Racist White Girl Attacks Black Girl Holding A Baby (video)

Error in the title?

Or maybe how the liberal media would title it

I am still mystified------did anyone determine why that bitch grabbed the mom ????? and why the boys just stood there like goons?

They were not raised right

oh------not really------they are beyond not being raised right -----the actions of the girl who grabbed the mother by the hair was not NATURAL------especially for a girl-----ain't no hormones in a girl for that kind of behavior.
She needs to have her ovaries checked------she is progesterone and estrogen deficient

Maybe in reality is a white guy pretending to be a black girl? Some of that is going around you know :)
Oh mu f*cking God...I want to kill that bitch!!

Error in the title?

Or maybe how the liberal media would title it

I am still mystified------did anyone determine why that bitch grabbed the mom ????? and why the boys just stood there like goons?

They were not raised right

oh------not really------they are beyond not being raised right -----the actions of the girl who grabbed the mother by the hair was not NATURAL------especially for a girl-----ain't no hormones in a girl for that kind of behavior.
She needs to have her ovaries checked------she is progesterone and estrogen deficient

Maybe in reality is a white guy pretending to be a black girl? Some of that is going around you know :)

oh........ok........ ~~~~~~
What is worse...the little bitch that attacked her...or the spineless gutless boys who laughed and video taped them?

the attacker may have been nuts----but of all those boys there must have been at least one "normal"---I was most horrified by the behavior of those big strong boys
That child will be scarred for life. (physically)
I don;t care how old the attacker was, I goddamn guarantee you if I was there I would have thrown her 15 feet in the air to stop her. And hoped that one of the yellow spineless boys would have even tried to attack me.
This is outrageous.
That little bitch needs to go to jail for yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaarrrrrsss.
I believe the account------the bitch attacked the girl holding the baby because she decided that the public bench was a BLACK ONLY bench. ----I believe the story----sick as it is

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