Raise Taxes or Cut Waste?

Let them starve. That is the plan of the Baby Boomers for today's work force.

I agree that most of the plutocrats that are currently calling the shots in the USA are of an age to be called "Baby Boomers". However, I am a baby boomer but not a plutocrat, and I take me some umbrage with being lumped in with the pitiful performance of the baby boomer plutocrat politician. I didn't cause any pain or suffering for the masses.

I saved that for myself.
Thank you.
Okay. I understand you now. I see where you're coming from. You had rather the poor, the needy, and less fortunate, be "cut off", allowed to starve to death, die of illnesses, roam the streets, and dig in dumpsters and trash cans looking for food, than to continue Social Security benefits. You had rather see your hard earned tax dollars sent to foreign governments, shot out into outer space, used to build mosques on foreign soil, pay for senseless deadly costly wars, paying bribes to North Korea and Iran, supplying weapons to drug lords and terrorists, bailing out Wall Street and the financial institutions, building the worthless fence along our southern border, paying for the care and support of millions of illegal immigrants, making defense contractors very wealthy through no-bid contracts, paying for Mrs. Obama's lavish vacation, lavish White House parties, ridiculous perks and benefits given to members of Congress, unnecessary government travel, pork spending, subsidies to Brazilian corn crops, etc. etc. etc. etc.?

You didn't understand a damn word I said, did you? Typical for a Moon Bat.

The best way for somebody to get out of poverty in these United States is to stop voting for Left Wingers that screw up the economy.

I see you are like most Moon Bats. You are hell bent on spending other people's money but you aren't so generous with your own.

By the way, I am against all government spending except for few the necessary functions so that would exclude most of the examples you cited above so you are going to have to do better than that. Welfare, subsidizes, entitlements and bailouts are not necessary government functions.

Yes, 'left wingers' were in charge 2001-2009 when Dubya/GOP job creator' policies lost 1+ million PRIVATE sector jobs (of course like Ronnie, Dubya increased Gov't employees), lol

WHY didn't GOP policies work?

Even Carter had 9+ million PRIVATE sector jobs in his 4 years (to Ronnie's 14 million 'miracle' in 8, BTW)

Okay. I understand you now. I see where you're coming from. You had rather the poor, the needy, and less fortunate, be "cut off", allowed to starve to death, die of illnesses, roam the streets, and dig in dumpsters and trash cans looking for food, than to continue Social Security benefits. You had rather see your hard earned tax dollars sent to foreign governments, shot out into outer space, used to build mosques on foreign soil, pay for senseless deadly costly wars, paying bribes to North Korea and Iran, supplying weapons to drug lords and terrorists, bailing out Wall Street and the financial institutions, building the worthless fence along our southern border, paying for the care and support of millions of illegal immigrants, making defense contractors very wealthy through no-bid contracts, paying for Mrs. Obama's lavish vacation, lavish White House parties, ridiculous perks and benefits given to members of Congress, unnecessary government travel, pork spending, subsidies to Brazilian corn crops, etc. etc. etc. etc.?

You didn't understand a damn word I said, did you? Typical for a Moon Bat.

The best way for somebody to get out of poverty in these United States is to stop voting for Left Wingers that screw up the economy.

I see you are like most Moon Bats. You are hell bent on spending other people's money but you aren't so generous with your own.

By the way, I am against all government spending except for few the necessary functions so that would exclude most of the examples you cited above so you are going to have to do better than that. Welfare, subsidizes, entitlements and bailouts are not necessary government functions.
First, I am NOT a "moon Bat", whatever that is. Secondly, I have never ever voted for a professional politician in my life, and I'm 67 years young. Yes, I do vote. Thirdly, I'm NOT a Republican, Democrat, Independent, Liberal, Conservative, Left Wing, Right Wing, nor anything other than an American for America, period.

Now, I don't want to spend other people's money, I have my own money, thank you. Also, You'd be shocked at the many ways I help others, and have been doing it for many years now. You know absolutely nothing about me, nor what I've done or haven't done. So, your personal attack is baseless, childish, and totally uncalled for. I'd like to think that you are mature enough to stay on topic, and engage in a civil and adult manner. Name calling doesn't promote your point, nor does it say anything about your views and opinions on the subject being discussed.

