Ramifications of the 1/6 Storming of the Capitol Building.

2. Diminishment of presidential power and prestige. Expect Congress to limit more presidential power.
That's a good thing and long overdue.

It could ONLY happen with a Dem President as Republicans would never give up an ounce of Executive power
The election wasn't illegal. It wasn't stolen. It wasn't rigged.

It absolutely WAS. If you say otherwise, then PROVE IT. Put up or shut up. That is all America asks. Let's put the evidence to the real test in open court and you prove it wrong. Or allow Trump, Guilliani and Sydney to prove it right, instead of merely SUPPRESSING it. It takes weeks, possibly MONTHS (if not years) to present and litigate so massive a body of evidence, not minutes and hours.
Well they cracked down real hard even killing one and now post event intimidating hoopla about rounding everyone up. I think everyone learned from this and there will no further action like it
The purpose of this thread is to analyze both the long and short-term ramifications of the 1/6 siege of the Capitol Building.

Most of the ramifications are not good.

1. Less public access to the Capitol Building. There has been some talk about shutting it down to the public. They have already put up additional barriers around the Capitol Building.

2. Diminishment of presidential power and prestige. Expect Congress to limit more presidential power. Trump has already diminished presidential power as he has become a PINO, a President in Name Only. Trump has weakened Presidential authority. I would doubt that military commanders would even follow his orders at this time. Additionally, he has so weakened the presidency that he can’t even command the respect of his own VP or social media companies. This diminishment of prestige and power may not recover even after Trump leaves.

3. A crackdown on domestic terrorists and private militias. Will we see the enactment of a new Patriot ACT aimed at these domestic terrorists? These militias are getting more bold in their threats to the public and the government. Expect more arrests. These militias will find that few will support them in their attempts at violent overthrow of the government.

4. Crackdown by social media companies of incendiary posters and conspiracy theorists.

5. Less Freedom overall. This is the irony of Trumpist who say they are fighting for freedom but the result is less for all of us.

6. Loss of prestige, respect and influence internationally of the American Republic.

7. The eruption of an internecine power struggle within the Republican Party.

These are just some of the ramifications of the 1/6 attack.

There are undoubtedly others.

I know, build a wall!
The election wasn't illegal. It wasn't stolen. It wasn't rigged.

It absolutely WAS. If you say otherwise, then PROVE IT. Put up or shut up. That is all America asks. Let's put the evidence to the real test in open court and you prove it wrong. Or allow Trump, Guilliani and Sydney to prove it right, instead of merely SUPPRESSING it. It takes weeks, possibly MONTHS (if not years) to present and litigate so massive a body of evidence, not minutes and hours.
You are stating a lie.

The election was not stolen. It was not rigged. nor illegal.

There is NO evidence of widespread massive cheating which would have altered the final outcome and that is fact.

You cannot post evidence to the contrary aqnd the burden of proof IS ON YOU.

It is not on other to prove otherwise. You are the liar cmaking the accudsation and it is strictly and exclusively on you to prove it

Post evidence or SHUT THE FUCK UP
I hope law enforcement agencies start taking the threat of right wing domestic terrorism seriously. The right wing in this country has been its single greatest threat to rise since the Civil War.
Short term, certainly pressure put on social media companies to tamp down on the hate speech. Long term, hard to say. Hopefully, we remember what went on here on Wednesday and
never forget bringing to justice those that carried it out and never forgetting those politicians and right wing media personnel who stoked this insurrection.

Ok. And how about Left Wing domestic terrorism? The Storming of the Capitol on 1/6 was comprised of largely white make, toothless rednecks and confederate flags. Guess what? That was one event. What about the countless events throughout 2020 in American cities that had whites dressed in dark masked up trashing cities, smashing windows, pulling drivers from cars? What about the angry Black mobs burning and looting the mom and pop businesses as well as the chain stores that invest in urban areas? Or, is this the part where the Left blames all of the mob violence and looting in US cities on the same toothless rednecks that smashed windows at the US Capitol?

