Racist School Assignment from NC - let's play this game!

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No, it is segregating. What would it matter, under those circumstances what race or lifestyle someone has? To those that don't see color, nothing, we could care less.
The person assigning it wanted to segregate them. Not by what they could bring to the table, but by what color their skin was or their lifestyle.
Breaking people into categories. Read it again, i.e. black, white, Hispanic, Asian, lesbian, female, male. That is segregating at its finest.
Oh, they are but with examples of garbage such as above given.
Notice in the above they once again segregate?

What do you mean, they "segregate"?

That's not segregation. That's identifying.

Maybe the person assigning it wanted to challenge students' assumptions. Would a person's skin color or orientation or religion matter more than their skill set?
Maybe the assignment is a means of assessing the effectiveness of the indoctrination program being administered to the students?
What have I done or said that is racist? Be specific.

You are promoting a twisted little mind fuck aimed at children that casts whites as bible thumping trashy racists and people of color as honorable.

If you had even an iota of the critical thinking skills you are blathering about, you would be able to note the agenda involved. Since you share the agenda, you see it as perfectly fine.

So, how long have you been in the day care business, anyway?
The teacher made their skin color and their lifestyle important, rather than focusing on their skill set.
The teacher created a derision the kids may never have dreamt of. The teacher placed it into their minds, so it suddenly must be important, when it is not.
It can only push the kids to do just that by segregating , the teacher creates the segregating, rather than this-

You need to go to a bomb shelter and can take 4 others with you. Your choices:

A doctor
A construction worker
A minister
A lawyer
An athlete
A mother

Which 4 would you choose and why.

Now, that is called an exercise in critical thinking. The problem given was an exercise is isolating by skin color, lifestyle; segregating.

No, it is segregating. What would it matter, under those circumstances what race or lifestyle someone has? To those that don't see color, nothing, we could care less.
The person assigning it wanted to segregate them. Not by what they could bring to the table, but by what color their skin was or their lifestyle.

Maybe the person assigning it wanted to challenge students' assumptions. Would a person's skin color or orientation or religion matter more than their skill set?

The critical thinking comes when someone is forced to defend why they don't want the black lesbian in the shelter. People do take those things into account. Are you new here?

I've been asked no less than 5 times my race on here, never my profession. My gender is obvious, but my sexuality has also been questioned.

NEVER has anyone asked what I do for a living.
OK, I've never encountered you here and I'm interested. What do you do for a living? I am an aircraft mechanic and part-time university professor.
Breaking people into categories. Read it again, i.e. black, white, Hispanic, Asian, lesbian, female, male. That is segregating at its finest.
Oh, they are but with examples of garbage such as above given.
Notice in the above they once again segregate?

What do you mean, they "segregate"?

That's not segregation. That's identifying.
Why, then, are the individuals not identified solely on their skill sets? Who cares what race or gender a construction worker or doctor is? Why take any handicapped lawyer at all? A preacher, what additional skills does he possess? Pregnant mother with baggage, again, what skills does she bring with?
Of course the exercise is racist, sexist, and homophobic because it categorizes choices with irrelevant survival characteristics.

As I've said over and over again, learning to sift through information is a skill. When a student reads a passage, they have to pull out relevant information. If all you give them is relevant information, they can't practice that skill.
That's what I've observed. Why would anyone ask you about race unless you were already discussing it?

I can discuss race as a topic, can't I? What difference does it make what my race is?

I believe, without getting into the teacher's head, that the assignment was meant to challenge if any students would find that race or sexual orientation mattered, and to defend their positions. That's appropriate for high schoolers to think about.

How is this the teacher's business? What subject is the teacher teaching and how is this relevant to it? That's not appropriate for any teacher to be teaching in high school because it's blatantly political. Discussing such issues can only be used for brainwashing purposes.

Have you ever heard of a social studies class?

You can discuss lots of issues without brainwashing students. Especially high school students.
. Most of it these days is agenda driven, and being set up to brainwash the kids by either giving them a passing or failing grade on the assignments. Now who is making these people judges that have no guide other than to create bull crap assignments that push the students to think that what they have learned from their conservative parents in life was somehow wrong ??

What EXACTLY is this teaching kids that would go against their parents' conservative teachings?

