Racist Turkey's Islamic-apartheid attacks Kurds


Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2023
But who cares about anti Kurd racism... ethnic cleansing.

Turkey's Islamic-apartheid attacks Kurds

With world’s eyes on Gaza, Turkey attacks Syria’s Kurds again.

Amberin Zaman, Al-Monitor, December 7, 2023.

AMUDE/QAMISHLI, Syria — The Turkish drone hung silently in the late night sky, shining its light on a nameless hamlet close to a Russian military base south of Amude. The Turks usually targeted vehicles carrying military personnel. But they were ordinary people and had no reason to worry, thought Ronak Mohammed as she, her husband, Munir, and her brother Ciwan piled into the family car. Within minutes, the white Hyundai erupted in flames, shuddering violently as shrapnel and broken glass flew everywhere.

“The drone stayed there for an hour and a half after it dropped its bomb,” Mohammed recalled, as she sat stricken on the floor of her family home in Amude, her face swathed in bandages and her eyes filled with fear. Munir, who was driving, also survived the Nov. 23 drone strike with minor injuries. The couple had been married for a month. However, 35-year-old Ciwan, who sat in the passenger seat, succumbed to his wounds in the hospital, adding to the swelling list of civilians who have died in Turkey’s ongoing military campaign against Kurdish-controlled northeastern Syria. “Why did they do this?” she asked.

Turkey has long claimed that the Kurdish-led administration in northeast Syria and its military arm pose a threat to its national security because of their links to the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), and has since 2016 mounted three major ground offensives against the Kurdish-led zone occupying large swathes of territory. The escalation began after the government of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan ended peace talks with the PKK and with it a two-and-a-half-year-long mutually observed cease-fire, during which Syrian Kurdish leaders would frequently travel to Ankara as part of an envisaged deal that would incorporate Syria’s Kurds as well.

The United States’ military intervention in 2014 against the Islamic State (ISIS) on the side of the Syrian Kurds was a key factor in upending the talks as age-old Turkish fears of the United States’ purported agenda of creating an independent Kurdish state…….

Here is more:

Washington Kurdish Institute:
Erdogan launches new ethnic cleansing campaign against the Kurds



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Erdoğan's fantasy of a Turkish nationalist, Islamist empire poses a serious risk for the world

Oct 19th, 2020. Burhan Ekinci and Arif Rüzgar

And more on radical-Islam, the Turkey branch:

Terrorist attack on synagogue planned: suspect (16) in custody in Steyr.

From: “Terror-Anschlag auf Synagoge geplant: Verdächtiger (16) in Steyr in Haft,” Exxpress, December 11, 2023 (via Medforth):

A possible Islamist attack on a synagogue was prevented in Upper Austria. The suspect: A young person (16) with a Turkish background from near Steyr. Interior Minister Gerhard Karner (ÖVP) announced this.
Several house searches were carried out in Upper Austria after the teenager apparently revealed his dangerous plans in chats. From October 2023, he is said to have made concrete preparations to target a synagogue in Vienna or possibly even abroad. According to DSN director and project manager Omar Haijawi-Pirchner, he is said to have already had the necessary financial means to purchase the weapon.
The arrest took place last Thursday. The teenager is currently in custody. During the searches, the police seized a large number of data carriers, including the teenager’s cell phone, which contained shocking material – bloody and brutal videos attributed to IS. The suspect had already looked into various crime scene options and implementation variants. The teenager was transferred to the Linz prison. Interrogations are expected to take place in the coming days. Further investigations are underway, it said.
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The Crazy Left-Wingers believe that Muslims will peacefully coexist.
View attachment 871471

First of all, the Turks are not really Muslim at all, and only pretended to take up the mantle of Islam after they invaded, took over, and discovered that pretending to be Muslim made ruling the Ottoman Empire easier, around 1500.
Second is that the Kurds are also Muslim, so this has nothing to do with religion.
And more on radical-Islam, the Turkey branch:
View attachment 871546
Terrorist attack on synagogue planned: suspect (16) in custody in Steyr.

From: “Terror-Anschlag auf Synagoge geplant: Verdächtiger (16) in Steyr in Haft,” Exxpress, December 11, 2023 (via Medforth):

A possible Islamist attack on a synagogue was prevented in Upper Austria. The suspect: A young person (16) with a Turkish background from near Steyr. Interior Minister Gerhard Karner (ÖVP) announced this.
Several house searches were carried out in Upper Austria after the teenager apparently revealed his dangerous plans in chats. From October 2023, he is said to have made concrete preparations to target a synagogue in Vienna or possibly even abroad. According to DSN director and project manager Omar Haijawi-Pirchner, he is said to have already had the necessary financial means to purchase the weapon.
The arrest took place last Thursday. The teenager is currently in custody. During the searches, the police seized a large number of data carriers, including the teenager’s cell phone, which contained shocking material – bloody and brutal videos attributed to IS. The suspect had already looked into various crime scene options and implementation variants. The teenager was transferred to the Linz prison. Interrogations are expected to take place in the coming days. Further investigations are underway, it said.

There appears to be no evidence of any crime.
There were no weapons, harmful materials, etc.
What ever someone says in a chat, is not evidence.
They could be just saying something in order to see what sort of response they get in the chat.
First of all, the Turks are not really Muslim at all, and only pretended to take up the mantle of Islam after they invaded, took over, and discovered that pretending to be Muslim made ruling the Ottoman Empire easier, around 1500.
Second is that the Kurds are also Muslim, so this has nothing to do with religion.
Turkey is not Iran circa 1976 either

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