I can’t take the Left seriously in their fake concern over domestic terrorism when all they want to do is get into a pissing contest to shift the 100 percent of the domestic terrorism threat and instances into the Right.
The election wasn't illegal. It wasn't stolen. It wasn't rigged.

It absolutely WAS. If you say otherwise, then PROVE IT. Put up or shut up. That is all America asks. Let's put the evidence to the real test in open court and you prove it wrong. Or allow Trump, Guilliani and Sydney to prove it right, instead of merely SUPPRESSING it. It takes weeks, possibly MONTHS (if not years) to present and litigate so massive a body of evidence, not minutes and hours.

I don't need to put anything up. It's incumbent on those bringing the accusations to provide the evidence necessary to make their case. So far, you have 65 lower court cases and 2 Supreme Court cases..all dismissed. Trump's D-Team presented multiple argument to judges over 6 states. They needed to provide evidence that warranted a judge moving ahead to hear a case. The judge has looked at their evidence. Not one case acted upon. What is it that you Trump supporters aren't getting about presenting a valid argument in front of a judge? You aren't being slighted. They see no evidence presented that warranted moving ahead. It wasn't suppressed. It was dismissed, because they thought it was bullshit.
I hope law enforcement agencies start taking the threat of right wing domestic terrorism seriously. The right wing in this country has been its single greatest threat to rise since the Civil War.
Short term, certainly pressure put on social media companies to tamp down on the hate speech. Long term, hard to say. Hopefully, we remember what went on here on Wednesday and
never forget bringing to justice those that carried it out and never forgetting those politicians and right wing media personnel who stoked this insurrection.

Ok. And how about Left Wing domestic terrorism? The Storming of the Capitol on 1/6 was comprised of largely white make, toothless rednecks and confederate flags. Guess what? That was one event. What about the countless events throughout 2020 in American cities that had whites dressed in dark masked up trashing cities, smashing windows, pulling drivers from cars? What about the angry Black mobs burning and looting the mom and pop businesses as well as the chain stores that invest in urban areas? Or, is this the part where the Left blames all of the mob violence and looting in US cities on the same toothless rednecks that smashed windows at the US Capitol?

I can’t take the Left seriously in their fake concern over domestic terrorism when all they want to do is get into a pissing contest to shift the 100 percent of the domestic terrorism threat and instances into the Right.

It was one event that amounted to an insurrection. An attempt to interrupt a Constitutional process aimed at overturning a free and fair election. That debacle on Wednesday had its roots in changing the outcome of the election. The protests over the summer started for social justice and because cops were shooting unarmed black men. Agitators blew it up into property damage. While I don't condone it, there simply is no comparison between the two events. If you think there is, you simply don't live in the real world.
You are stating a lie. The election was not stolen. It was not rigged. nor illegal. Post evidence or SHUT THE FUCK UP

Hey jackass, eat shit and die. This forum has already covered a thousand points of proof the election was a total FRAUD and ripoff over the last eight weeks. No one could miss 500 threads on the topic unless they are an idiot like you.

If you missed all that, what would be the point rehashing any of it with a brainless twit like you all over again?

The proof is undeniable. If I'm lying, PROVE IT.

Now the crooks and thieves in Nancy's House are trying to whip up another baseless and pointless impeachment in an effort to keep the nation's #1 topic and issue off the front pages: HOW THE ELECTION WAS STOLEN.
I hope law enforcement agencies start taking the threat of right wing domestic terrorism seriously. The right wing in this country has been its single greatest threat to rise since the Civil War.
Short term, certainly pressure put on social media companies to tamp down on the hate speech. Long term, hard to say. Hopefully, we remember what went on here on Wednesday and
never forget bringing to justice those that carried it out and never forgetting those politicians and right wing media personnel who stoked this insurrection.

Ok. And how about Left Wing domestic terrorism? The Storming of the Capitol on 1/6 was comprised of largely white make, toothless rednecks and confederate flags. Guess what? That was one event. What about the countless events throughout 2020 in American cities that had whites dressed in dark masked up trashing cities, smashing windows, pulling drivers from cars? What about the angry Black mobs burning and looting the mom and pop businesses as well as the chain stores that invest in urban areas? Or, is this the part where the Left blames all of the mob violence and looting in US cities on the same toothless rednecks that smashed windows at the US Capitol?