So, again, my question remains, "what do we do with all of the people that we "cut off" from assistance? What do we do with the children, the elderly, the needy, the less fortunate, and others that rely on assistance, and on assistance programs? Please explain. Thanks.
How can we have the heart to allow them to starve? How can we, as a civil and caring society, just turn our backs to those in need and allow them to go through horrible things just because some government in a foreign country needs the money also? How can we spend the multi-$Billions that we spend on illegal immigrants, for their care and support, and then turn our backs to our own?

If you think there are some people out there that would starve if you didn't give them money then go help them. Give them some of your money. Join me in going out every month and buying food for the needy.

Put your money where your mouth is.

Don't take freedom away from other people by electing corrupt assholes to government that are put in power by greedy special interest groups that use the government to steal on their behalf like the people I showed you in the video earlier. Obama dollars!

I suspect there are a couple of hundred thousand people in this country that would really be hurting if they didn't get some help or another but it is not the 40 million that are on some kind of welfare.

The really needy (that didn't get that way by making really bad choices in their lives) could be helped through private charities.

Libtards don't like private charities doing welfare because that doesn't build up the institutionalized dependent welfare power base that keeps the Libtards in office.

The Liberals need their little welfare slave plantation to stay in power.
How can we have the heart to allow them to starve? How can we, as a civil and caring society, just turn our backs to those in need and allow them to go through horrible things just because some government in a foreign country needs the money also? How can we spend the multi-$Billions that we spend on illegal immigrants, for their care and support, and then turn our backs to our own?

If you think there are some people out there that would starve if you didn't give them money then go help them. Give them some of your money. Join me in going out every month and buying food for the needy.

Put your money where your mouth is.

Don't take freedom away from other people by electing corrupt assholes to government that are put in power by greedy special interest groups that use the government to steal on their behalf like the people I showed you in the video earlier. Obama dollars!

I suspect there are a couple of hundred thousand people in this country that would really be hurting if they didn't get some help or another but it is not the 40 million that are on some kind of welfare.

The really needy (that didn't get that way by making really bad choices in their lives) could be helped through private charities.

Libtards don't like private charities doing welfare because that doesn't build up the institutionalized dependent welfare power base that keeps the Libtards in office.

The Liberals need their little welfare slave plantation to stay in power.
I have never ever voted for a professional politician in my life, and I'm 67 years young. FYI - I help people all the time, and have been doing so all of my life, and will continue to do so. You know absolutely nothing about me, nor what I have or have not done. Attacking me doesn't prove your point, nor does it add anything to this discussion. Please be civil and engage in an adult and civil manner. Thanks.

Yes, we have millions that need assistance, I'll be the first to agree, and have stated as much several times. But, my question to you is, "what do we do with all the people that we "cut off" from assistance programs? What do we do with the children, the elderly, and those that can't support themselves? What do we do with the millions that can NOT be self-supporting? Please explain. Thanks.

First, I am NOT a "moon Bat", whatever that is. Secondly, I have never ever voted for a professional politician in my life, and I'm 67 years young. Yes, I do vote. Thirdly, I'm NOT a Republican, Democrat, Independent, Liberal, Conservative, Left Wing, Right Wing, nor anything other than an American for America, period.

Now, I don't want to spend other people's money, I have my own money, thank you. Also, You'd be shocked at the many ways I help others, and have been doing it for many years now. You know absolutely nothing about me, nor what I've done or haven't done. So, your personal attack is baseless, childish, and totally uncalled for. I'd like to think that you are mature enough to stay on topic, and engage in a civil and adult manner. Name calling doesn't promote your point, nor does it say anything about your views and opinions on the subject being discussed.

So, again, my question remains, "what do we do with all of the people that we "cut off" from assistance? What do we do with the children, the elderly, the needy, the less fortunate, and others that rely on assistance, and on assistance programs? Please explain. Thanks.

