Racist Trump already starting his demonisation of black American heroes

More racist fake news tweets by the racist in chief Trump, claiming that icon John Lewis is all talk and no action.

Trump is starting his race war.

But only is Trump an illegitimate bastard president, he's also a sexual pervert, a liar, a tax cheat, and totally disrespectful of everyone that disagrees with him.

How can anyone be president of this country, that tells halve of the country to "go fuck themselves"? He can't.
The only racist here is you.
John Lewis a hero?

Someone call Webster.

You could call him a hero
You can call him a Great American Patriot
You could call him an American icon
You could call him a leader of social justice

I'd go along with the last one...a leader of social justice, which as we all know, really means redistributor of other's people's money.

How heroic...

John Lewis' social justice involved being able to sit at a lunch counter with other patrons, ride a bus with white passengers and vote in elections

Doesn't seem to involve other people's money

And in the 50 years since?

All about the money and centralization of power. How's that working out in his community?

Hero my ass.

That said, I absolutely believe in equal treatment in government services, including elections. Meddling in private affairs and telling business who they must serve? No sir. I hold private property sacrosanct. It is essential for free a society.

We'll get there.
Interesting. So because this country is not the way you want it right now, all those soldiers who fought in WWII, Korea, and Viet Nam are POS hasbeens too?
More racist fake news tweets by the racist in chief Trump, claiming that icon John Lewis is all talk and no action.

Trump is starting his race war.

But only is Trump an illegitimate bastard president, he's also a sexual pervert, a liar, a tax cheat, and totally disrespectful of everyone that disagrees with him.

How can anyone be president of this country, that tells halve of the country to "go fuck themselves"? He can't.

Lewis is nothing more than a Democrat plantation house negro.

Trump was elected according to the Constitution. Based on how blacks do things today, Lewis has a far greater chance of being a bastard in a literal sense.
It's not like Lewis didn't know Trump would punch back.

Lewis is not a victim, as much as the PC zealots want him to be.

I'm reminded of the reaction to the convention when Hillary trotted out Khzir Kahn, who proceeded to lambaste Trump in front of Millions. When Trump responded by pointing out that the man's chattel was standing obediently to his side, the same regressives who thought the stunt was great were absolutely shitting bricks that Trump would even ask an obvious question about why she didn't speak as well .

And they do crap like that all the time. It's the same way terrorists operate. Attack, then run and hide behind women, hide in schools, and hide in hospitals.

When Trump attacks a minority or somebody of notoriety for no reason, then start throwing stones. Until that time, Trump is only responding and has every right to do so.
Twitting isn't Presidential.
More racist fake news tweets by the racist in chief Trump, claiming that icon John Lewis is all talk and no action.

Trump is starting his race war.

But only is Trump an illegitimate bastard president, he's also a sexual pervert, a liar, a tax cheat, and totally disrespectful of everyone that disagrees with him.

How can anyone be president of this country, that tells halve of the country to "go fuck themselves"? He can't.
The only racist here is you.
Conservatism is a RACIST Ideology.
I don't know what is more troubling some of the stuff people on her say or that they might actually believe it.
No one likes Conservative America! This why Trump will have only 600K visitors on inaugural day. Not mention Trump only has a 45 percent approval!!!
Then I guess that's why the Presidency, House and Senate are Republican controlled.
That doesn't mean America loves you rat bastard conservatives!!!!
I don't know what is more troubling some of the stuff people on her say or that they might actually believe it.
No one likes Conservative America! This why Trump will have only 600K visitors on inaugural day. Not mention Trump only has a 45 percent approval!!!
Then I guess that's why the Presidency, House and Senate are Republican controlled.
That doesn't mean America loves you rat bastard conservatives!!!!

I know you bastards will start a riot at his inauguration and then complain when you are crushed like the bugs you are.


"How can anyone be president of this country, that tells halve of the country to "go fuck themselves"? He can't.
That is why the HIldabeast is not president, remember she called half of america deplorables.
Hillary was right! Look at these deplorable mother fuckers!
More racist fake news tweets by the racist in chief Trump, claiming that icon John Lewis is all talk and no action.

Trump is starting his race war.

But only is Trump an illegitimate bastard president, he's also a sexual pervert, a liar, a tax cheat, and totally disrespectful of everyone that disagrees with him.

How can anyone be president of this country, that tells halve of the country to "go fuck themselves"? He can't.
The only racist here is you.
Conservatism is a RACIST Ideology.
Nope. The Democratic party has long been the party of hate and racism. You clowns hate Jews, Christians, Whites, and unborn babies. And you'll happily sell away your freedom and liberty for 2 nickels. Worthless, traitorous fucks.
She was pretty clear in calling people who were racist, sexist, xeonophobs "deplorable" did you not understand that?
She was pretty clear calling Trump supporters deplorable's. What part of that don't you remember?
I remember her words. Go back and listen to or read her actual words and show me where she calls all Trump supporters deplorable. You're a puppet eating up the spin
She does not call ALL Trump supporters racist but then again that is really not the point here.

Hillary Clinton: 'half of Trump's supporters go into the basket of deplorables' - video

She directly called HALF of them racists, sexists etc. That is not spin and Trump supporters were clearly insulted. Spin is what you stated: "She was pretty clear in calling people who were racist, sexist, xeonophobs "deplorable" while leaving out the part where she also claims that half of Trumps supporters fall into that category.
Thank you. Yes she did say that and she reacted the "half" comment the next day. Point is she wasn't talking about people's support for Trump, she was talking about people's support of the deplorable acts. Racism, sexism xenophobia etc. the whole thing got spun to hell.
Not really.