Be specific.
. What is it teaching you ask ??? It's teaching that ones race somehow has to always be considered before anything else (in which) is a lie straight out of hell in my opinion.. Most conservative teachings is based upon ones character and integrity, and not based upon race. King said he longed for a day that men and women would be judged upon the content of their character, and not upon the color of their skin. Ones color should have absolutely no bearing upon what it is to be an American. The reason race is steady found in this country, is because it is agenda driven by one side or the other. Schools are for learning what it takes to be skilled in the ways that help a student make a living afterwards, and to communicate properly between one another as Americans. Anything else is agenda driven, and bull crap. We should be supporting everything that brings Americans together, and stop supporting racism even if it is reverse racism or a continuation of racism period. The thing that drives me crazy, is when race is used for nefarious purposes, and for destructive purposes. Anybody with an ounce of sense knows what constitutes racism no matter where it comes from, and what form it takes.
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The product of which was created by crap such as this question to young kids. Or your own suggestions/answers that race matters in all things.
The teacher made their skin color and their lifestyle important, rather than focusing on their skill set.
The teacher created a derision the kids may never have dreamt of. The teacher placed it into their minds, so it suddenly must be important, when it is not.
It can only push the kids to do just that by segregating , the teacher creates the segregating, rather than this-

You need to go to a bomb shelter and can take 4 others with you. Your choices:

A doctor
A construction worker
A minister
A lawyer
An athlete
A mother

Which 4 would you choose and why.

Now, that is called an exercise in critical thinking. The problem given was an exercise is isolating by skin color, lifestyle; segregating.

Maybe the person assigning it wanted to challenge students' assumptions. Would a person's skin color or orientation or religion matter more than their skill set?

The critical thinking comes when someone is forced to defend why they don't want the black lesbian in the shelter. People do take those things into account. Are you new here?

I've been asked no less than 5 times my race on here, never my profession. My gender is obvious, but my sexuality has also been questioned.

NEVER has anyone asked what I do for a living.
Race and/or sexual orientation.
The product of which was created by crap such as this question to young kids.
The teacher made their skin color and their lifestyle important, rather than focusing on their skill set.
The teacher created a derision the kids may never have dreamt of. The teacher placed it into their minds, so it suddenly must be important, when it is not.
It can only push the kids to do just that by segregating , the teacher creates the segregating, rather than this-

You need to go to a bomb shelter and can take 4 others with you. Your choices:

A doctor
A construction worker
A minister
A lawyer
An athlete
A mother

Which 4 would you choose and why.

Now, that is called an exercise in critical thinking. The problem given was an exercise is isolating by skin color, lifestyle; segregating.

The critical thinking comes when someone is forced to defend why they don't want the black lesbian in the shelter. People do take those things into account. Are you new here?

I've been asked no less than 5 times my race on here, never my profession. My gender is obvious, but my sexuality has also been questioned.

NEVER has anyone asked what I do for a living.

Learning to look at what matters is part of critical thinking. If the teacher only put information that mattered on the assignment, how will students learn to sift through information and find what is relevant? How will they learn to defend what they believe is relevant?
If the teacher only included what mattered on the assignment, race, religion, and sexual preferences would have been omitted. In the situation described, skill sets are most important, not any of those other factors. Unless, the assignment was intended to judge the students' ability to be "inclusive" regardless of requirements to survive.
I can discuss race as a topic, can't I? What difference does it make what my race is?

I believe, without getting into the teacher's head, that the assignment was meant to challenge if any students would find that race or sexual orientation mattered, and to defend their positions. That's appropriate for high schoolers to think about.

How is this the teacher's business? What subject is the teacher teaching and how is this relevant to it? That's not appropriate for any teacher to be teaching in high school because it's blatantly political. Discussing such issues can only be used for brainwashing purposes.

Have you ever heard of a social studies class?

You can discuss lots of issues without brainwashing students. Especially high school students.
. Most of it these days is agenda driven, and being set up to brainwash the kids by either giving them a passing or failing grade on the assignments. Now who is making these people judges that have no guide other than to create bull crap assignments that push the students to think that what they have learned from their conservative parents in life was somehow wrong ??

What EXACTLY is this teaching kids that would go against their parents' conservative teachings?