If you believe in the welfare state like you have been professing on this thread then trust me, you are a Moon Bat. The Democrat Party of Moon Bats would welcome you into their arms if you are not already voting for them, which I suspect you are. Did you vote for Obama?

We need to stop welfare completely in this country.

If we do that then there will be a lot of welfare queens that would be shit out of luck. I don't feel sorry for them. The assholes in the video that I posted earlier (and there are millions just like them in this country) may actually have to go to work now instead of living off the government.

When people really start hurting then it is either be productive or suffer the consequences and I see nothing wrong with that.

With the tax money that is returned to the people that earned the money there will be more available for charity work to help those that really need the help.

This thing reminds me of the debate on abortion.

If the issue of abortion had to only do with providing abortion for the 4-5% that needed it for legitimate medical reason or even rape or incest there wouldn't be much of a disagreement. It is when you throw in the 95% of abortions for convenience that you get the disagreement.

If we were only providing welfare for the few in this country that really needed it because of factors out of their control nobody would complain about it much because it wouldn't be that big of a deal. It is only when you included the tens of million in this country that are scamming the system and could either work or get help from family members then it becomes a major issue.

I also don''t feel it is my responsibility to give my money to some idiot that voted for a Liberal politician that destroyed our economy and caused unemployment. There should be consequences to bad choices at the polls and shouldn't be covered up by welfare.
I'm 67 years young..

You and I are the same age.

When we were born in 1947 there was not a massive welfare state like we have now. The total combined cost of fed, state and local governemnt was like 17% or so. Nowadays it is over 40%.

Welfare was mostly handled on the community basis for those were really in need. For instance, my father in law held an elected part time position to administer welfare in his township and he told me that he would visit every one and made sure that the needed the food before they got it. If they were capable of working like the people in the video I posted earlier then wouldn't get it.

Very few Americans starved to death in 1947.

It wasn't until LBJ decided to make the Blacks a ward of the state in order to have a power base for the Democrat Party that the welfare state in America got out of control.

When you try to justify the massive welfare state we have now you are supporting the concept of the Liberals buying a power base through welfare and that is bad government.

First, I am NOT a "moon Bat", whatever that is. Secondly, I have never ever voted for a professional politician in my life, and I'm 67 years young. Yes, I do vote. Thirdly, I'm NOT a Republican, Democrat, Independent, Liberal, Conservative, Left Wing, Right Wing, nor anything other than an American for America, period.

Now, I don't want to spend other people's money, I have my own money, thank you. Also, You'd be shocked at the many ways I help others, and have been doing it for many years now. You know absolutely nothing about me, nor what I've done or haven't done. So, your personal attack is baseless, childish, and totally uncalled for. I'd like to think that you are mature enough to stay on topic, and engage in a civil and adult manner. Name calling doesn't promote your point, nor does it say anything about your views and opinions on the subject being discussed.

So, again, my question remains, "what do we do with all of the people that we "cut off" from assistance? What do we do with the children, the elderly, the needy, the less fortunate, and others that rely on assistance, and on assistance programs? Please explain. Thanks.

If you believe in the welfare state like you have been professing on this thread then trust me, you are a Moon Bat. The Democrat Party of Moon Bats would welcome you into their arms if you are not already voting for them, which I suspect you are. Did you vote for Obama?

We need to stop welfare completely in this country.

If we do that then there will be a lot of welfare queens that would be shit out of luck. I don't feel sorry for them. The assholes in the video that I posted earlier (and there are millions just like them in this country) may actually have to go to work now instead of living off the government.

When people really start hurting then it is either be productive or suffer the consequences and I see nothing wrong with that.

With the tax money that is returned to the people that earned the money there will be more available for charity work to help those that really need the help.

This thing reminds me of the debate on abortion.

If the issue of abortion had to only do with providing abortion for the 4-5% that needed it for legitimate medical reason or even rape or incest there wouldn't be much of a disagreement. It is when you throw in the 95% of abortions for convenience that you get the disagreement.

