Ramaswamy couldn't pass the civics test he want's people to take.

Bullshit. You lunatics loath any group that does not follow Democratic Party dogma and are particularly vicious towards minorities who don't toe the line.
This thread is about ramaswamy and his hypocrisy.

Why do you not understand that?

This ain't the SATs.
This thread is about ramaswamy and his hypocrisy.

Why do you not understand that?

This ain't the SATs.
Newsflash, NONE of these politicians are authentic. They lie their ass off. Their faked public persona's in no way reflect who they really are away from the cameras. Just assume if someone is a politician that they are a lowlife corrupt scumbag until proven otherwise.
Newsflash, NONE of these politicians are authentic. They lie their ass off. Their faked public persona's in no way reflect who they really are away from the cameras. Just assume if someone is a politician that they are a lowlife corrupt scumbag until proven otherwise.
And if you'd like to start a thread on that it's cool, I'll even participate. This thread is about a specific incident with a specific person.
And if you'd like to start a thread on that it's cool, I'll even participate. This thread is about a specific incident with a specific person.
Good luck Crepitus .. you’re quite the optimist, may you accomplish the impossible.. 😉
Apparently whacking off his job in your mouth?

All he is advocating for is a return to our best, long-approved methods of holding secure elections as recommended in 2005 by your own Jimmy Carter.

The source has muddied the 2005 report with propaganda.
Not only did he get a law degree from Yale but he managed to make about 15 million dollars investing in Biotech companies before he GOT that law degree! Contrast that with President Potato Head! Joe Biden got caught cheating in law school and graduated at the bottom of his class! HE would struggle to pass a Civics test because Joe is a dumbass!
As VP Biden certified the election

Ramyswamy doesn’t understand the concept
Has nothing to do with his color, jackass.


Y'all try so hard to race bait, and when non-whites actually exercise their right to FREEDOM OF THOUGHT and watch a few 911 videos, that's when you spazz...

Most Blacks think ISRAEL did 911, and THEY ARE RIGHT
So why it is that Trump cultists have to come to a cult SafeSpace to spread their loony propaganda? Because they know it's the only place they won't get laughed at.

Have fun preaching to the choir here in your SafeSpace. Tell yourself it matters. Because it does. Really it does. The fate of the nation depends on that preaching, so don't let up.
You know what's amusing about that claim, Mamooth? The left has taken over most of the major newspapers in the country. They have taken over all of the Main Stream media except for FOX. They have taken over Hollywood. They have taken over education. They have taken over Social Media. They have taken over the DOJ. They have taken over Big Government. But goodness gracious...you on the left will still rant about the few places where one might find an opinion that differs from the progressive party line! I remember when liberals were champions of "free speech"! When I was in college we occupied the College President's office fighting for that. It's sad that in a mere fifty years the party that fought for free speech has become the party that stifles it!
It's about the brown man not acting the way the Democratic party expects from minorities.
I mean seriously, where did you guys find this whack-job?

It was funny watching the debate and seeing members of his own Republican party call him out. This dude is funny a Civics test? Serious how old fashion can you get. Civics tests are so ancient and unecesary today. I think having to pass a Civics test is ridiculous.
Republicans will hand a 6 year old a gun, send a 12 year old to work in a meatpacking plant, force a 10 year old to carry her rapist’s baby to term & allow a grown man to marry an 11 year old, but then go on and on about how it’s the Democrats who aren’t keeping our kids safe.

Seems legit, right?

I took Crepitus off my Ignore List just to read what someone else responded to and found this foul, evil, malicious lie Crepitus vomited.

1. WHEN we hand any 6-year-old a gun, we are patiently beside him or her, teaching him or her how to safely use it. Guns are not evil. People murdering with them are evil.

2. NO REPUBLICAN "sends a 12-year-old to work in a meatpacking plant."
Your lies are as repugnant as everything else you do.

3. NO REPUBLICAN "forces a 10-year-old to carry her rapist's baby to term."
Your lies are sickening, and it is disgusting that you seem to believe your own lies. But that's how your side operates.

4. Name ONE REPUBLICAN who married an 11-year-old, and another REPUBLICAN who "allowed" this act which is illegal in all fifty states, LIAR!
Malicious, ignorant, hateful liar.

Back to Ignore you go for trash such as all these. "Legit" is something you clearly are not, in stark contrast to my many friends on the USMB.

ciao brutto

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