Raise Taxes or Cut Waste?

What do we do to replace it?

Personal responsibility.

Not everyone receiving benefits is able to work and be self-supporting.

They should have thought of that when they were working.

We have many receiving Social Security that can not support themselves. Any suggestions as to what we do with all of those people? Children? Disabled and handicapped citizens? The elderly? What do we replace Social Security with?

Disability needs to be divorced from Social Security. The elderly who didn't save on their own for their retirement can go live with their children.

And if they had no children...or their kids died in a needless war in Iraq for example?
What do we do to replace it?

Personal responsibility.

Not everyone receiving benefits is able to work and be self-supporting.

They should have thought of that when they were working.

We have many receiving Social Security that can not support themselves. Any suggestions as to what we do with all of those people? Children? Disabled and handicapped citizens? The elderly? What do we replace Social Security with?

Disability needs to be divorced from Social Security. The elderly who didn't save on their own for their retirement can go live with their children.
What do we do with the rest of them? Some elderly don't have family. What do we do about the children, the disabled Vets, the sick, the mentally challenged, the severely handicapped, and others that can't care for themselves? What do we do with those that are not able to be self-supporting? Have any suggestions? Please explain. Thanks.
And if they had no children...or their kids died in a needless war in Iraq for example?

What should those people do? That's a good question. But to answer that question, we should also ask another one.

What should you and I do when we are too old to work and take care of ourselves, but social security disappears because it has gone bankrupt? What if we have no children to take care of us?

Whatever you and I are supposed to do, that's what today's baby boomers can do. You and I did not make this gigantic fucking mess. Baby boomers had the best of the American economy, and some of them still couldn't be bothered to save for their own retirement. You and I have the shit that's left over after their mess. For you and I, preparing for our own retirement is a hell of alot harder. We make less than they did, we have more expenses than they did. And when it's time for us to retire, there won't be any Social Security left. Do the Baby Boomers care what will happen to us? No, they don't.

So whatever the fuck they expect us to do, they can do it themselves.
What do we do with the rest of them? Some elderly don't have family. What do we do about the children, the disabled Vets, the sick, the mentally challenged, the severely handicapped, and others that can't care for themselves? What do we do with those that are not able to be self-supporting? Have any suggestions? Please explain. Thanks.

You're largely repeating members of the same class of disabled people. Disabled vets, the mentally challenged, the severely handicapped.....that all falls under disability. Which, as I said, should be divorced from Social Security when SS is eliminated.
Why do you feel entitled to other peoples money?

Contain your irrational hatred of the 'rich' lib.

If you punish people for investing like the left wants to do all the time by raising the tax on capital gains
those that have money will not invest....



"If you punish people for investing like the left wants to do all the time by raising the tax on capital gains
those that have money will not invest...."


STUDY: These Charts Show There's Almost No Correlation Between Tax Rates and GDP

These Charts Show There s Probably No Correlation Between Tax Rates and GDP - Business Insider

Capital Gains Tax Rates and Economic Growth (or not)

If you read the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal (or surf around the nether regions of Forbes.com), you may come to the conclusion that no aspect of tax policy is more important for economic growth than the way we tax capital gains. You’d be wrong

Capital Gains Tax Rates and Economic Growth or not - Forbes
Raise taxes on the rich, tax college savings, raise gasoline taxes, and cut social programs? Or, cut the enormous waste that we all know should be cut? Or, should we do a combination of both? If your answer is to cut waste, what are the most obvious areas of waste that you would cut? If your answer is to raise taxes, what taxes would you increase? Or, what new taxes would you add? If your answer is to raise taxes, where would you use the new revenue? If your answer is to cut waste, where would you use the savings?

I think we can raise taxes while lowering them across the board just by removing all loopholes and deductions. It could be a flat tax or based upon income as we have today. Of course, that would mean a tax system which was simple and you immediately have both the lawyers and the accountants in opposition, not to mention large corporations who would actually have to start paying tax.