If we were only providing welfare for the few in this country that really needed it because of factors out of their control nobody would complain about it much because it wouldn't be that big of a deal. It is only when you included the tens of million in this country that are scamming the system and could either work or get help from family members then it becomes a major issue.

I also don''t feel it is my responsibility to give my money to some idiot that voted for a Liberal politician that destroyed our economy and caused unemployment. There should be consequences to bad choices at the polls and shouldn't be covered up by welfare.

Libertarianism is one of those things that sounds good when you read about it in high school, or maybe your first year of college. But once you are out in the real world for say, five, or even six entire minutes, you quickly realize it's a narcissistic, child-like ideology that doesn't actually work and has no basis in reality

"I also don''t feel it is my responsibility to give my money to some idiot that voted for a Liberal politician that destroyed our economy and caused unemployment"

Right-wingers Want To Erase How George Bush's "Homeowner Society" Helped Cause The Economic Collapse

2004 Republican Convention:

Another priority for a new term is to build an ownership society, because ownership brings security and dignity and independence.

Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all- time high.


Tonight we set a new goal: 7 million more affordable homes in the next 10 years, so more American families will be able to open the door and say, "Welcome to my home."


Bush's documented policies and statements in time frame leading up to the start of the Bush Mortgage Bubble include (but not limited to)

Wanting 5.5 million more minority homeowners
Tells congress there is nothing wrong with GSEs
Pledging to use federal policy to increase home ownership
Routinely taking credit for the housing market
Forcing GSEs to buy more low income home loans by raising their Housing Goals
Lowering Investment banks capital requirements, Net Capital rule
Reversing the Clinton rule that restricted GSEs purchases of subprime loans

Lowering down payment requirements to 0%
Forcing GSEs to spend an additional $440 billion in the secondary markets
Giving away 40,000 free down payments

But the biggest policy was regulators not enforcing lending standards.

FACTS on Dubya s great recession US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And if they had no children...or their kids died in a needless war in Iraq for example?

What should those people do? That's a good question. But to answer that question, we should also ask another one.

What should you and I do when we are too old to work and take care of ourselves, but social security disappears because it has gone bankrupt? What if we have no children to take care of us?

Whatever you and I are supposed to do, that's what today's baby boomers can do. You and I did not make this gigantic fucking mess. Baby boomers had the best of the American economy, and some of them still couldn't be bothered to save for their own retirement. You and I have the shit that's left over after their mess. For you and I, preparing for our own retirement is a hell of alot harder. We make less than they did, we have more expenses than they did. And when it's time for us to retire, there won't be any Social Security left. Do the Baby Boomers care what will happen to us? No, they don't.

So whatever the fuck they expect us to do, they can do it themselves.
That certainly don't address anything but old people. So, what do we do about the children, the mentally challenged, the severely handicapped, the sick, the Vets, etc. etc. etc. etc.? You're only addressing the elderly that you believe we should cut off and allow them to die, starve to death, go without health care, go without utilities to light and heat their homes, and sit until they expire. So, any suggestions on what we do with those you believe we should "cut off"?

Let them starve.

Still think we can get on the same page?
We can't let them starve. We're not an uncivilized people, nor are we barbaric and cold hearted. We can't allow millions to become "street people". How many of them do you want in your neighborhood, knocking on your door begging? How many do you want to see face down on the street in severe pain and misery for lack of health care? How many children do you want to see wondering the streets homeless, barely dressed, and sick? Have the stomach for that? Are you cold hearted enough to want that?

I completely agree with you. No civilized society can do that. But we have an element in this country (as exampled by some people in this very thread) who are suggesting exactly that. You consider that position to be utterly wrong minded and I join you in that. How do you come to an agreement with people who hold that position?

In any human society there is going to be imperfection. If you create a safety net so children aren't wandering the streets sick and barely dressed, you are going to have people trying to take advantage of it. If you want to support scientific research, there are going to be some studies which sound ridiculous. If you want to keep another country from pulling you into a bloody and pointless war, you need to invest in it to keep it out of chaos.

