Racist Trump already starting his demonisation of black American heroes

John Lewis a hero?

Someone call Webster.

You could call him a hero
You can call him a Great American Patriot
You could call him an American icon
You could call him a leader of social justice

I'd go along with the last one...a leader of social justice, which as we all know, really means redistributor of other's people's money.

How heroic...

John Lewis' social justice involved being able to sit at a lunch counter with other patrons, ride a bus with white passengers and vote in elections

Doesn't seem to involve other people's money

And in the 50 years since?

All about the money and centralization of power. How's that working out in his community?

Hero my ass.

That said, I absolutely believe in equal treatment in government services, including elections. Meddling in private affairs and telling business who they must serve? No sir. I hold private property sacrosanct. It is essential for free a society.

We'll get there.
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"How can anyone be president of this country, that tells halve of the country to "go fuck themselves"? He can't.
That is why the HIldabeast is not president, remember she called half of america deplorables.
It's not like Lewis didn't know Trump would punch back.

Lewis is not a victim, as much as the PC zealots want him to be.
Punch back....how lame

All Trump retorts are of the level of ...You suck
It's not like Lewis didn't know Trump would punch back.

Lewis is not a victim, as much as the PC zealots want him to be.

I'm reminded of the reaction to the convention when Hillary trotted out Khzir Kahn, who proceeded to lambaste Trump in front of Millions. When Trump responded by pointing out that the man's chattel was standing obediently to his side, the same regressives who thought the stunt was great were absolutely shitting bricks that Trump would even ask an obvious question about why she didn't speak as well .
It's not like Lewis didn't know Trump would punch back. Lewis is not a victim, as much as the PC zealots want him to be..
I'm reminded of the reaction to the convention when Hillary trotted out Khzir Kahn, who proceeded to lambaste Trump in front of Millions. When Trump responded by pointing out that the man's chattel was standing obediently to his side, the same regressives who thought the stunt was great were absolutely shitting bricks that Trump would even ask an obvious question about why she didn't speak as well .
Yeah, the outrage is more than a little contrived.
More racist fake news tweets by the racist in chief Trump, claiming that icon John Lewis is all talk and no action.

Trump is starting his race war.

But only is Trump an illegitimate bastard president, he's also a sexual pervert, a liar, a tax cheat, and totally disrespectful of everyone that disagrees with him.

How can anyone be president of this country, that tells halve of the country to "go fuck themselves"? He can't.

I have read The Donald's full comments and the "all talk and no action" has been wildly taken out of context, not a shock from the MSM and the Twitter Bedwetters.

Here are The Donald's full comments, he is referring to this John Lewis neglecting his district and is all talk and no action, it's not what the MSM and the Twitter Bedwetters are saying it is, again they are slurring Trump by deliberately misquoting him and omitting the rest of his comments.

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump Jan 14
Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to......
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump Jan 14
mention crime infested) rather than falsely complaining about the election results. All talk, talk, talk - no action or results. Sad!

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
More racist fake news tweets by the racist in chief Trump, claiming that icon John Lewis is all talk and no action.

Trump is starting his race war.

But only is Trump an illegitimate bastard president, he's also a sexual pervert, a liar, a tax cheat, and totally disrespectful of everyone that disagrees with him.

How can anyone be president of this country, that tells halve of the country to "go fuck themselves"? He can't.

I don't know what is more troubling some of the stuff people on her say or that they might actually believe it.
No one likes Conservative America! This why Trump will have only 600K visitors on inaugural day. Not mention Trump only has a 45 percent approval!!!
It's not like Lewis didn't know Trump would punch back.

Lewis is not a victim, as much as the PC zealots want him to be.

I'm reminded of the reaction to the convention when Hillary trotted out Khzir Kahn, who proceeded to lambaste Trump in front of Millions. When Trump responded by pointing out that the man's chattel was standing obediently to his side, the same regressives who thought the stunt was great were absolutely shitting bricks that Trump would even ask an obvious question about why she didn't speak as well .

And they do crap like that all the time. It's the same way terrorists operate. Attack, then run and hide behind women, hide in schools, and hide in hospitals.

When Trump attacks a minority or somebody of notoriety for no reason, then start throwing stones. Until that time, Trump is only responding and has every right to do so.
I don't know what is more troubling some of the stuff people on her say or that they might actually believe it.
No one likes Conservative America! This why Trump will have only 600K visitors on inaugural day. Not mention Trump only has a 45 percent approval!!!
Liberals don't like conservative America. That's okay. Conservative America despises liberals. That's why we voted for Trump. A vote for Trump is a vote to tear apart liberal America.
I don't know what is more troubling some of the stuff people on her say or that they might actually believe it.
No one likes Conservative America! This why Trump will have only 600K visitors on inaugural day. Not mention Trump only has a 45 percent approval!!!
Then I guess that's why the Presidency, House and Senate are Republican controlled.
Imagine if, out of nowhere, Trump had said Lewis was illegitimate.

Holy crap, more marches in the streets.
It's not like Lewis didn't know Trump would punch back.

Lewis is not a victim, as much as the PC zealots want him to be.

I'm reminded of the reaction to the convention when Hillary trotted out Khzir Kahn, who proceeded to lambaste Trump in front of Millions. When Trump responded by pointing out that the man's chattel was standing obediently to his side, the same regressives who thought the stunt was great were absolutely shitting bricks that Trump would even ask an obvious question about why she didn't speak as well .

And they do crap like that all the time. It's the same way terrorists operate. Attack, then run and hide behind women, hide in schools, and hide in hospitals.

When Trump attacks a minority or somebody of notoriety for no reason, then start throwing stones. Until that time, Trump is only responding and has every right to do so.

lefty communicating via the twitterverse, people would be hailing it as a forward thinking way of talking directly to the people.

It pisses them off to no end that Trump found a way around the mainstream media.

Freedom of speech is a bitch. They want to be able to throw the first punch but not have to take the heat for it.

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