Racist Republican caught on tape


Elaborate further please...

He's one of those people who claims he never insults anyone.....yet does it all the time.....he's one of those people that says the jim crow democrats became republicans, except very few did.....and it shows since none of the state legislatures went republican in thes 70s.....if they all became republicans, we would have dominated the southerne state legislatures, it took 30-40 years, with northern migration to do that.

Quite a few Jim Crow dems became pubs, and most of them have died off.

Thank you for that, dear Jesus.

Dem or Pub, anyone who talks like that needs to find another job.

That type of language above needs to be eliminated, period.
Elaborate further please...

He's one of those people who claims he never insults anyone.....yet does it all the time.....he's one of those people that says the jim crow democrats became republicans, except very few did.....and it shows since none of the state legislatures went republican in thes 70s.....if they all became republicans, we would have dominated the southerne state legislatures, it took 30-40 years, with northern migration to do that.

Quite a few Jim Crow dems became pubs, and most of them have died off.

Thank you for that, dear Jesus.

Dem or Pub, anyone who talks like that needs to find another job.

That type of language above needs to be eliminated, period.

exhibit A....Starkey, most did not.....I hate to break it to people I lived in the south.....jim crow democrats had say 21 democrats voted against the 64 civil rights bill....only 1 became a republican...not a high percentage.....

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3LqPedoxSk"]Revealing the Truth about the Democratic Party Part 2: The Parties Switched - YouTube[/ame]

So tell me what you disagree with in that clip?
About 85% of Dem racists switched to the GOP in the South over the decades.

Most are dead.

Those who deny it are GOP racists, most likely.

That's OK, because those smelly skunks are going to die off soon.
About 85% of Dem racists switched to the GOP in the South over the decades.

Most are dead.

Those who deny it are GOP racists, most likely.

That's OK, because those smelly skunks are going to die off soon.

Sorry Starkey, I showed you a video, and that shows that theyd didnt vote for republicans until the mid 80s most of the times

Blog | Stolen History by Frantz Kebreau | National Speaker and Author

In 2012, the State Legislature has finally come under Republican Party control.

So who was in control until 2012???????


So Starkey where's your proof again? You just parrot the academic line dont ya...you know the left wing humanties professor bs....again you use talking points.......no proof bro.....
I remember a good ol' boy who came into my office (not at the school district) and complained that the hs teachers were "preaching" the Southern Strategy to his kid and their friends' kids. He thought it was a "liberal" conspiracy or something. I told him that our teachers were very good, the Southern Strategy indeed was a significant historical fact that led the South into the Republican camp generally.

I asked him what was the problem, because we were both Republicans in a strong GOP area. He said it was "wrong" but couldn't say why. Then he raised his voice, and I told him that he was on private property and needed to quiet down. He left in a huffy.

Too freaking bad.
The video is proof of nothing.

Go to your local community college or four-year college, get a freshman history book, and read.


The video is proof of nothing.

Go to your local community college or four-year college, get a freshman history book, and read.



Ohhhh so you're a professor....LOLOLOL so is my dad.....that's hilarious, but he's in hard science........

Uh dude you realize those are written by people that dont like conservatives, you realize this, right?

So tell me how did you measure this stat?

The senators never switched, they didnt elect republicans for roughtly 25 years, and some state houses still arent repuiblicans, so if they did switch at 85%, republicans would have swept EVERYTHING, yet didnt....why is this?????

WV has never elected a republican senator, and LA elected one in 2005 and the other one, have never had a republican.

Again Starkey put up or shut up......
Nope, I am not a professor, and good for your dad.

You need to read, because you are spouting nonsense.
You race baiters need to do some reading.

Exclusive: Lee Atwater?s Infamous 1981 Interview on the Southern Strategy | The Nation

You can all 42 minutes of his infamous interview.

Ok so Lee Atwater didnt think that states should have rights? and he didnt think cutting govt spending was a good idea?

So expalin this with the forced busing......

Violence in Boston over racial busing ? History.com This Day in History ? 9/12/1974

Yep alot of real racists in MA huh??? Alot of klansmen there?

And again where is your proof?
Nope, I am not a professor, and good for your dad.

You need to read, because you are spouting nonsense.

No dude, I actually look at every side, and I know the point of view that is commonly held, but it is wrong.......again how do you measure party ID?
If you're not voting for local republicans
If you're not voting for state republicans
and if you're not voting for national republicans,

How are you a republican? I'm curious as to know?
Sorry bro, you're a liberal and they are always morally superior and dont insult people....that's what they say....The never use ******, chinc, whop, lymie, or any profanity.....it's hilarious to watch these people rag on Mark Furhman for calling a running criminal a ******, yet liberals do it to....this thread just proves publicly, what we all knew.....liberals like the n word just as much as anyone else.....

and yes you do insult people, but weak ass attemps are no big deal...keep trying though....maybe get a few facts and less talking points and they might sting more.

