Racist Trump already starting his demonisation of black American heroes

No, he just wants everyone else to think that. He hopes some will fall for it.
I think this OP has created a dark Trump Boogeyman in his or her head. Trump's got some faults, but don't we all? He's not the Boogeyman monster the OP wants him to be. I hope this isn't how Democrats in Congress are gonna behave. I was trying to be hopeful that maybe Trump and Democrats could work together to do what's best for the country.
The only racist here is you.
Conservatism is a RACIST Ideology.
Nope. The Democratic party has long been the party of hate and racism. You clowns hate Jews, Christians, Whites, and unborn babies. And you'll happily sell away your freedom and liberty for 2 nickels. Worthless, traitorous fucks.
Meh.....Conservatives and Republicans have always been on the wrong side history.
Did Rachel tell you that?
No. Melania text me to remind me to say it!!!
Damn. You traitors are pretty witty tonight...
More racist fake news tweets by the racist in chief Trump, claiming that icon John Lewis is all talk and no action.

Trump is starting his race war.

But only is Trump an illegitimate bastard president, he's also a sexual pervert, a liar, a tax cheat, and totally disrespectful of everyone that disagrees with him.

How can anyone be president of this country, that tells halve of the country to "go fuck themselves"? He can't.
Maybe he should have called them Deplorables?

halve the country?

Last I heard, blacks were only 12% of the country.

The rest of your post?

I'm glad you're venting here, and not on any possible children you may have
She was pretty clear in calling people who were racist, sexist, xeonophobs "deplorable" did you not understand that?

Unfortunately, there seems to be a large portion of democrats that seem to believe that describes ALL republicans
Get your popcorn ready......you are going to witness GOP over-reach with its new found power in the next 4 years.
It's not like Lewis didn't know Trump would punch back.

Lewis is not a victim, as much as the PC zealots want him to be.

I'm reminded of the reaction to the convention when Hillary trotted out Khzir Kahn, who proceeded to lambaste Trump in front of Millions. When Trump responded by pointing out that the man's chattel was standing obediently to his side, the same regressives who thought the stunt was great were absolutely shitting bricks that Trump would even ask an obvious question about why she didn't speak as well .

Khzir Kahn's wife was too emotional to speak, and later, in a seperate interview, she talked about it barely holding herself together. It's shameful to attack them on that basis soley because he was a Muslim. He gave an excellent speech, it was the best one in the convention. About what it meant to them, to be American. Funny thing was, if he wasn't a Muslim no one would have commented on his wife.
I think this OP has created a dark Trump Boogeyman in his or her head. Trump's got some faults, but don't we all? He's not the Boogeyman monster the OP wants him to be. I hope this isn't how Democrats in Congress are gonna behave. I was trying to be hopeful that maybe Trump and Democrats could work together to do what's best for the country.
Mitchell McConnell and GOP Congress didn't work together/compromise with President Obama over the last 8 years. Why should Dems work with the GOP and Trump????
More racist fake news tweets by the racist in chief Trump, claiming that icon John Lewis is all talk and no action.

Trump is starting his race war.

But only is Trump an illegitimate bastard president, he's also a sexual pervert, a liar, a tax cheat, and totally disrespectful of everyone that disagrees with him.

How can anyone be president of this country, that tells halve of the country to "go fuck themselves"? He can't.

You know...Trump should have ignored Lewis. That's one of Trumps huge failings - he can't ignore. Obama managed to do that, but Trump doesn't seem capable of it. Not everything is worth responding to. Lewis said he considered Trump illegitimate. Kind of puts Lewis in the same category as the Republican politicians who endorsed the birther conspiracy theory doesn't it?
More racist fake news tweets by the racist in chief Trump, claiming that icon John Lewis is all talk and no action.

Trump is starting his race war.

But only is Trump an illegitimate bastard president, he's also a sexual pervert, a liar, a tax cheat, and totally disrespectful of everyone that disagrees with him.