There is a cost to living in a civilized society. It isn't cheap and you are never going to agree with everything that is done. However, SwimExpert is providing you with the logical end to the campaign to end all waste. And that end I summed up in my prior post with three words.... Let them starve.
And if they had no children...or their kids died in a needless war in Iraq for example?

What should those people do? That's a good question. But to answer that question, we should also ask another one.

What should you and I do when we are too old to work and take care of ourselves, but social security disappears because it has gone bankrupt? What if we have no children to take care of us?

Whatever you and I are supposed to do, that's what today's baby boomers can do. You and I did not make this gigantic fucking mess. Baby boomers had the best of the American economy, and some of them still couldn't be bothered to save for their own retirement. You and I have the shit that's left over after their mess. For you and I, preparing for our own retirement is a hell of alot harder. We make less than they did, we have more expenses than they did. And when it's time for us to retire, there won't be any Social Security left. Do the Baby Boomers care what will happen to us? No, they don't.

So whatever the fuck they expect us to do, they can do it themselves.

So basically, your solution is, "oh well, life's a bitch"?
I'm 67 years young..

You and I are the same age.

When we were born in 1947 there was not a massive welfare state like we have now. The total combined cost of fed, state and local governemnt was like 17% or so. Nowadays it is over 40%.

Welfare was mostly handled on the community basis for those were really in need. For instance, my father in law held an elected part time position to administer welfare in his township and he told me that he would visit every one and made sure that the needed the food before they got it. If they were capable of working like the people in the video I posted earlier then wouldn't get it.

Very few Americans starved to death in 1947.

It wasn't until LBJ decided to make the Blacks a ward of the state in order to have a power base for the Democrat Party that the welfare state in America got out of control.

When you try to justify the massive welfare state we have now you are supporting the concept of the Liberals buying a power base through welfare and that is bad government.

More right wing BULLSHIT not based on history OR accuracy


The best thing that could ever happen, the amazing eye opener would be instead of a payroll deduction performed by the employer, that say once per month or even quarterly every wage earner had to write a check and send it to the federal government or pay on line....Then we'd have 150 million people wanting to ( in a figurative sense) light a fire to the US Capitol and joyfully watch it burn.

Or we can fix the problem.

-Base Federal tax or corporations at 30% of revenue.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2013 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-off’s/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 400 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2013 price structure.

-Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.


raise min wage, remove FICA limit, no off shore investments ...I can hear Republican heads hitting the floor right now ...

[[[[[[[[[ THUD ]]]]]]]]]

run for office and raise your hand so I'll know who to vote for.

First, I am NOT a "moon Bat", whatever that is. Secondly, I have never ever voted for a professional politician in my life, and I'm 67 years young. Yes, I do vote. Thirdly, I'm NOT a Republican, Democrat, Independent, Liberal, Conservative, Left Wing, Right Wing, nor anything other than an American for America, period.

Now, I don't want to spend other people's money, I have my own money, thank you. Also, You'd be shocked at the many ways I help others, and have been doing it for many years now. You know absolutely nothing about me, nor what I've done or haven't done. So, your personal attack is baseless, childish, and totally uncalled for. I'd like to think that you are mature enough to stay on topic, and engage in a civil and adult manner. Name calling doesn't promote your point, nor does it say anything about your views and opinions on the subject being discussed.

So, again, my question remains, "what do we do with all of the people that we "cut off" from assistance? What do we do with the children, the elderly, the needy, the less fortunate, and others that rely on assistance, and on assistance programs? Please explain. Thanks.

If you believe in the welfare state like you have been professing on this thread then trust me, you are a Moon Bat. The Democrat Party of Moon Bats would welcome you into their arms if you are not already voting for them, which I suspect you are. Did you vote for Obama?

We need to stop welfare completely in this country.

If we do that then there will be a lot of welfare queens that would be shit out of luck. I don't feel sorry for them. The assholes in the video that I posted earlier (and there are millions just like them in this country) may actually have to go to work now instead of living off the government.

When people really start hurting then it is either be productive or suffer the consequences and I see nothing wrong with that.

With the tax money that is returned to the people that earned the money there will be more available for charity work to help those that really need the help.

This thing reminds me of the debate on abortion.