I can’t take the Left seriously in their fake concern over domestic terrorism when all they want to do is get into a pissing contest to shift the 100 percent of the domestic terrorism threat and instances into the Right.

It was one event that amounted to an insurrection. An attempt to interrupt a Constitutional process aimed at overturning a free and fair election. That debacle on Wednesday had its roots in changing the outcome of the election. The protests over the summer started for social justice and because cops were shooting unarmed black men. Agitators blew it up into property damage. While I don't condone it, there simply is no comparison between the two events. If you think there is, you simply don't live in the real world.

The Constitutional process was never in danger of not happening and it got done. Contrast that with innocent small business owners who had their livelihoods taken away from them. Social justice or lack thereof is no reason or justification to burn and loot a small business or assault drivers. Based on that logic, there is no incentive for a small business to locate in a part of a city or a driver to drive through areas where there is likely to be a riot.
Just wish the Media and liberal hand wringing pearl clutching over this ONE incident could have been applied to the DOZENS of looting burning and assaults in the streets all over the Nation over deadbeat Floyd
I hope law enforcement agencies start taking the threat of right wing domestic terrorism seriously. The right wing in this country has been its single greatest threat to rise since the Civil War.
Short term, certainly pressure put on social media companies to tamp down on the hate speech. Long term, hard to say. Hopefully, we remember what went on here on Wednesday and
never forget bringing to justice those that carried it out and never forgetting those politicians and right wing media personnel who stoked this insurrection.

Ok. And how about Left Wing domestic terrorism? The Storming of the Capitol on 1/6 was comprised of largely white make, toothless rednecks and confederate flags. Guess what? That was one event. What about the countless events throughout 2020 in American cities that had whites dressed in dark masked up trashing cities, smashing windows, pulling drivers from cars? What about the angry Black mobs burning and looting the mom and pop businesses as well as the chain stores that invest in urban areas? Or, is this the part where the Left blames all of the mob violence and looting in US cities on the same toothless rednecks that smashed windows at the US Capitol?

I can’t take the Left seriously in their fake concern over domestic terrorism when all they want to do is get into a pissing contest to shift the 100 percent of the domestic terrorism threat and instances into the Right.

It was one event that amounted to an insurrection. An attempt to interrupt a Constitutional process aimed at overturning a free and fair election. That debacle on Wednesday had its roots in changing the outcome of the election. The protests over the summer started for social justice and because cops were shooting unarmed black men. Agitators blew it up into property damage. While I don't condone it, there simply is no comparison between the two events. If you think there is, you simply don't live in the real world.

The Constitutional process was never in danger of not happening and it got done. Contrast that with innocent small business owners who had their livelihoods taken away from them. Social justice or lack thereof is no reason or justification to burn and loot a small business or assault drivers. Based on that logic, there is no incentive for a small business to locate in a part of a city or a driver to drive through areas where there is likely to be a riot.

Sure, it got done. 8 hours later. After the seditionists stormed the Capitol with the intention of interrupting the process. Why don't we just stop with the bullshit. If they had gotten a hold of Representatives, Senators, or the VP, it would not have been a pretty ending. They were there to make sure the election results were overturned and that Trump was re-installed as President. Again, property damage aside. You can't compare something that started out with a good intention but devolved into something ugly with an insurrection that was intended to be ugly..and get uglier as it went along.
You are stating a lie. The election was not stolen. It was not rigged. nor illegal. Post evidence or SHUT THE FUCK UP

Hey jackass, eat shit and die. This forum has already covered a thousand points of proof the election was a total FRAUD and ripoff over the last eight weeks. No one could miss 500 threads on the topic unless they are an idiot like you.

If you missed all that, what would be the point rehashing any of it with a brainless twit like you all over again?

The proof is undeniable. If I'm lying, PROVE IT.

