RACIST Trump Signs Groundbreaking Legislation Supporting Historically Black Colleges & Universities

Lol policy creates jobs you IDIOT! If I’m a business and want to expand, and the president say I’m going to cut your taxes guess what I’m going to expand like we have seen! All the bonus companies gave out . Deregulation create jobs,, I feel like I’m talking to a 5th grader lol

Policies do not create jobs...at best they can help the environment that creates jobs. Your love of the government and you need to give them credit for everything is too clear.
That wasn’t a substance response try again
Well Trump’s never been a racist, obviously, but I don’t like what he’s doing here. I don’t like a lot of the stuff he’s doing, but I digress
Would you rather have ANY of the 113 Communist candidates that want to raise your tax to 42%....have a NEW GREEN DEAL trying to ruin our economy by killing fossil fuels, and letting in millions of foreign invaders that they want to give ALL OF THEM MEDICARE???

No. That’s precisely what I have no choice but to vote for Trump
What did Obama do. Maybe he stole trumps magic wand.

Nothing dumb fuck, that is the whole point.

The president does not create jobs, you big government statist all want to give the government credit for what the private sector does.
Trump got the ball rolling by getting rid of restrictions and lowering taxes on companies. He is trying to make trading fair with other countries.

The ball was already rolling and has been rolling since 2011.
What did Obama do. Maybe he stole trumps magic wand.

Nothing dumb fuck, that is the whole point.

The president does not create jobs, you big government statist all want to give the government credit for what the private sector does.
Trump got the ball rolling by getting rid of restrictions and lowering taxes on companies. He is trying to make trading fair with other countries.

The ball was already rolling and has been rolling since 2011.
Obama hates capitalism, that's why he said our best days were behind us. He also thought that Hillary was going to be president. Thank God that didn't happen.
Record low unemployment for minorities bother you?

... it has been dropping for the last 8 years...too bad dumb fucks like you are too uninformed to know that...

Oh. Okay. Well then that is a lot of decades in, dumbfukery, since Trump has Negro unemployment at its lowest rate since 1968.

Whereas at one point, Negro unemployment was high as 38% under Obama.

So, tell me...just what did Trump do back in 2011 to cause the black unemployment rate to start dropping?

View attachment 295743
So your says Obama created the unemployment of blacks to go down? Lol that’s funny haha

No, I did not mention Obama at all. Please, stop posting drunk. Go sleep it off and then come back.

You are hard enough to take when you are just stupid, but stupid and drunk is too much
Go sleep it off and then come back.
wont make much of a difference....
Obama hates capitalism, that's why he said our best days were behind us.

How can anyone as rich as Obama hate capitalism?
And did he really say that?

He also thought that Hillary was going to be president. Thank God that didn't happen.

This was a good thing, sadly the other choice was only marginally better.
... it has been dropping for the last 8 years...too bad dumb fucks like you are too uninformed to know that...

Oh. Okay. Well then that is a lot of decades in, dumbfukery, since Trump has Negro unemployment at its lowest rate since 1968.

Whereas at one point, Negro unemployment was high as 38% under Obama.

So, tell me...just what did Trump do back in 2011 to cause the black unemployment rate to start dropping?

View attachment 295743
So your says Obama created the unemployment of blacks to go down? Lol that’s funny haha

No, I did not mention Obama at all. Please, stop posting drunk. Go sleep it off and then come back.

You are hard enough to take when you are just stupid, but stupid and drunk is too much
Go sleep it off and then come back.
wont make much of a difference....

At least when he is sober he can type better.
Oh. Okay. Well then that is a lot of decades in, dumbfukery, since Trump has Negro unemployment at its lowest rate since 1968.

Whereas at one point, Negro unemployment was high as 38% under Obama.

So, tell me...just what did Trump do back in 2011 to cause the black unemployment rate to start dropping?

