Raise Taxes or Cut Waste?


First, I am NOT a "moon Bat", whatever that is. Secondly, I have never ever voted for a professional politician in my life, and I'm 67 years young. Yes, I do vote. Thirdly, I'm NOT a Republican, Democrat, Independent, Liberal, Conservative, Left Wing, Right Wing, nor anything other than an American for America, period.

Now, I don't want to spend other people's money, I have my own money, thank you. Also, You'd be shocked at the many ways I help others, and have been doing it for many years now. You know absolutely nothing about me, nor what I've done or haven't done. So, your personal attack is baseless, childish, and totally uncalled for. I'd like to think that you are mature enough to stay on topic, and engage in a civil and adult manner. Name calling doesn't promote your point, nor does it say anything about your views and opinions on the subject being discussed.

So, again, my question remains, "what do we do with all of the people that we "cut off" from assistance? What do we do with the children, the elderly, the needy, the less fortunate, and others that rely on assistance, and on assistance programs? Please explain. Thanks.

If you believe in the welfare state like you have been professing on this thread then trust me, you are a Moon Bat. The Democrat Party of Moon Bats would welcome you into their arms if you are not already voting for them, which I suspect you are. Did you vote for Obama?

We need to stop welfare completely in this country.

If we do that then there will be a lot of welfare queens that would be shit out of luck. I don't feel sorry for them. The assholes in the video that I posted earlier (and there are millions just like them in this country) may actually have to go to work now instead of living off the government.

When people really start hurting then it is either be productive or suffer the consequences and I see nothing wrong with that.

With the tax money that is returned to the people that earned the money there will be more available for charity work to help those that really need the help.

This thing reminds me of the debate on abortion.

If the issue of abortion had to only do with providing abortion for the 4-5% that needed it for legitimate medical reason or even rape or incest there wouldn't be much of a disagreement. It is when you throw in the 95% of abortions for convenience that you get the disagreement.

If we were only providing welfare for the few in this country that really needed it because of factors out of their control nobody would complain about it much because it wouldn't be that big of a deal. It is only when you included the tens of million in this country that are scamming the system and could either work or get help from family members then it becomes a major issue.

I also don''t feel it is my responsibility to give my money to some idiot that voted for a Liberal politician that destroyed our economy and caused unemployment. There should be consequences to bad choices at the polls and shouldn't be covered up by welfare.
Again, your immature and silly name calling is totally uncalled for. I'm guessing that you're over the age of 20, which would indicate your ability to discuss issues in an adult and civil manner. Personal attacks and name calling is akin to fifth graders arguing on the school playground. Please be civil and discuss this issue as an adult. It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Now, for your information, no, I did NOT vote for Mr. Obama, and wouldn't lower myself to do so, under any circumstances. I'm NOT a Democrat, Republican, Independent, Liberal, Conservative, Right Wing, Left Wing, nor anything other than an American for America. I have never voted for a professional politician in my life, and never will. Yes, I do vote.

After listening ( reading ) to everything that you've said, and understanding your position on this matter, again, my question to you remains, "what do we do with the millions of people that we "cut off" from assistance? Please explain. Thanks.

Also, please keep in mind that we do NOT have enough jobs to satisfy the demand. And, most of the jobs that are available, are part-time, temporary, and low-wage jobs. Those jobs do NOT allow one to be self-supporting. We have very few jobs that allows one to be self-supporting. Also, please keep in mind that some of those that you want to "kick off assistance programs" can not help themselves. What are we going to do with the millions we "cut off"?
Sure, you aren't a GOPer, lol

Ayn Rand was writing FICTION. we all theorize and hypothesize and imagine "what if?". when people start to implement fiction into their own realities, they are sociopaths. I too would love to have a world where CAPITALISM actually worked, but it doesn't. GREED ruins it all.

The Republicans have been redistributing wealth for nearly thirty years using the bogus reasoning that subsidizing the corporatists with tax breaks would create jobs. It has not worked nor will it ever work.

Karl Marx was the one that was writing fiction and because so many idiots believed it economies were destroyed just like we are starting to see in our country.

Stupid Liberals have always believed that the concepts of personal responsibility and freedom were fiction and that is one of the reason we refer to them as Moon Bats.

