Racist lesbian buys sperm and doesn't like the result

She should be thrilled. Unlike the mother the child is beautiful. :)
And should be placed in a caring black home.

A black home is not necessary any home with caring parents. The Child is bi-racial
The child is black and will always be black.

Wrong, so you're a black racist? We have too many of those here actually. Maybe even more than white racists..Oh and Obama was raised by white people:thup:

The little girl is cute as a button and looks real happy!

Down the road .....when she finds out that her parents sued, because she was not what they wanted, could be very painful times:(
They are only suing because of the error. The OP is retarded. They love the child.
She should sue the company for negligence and give the black child up for adoption by a nice black family. The poor kid can't possibly grow up unscarred by those strikes against her. Biracial and two perverts. Poor kid.

She should get psychological help, and she lost the lawsuit.
She should get some money. The company messed up and gave her a Black child she has no clue how to care for. At least she was smart enough to seek the help of Black people. I hope she wins the retry.
We are all born the same, and require the same care... Get a clue will you? my hair is more kinky than hers. Special barber wtf?
She should be thrilled. Unlike the mother the child is beautiful. :)
And should be placed in a caring black home.

A black home is not necessary any home with caring parents. The Child is bi-racial
The child is black and will always be black.

So, you are a believer in the One Drop Rule?
Black people are. I agree with them. I have a biracial nephew who totally rejects being called biracial. How biracial is that pale face Eric Holder? He's black. This kid is black.

You're a sad person.
And should be placed in a caring black home.

A black home is not necessary any home with caring parents. The Child is bi-racial
The child is black and will always be black.

So, you are a believer in the One Drop Rule?
Black people are. I agree with them. I have a biracial nephew who totally rejects being called biracial. How biracial is that pale face Eric Holder? He's black. This kid is black.

The kid doesn't get a choice as to how she identifies?

She is restricted from identifying with her mother and half of her ancestors and the culture she is going to be raised in?

That's bullshit.
Of course she gets a choice as long as its black. Ask obumble about being biracial and identifying with half his ancestors.

You might wish it were different. It isn't just like mom has to go across town to get the kid's hair done. She's black.
She should sue the company for negligence and give the black child up for adoption by a nice black family. The poor kid can't possibly grow up unscarred by those strikes against her. Biracial and two perverts. Poor kid.

She should get psychological help, and she lost the lawsuit.
She should get some money. The company messed up and gave her a Black child she has no clue how to care for. At least she was smart enough to seek the help of Black people. I hope she wins the retry.
We are all born the same, and require the same care... Get a clue will you?
Sorry but you are a jackass. There are needs particular to a Black child you have no clue about. Most white women that have biracial children find this out one way or another. If you were Black you would have some credibility.

The little girl is cute as a button and looks real happy!

Down the road .....when she finds out that her parents sued, because she was not what they wanted, could be very painful times:(
They are only suing because of the error. The OP is retarded. They love the child.
She should sue the company for negligence and give the black child up for adoption by a nice black family. The poor kid can't possibly grow up unscarred by those strikes against her. Biracial and two perverts. Poor kid.

She should get psychological help, and she lost the lawsuit.
She should get some money. The company messed up and gave her a Black child she has no clue how to care for. At least she was smart enough to seek the help of Black people. I hope she wins the retry.
We are all born the same, and require the same care... Get a clue will you?
Sorry but you are a jackass. There are needs particular to a Black child you have no clue about. Most white women that have biracial children find this out one way or another. If you were Black you would have some credibility.

Yeah? what might those needs be? You're a joke:slap:
A black home is not necessary any home with caring parents. The Child is bi-racial
The child is black and will always be black.

So, you are a believer in the One Drop Rule?
Black people are. I agree with them. I have a biracial nephew who totally rejects being called biracial. How biracial is that pale face Eric Holder? He's black. This kid is black.

The kid doesn't get a choice as to how she identifies?

She is restricted from identifying with her mother and half of her ancestors and the culture she is going to be raised in?

That's bullshit.
Of course she gets a choice as long as its black. Ask obumble about being biracial and identifying with half his ancestors.

You might wish it were different. It isn't just like mom has to go across town to get the kid's hair done. She's black.

Obama choose to dis his white half. He did not have to do that.

Would he have been "less cool" to the "Chommba Gang"? Yes.