View attachment 295743
So your says Obama created the unemployment of blacks to go down? Lol that’s funny haha

No, I did not mention Obama at all. Please, stop posting drunk. Go sleep it off and then come back.

You are hard enough to take when you are just stupid, but stupid and drunk is too much
Go sleep it off and then come back.
wont make much of a difference....

At least when he is sober he can type better.
Still no substance lol haha
Obama hates capitalism, that's why he said our best days were behind us.

How can anyone as rich as Obama hate capitalism?
And did he really say that?

He also thought that Hillary was going to be president. Thank God that didn't happen.

This was a good thing, sadly the other choice was only marginally better.
Bernie hates capitalism, but loves the benefits.
Obama hates capitalism, that's why he said our best days were behind us.

How can anyone as rich as Obama hate capitalism?
And did he really say that?

He also thought that Hillary was going to be president. Thank God that didn't happen.

This was a good thing, sadly the other choice was only marginally better.
Bernie hates capitalism, but loves the benefits.

none of them hate it, they just want more controls over it.

I do not agree with them, but at least be honest about their positions.
Policies do not create jobs...at best they can help the environment that creates jobs..

lol...This seems like you posted a fancy way of saying 'policies create jobs'.

Yes, policies do create jobs. Especially when considering who is the face of the policy.

Obama admin/Dems' policies aim to 'hand America over' to immigrants. So any patriotic, private sector cogs refused to invest in the mechanism called America. Enter Donald Trump;

Colossal corporate-knowledge, colossal 'developer' knowledge, global deal-maker, and he's patriotic/dedicated to descendents of 'The Mayflower' which the Dems despise.

So now, Trump's corporate reputation and his tax breaks hath caused the wealthy folks who own the "private sector" to want to invest in America. Which has made jobs far, far more plentiful than the jobs-creation pace we saw under Obama.
Policies do not create jobs...at best they can help the environment that creates jobs..

lol...This seems like you posted a fancy way of saying 'policies create jobs'.

Yes, policies do create jobs. Especially when considering who is the face of the policy.

Obama admin/Dems' policies aim to 'hand America over' to immigrants. So any patriotic, private sector cogs refused to invest in the mechanism called America. Enter Donald Trump;

Colossal corporate-knowledge, colossal 'developer' knowledge, global deal-maker, and he's patriotic/dedicated to descendents of 'The Mayflower' which the Dems despise.

So now, Trump's corporate reputation and his tax breaks hath caused the wealthy folks who own the "private sector" to want to invest in America. Which has made jobs far, far more plentiful than the jobs-creation pace we saw under Obama.

Far more plentiful than the jobs-creation pace we saw under Obama?



Here are the number of jobs created the last few Obama years and the Trump years, with the dates left off.,

Can you be so kind as to highlight the big jump when Trump took over...thanks

Come on all you demented little lying race baiters I want to hear your spin that TRUMP is just pandering to the Negro.... come on, Bros, bring it on!!!....oh, along with the lowest black unemployment....ever!....And your Surrender Monkey?...ROTFLMFAO!!!!


President Donald Trump announced Thursday that he signed “groundbreaking” legislation supporting historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs).

The legislation will permanently fund HBCUs and simplify federal financial aid applications for millions of families, the president said in a statement Thursday.

“President Obama and the Obama Administration were unable to get this done. I got it done,” Trump said, arguing that HBCUs have never had a champion in the White House before his presidency.

Funding for the HBCU’s was in jeopardy a few months ago until the White House and Congress collaborated on a “historic agreement,” the president said.


(Excerpt) Read more at dailycaller.com ...
You, Trump and the Daily Caller are full of shit! This a propaganda piece that tells only part of the story. Trump is no savior for the black colleges:

Breaking Down White House Budget Proposal’s HBCU Impact

The Trump Administration has revealed its 2019 fiscal year budget proposal, which asks for blends a 10 percent total department budget cut and shifted appropriations to comprise a $59.9 billion funding request for the US Department of Education, and more than $640 million going to institutional and aid programs which support historically black colleges and universities and their student


Leaders from HBCU advocacy organizations weighed on on the budget proposal.