This greedy idea that you should get the fruits of somebody's elses labor by simply being alive and the government should steal the money on your behalf is absolutely the most ridiculous idea of government ever perpetrated on humanity.

Socialism has always been the great scam of humanity. I think I will pass on it thank you very much.
I'm 67 years young..

You and I are the same age.

When we were born in 1947 there was not a massive welfare state like we have now. The total combined cost of fed, state and local governemnt was like 17% or so. Nowadays it is over 40%.

Welfare was mostly handled on the community basis for those were really in need. For instance, my father in law held an elected part time position to administer welfare in his township and he told me that he would visit every one and made sure that the needed the food before they got it. If they were capable of working like the people in the video I posted earlier then wouldn't get it.

Very few Americans starved to death in 1947.

It wasn't until LBJ decided to make the Blacks a ward of the state in order to have a power base for the Democrat Party that the welfare state in America got out of control.

When you try to justify the massive welfare state we have now you are supporting the concept of the Liberals buying a power base through welfare and that is bad government.
I do NOT support a "welfare state", never have, and never will. I have never ever said that I support a welfare state. I support opportunities for everyone to be self-supporting, and have preached the sermon for many years now. I support a means where all people can be self-supporting, prosper, be free, be independent, and enjoy the blessings of life. But, I also realize that there are some that can't be prosperous, self-supporting, and live the good life. I know, understand, and realize, that we have a population or poor, needy, less fortunate, and disabled. I also know that people need help, they need necessities, they need health care, and they need understanding and sympathy.

We are not a barbaric, uncivil, uncaring, and cold hearted people. We are a civil people, with hearts and feelings. We see pain, misery, suffering, sickness, and disabilities. And, we, by nature, help when and where we can. That is what a humane and civil society does for one another.

So, again, my question to you remains, "what do we do with the millions we "cut off" from assistance? Please explain. Thanks.
Again, your immature and silly name calling is totally uncalled for. I'm guessing that you're over the age of 20, which would indicate your ability to discuss issues in an adult and civil manner. Personal attacks and name calling is akin to fifth graders arguing on the school playground. Please be civil and discuss this issue as an adult. It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Now, for your information, no, I did NOT vote for Mr. Obama, and wouldn't lower myself to do so, under any circumstances. I'm NOT a Democrat, Republican, Independent, Liberal, Conservative, Right Wing, Left Wing, nor anything other than an American for America. I have never voted for a professional politician in my life, and never will. Yes, I do vote.

After listening ( reading ) to everything that you've said, and understanding your position on this matter, again, my question to you remains, "what do we do with the millions of people that we "cut off" from assistance? Please explain. Thanks.

Also, please keep in mind that we do NOT have enough jobs to satisfy the demand. And, most of the jobs that are available, are part-time, temporary, and low-wage jobs. Those jobs do NOT allow one to be self-supporting. We have very few jobs that allows one to be self-supporting. Also, please keep in mind that some of those that you want to "kick off assistance programs" can not help themselves. What are we going to do with the millions we "cut off"?

You position is so ridiculous wanting to support this bloated out of control welfare state as to warrant ridicule with the name calling.

You really should think about joining the Democrat Party. They also support the welfare state just like you do. They would love you. You would be one of their soul brothers.

I think I told what I would do. Nothing. It is there responsibility not mine. For the few that really needed help I would increase my charity giving and would use some of the tax refund to do it.

If people want more jobs then they need to stop voting for bad government that destroys jobs.

If they are going to make bad decisions at the polls then they need to suffer the consequences so they will think twice about who they elect next time. It ain't rocket science.

This idea of covering up for bad government by welfare is really a dumb ass idea, isn't it?

Another thing. The cost of government in this county is over 40% of the GNP. No wonder people are having a hard time when so much of their money has to go to the cost of government. The combined cost of government is usually the single largest house expense for every American family regardless of income.

The government is the problem and the welfare state is a large part of it.
Sure, you aren't a GOPer, lol

Ayn Rand was writing FICTION. we all theorize and hypothesize and imagine "what if?". when people start to implement fiction into their own realities, they are sociopaths. I too would love to have a world where CAPITALISM actually worked, but it doesn't. GREED ruins it all.