How can anyone be president of this country, that tells halve of the country to "go fuck themselves"? He can't.
Trump at least never went and used gay steam houses like gay Obama.
Trump was too busy taking tic tacs before grabbing women by their pussy's.
She was pretty clear calling Trump supporters deplorable's. What part of that don't you remember?
I remember her words. Go back and listen to or read her actual words and show me where she calls all Trump supporters deplorable. You're a puppet eating up the spin
She does not call ALL Trump supporters racist but then again that is really not the point here.

Hillary Clinton: 'half of Trump's supporters go into the basket of deplorables' - video

She directly called HALF of them racists, sexists etc. That is not spin and Trump supporters were clearly insulted. Spin is what you stated: "She was pretty clear in calling people who were racist, sexist, xeonophobs "deplorable" while leaving out the part where she also claims that half of Trumps supporters fall into that category.
Thank you. Yes she did say that and she reacted the "half" comment the next day. Point is she wasn't talking about people's support for Trump, she was talking about people's support of the deplorable acts. Racism, sexism xenophobia etc. the whole thing got spun to hell.
Not really.

She said:
"You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic -- you name it."

While she was calling them deplorable for those beliefs, she was still directly stating that about half of Trump supports belonged to that group. I could also care less that she retracts something once the political fallout for stating it becomes known - politicians do that crap all the time. It was not a misstep. She did not accidentally say the wrong thing. She purposefully stated that she thinks half of the people supporting trump were essentially deplorable people.
It's all word games and only idiots don't get the point of what she was saying... Trump does it in every other statement he makes. That's not literal, I don't mean half of every statement he makes, but you get the point, right?! ;-)

She tried a low blow and it blew up in her face. But don't pretend like is more than the partisan spin game. We all know what she was talking about.

The "deplorable and proud" groups are flaunting their support for Trump when the point of deplorables was directed at something much more ugly.
You claimed you did not defend Hillary about her comment and yet here you are doing it again.
More racist fake news tweets by the racist in chief Trump, claiming that icon John Lewis is all talk and no action.

Trump is starting his race war.

But only is Trump an illegitimate bastard president, he's also a sexual pervert, a liar, a tax cheat, and totally disrespectful of everyone that disagrees with him.

How can anyone be president of this country, that tells halve of the country to "go fuck themselves"? He can't.

You know...Trump should have ignored Lewis. That's one of Trumps huge failings - he can't ignore. Obama managed to do that, but Trump doesn't seem capable of it. Not everything is worth responding to. Lewis said he considered Trump illegitimate. Kind of puts Lewis in the same category as the Republican politicians who endorsed the birther conspiracy theory doesn't it?
Trump is too stupid to ignore people who don't like him. He always has to twitt the last word.
More racist fake news tweets by the racist in chief Trump, claiming that icon John Lewis is all talk and no action.

Trump is starting his race war.

But only is Trump an illegitimate bastard president, he's also a sexual pervert, a liar, a tax cheat, and totally disrespectful of everyone that disagrees with him.

How can anyone be president of this country, that tells halve of the country to "go fuck themselves"? He can't.

You know...Trump should have ignored Lewis. That's one of Trumps huge failings - he can't ignore. Obama managed to do that, but Trump doesn't seem capable of it. Not everything is worth responding to. Lewis said he considered Trump illegitimate. Kind of puts Lewis in the same category as the Republican politicians who endorsed the birther conspiracy theory doesn't it?
Trump is too stupid to ignore people who don't like him. He always has to twitt the last word.

And that is going to cause his staff no end of trouble.
...How can anyone be president of this country, that tells halve of the country to...
What 'half' of the country would that be, Sparky?

Last I looked (2010), the US Census Bureau stipulated that African Americans only represented 12% of the US population...


Last I looked, 12% was at least a couple of points shy of the 50% (half) mark...

Hell, Hispanics have already surpassed them, to become the new Dominant Minority demographic...

In light of that, it would appear that Blacks are not quite as important in the Grand Scheme of Things, as they were, years ago, when they still were the Dominant Minority...

But that's just silly me... relying upon facts...
Last edited:
She was pretty clear in calling people who were racist, sexist, xeonophobs "deplorable" did you not understand that?
She was pretty clear calling Trump supporters deplorable's. What part of that don't you remember?
I remember her words. Go back and listen to or read her actual words and show me where she calls all Trump supporters deplorable. You're a puppet eating up the spin
She does not call ALL Trump supporters racist but then again that is really not the point here.