If the issue of abortion had to only do with providing abortion for the 4-5% that needed it for legitimate medical reason or even rape or incest there wouldn't be much of a disagreement. It is when you throw in the 95% of abortions for convenience that you get the disagreement.

If we were only providing welfare for the few in this country that really needed it because of factors out of their control nobody would complain about it much because it wouldn't be that big of a deal. It is only when you included the tens of million in this country that are scamming the system and could either work or get help from family members then it becomes a major issue.

I also don''t feel it is my responsibility to give my money to some idiot that voted for a Liberal politician that destroyed our economy and caused unemployment. There should be consequences to bad choices at the polls and shouldn't be covered up by welfare.

Libertarianism is one of those things that sounds good when you read about it in high school, or maybe your first year of college. But once you are out in the real world for say, five, or even six entire minutes, you quickly realize it's a narcissistic, child-like ideology that doesn't actually work and has no basis in reality

"I also don''t feel it is my responsibility to give my money to some idiot that voted for a Liberal politician that destroyed our economy and caused unemployment"

Right-wingers Want To Erase How George Bush's "Homeowner Society" Helped Cause The Economic Collapse

2004 Republican Convention:

Another priority for a new term is to build an ownership society, because ownership brings security and dignity and independence.

Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all- time high.


Tonight we set a new goal: 7 million more affordable homes in the next 10 years, so more American families will be able to open the door and say, "Welcome to my home."


Bush's documented policies and statements in time frame leading up to the start of the Bush Mortgage Bubble include (but not limited to)

Wanting 5.5 million more minority homeowners
Tells congress there is nothing wrong with GSEs
Pledging to use federal policy to increase home ownership
Routinely taking credit for the housing market
Forcing GSEs to buy more low income home loans by raising their Housing Goals
Lowering Investment banks capital requirements, Net Capital rule
Reversing the Clinton rule that restricted GSEs purchases of subprime loans

Lowering down payment requirements to 0%
Forcing GSEs to spend an additional $440 billion in the secondary markets
Giving away 40,000 free down payments

But the biggest policy was regulators not enforcing lending standards.

FACTS on Dubya s great recession US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


I am not a Republican so you little hatefest was wasted on me.

Socialism is one of those things that sounds good when you read about it in high school, or maybe your first year of college. But once you are out in the real world for say, five, or even six entire minutes, you quickly realize it's a narcissistic, greedy child-like ideology that doesn't actually work and has no basis in reality.

Personal responsibility and freedom is something that Libtards always have a difficult time understanding. I guess that is one of those things that makes Libtards Libtrads.

First, I am NOT a "moon Bat", whatever that is. Secondly, I have never ever voted for a professional politician in my life, and I'm 67 years young. Yes, I do vote. Thirdly, I'm NOT a Republican, Democrat, Independent, Liberal, Conservative, Left Wing, Right Wing, nor anything other than an American for America, period.

Now, I don't want to spend other people's money, I have my own money, thank you. Also, You'd be shocked at the many ways I help others, and have been doing it for many years now. You know absolutely nothing about me, nor what I've done or haven't done. So, your personal attack is baseless, childish, and totally uncalled for. I'd like to think that you are mature enough to stay on topic, and engage in a civil and adult manner. Name calling doesn't promote your point, nor does it say anything about your views and opinions on the subject being discussed.

So, again, my question remains, "what do we do with all of the people that we "cut off" from assistance? What do we do with the children, the elderly, the needy, the less fortunate, and others that rely on assistance, and on assistance programs? Please explain. Thanks.

If you believe in the welfare state like you have been professing on this thread then trust me, you are a Moon Bat. The Democrat Party of Moon Bats would welcome you into their arms if you are not already voting for them, which I suspect you are. Did you vote for Obama?

We need to stop welfare completely in this country.

If we do that then there will be a lot of welfare queens that would be shit out of luck. I don't feel sorry for them. The assholes in the video that I posted earlier (and there are millions just like them in this country) may actually have to go to work now instead of living off the government.

When people really start hurting then it is either be productive or suffer the consequences and I see nothing wrong with that.