The Republicans have been redistributing wealth for nearly thirty years using the bogus reasoning that subsidizing the corporatists with tax breaks would create jobs. It has not worked nor will it ever work.

Karl Marx was the one that was writing fiction and because so many idiots believed it economies were destroyed just like we are starting to see in our country.

Stupid Liberals have always believed that the concepts of personal responsibility and freedom were fiction and that is one of the reason we refer to them as Moon Bats.

This greedy idea that you should get the fruits of somebody's elses labor by simply being alive and the government should steal the money on your behalf is absolutely the most ridiculous idea of government ever perpetrated on humanity.

Socialism has always been the great scam of humanity. I think I will pass on it thank you very much.

quit ranting about socialism ... I assume you're spewing about Obama. Guess what you moron ? Even the Head of the Socialist Committee in this country says Obama IS NO SOCIALIST .. and you sport wouldn't know a socialist if one bit you on the ass, you're just a talking point with 2 legs .. or do you have 4 legs?
I do NOT support a "welfare state", never have, and never will. I have never ever said that I support a welfare state. I support opportunities for everyone to be self-supporting, and have preached the sermon for many years now. I support a means where all people can be self-supporting, prosper, be free, be independent, and enjoy the blessings of life. But, I also realize that there are some that can't be prosperous, self-supporting, and live the good life. I know, understand, and realize, that we have a population or poor, needy, less fortunate, and disabled. I also know that people need help, they need necessities, they need health care, and they need understanding and sympathy.

We are not a barbaric, uncivil, uncaring, and cold hearted people. We are a civil people, with hearts and feelings. We see pain, misery, suffering, sickness, and disabilities. And, we, by nature, help when and where we can. That is what a humane and civil society does for one another.

So, again, my question to you remains, "what do we do with the millions we "cut off" from assistance? Please explain. Thanks.

If you value freedom as much as you claim then how can you support a system where the government takes the money you earned by force and give it to somebody that didn't earn it? Where is the blessing in that?

For the 4th or 5th time; we do nothing for the millions that are "cut off" from the welfare gravy train. I release them from the welfare slave plantation and it is up to them to provide for their own well being.
Sure, you aren't a GOPer, lol

Ayn Rand was writing FICTION. we all theorize and hypothesize and imagine "what if?". when people start to implement fiction into their own realities, they are sociopaths. I too would love to have a world where CAPITALISM actually worked, but it doesn't. GREED ruins it all.

The Republicans have been redistributing wealth for nearly thirty years using the bogus reasoning that subsidizing the corporatists with tax breaks would create jobs. It has not worked nor will it ever work.

Karl Marx was the one that was writing fiction and because so many idiots believed it economies were destroyed just like we are starting to see in our country.

Stupid Liberals have always believed that the concepts of personal responsibility and freedom were fiction and that is one of the reason we refer to them as Moon Bats.

This greedy idea that you should get the fruits of somebody's elses labor by simply being alive and the government should steal the money on your behalf is absolutely the most ridiculous idea of government ever perpetrated on humanity.

Socialism has always been the great scam of humanity. I think I will pass on it thank you very much.

Republicans/TP are using the old Goebbels tactics, if you repeat a lie often enough it will eventually become a truth in the minds of the ones already pre disposed to believe it, ie the low info voter that makes up the majority of the GOP/TP base

The way things worked before the US essentially invented the middle class by implementing the progressive tax structure and the New Deal in the wake of the Great Depression, was a series of booms & busts. These sucked for the ordinary people, but were a fantastic way for the obscenely wealthy to garner more wealth.

Here's how it worked:

Choose a market segment and start investing heavily.

Create a bunch of noise around how that segment is growing.

Create investment tools that even the little guy can buy.

Whip the public into a buying frenzy. No one wants to be left behind in a market that has no place to go but "up."

When the bubble inflates to a point of your choosing, it's time to start the next bubble, strip your profits out via a massive sell off.

This happens to crash the market, reaming the little investors - but you don't care, because you just took all the money they'd invested.

Sock a bunch of your ill-gotten gains into an inheritance trust to be passed on to your children, then start investing the rest in another market segment. Pump that bubble, pop it, move on to the next.