The problem with waste is that it really doesn't have much of an impact. People will get up in arms because of a miniscule grant to study squid but will defend monstrous waste in other areas. More than $8 billion in cash just disappeared in Iraq, and I don't mean misspent - I mean disappeared, and no one was held accountable, no congressional committee was formed to investigate, no uproar in the press. Major contractors will underbid projects with the feds and then pump of the cost through cost over runs and no one bats an eye.
Yes, I remember reading about all the money that went missing in Iraq. Yes, defense spending is favoritism, kick-backs, and wasteful beyond words. But, we have many other areas of obvious waste and abuse of tax dollars also. We could save untold multi-$Billions by cutting just the obvious waste.

What waste?
Yer kidding, right?
The amount of money wasted on for example...research to determine the libido of a certain species of birds when high on cocaine.
The total lack of enforcement on the rules governing the issuance of social program payments. In other words, no one is watching where the money for social programs is going.
One such example is the school lunch program. It is a violation of federal law for a school district to make inquiries as to the income eligibility of families whose children are on the program.
When I see people using food stamps or the debit card that permits purchases, get into new or late model vehicles, I see a problem.
When over 50% of the federal budget is spent on social programs, I see a problem.

No. I'm not kidding. The study you refer to sounds like a pretty good use of the money. Your statement about the lack of enforcement is probably pretty good headline material, but is utterly false. School lunch program, sounds like an excellent rule to me. When you see people using food stamps to buy cars, you are hallucinating.
And if they had no children...or their kids died in a needless war in Iraq for example?

What should those people do? That's a good question. But to answer that question, we should also ask another one.

What should you and I do when we are too old to work and take care of ourselves, but social security disappears because it has gone bankrupt? What if we have no children to take care of us?

Whatever you and I are supposed to do, that's what today's baby boomers can do. You and I did not make this gigantic fucking mess. Baby boomers had the best of the American economy, and some of them still couldn't be bothered to save for their own retirement. You and I have the shit that's left over after their mess. For you and I, preparing for our own retirement is a hell of alot harder. We make less than they did, we have more expenses than they did. And when it's time for us to retire, there won't be any Social Security left. Do the Baby Boomers care what will happen to us? No, they don't.

So whatever the fuck they expect us to do, they can do it themselves.
That certainly don't address anything but old people. So, what do we do about the children, the mentally challenged, the severely handicapped, the sick, the Vets, etc. etc. etc. etc.? You're only addressing the elderly that you believe we should cut off and allow them to die, starve to death, go without health care, go without utilities to light and heat their homes, and sit until they expire. So, any suggestions on what we do with those you believe we should "cut off"?
What do we do with the rest of them? Some elderly don't have family. What do we do about the children, the disabled Vets, the sick, the mentally challenged, the severely handicapped, and others that can't care for themselves? What do we do with those that are not able to be self-supporting? Have any suggestions? Please explain. Thanks.

You're largely repeating members of the same class of disabled people. Disabled vets, the mentally challenged, the severely handicapped.....that all falls under disability. Which, as I said, should be divorced from Social Security when SS is eliminated.
Nope, not true. I mentioned children also. What do we do with the children? What do we do with all of those that you want to "cut off"? What would you suggest we do with them? Please explain. Thanks.
And if they had no children...or their kids died in a needless war in Iraq for example?

What should those people do? That's a good question. But to answer that question, we should also ask another one.

What should you and I do when we are too old to work and take care of ourselves, but social security disappears because it has gone bankrupt? What if we have no children to take care of us?

Whatever you and I are supposed to do, that's what today's baby boomers can do. You and I did not make this gigantic fucking mess. Baby boomers had the best of the American economy, and some of them still couldn't be bothered to save for their own retirement. You and I have the shit that's left over after their mess. For you and I, preparing for our own retirement is a hell of alot harder. We make less than they did, we have more expenses than they did. And when it's time for us to retire, there won't be any Social Security left. Do the Baby Boomers care what will happen to us? No, they don't.

