Raising Babies Gender Neutral

Babies born with both genitalia are made into boys. Much easier to cut off than sew up. Which is why some children feel a different sex even though they were born with both. Not a doc, so not sure what chromosomes or whatver they are called come into play on this. But something does.

And in Jesus time, and in that local, they wore robes. Not dresses with bows in their hair. The scots wore skirts...which was easier for fighting. Has nothing to do with this topic.

Perhaps Glowboy has sexual identity problems, he both loves and hates his man-boobs..

After 30 years of weightlifting my boobs are large. I need a boob job, then I'd never leave the house.
When conservatives hear gender neutral, they think people don't want children to be either masculine or feminine. That they want some kind of weird androgyny.
Rdean the loony liberals in the OP's video want to raise an androgynous child.

So much for your nonsense theory.......... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:


I see the pretty Muslim boys and men in their dresses on Fridays.
This is FDR in 1884


Pink and blue | Chris BlattmanChris Blattman

considering what he did to the country....

More than you could ever do.
wasn't Wayne Gracie (?) a crossdresser?

or was he the clown

clown, yet we see that sexual orientation associated with mass murder sides with the most mass murders being committed by breeders.

that's b/c hetero people make up 96%+ of the population.

That is not an excuse to torture your own child.

why do you support this evil new trend?

evil? Like teaching your child the hate that you have for other humans 'cause they are not a carbon copy of you?
Oh, puhleeze. Stop it with the bogus strawman comparisons.

Thinking that children should be brought up as Boys and Girls is not the same as wanting everyone to be a carbon copy of oneself.

Looks like his parents wanted a girl. So they made it so. Until he got out from under their influence at a certain age.

Yes, all little children like to play dress up. But once that child is exposed to their peers in school....whole new ballgame.

Yes, after the child is a toddler they start to associate with a gender that is more to their social position, but toddlers have no ability to reason as such.
clown, yet we see that sexual orientation associated with mass murder sides with the most mass murders being committed by breeders.

that's b/c hetero people make up 96%+ of the population.

That is not an excuse to torture your own child.

why do you support this evil new trend?

evil? Like teaching your child the hate that you have for other humans 'cause they are not a carbon copy of you?
you need to make things up to defend your support for evil being done to children.

I'd say it's time you took a step back and thought about what you are supporting

but you're a liberal, you don't think or learn. It's the next new thing so it must me great.
not really, what you may get is a lot of sissy boys that don't get girls and go sexually frustrated through life until they start killing.

but then it will be the guns fault that nice boy that was so in touch with his inner girl, went nuts.

Yes we see crossdressers committing mass murder in the USA every day, unlike the sexual stereotype religion/political nutbags.

wasn't Wayne Gracie (?) a crossdresser?

or was he the clown

I believe you meant Gacy, but close enough.
What if the kid liked hammers..

[ame=http://youtu.be/-UsyGYnXgos]Maxwell's silver hammer - The beatles - YouTube[/ame]
I like hammers. I have my very own. Very light but packs a powerful smack when I need it for such things. Hubbys is too heavy.
Bows in hair, patent leather shoes, dresses. All fine when toddling around in play. Out in public? Not too smart.
clown, yet we see that sexual orientation associated with mass murder sides with the most mass murders being committed by breeders.

that's b/c hetero people make up 96%+ of the population.

That is not an excuse to torture your own child.

why do you support this evil new trend?

evil? Like teaching your child the hate that you have for other humans 'cause they are not a carbon copy of you?

Realllly dumb. No one is a carbon copy of anyone. Kids should be taught to embrace themselves for who and what they are. As they grow and personalities emerge they then can hande and cope ( hopefully ) with differences. Instead this trend denies the child of just that, confusing self love and self respect (and respect for others) with the notion we are all just carbon copies of eachother.

It's sickening and abusive. These parent use their children as hobbies.

Two quick things:

Revolutionary extraordinaire and presidential trend setting Virginian George Washington once advised that we "must take human nature as we find it."

Author Evan Sayet ([ame=http://www.amazon.com/KinderGarden-Of-Eden-Modern-Liberal/dp/1480010421]KinderGarden Of Eden: How the Modern Liberal Thinks[/ame]) has a theory he says explains the left's mindset. That theory, simply stated, finds those on the left seeing (or, rather, hoping to see) equality everywhere; all people, sexes, societies, nations, and cultures are equal. This then leads to all kinds of perverse and strange thought procedures/outcomes regarding the left's explanations of empirical real-world outcomes (e.g. "you didn't build that", imperialistic "theft" etc.)

On a lighter note, James Taranto's Best of the Web column in the WSJ shows a young mother taken to school by her male toddler:


As in the Monty Python hospital, children are also subjected to efforts at imposing "gender neutrality." In a recent Puffington Host essay, Vered Benhorin, a mother and music therapist, describes coming to grips with her discovery that her 5-year-old son is boyish. He woke her up one morning wanting to play:

I dragged myself to the living room where he had set up dinosaurs. He told me the rules: "My dinosaurs have superpowers and yours don't. Mine find yours and then kill them with their power!" That woke me up.

I wondered if I should say something to him about killing--again. I tried to redirect the violence in the play by having my dinosaurs offer friendship and joint living in a cave. He didn't bite. "No! they are not friends! OK mama? OK?" "OK," I said, in resignation. Because at that moment, it felt like I had lost that battle.

What happened to my gentle little boy who would cradle his dolls if they happened to fall on the ground? Where is the boy who would never consider the possibility of intentionally hurting another? And where did this one, who pretends to shoot others, come from? "My son will never do that," I used to say.

In time she began to accept that her son's masculine style of play is normal: "On some days I allow him to defeat me with his powerful dinosaurs. . . . On other days I fight back, unable to put my own sense of powerlessness aside."

It's a sweet story, though it's reminiscent of something disturbing. At one point Benhorin recounts that her son "wanted me to cut a gun out of cardboard so he could take it to school. Mortified, I imagined his teachers' reactions when they saw it." That was a well-founded worry. Over the years this column has chronicled too many reports of little boys subjected to harsh "zero tolerance" punishments--sometimes even including arrest--for engaging in ordinary horseplay. If the aim is to teach boys to be gentle, that strategy seems especially ill-conceived."

Taranto's column is here (Pay wall alert): Best of the Web Today: Opposites Attract - WSJ.com :)

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My husband's daughter tried to raise her puppy gender neutral. She tried for two years to get the female dog to accept that she could pee by raising her leg. It didn't work. The dog still squat. This only goes to prove that dogs really are smarter than liberals.

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