Be specific.
. That ones race somehow has to always be considered before anything else in which is a lie straight out of hell. Most conservative teachings is based upon ones character and integrity, and not based upon race. King said he longed for a day that men and women would be judged upon the content of their character, and not upon the color of their skin. Ones color should have absolutely no bearing upon what it is to be an American. The reason race is steady field in this country, is because it is agenda driven by one or the other. Schools are for learning what it takes to be skilled in the ways that help a student make a living afterwards, and to communicate properly between one another as Americans. Anything else is agenda driven, and bull crap. We should be supporting everything that brings Americans together, and stop supporting racism even if it is reverse racism or a continuation of racism period. The thing that drives me crazy, is when race is used for nefarious purposes, and for destructive purposes. Anybody with an ounce of sense knows what constitutes racism no matter where it comes from, and what form it takes.

Did the assignment tell the students to consider the race of the candidates before anything else?
The teacher made their skin color and their lifestyle important, rather than focusing on their skill set.
The teacher created a derision the kids may never have dreamt of. The teacher placed it into their minds, so it suddenly must be important, when it is not.
It can only push the kids to do just that by segregating , the teacher creates the segregating, rather than this-

You need to go to a bomb shelter and can take 4 others with you. Your choices:

A doctor
A construction worker
A minister
A lawyer
An athlete
A mother

Which 4 would you choose and why.

Now, that is called an exercise in critical thinking. The problem given was an exercise is isolating by skin color, lifestyle; segregating.

Maybe the person assigning it wanted to challenge students' assumptions. Would a person's skin color or orientation or religion matter more than their skill set?

The critical thinking comes when someone is forced to defend why they don't want the black lesbian in the shelter. People do take those things into account. Are you new here?

I've been asked no less than 5 times my race on here, never my profession. My gender is obvious, but my sexuality has also been questioned.

NEVER has anyone asked what I do for a living.
OK, I've never encountered you here and I'm interested. What do you do for a living? I am an aircraft mechanic and part-time university professor.

I'm a teacher.
It can only push the kids to do just that by segregating , the teacher creates the segregating, rather than this-

You need to go to a bomb shelter and can take 4 others with you. Your choices:

A doctor
A construction worker
A minister
A lawyer
An athlete
A mother

Which 4 would you choose and why.

Now, that is called an exercise in critical thinking. The problem given was an exercise is isolating by skin color, lifestyle; segregating.

The critical thinking comes when someone is forced to defend why they don't want the black lesbian in the shelter. People do take those things into account. Are you new here?

No kid in elementary school should be forced to do that. Only someone promoting an agenda would even ask such a question, and that isn't a school teacher's job.

I agree! An elementary student should not be assigned this!

It's a high school assignment.

It shouldn't be assigned in K-12. Public schools shouldn't be brainwashing kids with ideology.

The only way this assignment is brainwashing is if the teacher has decided that there's only one right answer. Instead, it's an open-ended question that a student must defend, using rational arguments.

The very heart of critical thinking.
Oh, be assured, an assignment like this has already been judged on the basis of "proper" response. A question I would raise would be, how will the results be "shared" and how will each child be judged? On what basis will each child's responses be judged?
The critical thinking comes when someone is forced to defend why they don't want the black lesbian in the shelter. People do take those things into account. Are you new here?

No kid in elementary school should be forced to do that. Only someone promoting an agenda would even ask such a question, and that isn't a school teacher's job.

I agree! An elementary student should not be assigned this!

It's a high school assignment.

It shouldn't be assigned in K-12. Public schools shouldn't be brainwashing kids with ideology.

The only way this assignment is brainwashing is if the teacher has decided that there's only one right answer. Instead, it's an open-ended question that a student must defend, using rational arguments.

The very heart of critical thinking.
Oh, be assured, an assignment like this has already been judged on the basis of "proper" response. A question I would raise would be, how will the results be "shared" and how will each child be judged? On what basis will each child's responses be judged?

The ability to support their reasoning in writing.
Most high school kids can't even name a single Founding Father. Why are they forced to play this stupid game where every answer can be interpreted as racist? Is it part of the democrat agenda to turn everyone into a victim and keep the racial pot simmering?