“By preserving level funding, our HBCU’s have fared much better than other higher education stakeholders and federal agencies, relative to the proposed 10.5% cut to the Department of Education’s overall budget,” said Thurgood Marshall College Fund CEO and President Harry Williams. “Despite these positive developments, TMCF is concerned about those proposed cuts which could have a detrimental impact on our students’ ability to persist and graduate from HBCUs. The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant program remains a critical component of financial support for HBCU students, over 90% of whom receive some form, if not multiple forms, of federal financial assistance to attend college.
Similarly, we are concerned about the significant reductions in the Federal Work-Study program as this program remains another area of critical financial support for HBCU students


The administration is to be commended for including the Title III Strengthening HBCUs program in the budget this year, but this is not a time for level funding,” said UNCF Vice President of Public Policy and Government Affairs Lodriguez Murray. “This is a time for investments. HBCUs graduate more than 50,000 students annually and require more resources to provide the graduates our nation needs by 2020 and beyond. These institutions are already demonstrating that at the current level of investments, collectively, the institutions yield nearly $15 billion in annual economic impact for our nation. Additional federal investments in the HBCU Title III program would help this network of institutions continue to create new on- and off-campus job opportunities and further investments in their surrounding communities. Pathway programs to college, like TRIO and GEAR-UP, should be restored so that students continue to have the doorway of college education open to them. The administration should encourage lawmakers to make student debt manageable, instead of this budget being used to push the ‘one loan, one grant’ concept. That is a debate the Congress must have when reauthorizing the Higher Education Act.”
And the Marshall fund is pro Trump...right....ROTFLMFAO

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Policies do not create jobs...at best they can help the environment that creates jobs..

lol...This seems like you posted a fancy way of saying 'policies create jobs'.

Yes, policies do create jobs. Especially when considering who is the face of the policy.

Obama admin/Dems' policies aim to 'hand America over' to immigrants. So any patriotic, private sector cogs refused to invest in the mechanism called America. Enter Donald Trump;

Colossal corporate-knowledge, colossal 'developer' knowledge, global deal-maker, and he's patriotic/dedicated to descendents of 'The Mayflower' which the Dems despise.

So now, Trump's corporate reputation and his tax breaks hath caused the wealthy folks who own the "private sector" to want to invest in America. Which has made jobs far, far more plentiful than the jobs-creation pace we saw under Obama.

Far more plentiful than the jobs-creation pace we saw under Obama?



Here are the number of jobs created the last few Obama years and the Trump years, with the dates left off.,

Can you be so kind as to highlight the big jump when Trump took over...thanks

View attachment 295761

What kind of jobs???

Executives at several staffing firms told Reuters that the law, which requires employers with 50 or more full-time workers to provide healthcare coverage or incur penalties, was a frequently cited factor in requests for part-time workers. A decision to delay the mandate until 2015 has not made much of a difference in hiring decisions, they added.

“Us and other people are hiring part-time because we don’t know what the costs are going to be to hire full-time,” said Steven Raz, founder of Cornerstone Search Group, a staffing firm in Parsippany, New Jersey. “We are being cautious.”
Obamacare, tepid U.S. growth fuel part-time hiring | KICD-FM News Talk Radio 102.5 AM 1240

According to a new U.S. Chamber of Commerce July survey, nearly three-fourth of small businesses say the ACA makes it harder to hire workers and 61 percent do not plan to take on additional hires next year.
According to The New York Times Economix blogger Annie Lowrey, “The Affordable Care Act gives employers an incentive to hire part-time workers rather than full-time workers, as they might be compelled to offer health coverage to the latter, but not the former. That’s why a number of big employers have started offering more temporary or part-time positions.” Reuters reported on June 13 that Wal-Mart has already implemented a strategy of hiring more temporary workers
Major Newspapers link Obamacare to Increase in Part-time and Temp Jobs; Networks Ignore

But gator... why believe the facts when you make up your own stories!
That's why YOU are not believable as you never link with your subject statements!
President Trump MAGA ladies and gentlemen :eusa_clap: That's going to free thousands of black slaves from Democratic party plantations. Trump is the new Harriet Tubman!

