Ramaswamy couldn't pass the civics test he want's people to take.

The guy graduated Summa Cum Lauda from Harvard and then got a law degree from Yale, Crepitus but you don't think he can pass a Civics class? I mean seriously...how do you come up with strings this stupid?
Like all loons they absolutely believe that the minorities in this country can not function without the benevolence of the Democratic party. They won't there minorities poor, uneducated and dependent on a party controlled Government.
Viv has the dems/deep state skeered out of their wits.....He's always three moves ahead of his average-IQ inquisitors....And it shows. Todd looked just like the low-rent lightweight he is.

Unlike most running Viv has a hard plan once elected that will shake the deep state to it's core. How much can be implemented is anyone's guess but heads would roll on Day 1.

They better hope Trump stays healthy.
Todd has zero credibility and he’s constantly screwing up and looking like an ass ..

A true blue donkey Democrat.. 😉
The guy graduated Summa Cum Lauda from Harvard and then got a law degree from Yale, Crepitus but you don't think he can pass a Civics class? I mean seriously...how do you come up with strings this stupid?
He obviously cannot if he thinks the VP can do what he's saying he can.
I'd like to say it's shocking how many on the right don't understand what this post is about.

But I can't, because it's not.
Bullshit. You lunatics loath any group that does not follow Democratic Party dogma and are particularly vicious towards minorities who don't toe the line.
Right ? How dare an intelligent man of color be anything but a mouth piece for the Democratic Party.
I'm sure he's quite intelligent which is why he knows that the only way to get ahead in the Republican party is to say the dumbest shit like he did in the clips.
Bullshit. You lunatics loath any group that does not follow Democratic Party dogma and are particularly vicious towards minorities who don't toe the line.
The interview that Vivek did with Don Lemon is a perfect example of that. Poor Don had a melt down and played the "race card"! It's what you do when you don't have the chops to argue policy.
Honeybunch? You can keep on CLAIMING that Joe Biden didn't lie on that campaign stage when he looked at the cameras and declared that the laptop was Russian disinformation but it's obvious that he did! You can CLAIM that Joe didn't lie when he said nobody in his family had made a dime from China...but it's also obvious THAT was a bold faced lie!
So why it is that Trump cultists have to come to a cult SafeSpace to spread their loony propaganda? Because they know it's the only place they won't get laughed at.

Have fun preaching to the choir here in your SafeSpace. Tell yourself it matters. Because it does. Really it does. The fate of the nation depends on that preaching, so don't let up.
So why it is that Trump cultists have to come to a cult SafeSpace to spread their loony propaganda?
Because that is where they knew they'd find you? If it was a safe space then how did you even know about it, Derp?

Because they know it's the only place they won't get laughed at.
Not nearly as funny as you laughing at "loony propaganda" that you forever utterly fail to ever offer up any proof of it even being loony or propaganda. Your baseless mocking laughter just goes to show how right it is that you need so much to try to discredit it! Why don't you just show us your proof the election wasn't a lie, cheat and fraud instead and just put the matter to rest? Instead as usual, your hero Obumma has his expert swimmer chef offed in 3 feet of water for stealing his husband Michael then covers up the cause of death with no comment.
Because that is where they knew they'd find you? If it was a safe space then how did you even know about it, Derp?
Because you make your SafeSpace here public. If you don't want your public perversions criticized, get a private room.
Why don't you just show us your proof the election wasn't a lie, cheat and fraud instead and just put the matter to rest? I

That's right, cult boi, the burden of proof is on the normal people to disprove your cult's evidence-free conspiracy theories.

Oh wait. It isn't.
Because you make your SafeSpace here public.
Conservatives don't have safe spaces, that is a leftist invention.

If you don't want your public perversions criticized, get a private room.
What public perversions are you babbling about? Name them.

That's right, cult boi,
How am I cult boi, niblick, when I constantly and heavily criticize Trump, asshole? Can't you fucking read?

the burden of proof is on the normal people
That certainly leaves you out.

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