So whatever the fuck they expect us to do, they can do it themselves.
That certainly don't address anything but old people. So, what do we do about the children, the mentally challenged, the severely handicapped, the sick, the Vets, etc. etc. etc. etc.? You're only addressing the elderly that you believe we should cut off and allow them to die, starve to death, go without health care, go without utilities to light and heat their homes, and sit until they expire. So, any suggestions on what we do with those you believe we should "cut off"?

Let them starve.

Still think we can get on the same page?
Then, what do we do with the millions that can't take care of themselves? What do we do about the children, the disabled, the elderly, the poor, the needy, the severely handicapped, injured Vets, the ones mentally challenged, and the sick? Have any suggestions on what we might do with them once we cut them off? Can to explain?

That is their problem not mine. Maybe if they didn't have a welfare check coming in they would get off their fat ass and put down their gallon jug of Colt 45 Malt Liquor and actually work for a living like the rest of us do.

If you are elderly you should have provided for your retirement or family should be helping you. It is not my responsibility to provide for your retirement.

If you are poor in America it is probably because you are sorry and that is your problem not mine. Those shitheads in the video that I posted are a great example of the poor in America. I can give you more examples if you want.

If you are a vet and the injury is service related then the contract you signed with the government when you joined takes care of that.

I would be more generous to help the few in this country like the handicapped and mentally ill that really needed help if I didn't have the burden of having to pay for this massive government that takes quite a bit of my money each year.

Even with that burden I still try to help people. I believe in the Bible when it says that charity should be from the heart, church and family. Every third Saturday of each month my wife and I go to Publix and buy food for our church's food bank. On the 17th we will be going in February.

Since you are so concerned about the poor will you match the money that we spend? Will you put your money where your mouth is?
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Nope, not true. I mentioned children also. What do we do with the children? What do we do with all of those that you want to "cut off"? What would you suggest we do with them? Please explain. Thanks.

What children? We don't need to do anything with the children. Their parents can raise them.
And if they had no children...or their kids died in a needless war in Iraq for example?

What should those people do? That's a good question. But to answer that question, we should also ask another one.

What should you and I do when we are too old to work and take care of ourselves, but social security disappears because it has gone bankrupt? What if we have no children to take care of us?

Whatever you and I are supposed to do, that's what today's baby boomers can do. You and I did not make this gigantic fucking mess. Baby boomers had the best of the American economy, and some of them still couldn't be bothered to save for their own retirement. You and I have the shit that's left over after their mess. For you and I, preparing for our own retirement is a hell of alot harder. We make less than they did, we have more expenses than they did. And when it's time for us to retire, there won't be any Social Security left. Do the Baby Boomers care what will happen to us? No, they don't.

So whatever the fuck they expect us to do, they can do it themselves.
That certainly don't address anything but old people. So, what do we do about the children, the mentally challenged, the severely handicapped, the sick, the Vets, etc. etc. etc. etc.? You're only addressing the elderly that you believe we should cut off and allow them to die, starve to death, go without health care, go without utilities to light and heat their homes, and sit until they expire. So, any suggestions on what we do with those you believe we should "cut off"?

Let them starve.

Still think we can get on the same page?
We can't let them starve. We're not an uncivilized people, nor are we barbaric and cold hearted. We can't allow millions to become "street people". How many of them do you want in your neighborhood, knocking on your door begging? How many do you want to see face down on the street in severe pain and misery for lack of health care? How many children do you want to see wondering the streets homeless, barely dressed, and sick? Have the stomach for that? Are you cold hearted enough to want that?
Then, what do we do with the millions that can't take care of themselves? What do we do about the children, the disabled, the elderly, the poor, the needy, the severely handicapped, injured Vets, the ones mentally challenged, and the sick? Have any suggestions on what we might do with them once we cut them off? Can to explain?

That is their problem not mine. Maybe if they didn't have a welfare check coming in they would get off their fat ass and put done their gallon jug of Colt 45 Malt Liquor and actually work for a living like the rest of us do.

If you are elderly you should have provided for your retirement or family should be helping you. It is not my responsibility to provide for your retirement.

If you are poor in America it is probably because you are sorry and that is your problem not mine. Those shitheads in the video that I posted are a great example of the poor in America. I can give you more examples if you want.