Yes..... this is tantamount to what Johnson did 60 years ago only the very reverse of it. Instead of funding their poverty he's funding their success.


Here are the number of jobs created the last few Obama years and the Trump years, with the dates left off.,

Can you be so kind as to highlight the big jump when Trump took over...thanks

I never said Obama didn't create jobs. Of course he did, and that is why your chart's jobs-yield rates look about the same from July 2016-July 2017. But what Trump has done, since late 2017, is beyond historical since that is when his Presidency started to impact the country/the economy. Just, ask Black citizens. Since your chart does not showcase the fact/the reality that Trump had their unemployment at its lowest rate in 50yrs whereas Obama couldn't pull that off at any period within his 8yrs.
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Here are the number of jobs created the last few Obama years and the Trump years, with the dates left off.,

Can you be so kind as to highlight the big jump when Trump took over...thanks

I never said Obama didn't create jobs. Of course he did, and that is why your chart's jobs-yield rates look about the same from July 2016-July 2017. But what Trump has done, since late 2017, is beyond historical since that is when his Presidency started to impact the country/the economy. Just, ask Black citizens. Since your chart does not showcase the fact/the reality that Trump had their unemployment at its lowest rate in 50yrs whereas Obama couldn't pull that off at any period within his 8yrs.

In the 29 months since July 2017 there has been an average of 198,000 jobs added per month. In the last 29 months of the Obama Admin there were an average of 223,000 jobs added per month. Once again, you are wrong. You just parrot talking points that you are too stupid to verify.

The black UE rate dropped 39% during the 8 years of Obama and has dropped 28% under Trump.

Here are the number of jobs created the last few Obama years and the Trump years, with the dates left off.,

Can you be so kind as to highlight the big jump when Trump took over...thanks

I never said Obama didn't create jobs. Of course he did, and that is why your chart's jobs-yield rates look about the same from July 2016-July 2017. But what Trump has done, since late 2017, is beyond historical since that is when his Presidency started to impact the country/the economy. Just, ask Black citizens. Since your chart does not showcase the fact/the reality that Trump had their unemployment at its lowest rate in 50yrs whereas Obama couldn't pull that off at any period within his 8yrs.

In the 29 months since July 2017 there has been an average of 198,000 jobs added per month. In the last 29 months of the Obama Admin there were an average of 223,000 jobs added per month. Once again, you are wrong. You just parrot talking points that you are too stupid to verify.

The black UE rate dropped 39% during the 8 years of Obama and has dropped 28% under Trump.

to funny


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Here are the number of jobs created the last few Obama years and the Trump years, with the dates left off.,

Can you be so kind as to highlight the big jump when Trump took over...thanks

I never said Obama didn't create jobs. Of course he did, and that is why your chart's jobs-yield rates look about the same from July 2016-July 2017. But what Trump has done, since late 2017, is beyond historical since that is when his Presidency started to impact the country/the economy. Just, ask Black citizens. Since your chart does not showcase the fact/the reality that Trump had their unemployment at its lowest rate in 50yrs whereas Obama couldn't pull that off at any period within his 8yrs.

In the 29 months since July 2017 there has been an average of 198,000 jobs added per month. In the last 29 months of the Obama Admin there were an average of 223,000 jobs added per month. Once again, you are wrong. You just parrot talking points that you are too stupid to verify.

The black UE rate dropped 39% during the 8 years of Obama and has dropped 28% under Trump.

to funny

why yes you are.

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