Why is it that you think not talking about race in school will make it all disappear?
. Not talking about it anywhere, and just focusing on crimes, and the punishment of crimes regardless of race is the only way to rid the nation of the bull crap. Anyone keeping race as the reason for this or for that, is usually for agenda driven purposes. Now what exactly the various agenda's stand for or are wanting to achieve is always fluid, but in this fluidity the evil one can highjack the various movements, and create problems.
The teacher made their skin color and their lifestyle important, rather than focusing on their skill set.
The teacher created a derision the kids may never have dreamt of. The teacher placed it into their minds, so it suddenly must be important, when it is not.
It can only push the kids to do just that by segregating , the teacher creates the segregating, rather than this-

You need to go to a bomb shelter and can take 4 others with you. Your choices:

A doctor
A construction worker
A minister
A lawyer
An athlete
A mother

Which 4 would you choose and why.

Now, that is called an exercise in critical thinking. The problem given was an exercise is isolating by skin color, lifestyle; segregating.

The critical thinking comes when someone is forced to defend why they don't want the black lesbian in the shelter. People do take those things into account. Are you new here?

I've been asked no less than 5 times my race on here, never my profession. My gender is obvious, but my sexuality has also been questioned.

NEVER has anyone asked what I do for a living.
OK, I've never encountered you here and I'm interested. What do you do for a living? I am an aircraft mechanic and part-time university professor.

I'm a teacher.
So am I.
Do you consider an assignment like this to be objective or subjective? Would you assign an exercise of this type, and why? How would you grade the results?
Most high school kids can't even name a single Founding Father. Why are they forced to play this stupid game where every answer can be interpreted as racist? Is it part of the democrat agenda to turn everyone into a victim and keep the racial pot simmering?

Why is it that you think not talking about race in school will make it all disappear?
. Not talking about it anywhere, and just focusing on crimes, and the punishment of crimes regardless of race is the only way to rid the nation of the bull crap. Anyone keeping race as the reason for this or for that, is usually for agenda driven purposes. Now what exactly the various agenda's stand for or are wanting to achieve is always fluid, but in this fluidity the evil one can highjack the various movements, and create problems.

This isn't an assignment about crime or punishment. It's a hypothetical about surviving a bomb.
No kid in elementary school should be forced to do that. Only someone promoting an agenda would even ask such a question, and that isn't a school teacher's job.

I agree! An elementary student should not be assigned this!

It's a high school assignment.

It shouldn't be assigned in K-12. Public schools shouldn't be brainwashing kids with ideology.

The only way this assignment is brainwashing is if the teacher has decided that there's only one right answer. Instead, it's an open-ended question that a student must defend, using rational arguments.

The very heart of critical thinking.
Oh, be assured, an assignment like this has already been judged on the basis of "proper" response. A question I would raise would be, how will the results be "shared" and how will each child be judged? On what basis will each child's responses be judged?

The ability to support their reasoning in writing.
Now, that might prove interesting. How would children support their decisions? That would be one method of evaluating the effectiveness of their training.
The teacher made their skin color and their lifestyle important, rather than focusing on their skill set.
The teacher created a derision the kids may never have dreamt of. The teacher placed it into their minds, so it suddenly must be important, when it is not.
The critical thinking comes when someone is forced to defend why they don't want the black lesbian in the shelter. People do take those things into account. Are you new here?

I've been asked no less than 5 times my race on here, never my profession. My gender is obvious, but my sexuality has also been questioned.

NEVER has anyone asked what I do for a living.
OK, I've never encountered you here and I'm interested. What do you do for a living? I am an aircraft mechanic and part-time university professor.

I'm a teacher.
So am I.
Do you consider an assignment like this to be objective or subjective? Would you assign an exercise of this type, and why? How would you grade the results?

This assignment is subjective, but the writing and reasoning skills it can help a student practice are important.

I teach students too young for this exercise. If I taught an older group, and if I assigned it, I would grade it on the student's ability to write out a coherent essay, reasoning why they would choose each person. Or I wouldn't grade it, and I would use it to facilitate a class discussion.
Oh, they are but with examples of garbage such as above given.
Notice in the above they once again segregate?

What do you mean, they "segregate"?
Why did they mention skin colour etc?

I'm guessing to stimulate discussion about what characteristics are important to restart society. The assignment also mentioned age, skill set, disabilities, sexuality.
. Sexuality should have no place in public education other than one being recognized as a biologically born male or female. Sexuality or the sex of a child other than ones biological identity, absolutely has no place in the public education conversation. Period.
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