To these avaricious slime-balls, "the economy" is a toy, not something on which they rely for survival. We're the only ones who get hurt when they crush it.

Today's GOP/conservatives is the inevitable consequence of their 35 years embracing anti-intellectualism as patriotic and willful ignorance as a virtue.

Successful Americans didn't make their money themselves. They conducted business in an ordered society with roads and laws and a military that defends it from foreign invaders and they hired people. Nobody wants YOUR money, they want the share they contributed to it
Hey flashy, how many welfare recipients you think there are and how many vote?

While politically, congressional Republicans have focused on reducing spending on federal entitlement programs, the Pew Research survey found the U.S. to be “a “bipartisan nation of beneficiaries.”

The survey found that significant proportions of Democrats (60%) and Republicans (52%) say they have benefited from a major entitlement program at some point in their lives. So have nearly equal shares of self-identifying conservatives (57%), liberals (53%) and moderates (53%). The programs were Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, welfare, unemployment benefits and food stamps.

You find this interesting flash?
quit ranting about socialism ... I assume you're spewing about Obama. Guess what you moron ? Even the Head of the Socialist Committee in this country says Obama IS NO SOCIALIST .. and you sport wouldn't know a socialist if one bit you on the ass, you're just a talking point with 2 legs .. or do you have 4 legs?

Quite ranting about Libertarianism. You are not qualified to speak on the subject.

Just go back to posting your Republican hatefest crap like somebody gives a shit.
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And if they had no children...or their kids died in a needless war in Iraq for example?

What should those people do? That's a good question. But to answer that question, we should also ask another one.

What should you and I do when we are too old to work and take care of ourselves, but social security disappears because it has gone bankrupt? What if we have no children to take care of us?

Whatever you and I are supposed to do, that's what today's baby boomers can do. You and I did not make this gigantic fucking mess. Baby boomers had the best of the American economy, and some of them still couldn't be bothered to save for their own retirement. You and I have the shit that's left over after their mess. For you and I, preparing for our own retirement is a hell of alot harder. We make less than they did, we have more expenses than they did. And when it's time for us to retire, there won't be any Social Security left. Do the Baby Boomers care what will happen to us? No, they don't.

So whatever the fuck they expect us to do, they can do it themselves.
That certainly don't address anything but old people. So, what do we do about the children, the mentally challenged, the severely handicapped, the sick, the Vets, etc. etc. etc. etc.? You're only addressing the elderly that you believe we should cut off and allow them to die, starve to death, go without health care, go without utilities to light and heat their homes, and sit until they expire. So, any suggestions on what we do with those you believe we should "cut off"?

Let them starve.

Still think we can get on the same page?
We can't let them starve. We're not an uncivilized people, nor are we barbaric and cold hearted. We can't allow millions to become "street people". How many of them do you want in your neighborhood, knocking on your door begging? How many do you want to see face down on the street in severe pain and misery for lack of health care? How many children do you want to see wondering the streets homeless, barely dressed, and sick? Have the stomach for that? Are you cold hearted enough to want that?

I completely agree with you. No civilized society can do that. But we have an element in this country (as exampled by some people in this very thread) who are suggesting exactly that. You consider that position to be utterly wrong minded and I join you in that. How do you come to an agreement with people who hold that position?

In any human society there is going to be imperfection. If you create a safety net so children aren't wandering the streets sick and barely dressed, you are going to have people trying to take advantage of it. If you want to support scientific research, there are going to be some studies which sound ridiculous. If you want to keep another country from pulling you into a bloody and pointless war, you need to invest in it to keep it out of chaos.

There is a cost to living in a civilized society. It isn't cheap and you are never going to agree with everything that is done. However, SwimExpert is providing you with the logical end to the campaign to end all waste. And that end I summed up in my prior post with three words.... Let them starve.
I'm sorry, but I can NOT agree with the idea of letting anyone starve, especially considering the foolishness that we do spend on. Also, I can't be that cold hearted and uncaring, nor can I be that uncivilized and barbaric. We are a civil people, we are humane for the most part. We can't allow that to happen while we stand idly by counting our money. Sure, we can be uncaring and selfish, scattering our money on the table and counting it every day, but then we'll have to look out the window at some point in time. What will we see?
I do NOT support a "welfare state", never have, and never will. I have never ever said that I support a welfare state. I support opportunities for everyone to be self-supporting, and have preached the sermon for many years now. I support a means where all people can be self-supporting, prosper, be free, be independent, and enjoy the blessings of life. But, I also realize that there are some that can't be prosperous, self-supporting, and live the good life. I know, understand, and realize, that we have a population or poor, needy, less fortunate, and disabled. I also know that people need help, they need necessities, they need health care, and they need understanding and sympathy.