If you are a vet and the injury is service related then the contract you signed with the government when you joined takes care of that.

I would be more generous to help the few in this country like the handicapped and mentally ill that really needed help if I didn't have the burden of having to pay for this massive government that takes quite a bit of my money each year.

Even with that burden I still try to help people. I believe in the Bible when it says that charity should be from the heart, church and family. Every third Saturday of each month my wife and I go to Publix and buy food for our church's food bank. On the 17th we will be going in February.

Since you are so concerned about the poor will you match the money that we spend? Will you put your money where your mouth is?
Okay. I understand you now. I see where you're coming from. You had rather the poor, the needy, and less fortunate, be "cut off", allowed to starve to death, die of illnesses, roam the streets, and dig in dumpsters and trash cans looking for food, than to continue Social Security benefits. You had rather see your hard earned tax dollars sent to foreign governments, shot out into outer space, used to build mosques on foreign soil, pay for senseless deadly costly wars, paying bribes to North Korea and Iran, supplying weapons to drug lords and terrorists, bailing out Wall Street and the financial institutions, building the worthless fence along our southern border, paying for the care and support of millions of illegal immigrants, making defense contractors very wealthy through no-bid contracts, paying for Mrs. Obama's lavish vacation, lavish White House parties, ridiculous perks and benefits given to members of Congress, unnecessary government travel, pork spending, subsidies to Brazilian corn crops, etc. etc. etc. etc.?
Nope, not true. I mentioned children also. What do we do with the children? What do we do with all of those that you want to "cut off"? What would you suggest we do with them? Please explain. Thanks.

What children? We don't need to do anything with the children. Their parents can raise them.
Many children don't have parents, and many parents are not able to care for the children. We have poor families all across this country, some in shelters, some living on the streets, and some living way below the poverty line. What do we do with those children once we "cut them off"? We have children taken from families because of the poor living conditions. What do we do with them? What about the elderly that can't care for themselves? What do we do after we "cut them off"?
Let them starve. That is the plan of the Baby Boomers for today's work force.

I agree that most of the plutocrats that are currently calling the shots in the USA are of an age to be called "Baby Boomers". However, I am a baby boomer but not a plutocrat, and I take me some umbrage with being lumped in with the pitiful performance of the baby boomer plutocrat politician. I didn't cause any pain or suffering for the masses.

I saved that for myself.
Okay. I understand you now. I see where you're coming from. You had rather the poor, the needy, and less fortunate, be "cut off", allowed to starve to death, die of illnesses, roam the streets, and dig in dumpsters and trash cans looking for food, than to continue Social Security benefits. You had rather see your hard earned tax dollars sent to foreign governments, shot out into outer space, used to build mosques on foreign soil, pay for senseless deadly costly wars, paying bribes to North Korea and Iran, supplying weapons to drug lords and terrorists, bailing out Wall Street and the financial institutions, building the worthless fence along our southern border, paying for the care and support of millions of illegal immigrants, making defense contractors very wealthy through no-bid contracts, paying for Mrs. Obama's lavish vacation, lavish White House parties, ridiculous perks and benefits given to members of Congress, unnecessary government travel, pork spending, subsidies to Brazilian corn crops, etc. etc. etc. etc.?

You didn't understand a damn word I said, did you? Typical for a Moon Bat.

The best way for somebody to get out of poverty in these United States is to stop voting for Left Wingers that screw up the economy.

I see you are like most Moon Bats. You are hell bent on spending other people's money but you aren't so generous with your own.

By the way, I am against all government spending except for few the necessary functions so that would exclude most of the examples you cited above so you are going to have to do better than that. Welfare, subsidizes, entitlements and bailouts are not necessary government functions.
How many of them do you want in your neighborhood, knocking on your door begging? How many do you want to see face down on the street in severe pain and misery for lack of health care? How many children do you want to see wondering the streets homeless, barely dressed, and sick? Have the stomach for that?

I am of the opinion that some on here wouldn't mind hungry people in the streets.
Of course it wouldn't be their streets. I think they see themselves living in an armed enclave that will protect this area with deadly force. Live behind fences so they can't see or be seen. Move about in armed convoys.