She said:
"You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic -- you name it."

While she was calling them deplorable for those beliefs, she was still directly stating that about half of Trump supports belonged to that group. I could also care less that she retracts something once the political fallout for stating it becomes known - politicians do that crap all the time. It was not a misstep. She did not accidentally say the wrong thing. She purposefully stated that she thinks half of the people supporting trump were essentially deplorable people.
It's all word games and only idiots don't get the point of what she was saying... Trump does it in every other statement he makes. That's not literal, I don't mean half of every statement he makes, but you get the point, right?! ;-)

She tried a low blow and it blew up in her face. But don't pretend like is more than the partisan spin game. We all know what she was talking about.

The "deplorable and proud" groups are flaunting their support for Trump when the point of deplorables was directed at something much more ugly.
More racist fake news tweets by the racist in chief Trump, claiming that icon John Lewis is all talk and no action.

Trump is starting his race war.

But only is Trump an illegitimate bastard president, he's also a sexual pervert, a liar, a tax cheat, and totally disrespectful of everyone that disagrees with him.

How can anyone be president of this country, that tells halve of the country to "go fuck themselves"? He can't.
The only racist here is you.
Conservatism is a RACIST Ideology.
Nope. The Democratic party has long been the party of hate and racism. You clowns hate Jews, Christians, Whites, and unborn babies. And you'll happily sell away your freedom and liberty for 2 nickels. Worthless, traitorous fucks.
Meh.....Conservatives and Republicans have always been on the wrong side history.
Thank you. Yes she did say that and she reacted the "half" comment the next day. Point is she wasn't talking about people's support for Trump, she was talking about people's support of the deplorable acts. Racism, sexism xenophobia etc. the whole thing got spun to hell.

Right. "No, I didn't call "YOU" one of those, but you vote the same as them!"

Yeah, not insulting the least bit
Yes it was an insult to all Trump supporters which is why it blew up in her face. Deplorable was directed at a very ugly fraction of the group... the word game spin y'all out in it is humorous... but it was effective so kudos. Just don't pretend it isn't a game
More racist fake news tweets by the racist in chief Trump, claiming that icon John Lewis is all talk and no action.

Trump is starting his race war.

But only is Trump an illegitimate bastard president, he's also a sexual pervert, a liar, a tax cheat, and totally disrespectful of everyone that disagrees with him.

How can anyone be president of this country, that tells halve of the country to "go fuck themselves"? He can't.
The only racist here is you.
Conservatism is a RACIST Ideology.
Nope. The Democratic party has long been the party of hate and racism. You clowns hate Jews, Christians, Whites, and unborn babies. And you'll happily sell away your freedom and liberty for 2 nickels. Worthless, traitorous fucks.
Meh.....Conservatives and Republicans have always been on the wrong side history.
Did Rachel tell you that?
I don't know what is more troubling some of the stuff people on her say or that they might actually believe it.
No one likes Conservative America! This why Trump will have only 600K visitors on inaugural day. Not mention Trump only has a 45 percent approval!!!
Then I guess that's why the Presidency, House and Senate are Republican controlled.
That doesn't mean America loves you rat bastard conservatives!!!!
There's a major flaw in your logic see if you can figure out what is no rush as we know far left loons like yourself have a major problem with seeing the obvious.
John Lewis a hero?

Someone call Webster.

You could call him a hero
You can call him a Great American Patriot
You could call him an American icon
You could call him a leader of social justice

I'd go along with the last one...a leader of social justice, which as we all know, really means redistributor of other's people's money.

How heroic...

John Lewis' social justice involved being able to sit at a lunch counter with other patrons, ride a bus with white passengers and vote in elections

Doesn't seem to involve other people's money

And in the 50 years since?

All about the money and centralization of power. How's that working out in his community?

Hero my ass.

That said, I absolutely believe in equal treatment in government services, including elections. Meddling in private affairs and telling business who they must serve? No sir. I hold private property sacrosanct. It is essential for free a society.

We'll get there.
Interesting. So because this country is not the way you want it right now, all those soldiers who fought in WWII, Korea, and Viet Nam are POS hasbeens too?

Uh...okay. I have no idea what you're referring to.

Put the bottle down and take a nap?

Otherwise, I have no idea how to respond to that, other than to state clearly, I have nothing but the highest respect for all those that have worn the uniform.

Snark aside, if you care to restate your respond, I will try to respond.
More racist fake news tweets by the racist in chief Trump, claiming that icon John Lewis is all talk and no action.

Trump is starting his race war.

But only is Trump an illegitimate bastard president, he's also a sexual pervert, a liar, a tax cheat, and totally disrespectful of everyone that disagrees with him.

How can anyone be president of this country, that tells halve of the country to "go fuck themselves"? He can't.
The only racist here is you.
Conservatism is a RACIST Ideology.
Nope. The Democratic party has long been the party of hate and racism. You clowns hate Jews, Christians, Whites, and unborn babies. And you'll happily sell away your freedom and liberty for 2 nickels. Worthless, traitorous fucks.
Meh.....Conservatives and Republicans have always been on the wrong side history.
Did Rachel tell you that?
No. Melania text me to remind me to say it!!!

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