We are not a barbaric, uncivil, uncaring, and cold hearted people. We are a civil people, with hearts and feelings. We see pain, misery, suffering, sickness, and disabilities. And, we, by nature, help when and where we can. That is what a humane and civil society does for one another.

So, again, my question to you remains, "what do we do with the millions we "cut off" from assistance? Please explain. Thanks.

If you value freedom as much as you claim then how can you support a system where the government takes the money you earned by force and give it to somebody that didn't earn it? Where is the blessing in that?

For the 4th or 5th time; we do nothing for the millions that are "cut off" from the welfare gravy train. I release them from the welfare slave plantation and it is up to them to provide for their own well being.

Every time I listen to the small-gummint wingnuts, I reminds me of my 6 year old GD when she says that rules like limits on candy and computer-time don't make sense.

The whole reason democracy was invented as a means to make the rich and powerful give up their stranglehold on wealth and power.

"Conservatives" is just a euphemism for thugs and bullies, so "Religious Conservatives" is redundant
quit ranting about socialism ... I assume you're spewing about Obama. Guess what you moron ? Even the Head of the Socialist Committee in this country says Obama IS NO SOCIALIST .. and you sport wouldn't know a socialist if one bit you on the ass, you're just a talking point with 2 legs .. or do you have 4 legs?

Quite ranting about Libertarianism. You are not qualified to speak on the subject.

Just go back to posting you Republican hatefest crap like somebody gives a shit.

Socialism does not mean what you think it does. It is not Soviet communism, it is a methodology to equitably share resources in society.

Couldn't possibly be the wage stagnation for 30+ years of Reaganomics tilting the playing field toward plutocracy as all the profits of increased productivity go upward to executives and insiders.

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.

John Kenneth Galbraith
Hey flashy, how many welfare recipients you think there are and how many vote?

While politically, congressional Republicans have focused on reducing spending on federal entitlement programs, the Pew Research survey found the U.S. to be “a “bipartisan nation of beneficiaries.”

The survey found that significant proportions of Democrats (60%) and Republicans (52%) say they have benefited from a major entitlement program at some point in their lives. So have nearly equal shares of self-identifying conservatives (57%), liberals (53%) and moderates (53%). The programs were Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, welfare, unemployment benefits and food stamps.

You find this interesting flash?

Both Democrats and Republicans support the welfare state. They both are parties of bad government. Once, decades ago, I was naive and thought the Republicans were the party of fiscal conservatism but I learned that lesson.

There is not much difference in either party as far as I am concerned so your little shitass partisan bloviating about how bad the Republicans are means nothing to me.

Every time I listen to the small-gummint wingnuts, I reminds me of my 6 year old GD when she says that rules like limits on candy and computer-time don't make sense.

Every time I listen to the big government Moon Bats, it reminds me of my youngest granddaughter at age 18 months. Everything about her is me, me, me and she is (typical for her age) greedy and incapable of understanding responsibility. She wants everybody to do everything for her, even change her diaper.
Again, your immature and silly name calling is totally uncalled for. I'm guessing that you're over the age of 20, which would indicate your ability to discuss issues in an adult and civil manner. Personal attacks and name calling is akin to fifth graders arguing on the school playground. Please be civil and discuss this issue as an adult. It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Now, for your information, no, I did NOT vote for Mr. Obama, and wouldn't lower myself to do so, under any circumstances. I'm NOT a Democrat, Republican, Independent, Liberal, Conservative, Right Wing, Left Wing, nor anything other than an American for America. I have never voted for a professional politician in my life, and never will. Yes, I do vote.

After listening ( reading ) to everything that you've said, and understanding your position on this matter, again, my question to you remains, "what do we do with the millions of people that we "cut off" from assistance? Please explain. Thanks.