There are situations like this all over the world. A few very rich living a protected life and the rest surviving best they can.

I just can't figure out why this is appealing to our resident right wing whack jobs.
And if they had no children...or their kids died in a needless war in Iraq for example?

What should those people do? That's a good question. But to answer that question, we should also ask another one.

What should you and I do when we are too old to work and take care of ourselves, but social security disappears because it has gone bankrupt? What if we have no children to take care of us?

Whatever you and I are supposed to do, that's what today's baby boomers can do. You and I did not make this gigantic fucking mess. Baby boomers had the best of the American economy, and some of them still couldn't be bothered to save for their own retirement. You and I have the shit that's left over after their mess. For you and I, preparing for our own retirement is a hell of alot harder. We make less than they did, we have more expenses than they did. And when it's time for us to retire, there won't be any Social Security left. Do the Baby Boomers care what will happen to us? No, they don't.

So whatever the fuck they expect us to do, they can do it themselves.

"So whatever the fuck they expect us to do, they can do it themselves"

JUST like the US had pre SS . SS keeps 50% of seniors out of poverty, despite the rights lies of it going BK, it's doing ok, will need to be tweaked like it has dozens of times. More than enough money in the US to make sure it works. Germany has basically the same SS system since the 1880's... Weird right?

But yes, baby boomers (IE, Conservatives/GOP) has screwed US for 30+ years as Reaganomics cut taxes for those 'job creators' WHILE increasing taxes on SS by over $2+ trillion that has been used to fund Gov't the past 30 years. Weird right? How else could they hide the cost of Ronnie's/Dubya's tax cuts?

Then, what do we do with the millions that can't take care of themselves? What do we do about the children, the disabled, the elderly, the poor, the needy, the severely handicapped, injured Vets, the ones mentally challenged, and the sick? Have any suggestions on what we might do with them once we cut them off? Can to explain?

That is their problem not mine. Maybe if they didn't have a welfare check coming in they would get off their fat ass and put down their gallon jug of Colt 45 Malt Liquor and actually work for a living like the rest of us do.

If you are elderly you should have provided for your retirement or family should be helping you. It is not my responsibility to provide for your retirement.

If you are poor in America it is probably because you are sorry and that is your problem not mine. Those shitheads in the video that I posted are a great example of the poor in America. I can give you more examples if you want.

If you are a vet and the injury is service related then the contract you signed with the government when you joined takes care of that.

I would be more generous to help the few in this country like the handicapped and mentally ill that really needed help if I didn't have the burden of having to pay for this massive government that takes quite a bit of my money each year.

Even with that burden I still try to help people. I believe in the Bible when it says that charity should be from the heart, church and family. Every third Saturday of each month my wife and I go to Publix and buy food for our church's food bank. On the 17th we will be going in February.

Since you are so concerned about the poor will you match the money that we spend? Will you put your money where your mouth is?

Contrary to "Entitlement Society" Rhetoric, Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly, Disabled, or Working Households

91 percent of the benefit dollars from entitlement and other mandatory programs went to the elderly (people 65 and over), the seriously disabled, and members of working households. People who are neither elderly nor disabled — and do not live in a working household — received only 9 percent of the benefits.

Moreover, the vast bulk of that 9 percent goes for medical care, unemployment insurance benefits (which individuals must have a significant work history to receive), Social Security survivor benefits for the children and spouses of deceased workers, and Social Security benefits for retirees between ages 62 and 64. Seven out of the 9 percentage points go for one of these four purposes.

Contrary to Entitlement Society Rhetoric Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly Disabled or Working Households mdash Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Let them starve.

Still think we can get on the same page?

Let them starve. That is the plan of the Baby Boomers for today's work force.
How can we have the heart to allow them to starve? How can we, as a civil and caring society, just turn our backs to those in need and allow them to go through horrible things just because some government in a foreign country needs the money also? How can we spend the multi-$Billions that we spend on illegal immigrants, for their care and support, and then turn our backs to our own?

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