Whoopee Dee Freaking Doo.
She should sue the company for negligence and give the black child up for adoption by a nice black family. The poor kid can't possibly grow up unscarred by those strikes against her. Biracial and two perverts. Poor kid.

She should get psychological help, and she lost the lawsuit.
She should get some money. The company messed up and gave her a Black child she has no clue how to care for. At least she was smart enough to seek the help of Black people. I hope she wins the retry.
We are all born the same, and require the same care... Get a clue will you? my hair is more kinky than hers. Special barber wtf?
Yes. Entirely different products are used on black hair. It is way more delicate than Caucasian hair. A Brazilian blowout will make black hair silky but the stylist has to be really careful about the amount of formaldehyde used.
She should sue the company for negligence and give the black child up for adoption by a nice black family. The poor kid can't possibly grow up unscarred by those strikes against her. Biracial and two perverts. Poor kid.

She should get psychological help, and she lost the lawsuit.
She should get some money. The company messed up and gave her a Black child she has no clue how to care for. At least she was smart enough to seek the help of Black people. I hope she wins the retry.
We are all born the same, and require the same care... Get a clue will you?
Sorry but you are a jackass. There are needs particular to a Black child you have no clue about. Most white women that have biracial children find this out one way or another. If you were Black you would have some credibility.

This is a good example of one of the reasons why you don't want to have a black child.

Because of people like this, there is a large "industry" out there looking to fill your black child's head with hatred and bile.

The little girl is cute as a button and looks real happy!

Down the road .....when she finds out that her parents sued, because she was not what they wanted, could be very painful times:(
They are only suing because of the error. The OP is retarded. They love the child.
She should sue the company for negligence and give the black child up for adoption by a nice black family. The poor kid can't possibly grow up unscarred by those strikes against her. Biracial and two perverts. Poor kid.

She should get psychological help, and she lost the lawsuit.
She should get some money. The company messed up and gave her a Black child she has no clue how to care for. At least she was smart enough to seek the help of Black people. I hope she wins the retry.
We are all born the same, and require the same care... Get a clue will you?
Sorry but you are a jackass. There are needs particular to a Black child you have no clue about. Most white women that have biracial children find this out one way or another. If you were Black you would have some credibility.

Yeah? what might those needs be? You're a joke:slap:
Youre a bigger joke. Youre a white boy trying to tell me what a Black child needs. My first daughter is biracial and her mother didnt what the hell to do. My cousins and later my wife had to take of those needs that Black girls have.
She should be thrilled. Unlike the mother the child is beautiful. :)
And should be placed in a caring black home.

A black home is not necessary any home with caring parents. The Child is bi-racial
The child is black and will always be black.

Wrong, so you're a black racist? We have too many of those here actually. Maybe even more than white racists..Oh and Obama was raised by white people:thup:
It didn't help did it?
I don't think you get pain and suffering if you go with she didnt get what she paid for. She can get a refund, but that would be the extent of damages for that purchase ... at least here ... and on Judge Judy
I think child birth counts as pain and suffering

She had to pay for sperm because no sighted man would fuck her.

There goes the theory of the Libtards being all tolerant and accepting
She should sue the company for negligence and give the black child up for adoption by a nice black family. The poor kid can't possibly grow up unscarred by those strikes against her. Biracial and two perverts. Poor kid.

She should get psychological help, and she lost the lawsuit.
She should get some money. The company messed up and gave her a Black child she has no clue how to care for. At least she was smart enough to seek the help of Black people. I hope she wins the retry.
We are all born the same, and require the same care... Get a clue will you?
Sorry but you are a jackass. There are needs particular to a Black child you have no clue about. Most white women that have biracial children find this out one way or another. If you were Black you would have some credibility.

This is a good example of one of the reasons why you don't want to have a black child.

Because of people like this, there is a large "industry" out there looking to fill your black child's head with hatred and bile.
Too late. I already have Black children. Its pretty much inevitable since I am Black myself.
There are whites and blacks that discriminate against biracial children, (that's a fact jack), in this woman's head...(possibly because she is one of those bigots above or has a family that fits the bill, but not necessarily so), this is not what she wanted, nor what she paid for, nor what the sperm bank told her she would get....nor what she wanted for her own flesh and blood to have to go through in life...