Also, please keep in mind that we do NOT have enough jobs to satisfy the demand. And, most of the jobs that are available, are part-time, temporary, and low-wage jobs. Those jobs do NOT allow one to be self-supporting. We have very few jobs that allows one to be self-supporting. Also, please keep in mind that some of those that you want to "kick off assistance programs" can not help themselves. What are we going to do with the millions we "cut off"?

You position is so ridiculous wanting to support this bloated out of control welfare state as to warrant ridicule with the name calling.

You really should think about joining the Democrat Party. They also support the welfare state just like you do. They would love you. You would be one of their soul brothers.

I think I told what I would do. Nothing. It is there responsibility not mine. For the few that really needed help I would increase my charity giving and would use some of the tax refund to do it.

If people want more jobs then they need to stop voting for bad government that destroys jobs.

If they are going to make bad decisions at the polls then they need to suffer the consequences so they will think twice about who they elect next time. It ain't rocket science.

This idea of covering up for bad government by welfare is really a dumb ass idea, isn't it?

Another thing. The cost of government in this county is over 40% of the GNP. No wonder people are having a hard time when so much of their money has to go to the cost of government. The combined cost of government is usually the single largest house expense for every American family regardless of income.

The government is the problem and the welfare state is a large part of it.
FYI - I do NOT support a welfare state, never have, and never will. I support self-supporting opportunities for everyone, no exceptions. But, I do support helping those in need. Also, thanks for answering my question, much appreciated. It took a long time, but you finally answered it instead of dodging it. So, you support and agree with doing "Nothing" for those that are "cut off" from some form of assistance. You're entitled to that stance, and you're entitled to express it.

My prayer is that you will never ever need the assistance that you so strong believe shouldn't exist. I hope your life is one of prosperity, and that you forever gloat in your ability to adequately care for yourself, without the need for any form of assistance. I also hope that your children, if you have any, prosper as well as you have, and never need any assistance. Count your many blessings, be thankful every day that you were given the opportunities that allowed you to live independent of help.

It's very hard and difficult for me stomach the fact that you would do absolutely nothing for those less fortunate than yourself. It greatly disappoints me that such people exist among our society. Actually, I feel sorry for you. It must be terrible to live without a heart and sympathy for those less fortunate. Thanks for your time. I have enjoyed our conversation. It's been educational for me, and I appreciate it. Best of wishes for you and your family, and may the sun always shine on all of you.

Every time I listen to the small-gummint wingnuts, I reminds me of my 6 year old GD when she says that rules like limits on candy and computer-time don't make sense.

Every time I listen to the big government Moon Bats, it reminds me of my youngest granddaughter at age 18 months. Everything about her is me, me, me and she is (typical for her age) greedy and incapable of understanding responsibility. She wants everybody to do everything for her, even change her diaper.

front runner for dumbest post of the day ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I do NOT support a "welfare state", never have, and never will. I have never ever said that I support a welfare state. I support opportunities for everyone to be self-supporting, and have preached the sermon for many years now. I support a means where all people can be self-supporting, prosper, be free, be independent, and enjoy the blessings of life. But, I also realize that there are some that can't be prosperous, self-supporting, and live the good life. I know, understand, and realize, that we have a population or poor, needy, less fortunate, and disabled. I also know that people need help, they need necessities, they need health care, and they need understanding and sympathy.

We are not a barbaric, uncivil, uncaring, and cold hearted people. We are a civil people, with hearts and feelings. We see pain, misery, suffering, sickness, and disabilities. And, we, by nature, help when and where we can. That is what a humane and civil society does for one another.

So, again, my question to you remains, "what do we do with the millions we "cut off" from assistance? Please explain. Thanks.

If you value freedom as much as you claim then how can you support a system where the government takes the money you earned by force and give it to somebody that didn't earn it? Where is the blessing in that?

For the 4th or 5th time; we do nothing for the millions that are "cut off" from the welfare gravy train. I release them from the welfare slave plantation and it is up to them to provide for their own well being.
FYI -- I do NOT support the system, never have, and never will. The system is corrupt, anti-America, and serves no one except the rich, the powerful, and the influential. This once great nation is in the sad shameful state that it's in due to the "system". I've preached against the system for many years, many. I believe in a system that promotes opportunities, real freedom, justice, and one that actually represents the voice of the people. I have never supported, nor approved of the corrupt system that has developed in this country.