With the tax money that is returned to the people that earned the money there will be more available for charity work to help those that really need the help.

This thing reminds me of the debate on abortion.

If the issue of abortion had to only do with providing abortion for the 4-5% that needed it for legitimate medical reason or even rape or incest there wouldn't be much of a disagreement. It is when you throw in the 95% of abortions for convenience that you get the disagreement.

If we were only providing welfare for the few in this country that really needed it because of factors out of their control nobody would complain about it much because it wouldn't be that big of a deal. It is only when you included the tens of million in this country that are scamming the system and could either work or get help from family members then it becomes a major issue.

I also don''t feel it is my responsibility to give my money to some idiot that voted for a Liberal politician that destroyed our economy and caused unemployment. There should be consequences to bad choices at the polls and shouldn't be covered up by welfare.

Libertarianism is one of those things that sounds good when you read about it in high school, or maybe your first year of college. But once you are out in the real world for say, five, or even six entire minutes, you quickly realize it's a narcissistic, child-like ideology that doesn't actually work and has no basis in reality

"I also don''t feel it is my responsibility to give my money to some idiot that voted for a Liberal politician that destroyed our economy and caused unemployment"

Right-wingers Want To Erase How George Bush's "Homeowner Society" Helped Cause The Economic Collapse

2004 Republican Convention:

Another priority for a new term is to build an ownership society, because ownership brings security and dignity and independence.

Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all- time high.


Tonight we set a new goal: 7 million more affordable homes in the next 10 years, so more American families will be able to open the door and say, "Welcome to my home."


Bush's documented policies and statements in time frame leading up to the start of the Bush Mortgage Bubble include (but not limited to)

Wanting 5.5 million more minority homeowners
Tells congress there is nothing wrong with GSEs
Pledging to use federal policy to increase home ownership
Routinely taking credit for the housing market
Forcing GSEs to buy more low income home loans by raising their Housing Goals
Lowering Investment banks capital requirements, Net Capital rule
Reversing the Clinton rule that restricted GSEs purchases of subprime loans

Lowering down payment requirements to 0%
Forcing GSEs to spend an additional $440 billion in the secondary markets
Giving away 40,000 free down payments

But the biggest policy was regulators not enforcing lending standards.

FACTS on Dubya s great recession US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


I am not a Republican so you little hatefest was wasted on me.

Socialism is one of those things that sounds good when you read about it in high school, or maybe your first year of college. But once you are out in the real world for say, five, or even six entire minutes, you quickly realize it's a narcissistic, greedy child-like ideology that doesn't actually work and has no basis in reality.

Personal responsibility and freedom is something that Libtards always have a difficult time understanding. I guess that is one of those things that makes Libtards Libtrads.

Sure, you aren't a GOPer, lol

Ayn Rand was writing FICTION. we all theorize and hypothesize and imagine "what if?". when people start to implement fiction into their own realities, they are sociopaths. I too would love to have a world where CAPITALISM actually worked, but it doesn't. GREED ruins it all.

The Republicans have been redistributing wealth for nearly thirty years using the bogus reasoning that subsidizing the corporatists with tax breaks would create jobs. It has not worked nor will it ever work.
Raise taxes on the wealthy.

I want to raise taxes on everybody paying less tax than me because well you know it ain't fair that they are getting more than me and I have to pay more taxes.

I also want to raise taxes on everybody making more than me because well you know it ain't fair that they have more than me. Not fair at all I tell you! They need to give me some of what they have because I deserve it by simply being alive.

If you are going to be spouting this greed shit than at least be honest with it.
Raise taxes on the wealthy.

I want to raise taxes on everybody paying less tax than me because well you know it ain't fair that they are getting more than me and I have to pay more taxes.

I also want to raise taxes on everybody making more than me because well you know it ain't fair that they have more than me. Not fair at all I tell you! They need to give me some of what they have because I deserve it by simply being alive.

If you are going to be spouting this greed shit than at least be honest with it.

As the rich get richer and store more of their loot off shore and out of the nation's economy

"We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both." - Louis D. Brandeis

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