And no, this isn't a simple coffee pot that was wrong...this is a human being....I agree, and a human lasts a lifetime.

The sperm bank should have just settled out of court, they made a huge mistake, and part of rectifying such mistake, would have been admitting to the severity of the negligent wrong doing, and giving justice to the customer they wronged....without going to court and putting this family through having to do so.

If this woman was told upfront that her sperm donor was a hit or miss situation and no one could pick and choose their donor by color of hair, eyes, skin, then 10 to 1, this woman, and many if not all straight women alike, would never choose this sperm bank.

I think if I were this woman, I would not have sued, especially if I knew it would be a media internet frenzy like it has become, (most likely due to her being a lesbian), and I knew my daughter in the future would be harmed by this....then perhaps I would have found a way to fight the bigotry out there for biracial children instead of taking the "you harmed me and my girl martyr'' route...?

But this was not my decision to make, and this woman does have the legal right to sue in this circumstance, however crazy, and bigoted it may seem to us.
These two women will get a hefty chunk of change from the facility that gave her the wrong sperm. The really sad part is, this poor child has no black relatives to help her. There is no father or father's family. It's disgusting. Place that child with someone that can help her.
There are whites and blacks that discriminate against biracial children, (that's a fact jack), in this woman's head...(possibly because she is one of those bigots above or has a family that fits the bill, but not necessarily so), this is not what she wanted, nor what she paid for, nor what the sperm bank told her she would get....nor what she wanted for her own flesh and blood to have to go through in life...

And no, this isn't a simple coffee pot that was wrong...this is a human being....I agree, and a human lasts a lifetime.

The sperm bank should have just settled out of court, they made a huge mistake, and part of rectifying such mistake, would have been admitting to the severity of the negligent wrong doing, and giving justice to the customer they wronged....without going to court and putting this family through having to do so.

If this woman was told upfront that her sperm donor was a hit or miss situation and no one could pick and choose their donor by color of hair, eyes, skin, then 10 to 1, this woman, and many if not all straight women alike, would never choose this sperm bank.

I think if I were this woman, I would not have sued, especially if I knew it would be a media internet frenzy like it has become, (most likely due to her being a lesbian), and I knew my daughter in the future would be harmed by this....then perhaps I would have found a way to fight the bigotry out there for biracial children instead of taking the "you harmed me and my girl martyr'' route...?

But this was not my decision to make, and this woman does have the legal right to sue in this circumstance, however crazy, and bigoted it may seem to us.
The original story on this the woman explained the community they lived in was basically racist and they were seeking the funds to move to a more diverse area. The OP is a fucking retard.

Woman sues sperm bank after racial mix-up - CNN.com

"Two years later, Cramblett and Zinkon are moms to a mixed race African-American girl named Payton, whom they love "unconditionally." But even that bond hasn't been enough to protect them from the emotional and social challenges they admittedly, were not prepared for.

"There are things I don't feel I have the background to even know. It is things we have to go out and research and talk to people and figure out how to do as simple as a daily chore of doing your hair," Cramblett told CNN."
She did not get, what she paid for, is the bottom line....for whatever reason, bigoted, racist, or genuine concerns don't really matter imo....she paid for something, that was to be with her for a lifetime, and the sperm bank made a big, important, life long, mistake....

If this couple were a hetero couple and this happened to them..... I would take the same legal stance, even if they were a racist couple.
So she thinks she's too good to raise a black baby?

The little girl is cute as a button and looks real happy!

Down the road .....when she finds out that her parents sued, because she was not what they wanted, could be very painful times:(
They are only suing because of the error. The OP is retarded. They love the child.
She should get psychological help, and she lost the lawsuit.
She should get some money. The company messed up and gave her a Black child she has no clue how to care for. At least she was smart enough to seek the help of Black people. I hope she wins the retry.
We are all born the same, and require the same care... Get a clue will you?
Sorry but you are a jackass. There are needs particular to a Black child you have no clue about. Most white women that have biracial children find this out one way or another. If you were Black you would have some credibility.

Yeah? what might those needs be? You're a joke:slap:
Youre a bigger joke. Youre a white boy trying to tell me what a Black child needs. My first daughter is biracial and her mother didnt what the hell to do. My cousins and later my wife had to take of those needs that Black girls have.

I'm sure racist, what might those needs be? If you can't list them they don't exist...Black boy:slap:

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