RACIST Trump Signs Groundbreaking Legislation Supporting Historically Black Colleges & Universities

Come on all you demented little lying race baiters I want to hear your spin that TRUMP is just pandering to the Negro.... come on, Bros, bring it on!!!....oh, along with the lowest black unemployment....ever!....And your Surrender Monkey?...ROTFLMFAO!!!!


President Donald Trump announced Thursday that he signed “groundbreaking” legislation supporting historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs).

The legislation will permanently fund HBCUs and simplify federal financial aid applications for millions of families, the president said in a statement Thursday.

“President Obama and the Obama Administration were unable to get this done. I got it done,” Trump said, arguing that HBCUs have never had a champion in the White House before his presidency.

Funding for the HBCU’s was in jeopardy a few months ago until the White House and Congress collaborated on a “historic agreement,” the president said.


(Excerpt) Read more at dailycaller.com ...

So..back to the OP...is it the position of the author and the rest of the Trump supporters that if Trump signs a bill that signifies he agrees with what is in it and thinks it is a good thing?
In the 29 months since July 2017 there has been an average of 198,000 jobs added per month. In the last 29 months of the Obama Admin there were an average of 223,000 jobs added per month. Once again, you are wrong. You just parrot talking points that you are too stupid to verify.

The black UE rate dropped 39% during the 8 years of Obama and has dropped 28% under Trump.

If you have to resort to personal attacks then, please, act like you do not see my posts forevermore. Stay kind, stay cordial. Because, trust me when I tell you; you do NOT want to see me join in on your juvenile delinquency here

Now, as far as your smoke'N'mirrors to protect the Obama Administration...The negro unemployment rate did not drop 39%, aggregrately, since so so many jobs were lost under Obama and his Great Recession. See you were deceitfully counting up lost jobs (that merely got restored, by Obama policies) when you posted the negro unemployment rate recovery.
Yes, whereas I am talking about surplus jobs created by the private sector investing in America now, because they have confidence due to Trump being a lifetime corporate-businessman and dealmaker where Obama was nothing of the kind. Yet I gave Obama credit for getting us back to pre-2008 status.

Nonetheless Obama had no real desire to promote necessary policies for viably enhancing development and investing. The post-2017 economy proves which of the two Presidents has given America a facelift ---including the Trade ordeal with respect to China.

Obama knew we needed a trade war to loose ourselves/our economy from China's grip but Obama was too scared to (do what Trump has done to China) so he asked Bush43 to basically start a Trade War with China back in Aug'08.

There is nothing deceitful about counting new jobs that were created to replace lost jobs. There is no magical rule that says those jobs had to be created.

And once again, I am not praising Obama, I am presenting facts. I think Obama sucked royally, the 2nd worst POTUS ever.

My only point is that so far Trump is only slightly better...based upon the facts and the data and not your emotions.

And I'm saying Obama HAD nothing to do with it! Because when a President says companies should go bankrupt, that he wants higher gas prices, and utilities to
skyrocket, while encouraging the US to import more oil and all the while wanting 1400 companies to close losing $100 billion a year in tax revenue while putting 450,000 people out of work... please don't give Obama ONE percentage point of credit!
READ the attached and prove me wrong!
Come on all you demented little lying race baiters I want to hear your spin that TRUMP is just pandering to the Negro.... come on, Bros, bring it on!!!....oh, along with the lowest black unemployment....ever!....And your Surrender Monkey?...ROTFLMFAO!!!!


President Donald Trump announced Thursday that he signed “groundbreaking” legislation supporting historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs).

The legislation will permanently fund HBCUs and simplify federal financial aid applications for millions of families, the president said in a statement Thursday.

“President Obama and the Obama Administration were unable to get this done. I got it done,” Trump said, arguing that HBCUs have never had a champion in the White House before his presidency.

Funding for the HBCU’s was in jeopardy a few months ago until the White House and Congress collaborated on a “historic agreement,” the president said.


(Excerpt) Read more at dailycaller.com ...

So..back to the OP...is it the position of the author and the rest of the Trump supporters that if Trump signs a bill that signifies he agrees with what is in it and thinks it is a good thing?
The ART of the DEAL....JACKASS!
...based upon the facts and the data and not your emotions.

Emotions, are key. When you are a wealthy, human, decision-maker within the private sector.

Yes sir. Their emotions were trash during the Obama Admin years, but now, their emotions are robust within the Trump Admin years so they are now investing in and developing in the USA ---unlike they did for Obama Admin years.

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