to go along with my original content in the subject line and the preceding comments:

Lives in limbo: Why Japan accepts so few refugees

Why Do Chinese Reject Middle Eastern Refugees?
thing about the dems that I don't get is that most Americans realize our immigration "laws" are a joke, and few give a rat's ass about anyone from the ME. We have to respect the law, and Bannon's initial order was a failed piece of shit, but being pro immigration is pretty much a loser unless you're running a teaching hospital or silicon valley company.

Not always true. What people don't understand is some countries like Germany NEED immigration because all the young people there are moving away and their population is getting older and smaller with less people getting married and having babies.

Young Germans stay in the country just long enough to get their free college education and then move to some other country.

Edit: First article wouldn't let me link.

Germany Fights Population Drop
Bullshit noted


So should we stop having WHITE children or should we bring in MORE invaders? Which is it leftists?

Wrong. It isn't bullshit. Germany has one of the highest medians of age in Europe. Germany is running out of people to fill it's labor force. You need to do a whole lot more research.
So should Whites stop having babies OR should we flood WHITE countries with brown invaders? Do like Russia did and give incentives for more white babies.
We know that any country that has any limits or restrictions on Syrian migrants are racist by definition.

It's a shame to see that China and Japan are racist and won't allow Syrian refugees to enter their nations.

Here are supporting links to go along with my original content in the subject line and the preceding comments:

Lives in limbo: Why Japan accepts so few refugees

Why Do Chinese Reject Middle Eastern Refugees?

good for them. these raghead killers should be outlawed worldwide and hunted to extinction

Snowflakes should boycott all products from racist China and racist Japan.
Now that we reject refugees while continuing to bomb their homes, I suppose we can give up any remaining pretense that we're a Christian nation.
cause lord knows there's never been a war caused or participated in by Christians before.
The religion of peace :laugh:
so back to your original statement i quoted - how does bombing a country and not taking in refugees suddenly equate to not being christian when we both know millions have died for religious causes?
Now that we reject refugees while continuing to bomb their homes, I suppose we can give up any remaining pretense that we're a Christian nation.
cause lord knows there's never been a war caused or participated in by Christians before.
The religion of peace :laugh:
so back to your original statement i quoted - how does bombing a country and not taking in refugees suddenly equate to not being christian when we both know millions have died for religious causes?
Massacring innocents and refusing them refuge is a Christian trait?
We know that any country that has any limits or restrictions on Syrian migrants are racist by definition.

It's a shame to see that China and Japan are racist and won't allow Syrian refugees to enter their nations.

Here are supporting links to go along with my original content in the subject line and the preceding comments:

Lives in limbo: Why Japan accepts so few refugees

Why Do Chinese Reject Middle Eastern Refugees?
thing about the dems that I don't get is that most Americans realize our immigration "laws" are a joke, and few give a rat's ass about anyone from the ME. We have to respect the law, and Bannon's initial order was a failed piece of shit, but being pro immigration is pretty much a loser unless you're running a teaching hospital or silicon valley company.

Not always true. What people don't understand is some countries like Germany NEED immigration because all the young people there are moving away and their population is getting older and smaller with less people getting married and having babies.

Young Germans stay in the country just long enough to get their free college education and then move to some other country.

Edit: First article wouldn't let me link.

Germany Fights Population Drop
Bullshit noted


So should we stop having WHITE children or should we bring in MORE invaders? Which is it leftists?

Wrong. It isn't bullshit. Germany has one of the highest medians of age in Europe. Germany is running out of people to fill it's labor force. You need to do a whole lot more research.
So should Whites stop having babies OR should we flood WHITE countries with brown invaders? Do like Russia did and give incentives for more white babies.

It's whatever snowflakes want.

Obama colludes with Putin over a hot mic with Putin's #1 guy to help Obama in the 2012 election and the snowflakes don't care because they wanted Obama to win.

It's easy:

If it's someone snowflakes like, that person will never be held accountable for any bad behavior.

If it's someone snowflakes don't like, everything that person does is bad behavior by definition.
thing about the dems that I don't get is that most Americans realize our immigration "laws" are a joke, and few give a rat's ass about anyone from the ME. We have to respect the law, and Bannon's initial order was a failed piece of shit, but being pro immigration is pretty much a loser unless you're running a teaching hospital or silicon valley company.

Not always true. What people don't understand is some countries like Germany NEED immigration because all the young people there are moving away and their population is getting older and smaller with less people getting married and having babies.

Young Germans stay in the country just long enough to get their free college education and then move to some other country.

Edit: First article wouldn't let me link.

Germany Fights Population Drop
Bullshit noted


So should we stop having WHITE children or should we bring in MORE invaders? Which is it leftists?

Wrong. It isn't bullshit. Germany has one of the highest medians of age in Europe. Germany is running out of people to fill it's labor force. You need to do a whole lot more research.
So should Whites stop having babies OR should we flood WHITE countries with brown invaders? Do like Russia did and give incentives for more white babies.

It's whatever snowflakes want.

Obama colludes with Putin over a hot mic with Putin's #1 guy to help Obama in the 2012 election and the snowflakes don't care because they wanted Obama to win.

It's easy:

If it's someone snowflakes like, that person will never be held accountable for any bad behavior.

If it's someone snowflakes don't like, everything that person does is bad behavior by definition.
Aside from pointing out that you're accusing the other side of EXACTLY WHAT YOU'RE DOING RIGHT NOW... it should be pointed out that Obama was telling a truth to the Russians instead of accepting a massive campaign of sabotage orchestrated by Russia to throw an election.
Who knew that Asians are racist.

No wonder snowflakes hate them.

I always thought snowflakes hate Asians because Asians refuse to play the victim card and are difficult to manipulate politically as a result.

Now I see that Asians are racist.
We know that any country that has any limits or restrictions on Syrian migrants are racist by definition.

It's a shame to see that China and Japan are racist and won't allow Syrian refugees to enter their nations.

Here are supporting links to go along with my original content in the subject line and the preceding comments:

Lives in limbo: Why Japan accepts so few refugees

Why Do Chinese Reject Middle Eastern Refugees?
thing about the dems that I don't get is that most Americans realize our immigration "laws" are a joke, and few give a rat's ass about anyone from the ME. We have to respect the law, and Bannon's initial order was a failed piece of shit, but being pro immigration is pretty much a loser unless you're running a teaching hospital or silicon valley company.

Not always true. What people don't understand is some countries like Germany NEED immigration because all the young people there are moving away and their population is getting older and smaller with less people getting married and having babies.

Young Germans stay in the country just long enough to get their free college education and then move to some other country.

Edit: First article wouldn't let me link.

Germany Fights Population Drop
Bullshit noted


So should we stop having WHITE children or should we bring in MORE invaders? Which is it leftists?

Wrong. It isn't bullshit. Germany has one of the highest medians of age in Europe. Germany is running out of people to fill it's labor force. You need to do a whole lot more research.
So should Whites stop having babies OR should we flood WHITE countries with brown invaders? Do like Russia did and give incentives for more white babies.

Did I say that? No... I specifically said that the younger generation is getting their education and LEAVING Germany. They aren't there to have kids.
Whoosh? You are the one that brought up other countries in a thread about Japan and China. You aren't very bright are you?

Look up the definition of "irony."

Have you taken your medications today? You asked me why I wasn't defending other countries in a thread that is about CHINA and JAPAN. Why the fuck would I go out on a tangent to start defending other countries when the thread is about CHINA and JAPAN?

If your borders are not open, you are racist.

I am going to start buying Syrian made televisions and cars now instead of Japanese, because Japanese are racist.

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