Hillary Clinton: 'half of Trump's supporters go into the basket of deplorables' - video

She directly called HALF of them racists, sexists etc. That is not spin and Trump supporters were clearly insulted. Spin is what you stated: "She was pretty clear in calling people who were racist, sexist, xeonophobs "deplorable" while leaving out the part where she also claims that half of Trumps supporters fall into that category.
Thank you. Yes she did say that and she reacted the "half" comment the next day. Point is she wasn't talking about people's support for Trump, she was talking about people's support of the deplorable acts. Racism, sexism xenophobia etc. the whole thing got spun to hell.
No it didn't. The fact that the asshole thinks half his supporters are that way is what jammed her up. But I guess the Russians hacked her mouth.
Funny Trumps facial expressions always looks like he's been face-hacked:
More racist fake news tweets by the racist in chief Trump, claiming that icon John Lewis is all talk and no action.

Trump is starting his race war.

But only is Trump an illegitimate bastard president, he's also a sexual pervert, a liar, a tax cheat, and totally disrespectful of everyone that disagrees with him.

How can anyone be president of this country, that tells halve of the country to "go fuck themselves"? He can't.
God, you're serious!
More racist fake news tweets by the racist in chief Trump, claiming that icon John Lewis is all talk and no action.

Trump is starting his race war.

But only is Trump an illegitimate bastard president, he's also a sexual pervert, a liar, a tax cheat, and totally disrespectful of everyone that disagrees with him.

How can anyone be president of this country, that tells halve of the country to "go fuck themselves"? He can't.
I'm far from a Trump supporter but if there is going to be a race war then people who talk like you are going to hold an equal share of the responsibility. Trump is a complete douche but the extent of his racism is a simple lack of sensitivity and compassion for minorities. He is not setting an agenda to increase discrimination but if you keep falsely Injecting that narrative into everything he does you will make something out of nothing. I suggest toning it down and sticking to real issues.
John Lewis is a grone man. The racists are the ones who think he can't take a little criticism because of his black skin. Treating adults like adults is not "lack of sensitivity." The leftwing theory that we all have to walk on tenter hooks around black people is one reason people are tired of the left. That's why they voted for Trump.

You douche bags are completely over the bend. No one is buying your bullshit any longer, and you just can't take it.

Go Trump!
Hell, they weren't given a chance to. There was no compromise from the Dems or the White House. Remember the healthcare law? No input from Republicans at all, or Americans. That was the start. Also the end.
I think this OP has created a dark Trump Boogeyman in his or her head. Trump's got some faults, but don't we all? He's not the Boogeyman monster the OP wants him to be. I hope this isn't how Democrats in Congress are gonna behave. I was trying to be hopeful that maybe Trump and Democrats could work together to do what's best for the country.
Mitchell McConnell and GOP Congress didn't work together/compromise with President Obama over the last 8 years. Why should Dems work with the GOP and Trump????
They want you to walk on egg shells around everyone! They want you to shut up and just take whatever they dish out. Not happening anymore.
More racist fake news tweets by the racist in chief Trump, claiming that icon John Lewis is all talk and no action.

Trump is starting his race war.

But only is Trump an illegitimate bastard president, he's also a sexual pervert, a liar, a tax cheat, and totally disrespectful of everyone that disagrees with him.

How can anyone be president of this country, that tells halve of the country to "go fuck themselves"? He can't.
I'm far from a Trump supporter but if there is going to be a race war then people who talk like you are going to hold an equal share of the responsibility. Trump is a complete douche but the extent of his racism is a simple lack of sensitivity and compassion for minorities. He is not setting an agenda to increase discrimination but if you keep falsely Injecting that narrative into everything he does you will make something out of nothing. I suggest toning it down and sticking to real issues.
John Lewis is a grone man. The racists are the ones who think he can't take a little criticism because of his black skin. Treating adults like adults is not "lack of sensitivity." The leftwing theory that we all have to walk on tenter hooks around black people is one reason people are tired of the left. That's why they voted for Trump.