You are rambling. I use ALL of those terms and every profanity ( and I spell them correctly as well ). But I use em' from the right place. Context is EVERYTHING.

Get a few facts? Did that directive come from a dud(e) who COMPLETELY missed the facts in his last post? Yes.....yes it did.

I will give you 30 minutes to find and cite a single "talking point" that I have used. Good luck.

Dude you do, oh and what context? So is MArk Furman a raging racist? Interesting, a liberal now say it's ok to use ******, but only in certain context.....now we're getting somewhere....so what is the context...singing a song?

Remember it was the left who attacked George Allen for using mukaka, which nobody konws what it means, I asked an indian friend of mine and he's never heard of it....

See the thing is there is past and a record.....and the left ignores all that and tries to keep everything in the present and they change their positions quite often, AND they love euphamisms, why? Why is midget a bad word? or retard? Liberals think changing language will make the issue go away....it doesnt....that's why I laugh at the language police. And my God dont ever use Shaniqua......ever!!!! LOLOLOLOLOL

You are really having trouble staying on point, aren't you?

Mark Furman, George Allen?

Liberals think changing language makes it go away?
He's one of those people who claims he never insults anyone.....yet does it all the time.....he's one of those people that says the jim crow democrats became republicans, except very few did.....and it shows since none of the state legislatures went republican in thes 70s.....if they all became republicans, we would have dominated the southerne state legislatures, it took 30-40 years, with northern migration to do that.

Quite a few Jim Crow dems became pubs, and most of them have died off.

Thank you for that, dear Jesus.

Dem or Pub, anyone who talks like that needs to find another job.

That type of language above needs to be eliminated, period.

exhibit A....Starkey, most did not.....I hate to break it to people I lived in the south.....jim crow democrats had say 21 democrats voted against the 64 civil rights bill....only 1 became a republican...not a high percentage.....

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3LqPedoxSk"]Revealing the Truth about the Democratic Party Part 2: The Parties Switched - YouTube[/ame]

So tell me what you disagree with in that clip?

Jake is one of those "mainstream" Republicans that believe everything the left wing has to offer.

That is a great video, it must be noted that the ONE democrat that switched was not a grand Kegal in the KKK as was Byrd. There was never any reason for the racists to leave the party of slavery for the party of Lincoln. Thanks for the video driving the point home.
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Yes. The Democratic Party is CLEARLY the party of racists and bigots. That's why all the minorities avoid them so predictably.

wow and slaves fought for their slave masters....man

The democrats give them welfare and say if the republicans get in, you'll lose it....it's really not that hard to see how democrats do that...well maybe for you.
Yes. The Democratic Party is CLEARLY the party of racists and bigots. That's why all the minorities avoid them so predictably.

wow and slaves fought for their slave masters....man

The democrats give them welfare and say if the republicans get in, you'll lose it....it's really not that hard to see how democrats do that...well maybe for you.

Are you saying that American minority voters are stupid, lazy or both?
You are rambling. I use ALL of those terms and every profanity ( and I spell them correctly as well ). But I use em' from the right place. Context is EVERYTHING.

Get a few facts? Did that directive come from a dud(e) who COMPLETELY missed the facts in his last post? Yes.....yes it did.

I will give you 30 minutes to find and cite a single "talking point" that I have used. Good luck.

Dude you do, oh and what context? So is MArk Furman a raging racist? Interesting, a liberal now say it's ok to use ******, but only in certain context.....now we're getting somewhere....so what is the context...singing a song?

Remember it was the left who attacked George Allen for using mukaka, which nobody konws what it means, I asked an indian friend of mine and he's never heard of it....

See the thing is there is past and a record.....and the left ignores all that and tries to keep everything in the present and they change their positions quite often, AND they love euphamisms, why? Why is midget a bad word? or retard? Liberals think changing language will make the issue go away....it doesnt....that's why I laugh at the language police. And my God dont ever use Shaniqua......ever!!!! LOLOLOLOLOL

You are really having trouble staying on point, aren't you?

Mark Furman, George Allen?

Liberals think changing language makes it go away?

Yep, several points, try and keep up......the issue with those two are liberals attacked George Allen for using a word noone has ever heard of to make him into a racist......yet again democrats like you use profanity as well....and Mark Furman was considered by the left to be a racist, only because he used ******.....Do you know how that happend? HE lied under oath saying he never used the word.....that's the thought/language police in this country, cops would rather commit perjury than admit to saying ******? And why was that question asked in the first place?
Yes. The Democratic Party is CLEARLY the party of racists and bigots. That's why all the minorities avoid them so predictably.

wow and slaves fought for their slave masters....man

The democrats give them welfare and say if the republicans get in, you'll lose it....it's really not that hard to see how democrats do that...well maybe for you.

Are you saying that American minority voters are stupid, lazy or both?

Not all, but the poor ones( which are most) yes........hence this
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpAOwJvTOio"]Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube[/ame]

or this guy is interesting.....and no it's not me.......the guy likes Obama but is wanting people to tell him WHY they're voting for him......a good question
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