Now the crooks and thieves in Nancy's House are trying to whip up another baseless and pointless impeachment in an effort to keep the nation's #1 topic and issue off the front pages: HOW THE ELECTION WAS STOLEN.
No you retarded loser you eat shit and LIVE and learn to love it.

This forum has never seen a shred of evidence posted on it that the election was stolen.

Every time some moron like you has made the claim thagt droolling moron has been shredded. There has never been one point of proof posted here yoyu liar.

Threads and topics prove nothing as NONE OF THEM has any evidence.

That is fact you lying sack of shit AND YOU KNOW IT.

I am stating fact YOU CANNOT post any evidence because none exists Try it BOY.

It was not stolen
No you retarded loser you eat shit and LIVE and learn to love it.

FO and drop dead you scumbag idiot commie. Unlike you, my father didn't raise any losers. Biden is America's Media-Elect Illegal President.

I can't wait to watch the epic failure of Joe Biden.
I hope law enforcement agencies start taking the threat of right wing domestic terrorism seriously. The right wing in this country has been its single greatest threat to rise since the Civil War.
Short term, certainly pressure put on social media companies to tamp down on the hate speech. Long term, hard to say. Hopefully, we remember what went on here on Wednesday and
never forget bringing to justice those that carried it out and never forgetting those politicians and right wing media personnel who stoked this insurrection.

Ok. And how about Left Wing domestic terrorism? The Storming of the Capitol on 1/6 was comprised of largely white make, toothless rednecks and confederate flags. Guess what? That was one event. What about the countless events throughout 2020 in American cities that had whites dressed in dark masked up trashing cities, smashing windows, pulling drivers from cars? What about the angry Black mobs burning and looting the mom and pop businesses as well as the chain stores that invest in urban areas? Or, is this the part where the Left blames all of the mob violence and looting in US cities on the same toothless rednecks that smashed windows at the US Capitol?

I can’t take the Left seriously in their fake concern over domestic terrorism when all they want to do is get into a pissing contest to shift the 100 percent of the domestic terrorism threat and instances into the Right.

It was one event that amounted to an insurrection. An attempt to interrupt a Constitutional process aimed at overturning a free and fair election. That debacle on Wednesday had its roots in changing the outcome of the election. The protests over the summer started for social justice and because cops were shooting unarmed black men. Agitators blew it up into property damage. While I don't condone it, there simply is no comparison between the two events. If you think there is, you simply don't live in the real world.

The Constitutional process was never in danger of not happening and it got done. Contrast that with innocent small business owners who had their livelihoods taken away from them. Social justice or lack thereof is no reason or justification to burn and loot a small business or assault drivers. Based on that logic, there is no incentive for a small business to locate in a part of a city or a driver to drive through areas where there is likely to be a riot.

Sure, it got done. 8 hours later. After the seditionists stormed the Capitol with the intention of interrupting the process. Why don't we just stop with the bullshit. If they had gotten a hold of Representatives, Senators, or the VP, it would not have been a pretty ending. They were there to make sure the election results were overturned and that Trump was re-installed as President. Again, property damage aside. You can't compare something that started out with a good intention but devolved into something ugly with an insurrection that was intended to be ugly..and get uglier as it went along.

Violence is violence. In both instances, advocates will tell you that they were peaceful protests that turned into something ugly because of a few bad apples.
No you retarded loser you eat shit and LIVE and learn to love it.

FO and drop dead you scumbag idiot commie. Unlike you, my father didn't raise any losers. Biden is America's Media-Elect Illegal President.

I can't wait to watch the epic failure of Joe Biden.
He won legally and no one has evidence to the contrary here or anywhere else. That is fact.

Even if he is a failure as president he is the legally and duly elected president.

Deal with it.
He won legally and no one has evidence to the contrary here or anywhere else. That is fact.

How did you get back on Trump's election? I thought we were talking of Joe Biden's illegal sham of a fake coup.

How many hours a day do you spend watching Seinfeld reruns anyway and does your mother pay for the TV electric?

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