You douche bags are completely over the bend. No one is buying your bullshit any longer, and you just can't take it.

Go Trump!
More racist fake news tweets by the racist in chief Trump, claiming that icon John Lewis is all talk and no action.

Trump is starting his race war.

But only is Trump an illegitimate bastard president, he's also a sexual pervert, a liar, a tax cheat, and totally disrespectful of everyone that disagrees with him.

How can anyone be president of this country, that tells halve of the country to "go fuck themselves"? He can't.
Maybe he should have called them Deplorables?

halve the country?

Last I heard, blacks were only 12% of the country.

The rest of your post?

I'm glad you're venting here, and not on any possible children you may have
She was pretty clear in calling people who were racist, sexist, xeonophobs "deplorable" did you not understand that?

Unfortunately, there seems to be a large portion of democrats that seem to believe that describes ALL republicans
Get your popcorn ready......you are going to witness GOP over-reach with its new found power in the next 4 years.
How will that "overreach" express itself? Just what do you imagine they are going to do that will sink them, balance the budget?
They want you to walk on egg shells around everyone! They want you to shut up and just take whatever they dish out. Not happening anymore.
More racist fake news tweets by the racist in chief Trump, claiming that icon John Lewis is all talk and no action.

Trump is starting his race war.

But only is Trump an illegitimate bastard president, he's also a sexual pervert, a liar, a tax cheat, and totally disrespectful of everyone that disagrees with him.

How can anyone be president of this country, that tells halve of the country to "go fuck themselves"? He can't.
I'm far from a Trump supporter but if there is going to be a race war then people who talk like you are going to hold an equal share of the responsibility. Trump is a complete douche but the extent of his racism is a simple lack of sensitivity and compassion for minorities. He is not setting an agenda to increase discrimination but if you keep falsely Injecting that narrative into everything he does you will make something out of nothing. I suggest toning it down and sticking to real issues.
John Lewis is a grone man. The racists are the ones who think he can't take a little criticism because of his black skin. Treating adults like adults is not "lack of sensitivity." The leftwing theory that we all have to walk on tenter hooks around black people is one reason people are tired of the left. That's why they voted for Trump.

You douche bags are completely over the bend. No one is buying your bullshit any longer, and you just can't take it.

Go Trump!

Yeah. They think calling Trump a racist is a winning issue. They don't understand that they are just cooking their own goose. Not backing down is one thing that got Trump elected. The voters have had their fill of this shit.
I remember her words. Go back and listen to or read her actual words and show me where she calls all Trump supporters deplorable. You're a puppet eating up the spin
She does not call ALL Trump supporters racist but then again that is really not the point here.

Hillary Clinton: 'half of Trump's supporters go into the basket of deplorables' - video

She directly called HALF of them racists, sexists etc. That is not spin and Trump supporters were clearly insulted. Spin is what you stated: "She was pretty clear in calling people who were racist, sexist, xeonophobs "deplorable" while leaving out the part where she also claims that half of Trumps supporters fall into that category.
Thank you. Yes she did say that and she reacted the "half" comment the next day. Point is she wasn't talking about people's support for Trump, she was talking about people's support of the deplorable acts. Racism, sexism xenophobia etc. the whole thing got spun to hell.
Not really.

She said:
"You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic -- you name it."

While she was calling them deplorable for those beliefs, she was still directly stating that about half of Trump supports belonged to that group. I could also care less that she retracts something once the political fallout for stating it becomes known - politicians do that crap all the time. It was not a misstep. She did not accidentally say the wrong thing. She purposefully stated that she thinks half of the people supporting trump were essentially deplorable people.
It's all word games and only idiots don't get the point of what she was saying... Trump does it in every other statement he makes. That's not literal, I don't mean half of every statement he makes, but you get the point, right?! ;-)

She tried a low blow and it blew up in her face. But don't pretend like is more than the partisan spin game. We all know what she was talking about.

The "deplorable and proud" groups are flaunting their support for Trump when the point of deplorables was directed at something much more ugly.
You claimed you did not defend Hillary about her comment and yet here you are doing it again.
You are off the rails... I don't know what you are talking about.

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