Ramasawamy clearly the winner last night

Ramasaswamy would make a great vice president under President Trump....a very likeable guy.

The key moments of the debate - the one that REALLY shows which way Americans are going was when Ramaswamy said:

"Climate Change is a Hoax"

The entire crowd booed loudly. It was probably the only time that everyone booed (I only watched the first half).

That crowd reaction shows that even Republicans now believe that Climate Change is real - and that it's a threat to us all.

If Republicans have finally accepted the reality of climate change, you can bet that independents universally believe it and consider it a critical issue. That's not good for Republican's chances in 2024.

Even Republicans realize that the BULLSHIT has got to end!!!
That changes every day and will continue to change.

What changes? DJT's popularity? If it's changing it's not going in the right direction. His polling numbers arent moving not in the general. Him becoming more popular with Republicans isnt enough.

I'm not a moron, I didn't vote for Joey Capone. Trump is being thrust into the nomination by the Dims, stupidly, and it will bite them in the butt in the end.
If you think Trump is winning in a landslide in 2024 you are.
Pence was obviously the winner last night:

The same people that wanted to hang him 2 1/2 years ago actually cheered for some of what he said.

That's a BIG win for Pence.

I was sure that the debate was going to turn into a lynching!
You left out DC when he is inaugurated in 2025 skrewey.
You Dims really aren't too bright are you?
Poor skrewey, where will you move?
I'm not a fan of any of the Republican Candidates and damn sure don't want that senile puppet currently in office to stumble through a second term.
My preferences are not even candidates: Governor Kristi Noem, Lt. Governor Mark Robinson, Congressman Wesley Hunt, or Donald Trump (although, I feel he's too "long in the tooth" as the saying goes).

Try Will Hurd.
We have more actual proof against Joey Capone and his bagman than all the foof you have listed here.
Your ilk is making things clearer and clearer to real Americans every day. You hate our country and Trump is the only one who stands in your way, but can fix things for us. You have overplayed your hand skrewey. Where will you move?
Trump is no longer an option. If you're watching the legal procedures carefully you can see that it's building up to a crescendo of disqualification. They are simply not going to allow him to run. I think Desantis and probably a few others are already aware of this.

The young Indian entrepreneur no doubt has an IQ that surpasses the rest of the IQ's totaled arithmetically. Still his message Is foggy. This is where it his lack of experience shows up.
Biden will get a second term.
Vivek couldn’t be clearer and more rightly necessary.
This is the list that he repeats consistently…

“God is real.
There are two genders.
Human flourishing requires fossil fuels.
Reverse racism is racism.
An open border is no border.
Parents determine the education of their children.
The nuclear family is the greatest form of governance known to mankind.
Capitalism lifts people up from poverty.
There are three branches of the U.S. government, not four.
The U.S. Constitution is the strongest guarantor of freedoms in history.”
What changes? DJT's popularity? If it's changing it's not going in the right direction. His polling numbers arent moving not in the general. Him becoming more popular with Republicans isnt enough.

If you think Trump is winning in a landslide in 2024 you are.
Popularity? Try Necessity. He is the only person running that can stand up to the ridiculous direction the country is being taken.
I have faith in my fellow sane Americans to step up and do the right thing next year and oust the evil from the White House and replace it with support of America.
Popularity? Try Necessity. He is the only person running that can stand up to the ridiculous direction the country is being taken.
I have faith in my fellow sane Americans to step up and do the right thing next year and oust the evil from the White House and replace it with support of America.
? We dont need Trump. He wasnt a very good President. He was a great campaigner. Mediocre President at best.
? We dont need Trump. He wasnt a very good President. He was a great campaigner. Mediocre President at best.
There is no way he isn't the candidate for the Republicans, so not sure who you plan to vote for. Its good or evil time, decide.
Mediocre compared to what, Joey Capone? What a laugh.
"Climate Change is a Hoax"

The entire crowd booed loudly. It was probably the only time that everyone booed (I only watched the first half).

That crowd reaction shows that even Republicans now believe that Climate Change is real - and that it's a threat to us all.
Well, something encouraging came from this evening, I didn't know this.
The key moments of the debate - the one that REALLY shows which way Americans are going was when Ramaswamy said:

"Climate Change is a Hoax"

The entire crowd booed loudly. It was probably the only time that everyone booed (I only watched the first half).

That crowd reaction shows that even Republicans now believe that Climate Change is real - and that it's a threat to us all.

If Republicans have finally accepted the reality of climate change, you can bet that independents universally believe it and consider it a critical issue. That's not good for Republican's chances in 2024.

Even Republicans realize that the BULLSHIT has got to end!!!

And the question came from a young Republican. Who was basically ignored.
And the question came from a young Republican. Who was basically ignored.
Climate change occurs all the time.....you wackos can't hide your true feelings of global warming by calling it something else.
Where will you move skrewey??
There is no way he isn't the candidate for the Republicans, so not sure who you plan to vote for. Its good or evil time, decide.
He could be in jail. Tough to run the country from a prison cell.
Mediocre compared to what, Joey Capone? What a laugh.
He was a mediocre President compared to the field. Mostly because he didnt really do much. He's too divisive. What thing did he accomplish during his term? I know he's a big orange middle finger to the media and the left and you think that's somehow effective governance, but it just isnt.
Believe whatever you want but a majority of Democrats dont even want Biden to run for President again. Biden can beat Trump and as bad as Trump is that's not even a lock. Against a mildly competent campaign for someone not named Trump he loses.
I'm a democrat, so the opinion of some right-wing hack is irrelevant. We are watching age discrimination, and it was started by claims trump and Putin made about Biden. One of the main things that slows down cognitive decline is consistent mental stimulation. If being President is not consistent mental stimulation, there is no such thing. So I will keep saying that Bidens record has earned him a second term. Especially if you measure his record as President against trumps.
That changes every day and will continue to change.
I'm not a moron, I didn't vote for Joey Capone. Trump is being thrust into the nomination by the Dims, stupidly, and it will bite them in the butt in the end.
Incorrect and trump will not be president again.

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