Obviously, you don't know me.

Every time I listen to the small-gummint wingnuts, I reminds me of my 6 year old GD when she says that rules like limits on candy and computer-time don't make sense.

Every time I listen to the big government Moon Bats, it reminds me of my youngest granddaughter at age 18 months. Everything about her is me, me, me and she is (typical for her age) greedy and incapable of understanding responsibility. She wants everybody to do everything for her, even change her diaper.

I do not know which makes a man more conservative — to know nothing but the present, or nothing but the past. John Maynard Keynes

Ever notice how the "patriots" on the right essentially just argue how their fellow Americans should earn less money?

Libertarians will not be happy until the US looks like the 3d world nation the US was when PROGRESSIVE policies created the middle class!

Every time I listen to the small-gummint wingnuts, I reminds me of my 6 year old GD when she says that rules like limits on candy and computer-time don't make sense.

Every time I listen to the big government Moon Bats, it reminds me of my youngest granddaughter at age 18 months. Everything about her is me, me, me and she is (typical for her age) greedy and incapable of understanding responsibility. She wants everybody to do everything for her, even change her diaper.

Yes, I acknowledge YOU completely ignored the FREE MARKETS subprime meltdown that Dubya/GOP cheered on in their WORLD WIDE CREDIT BUBBLE AND BUST. Again

Conservatives Can’t Escape Blame for the Financial Crisis

The onset of the recent financial crisis in late 2007 created an intellectual crisis for conservatives, who had been touting for decades the benefits of a hands-off approach to financial market regulation. As the crisis quickly spiraled out of control, it quickly became apparent that the massive credit bubble of the mid-2000s, followed by the inevitable bust that culminated with the financial markets freeze in the fall of 2008, occurred predominantly among those parts of the financial system that were least regulated, or where regulations existed but were largely unenforced.

Predictably, many conservatives sought to blame the bogeymen they always blamed.

Politics Most Blatant Center for American Progress
FYI - I do NOT support a welfare state, never have, and never will. I support self-supporting opportunities for everyone, no exceptions. But, I do support helping those in need. Also, thanks for answering my question, much appreciated. It took a long time, but you finally answered it instead of dodging it. So, you support and agree with doing "Nothing" for those that are "cut off" from some form of assistance. You're entitled to that stance, and you're entitled to express it.

My prayer is that you will never ever need the assistance that you so strong believe shouldn't exist. I hope your life is one of prosperity, and that you forever gloat in your ability to adequately care for yourself, without the need for any form of assistance. I also hope that your children, if you have any, prosper as well as you have, and never need any assistance. Count your many blessings, be thankful every day that you were given the opportunities that allowed you to live independent of help.

It's very hard and difficult for me stomach the fact that you would do absolutely nothing for those less fortunate than yourself. It greatly disappoints me that such people exist among our society. Actually, I feel sorry for you. It must be terrible to live without a heart and sympathy for those less fortunate. Thanks for your time. I have enjoyed our conversation. It's been educational for me, and I appreciate it. Best of wishes for you and your family, and may the sun always shine on all of you.

If you don't support a welfare state then you need to change the way you post and address the subject because you sure as hell have been promoting it on this thread.

I have said (several times) that I also support those that are really in need. I give quit a bit a to charity and I asked you to match me on one of my trips to the grocery store to provide food for the needy in my county but you passed on that. I don't think the great majority of the tens of millions that are getting welfare from the government now are in need. I even posted a video showing you a few of them, which you have failed to even acknowledge.

I am quite capable of providing for my own welfare thank you very much. I won't be needing the government to take your money and be giving it to me. I won't even vote for anybody that runs on platform to do that.

Government welfare is not real charity. That is a sham. Real charity comes from the heart, church or family not a filthy government bureaucrat, elected by special interest groups to transfer money from those that earned it to those that didn't. I feel sorry for you that you don't understand that.

I think your heart is in the right place but you are simply confused about the subject. You are not alone, many other Americans also have a convoluted understanding of this monstrosity of a welfare system we have in this country.

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